The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 15, 1983-Page 9' P'E' dt 4L I SS. < T CN. T " 'a '.g1E T ABORTION INFO - Lifespan Resource Library. Call7690625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc LEARN TO FLY! Discover the fun, freedom and rinfdence of becoming a pilot. We have 8 beautiful irplanes and a staff of expert instructors waiting for you.Join the MICHIGAN FLYERS! Call 994-6208 cFtc BIG CONGRATS to Jackie and Steve on the birth of their new baby girl, Mary Hartman Mary Hartman. Willthe happy family be sailing on the Love Boat as scheduled? Love, Your favorite cruise director dF0415 TOK.B.: At breakfast, I buttered my coffee, put 3 spoons of sugar on my eggs, and I thought about you. At lunch, I had a strawberry sandwich, salami * hortcake, and I though about you. At dinner, I had a medium rare salad, tossed steak, and I thought about you. Now I know that's hard to swallow, but I happen to like buttered coffee, sugared eggs, strawberry san- dwiches, salami shortcake, medium rare salad, tossed steak, and thinking of you! Happy #5! 251 64F0415 Captain Stubbing, Doc, Gopher, Washington, and the rest of the crew send birthday greetings to Luanne "sleaze" Lawrence, We're looking forward to your sailing with us. Love, Julie dF0415 TYPING, IBM WORK PROCESSING, PROFESSIONAL, ALL TYPES. Call Noelle anytime, 971-2364. cJtc WORD PROCESSING Ideal for resume/multiple cover letters, theses, reasonable rates. Call 663-7158 $ CASH $ $ CASH $ $ CASH $ For football coupons ! ! ! Any Priority! Why wait for Fall - Get Cash Now! 994-9353 ONE BEDROOM. All utilities paid. Rent negotiable. Spring-Summer. After 7-p.m.995-0494. 96U0417 FEMALE SUBLETTER Wanted. May to August. Albert Terrace Apartments. Call 663-3782 after 5:00. 21U0416 SPRING-SUMMER Sublet, 3 bedroom apt., air con- ditioning, free parking, close to campus. Asking $330. Call after 5 p.m. 668-7912. 22U0416 SUMMER SUBLET: 2 bedrooms in 3-bedroom apar- tment. Utilities included. Parking. Rent negotiable. 6 1 block from Business and Law School. 668-7761. 23U0416 Joffrey II iC (Continued from Page 6) tale of the feminist kingdom of Kaz- midity that is inhabited by the souls of discontent ballerinas. Their spirits are crossed with the firefly, and the Kaz- mite mutant that results derives pleasure from capturing mortal men and transporting them to Kazmidity where life never ends and freedom to dance rules. Wednesday night's performance also includes Bermuda Blues along with Pas Des Deesses, Echoing Silence, ,and a scene from Act III of Coppelia. Three women and a man dance the Pas Des Deesses piece, which is inspired by a Romantic lithograph of a quartet of great 19th century dancers. Each eaps at Hill variation in the piece shows the audien- ce the grander of the four dancers. The rivalry between the three ballerinas over the magnificient danseur is suggested in this piece, set to the dreamy, waltz-like music of John Field The Coppelia piece highlights the paas ; de deux from the Act II wedding scene. This classical dance for two makes con- - siderable technical demands on the female and her male partner. The company has every reason to be proud of its reputation as an energetic. and versatile exhibition of talented dancers, choreographers, composers, and designers. The Tuesday and Wed- nesday performances begin at 8 p.m. cJtc ACCURACY, INC. Editing/Proofreading/typing Papers, articles, reports 971-4139 PERSONAL LIVES: Everyone is having a great time at Karen and Shari's party. Nobody notices that Joan has shown up, Everyone keeps on drinking and Harold and Eugene are already spouting gibberish. But that's nothing new. Suddenly Harold and Eugene make their big moves on Karen and Shari. They picked the wrong time, because the police have just busted in to make an arrest. dF0415 TO HELP CELEBRATE your pledge formal, we are having a special CHAMPAGNE sale flow to April 23rd. Village Apothecary 1112S. University Avenue. cF-416 :-' HELP! I desperately need a ride to California (L.A. preferably, but anywhere in CA is fine). I'd like to leave as early as April 25 but anytime soon after is OK. I will share expenses and have made the trip before. If you're my savior, please call 769-6490, and ask for JESSE. dG0416 DRIVER NEEDED to transport '81 Chevy Citation to San Francisco, CA. Call Connie 662-3104, 995-1573 evenings. 5400416 TYPIST, $1.50 per page. IBM 2 type styles, professional, accurate, affordable. Sally, 663-7253. 24J0416 TYPING - Fast, quality work, campus pickup and delivery. 665-0337 01J0416 MASSAGE - A good massage gently stretches muscle fibre, relaxes muscle tissue, promotes good circulation and enhances movement. Massage also may provide relief from muscular aches and pains. And it is a pleasant way to reduce stress and anxiety because massage is very relaxing. Swedish, oriental & myomassology techniques employed by Vince Luschas, professionally trained masseur. 665-4524. cJtc TYPING-all kinds. Very professional. Reasonable rates and quick service. Call Lauri at 662-1678. MOVIE POSTER GALLERY Easy access to over 10,000 original authentic movie posters. 1950s through 1983. 665-3151. 93J0416 TERM PAPERS, RESUMES, dissertations. Quality typing, reasonable rates, fast service. Maggie 973- 7345 persistently. cJtc TEST PREPARATION COURSES LSAT: May 24-June 16 GMAT: May 16-June 15 REALM TUTORING SERVICE call 665-3579. cJ0414 PROFESSIONAL RESUMES ON WORD PROCESSOR 996-4572 cJtc WRITE ON*... Editorial and typing service Freelance writing, research 996-0566 cJtc TYPING: 1 page to 100. Fast, quality work. Call 662- 6795. 55J0510 NEIL DIAMOND need to trade two Sat., April 23 tickets for any other night. Call 764-7881 persistently. 37Q0416 TOYOTA COROLLA Deluxe - 4-door, 1977. Rust,' proofed, AM-FM. Great condition. $2600. 769-7099. 29N0416 5 BEDROOM HOUSE - Rooms available for Spring- Summer sublet. Located 30 seconds from CCRB and one minute fro V.C. Large bedrooms, 2 baths and laundry. $75/room/month. Call 761-6698. dU0416 SUMMER SUBLET: Large room in large house. 2/ baths, Bar, Enclosed Porch. 2 minutes to E. Engineering. Price Negotiable. Call Jeff. 995-3418 dU0416 BILLY FRYE never SLEPT HERE ! Subletthis wonderful room in a house only 1% MAY-AUGUST LEASE: 1 bedroom, For 1 or 2, fur- minutes from the S.A.B. Rent negotiable for a May nished apartment close to campus Church St. through August sublet. Call Brian at 761-2652 or 761- mshednaatmeant c osto cainim .r.II~ch t.2653. dU0416 parking ana iaundry. Rent negotiable. Call 996-0553. 05U0416 SUBLET. Several rooms in large, beautiful house close to Diag. Reduced summer rates. Fall option 995-0264. 05U0416 FOR LEASE or summer sublet. Great 3-4 bedroom house. Furnished, porch, $600.995-0605. 63U0416 SUMMER SUBLET-single room in 3 bedroom bi- level apartment. 1 block from campus. Air con- ditioning, dishwasher, laundry facilities, free parking, 2 baths, balcony. Rent negotiable. Call 668- 8457. 57U0416 SUMMER SUBLET-2 bedroom, bi-level apartment for 2-3 people. Air conditioning, dishwasher, laundry facilities, free parking. 2 baths. block from cam- pus on S. State. Rent negotiable. Call Alice at 668- 8457. 56U0416 MAY-AUGUST LEASE 2 bedroom, large kitchen, new carpet and furniture, parking and laundry. 996-1873. 07U0416 JON E. BOGEMA - Having a craving for movie theater popcorn? Go to the State Theater with the two free tickets you have just won. Come to the Daily to pick them up. dU0412 SPRING/SUMMER. Lowest price. Greatest place. Call Jon now. 668-0362. 35U0416 CHEAP - $100/mo. Roommate needed for Spring Summer. Forest Terrace apartments. Furnished with air. 663-7410. 36U0416 $99 WANNA LEARN Portuguese? Live with a Brazilian this spring/summer. English and Spanish are also spoken. Call any time (Best after 7pm during week days) 662-7557. 43U0416 HELP SEND an archeaologist into the field. Sublet 2 bedroom apt. air conditioning, porch, near campus, 665-3549,763-5655 eve. 47U0416 BEAUTIFUL SUBLET. One large bedroom in a spacious two bedroom apartment. Perfect for two females. Free laundry. Close. Rent negotiable 995- 2620 evenings. dU0416 LUXURY APARTMENT for spring/summer, 2 bedrooms, bi-level. Price negotiable. 769-0537. 17U0417 BRAND NEW APARTMENT for Spring/Summer sublet. Great location, 1-3 bedrooms, price negotiable. Call any time, 761-6365 (best between 5:30 and 6:30). dU0416 SPRING/SUMMER Sublet. 1-3 bedrooms, A/C, close to campus, laundry facilities, parking. Call any time. 662-9154. dU0416 I N EP WAN TED]jM$LANOJ - SeL.A+EU 2/suae4silif S-P 80 YEAR OLD GERMAN upright bass. 3 bows $975 517-784-2834 persistently 44X0416 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Own room in six bedroom house. Fall Term. Call 761-7918. 01Y0416 SHARE ONE BEDROOM apartment. Utilities in- cluded Laundry. Covered Parking South Forest and Hill. Negotiable. 663-3641 or 663-2058 04Y0416 CONSERVATIVE, STUDY-ORIENTED gay male graduate student seeks straight male or female student to share deluxe 2 bedroom apartment 1%/2 miles from campus. Write Michigan Daily, Box 4. 09Y0416 2 ROOMMATES (male or female) wanted to share house with 3 others. $150/mo/person. Call Steve, 169- 3914. 26Y0416 2 BEDROOM in 4 bedroom house. Kosher, 1 block south of E. Quad. 996-0887. dY041 2 ROOMMATES (male or female) wanted to share house with 3 others. $150/month per person. Call Steve 769-3914. 77Y0416 GRADUATE WOMEN'S STUDIES SPECIALIZATION In The M.A. In Philosophy " Earn credentials in both Philosophy and Women's Studies in one 12-month program " Assist in and qualify to teach both subjects " Engage in independent feminist research " Work closely with highly qualified interdisciplinary faculty " Gain valuable experience in women- oriented institutions and activities " Assistantships available Write today: Dr. Sheila Ruth, Director Women's Studies Program Dept. of Philosophical Studies Box 43 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT EDWARDSVILLE Edwardsville, IL 62026 An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer 42411 f7, 2pm 764-0450 / oa o b ti~-._' _ .. .- b b' i b b e e e e e o 0 SMALL FRATERNITY SEEKS full time chef. For application and information write Russ-1705 Hill St. Ann Arbor, 48104 dH0416 CANOE NORTHERN Ontario to James Bay June 25- July 16. Also other unique sailing, survival, canoeing adventures for adults. 918N Lantern Hill Drive, East Lansing Michigan 48823. 517-332-3991. 45H0416 *EXPERIENCED SAILOR with Coast Guard license to skipper 26-foot sloop at Northern Michigan camp beginning June11. $150+ weekly. 517-332-3991. 42H0416 SMALL FRATERNITY seeks full time chef. For ap- plication and information write Russ - 1705 Hill St. Ann Arbor. 48104. dH0416 FREE ROOM & BOARD, Large bright room,& 3 meals/day in exchange for babysitting, 20 hrs./wk. (days) for MOM going to U of M in Sept. Close to U. Ref. Req'd. 973-0759. 18H0416 kRTISTS MODEL, experienced only, $5 per hr., art-time. 761-8024. 16H0505 MODELS NEEDED. No experience necessary. Velvet Touch. 668-9755. Call between 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. $8-10/hour. 79H0416 CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Great income potential, all oc- cupations. For information call: 602-837-3401 Ext. 992 88H0428 EARN $500 OR MORE EACH SCHOOL YEAR. FLEXIBLE HOURS. MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR PLACING POSTERS ON CAMPUS. BONUS BASED ON RESULTS. PRIZES AWARDED AS WELL. 800- 526-0883. 93H041' OAPPLICATIONS NOW being accepted for fall Hebrew teaching positions at the Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor. Must have classroom teaching ex- perience and be able to teach Hebrew language and Judaic subject. For info. call- 668-6770. 74H0425 WORK for academic credit or volunteer at the Pound House Children's Center for Spring or Summer term. Located at Hill and East University. Come over for a visit or call Joan at 764-2547. 20H0506 DANIEL SCHAAK - you are a winner! Come to the Daily office to pick up two free tickets to the State Theater. dM0414 UM DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES announces the availability of the Frederick Huetwell Scholar- ship, which will pay up to $1800 for tuition at U of M during the Fall 1983/Winter 1984 semesters. For in- formation call 763-3000. 06M0416 "ALL THAT HAS to happen for the world to be destroyed is that people do nothing. We need something positive to do - Planetary Initiative is that something." Isaac Asimov Planetary Initiative for the World we choose Saturday Workshop Pendelton Room 1-6 April 16 Michigan Union 52M0415 SUMMBER JOB: Did your hometown summer job fall through? We are looking for a few hardworking students, preferably paying part or working their way through school. Make approx. $286.00/wk. In- terviews will be held 10 A.M., 1 P.M., and 4 P.M. on Friday, April 15 at Bell Tower Hotel. Please be prompt. Apply in person, no phone calls accepted. 20M0415 I NEED SUMMER EMPLOYMENT!! Short hours, lots of money, hard worker. Call Jeff 764-7839. Thanks. DM0416 MOVING GOODS TO ENGLAND? Reasonable rate to ship small amount of goods! Call Anne after 8 p.m. 995-0276. dM0416 DON'T GET CAUGHTINT University Towers is now renting for fall and winter 1983-84 with the best location on campus! APARTMENT 8 MO. LEASE 12 MO. LEASE 3 person/2 bedroom/ mo. $485.00 $405.00 2 person/2 bedroom/mo. $490.00 $420.00 4 person/2 bedroom/mo. $515.00 $430.00 3 person/3 bedroom/mo. $555.00 $480.00 UNIVERSITY TOMRS Newly remodeled & refurnished apartments Visit our models conveniently located at: 536 S. Forest (corner of S. Forest & S. University) Phone: 761-2680 SUMMER SUBLET/Fall Option. 5-bedroom house. Fresh paint, new carpet, huge porch. 5 minutes from campus. $75/mo. - negotiable. Call 764-9091 or 764-. 9047 any time. 30U0416 SUMMER SUBLETS 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apts. in modern and older buildings available May 1 on sublet basis, within 4 blocks of the diag. 663-4101 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT cUct A GREAT SUBLET at a great price. Just 30 seconds away from the Law Quad (15 if you jog), a great 5- bedroom, 2-bathroom house. So maybe you don't need a fireplace during the summer, but we've got one anyway just in case. Call 665-2014. dU0416 SUBLET. Several rooms in large, beautiful house. Close to diag. Reduced summer rates Fall option. 995-0624. 05U0416 -" I TM. START T.M ,., . .... .. , ._ . __ . BIKE EUROPE IN '83 For Details: BIKE EUROPE INC. 234-A Nickels Arcade; 668-0529 HALF PRICE for spring-summer. One or more mon- ths. All utilities included. Furnished. Rent a whole house, aroom in a house, or a one or two bedroom cPtc apt. Call David M. Copi, 663-5609. cUtc Get The FACTS---Not The Rumors! Stop all the HEARSAY And Resulting FEAR. Let 'LITTLE HERPIE' Help Caution Friends With A Light HUMOROUS Approach! If The Question Needs To Be Asked, 'LITTLE HERPIE' Will Start The Discussion! ltTIE yFE FINEST QUALITY T SHIRT 50% Cotton 50% Polyester 2%" CELLULOID BUTTONS W/SAFETY PIN #1 #2 #3 LITTlE ERPIE SE... LOOK BEFORE YOU SLEEP!, MLITE4fMf AC 197 ILIME RERPIE SEL BE HONEST I'M NOT! LITTLE HERPIE SEL I'M #1 WITHOUT TRYING! 1 r MIT(1N VA AC 1 ( LITTLE HERPE Color ., . . .Redj Little Herpie "BETTER WATCH OUT" c) 45 RPM STEREO RECORD 334" x 15" VINYL BUMPER STICKER - -E-U-------- CUT HERE AND RETURN -- ------------'-------------------- ORDER FORM BUTTONS $1.50 Ea. OTY. x 45 RPM RECORD SEND ORDERS TO: b'' ,.. . . .. .. d' . _ . s