.0 OPINION I a- Page 4 Tuesday, April 12, 1983 The Michigan Daily PIRGIM' s bid to clean toxic dumps *I By Todd Ambs The members of the Public Interest Resear- ch Group in Michigan (PIRGIM), were cer- tainly pleased to see the Michigan Daily's recent article on the Spiegeberg Landfill and Rasmussen's Dump in nearby Green Oak Township ("Toxic Sites Cause Fear and Con- fusion," Daily, April 5). " Fornseveral months PIRGIM staff, student volunteers and interns have been actively working to aid residents near these sites. In- 0leed, many of the meetings and much of the progress made to date by the residents in the area has occurred because of PIRGIM 's in- volvement. FOR NEARLY fifteen years the state of Michigan has failed to adequately address the toxic waste problems at these sites. When both the Spiegelberg Landfill and Rasmussen's Dump were listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund list in Decem- ber 1982, nearby residents decided to get help. They called PIRGIM. PIRGIM staff and volunteers soon found an all to familiar pattern of inaction by state and local agencies dating back to the mid 1960s. From 1966 to 1974, both Spiegelberg and Rasmussen were repeatedly warnedto correct numberous violations of face having their dumpsites closed. However, it wasn't until 1974 that the state actually took the 'threatened ac- tion. regulatory responsibility, and an acute shor- tage of money which threatens effective cleanup efforts. A soon-to-be-published PIRGIM research report has highlighted the fragmented nature of environmental protection in the state. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Department of Argiculture (MDA), and the Department of Public Health (DPH) are all responsible for various facets of environmental protection, yet none of the agencies is accoun- table for all environmental protection efforts. This lack of accountablility was clearly evident at the dumpsites in Brighton. For years residents had tried to just set up a meeting with the DNR in order to discuss their concerns. Finally, thanks to pressure from PIRGIM, a meeting was set for February 25 of this year. The 40 residents in attendance found the infor- mation provided by the three DNR officials at the meeting to be a helpful, although belated start. BUT MUCH more work must be done just to address the problems at these two sites. PIRGIM has fornally requested answers from the DNR on six specific questions pertaining to the two locations. Still more problems occur frequently which threaten the health and welfare of everyone living in the area. On Friday, April 1, DNR emergency response personnel and PIRGIM toxic specialists were called when r4 idents noticed that refuse was being burned at the closed Spiegelberg site. Anxious DNR officials responded to the call were shocked to find that Mr. Spiegelberg had been issued a burning permit by the Green Oak Township gover- nment. It is little wonder that this kind of confusion and lack of communications has left many Michigan residents skeptical about the ability of the state agencies to adequately monitor toxic waste problems. As a result of this public perception, PIRGIM interns have begun researching alternatives for consolidation of the state environmental protection wing into one agency. PIRGIM' volunteers are also mapping out aquifers, producing helpful pamphlets on toxics, and pinpointing potentially dangerous dump sites throughout southeast Michigan. Clearly, much more needs to be accom- plished. PIRGIM's continued involvement in Michigan's toxic waste problem is a vital example of how students can gain a practical educational experience which benefits every. student and the community at large. Doily rhoto by DOUG McMAHON Brighton's toxic dumps: PIRGIM fights bureaucracy. THIS EXAMPLE serves to highlight the problem of a lack of accountability in the state enforcement agencies. Indeed, the problems and frustrations facing the residents living near these sites are hardly unique. The toxic waste problem in this state in enormous and research by PIRGIM has uncovered a con- sistent pattern of little or no monitoring of dumpsites, a lack of accountability within the state agencies empowered with toxic waste 0 Ambs is afield director for PIRGIM. -,-- lp2 Mticbitgau i atlQ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Sinclair AS A~ WaAs iNuGToN' VETEVRAOI Z KNOW TNiAT S U STANCE . Sc FARk MoKE IMP4ORT JT TMAI A?PEARAN~CEs ARE PoIL'T LET YOOK (MAGE ZthS FREE OFFE(kTOpIVt 01 SL t C- I ou CANJ STPJKVT' TKING ADVANTAGE of Vol. XCIII, No. 152 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Keep on trucking A PORTION of the compromise the federal government struck with the trucking industry to win its support for the five-cent gas tax increase may come back to haunt the nation's decaying highway system if steps are not taken to rectify the problem. The gas tax legislation approved earlier this year included a provision to allow tandem-trailer trucks the right-of-way on more than 180,000 miles of highway with little regard for the huge damage the trucks inflict on roads. Members of several state governments whose roads are included in the legislation complain that the 75- foot, 40-ton trucks also are a menace to public safety. The trucks are indeed a menace. The strain of the tandem arrangement makes the extra-big big rigs more susceptible to brake failure, making ! / tI , ,., r CO NGRLSPtON41w OFFICE BItLPINr3-AND HEALTh SPA them a substantial threat to other highway users. The weight of the trucks also ac- celerates the rapid decay of the nation's highway system. It is a sad irony that the same officials who have been lamenting the fate of the nation's crumbling infrastructure would allow this dangerous measure to become a part of a vital piece of legislation. Those states which are willing to protest the federal statute are, for- tunately, publicizing the dangers the trucks pose. The court battles that are expected to follow in upcoming months will be an interesting test of state ver- sus federal power. That struggle, however, is not the crucial issue. The crucial issue is the fight to keep destruction and danger from such a large chunk of the nation's highways. ., -- a. - . .. ., ,, _-;, , .) .. _ _ ..-ice" , . s- s - _ . r i -sy -: ii J' ' .! i ti f t _ ..-':4 , Y - LOKE~R iRoom aSAU NJA " G4MovWASIVW) "" we c C4T S -NAuJriL.JS - FITNJESS CouThjscLoR wASK ABOUT OUR~ "of, (I TAL" MASSAGE d t rtkNDILY & 3 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Medical school too quick on draft law REMEMBER THAT TALK ABOUT EETTING Th1E FEPERAL GOVYERNMENT OFF OUR SAVKS? sVERLoN ~TA~hL~4S i To the Daily: The medical school has distributed forms used to certify that students are registered with draft boards, in the event that the law requiring them stands after a court challenge. It disturbs me that the medical school has been so quick to comply with a law that has such serious legal questions that a federal court has blocked it with an injunction. More distressing, however, are the medical ethical problems. In the event of a draft, I will be asked to use my medical knowledge primarily to increase the killing capacity of an army. I still believe what I told my inter- viewer when I entered Inteflex: my purpose will be to save lives and help the sick. To not per- sonally stand against a law that insures medical students can be easily drafted makes a sham of medical ethics based on life and healing. The mission of the Army Medical Department, according to its manual, is "to conserve the fighting strength of the Army" with emphasis on the "early return of patients to duty." My mission is to better the lives of all human beings, regardless of their political ideology. It is my deeply held belief that war and killing are wrong, and this is one reason I chose medicine, its opposite, as a career. I resent the attempts of Selec- tive Service to link my medical Toronto fan To the Daily: After having read David Spak's thoughtful op-ed piece ("Petitioning the other side of the story," Daily, April 8) asserting the Daily's policy of admitting to its mistakes in print and its ob- jection to invidious reporting I turned to the sports page and read Jeff Bergida's column on the American League Eastern Division ("A.L. East: Yankees to bounce back...Tiger fans, c'mon be serious," April 8). Obviously, the editorial and sports staffs have different jour- nalistic standards. Mr. Bergida states, "It's tough to analyze Toronto Blue Jay fans because there aren't any. People in Canada are kind of primitive and education with the death of fellow human beings. The law is not only unjust, it's immoral. - Robert M. Levine April 8 sings the blues don't realize that the Blue Jays have come a long way..." I have been to Toronto's Exhibition Stadium and I can say with ut- most certainty that there are many Blue Jay fans who are: proud of their team and my.' travels to Canada and association with many people of Canadian birth have suggested that they are not less civilized than Americans. If Mr. Bergida meant to be fun- ny, he failed. His sophomoric and bigoted humor has no place in any newspaper and I hope that the sports editorial staff will be more discerning about the quality of thought that appears on the sports pages. Research not aimed to kill To the Daily: This letter is in response to Roger Kerson ("Freedom and responsibility at the 'U'," Daily, April 5). Because you are the research coordinator for MSA you should have more knowledge about military research than the average person involved with the University. However, your dramatic example of the for- mulation of an advanced weapon and the lumping together of all military research is very near- sighted. It is obvious you have never read the Reporter which monthly lists research projects stated that the University has prohibited classified weapons research for over 14 years and this ban now covers non- classified research as well. With this restriction, how can our research kill people? Another of your points which separates research from the rest of the article is who pays. While it is true tax dollars pay for research, I should think you would be happy that some of your dollars are returning to you and your university. Without these grants for research the prestige and fine reputation of this univer- - Todd Miller April 8 wi Protect right to heckle To the Daily: The Michigan Daily editorial of March 31 ("Heckling free speech") accuses hecklers of trying to silence Jeane Kirk- patrick. But has she been silen- The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech. This law was written to protect the right of minorities to dissent z against the government. It was:-