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April 08, 1983 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-04-08

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8,1983-Page 5

Students rally against redirection

While 35 students sat in the Ad-
ministration Building to protest
redirection policies, another 100
gathered outside in Regents plaza in

support of the demonstrators.
"There are two purposes for what
we're doing," said Vicki Shapiro, one of
the rally and sit-in organizers. "First,
the desire to show our commitment to

the issue of redirection. Second, to help
publicize the issue of redirection. We
want to show them (administrators)
that this is something that affects every
student on this campus."

SHAPIRO SAID the students in
Frye's office for the sit-in were making
five specific demands to Frye and
would stay there until they came to
some kind of agreement.
Students cheered and later sang "If
he (Harold Shapiro) only had a heart,"
to the tune of the Wizard of Oz's "If I
Only Had a Heart." Shouting increased
as Vicki Shapiro announced the
doors of the administration building
had been locked to anyone without "a
confirmable purpose" in the building.
"We went into the demonstrationasa
non-violent action, and we would like to
keep it that way," Vicki Shapiro said.
Meanwhile, City Councilman Lowell
Peterson (D-1st Ward) stood in on the
rally and participated in a few chants of
"redirection is misdirection."

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Daly roto by DUEBRAH LEWIS
University Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Billy Frye discusses the redirection process at yesterday's

Campus Meet the Press.
Frye justifies closed

Meetings of committees involved in
budget reviews must remain closed so
the groups can hold discussions
"without restraint," a top University
administrator said yesterday.
Speaking at Campus Meet the Press,
Billy Frye told a crowd of more than 100
people gathered in the Michigan
Union's Pendleton Room that the type
of questions the committees must ask
could be disturbing to the public. Frye
is University provost and vice president
for academic affairs.
"SOME OF THE questions are very
sensitive," he said, adding that they
might be considered "offensive or im-
The closed nature of Budget
Priorities Committee meetings is a
policy decided on by the committee it-
self, Frye said, and one that he suppor-

Frye said the committee decided to
have only. one spokesperson to avoid
any misinterpretation of the group's
decisions. "(The committee) felt that if
too many people are speaking, then
there may be many different
messages sent," he said.
FRYE DENIED charges that units
are targeted for review on an arbitrary
basis and that he alone makes such
decisions. "I do not make autocratic
decisions. I make recommendations to
the Regents," he said.
The University has a reputation for
offering a wide variety of programs,
but in light of the University's current
budget situation, Frye said both quality
and variety cannot be maintained. "We
cannot retain the same scope and the
same quality, because both cost
money," Frye said.
Frye said he had met with members
of the Progressive Student Network
who were conducting a sit-in in his of-

fice, but failed to reach any agreement
with them. The students demanded a
student advisory group on budget
decisions be formed, but Frye said he
did not see the need for such a group.
"So far, in the discussion I have had
with this group, I fail to see what would
be gained in terms of participation,
quality of decision-making, and
representation," he said.
After the question and answer session
with Frye, a representative from the
Progressive Student Network read a
statement from those participating in
the sit-in.
"In many areas we share a common
philosophy (with Frye)," said Vicki
Shapiro. "However, Dr. Frye has been
unwilling to commit himself to substan-
tive action directed toward achieving
our common goals Therefore we have
decided to remain here and are still
open to constructive dialogue with Dr.

Group stages sit-in: Demands democracy

(Continued from Page 11
"THE BUILDING is closed. We just
couldn't keep opening it up and closing
it," said Walt Stevens, director of the
Department of Public Safety and
Security. Telephone lines to the floor
were also shut off.
The students and Frye disagreed fun-
damentally on whether the budget
process should be opened up more.
Frye said instead of being closed, "the
process is so open now it's almost out of
He said making meetings of the!
Budget Priorities Committee (which
makes recommendations on budget
cuts) open to the public would expose
too much of the "dissecting" that
schools go under in the meetings.
FRYE SAID the views of the group
are not widely reflected on campus, and
pointed to the four sparsely attended
forums on redirection as an example of
failed attempts to give the community
more of a voice.
Organizers of the sit-in said apathy is
one of the main reasons for their
protest. LSA senior Jeff Selbin said he
hoped it would "Let students know that
other students are essentially willing to
go to jail." In fact many of the par-
ticipants did have bail money in case
they were carried out of the building.
But Stevens said the group would be
allowed to stay in the building for the
ONE OF the points the students kept
emphasizing was how Frye decides
which schools and departments should
be cut, and which ones are "high-
Frye said that the decisions to review
the School of Natural Resources, the
School of Education and the School of
Art were not "pluced out of the air,"
but came from concerns about their
quality. "There is no question that if
there were to be any reviews at all they
would be on the list," Frye said.
LSA SENIOR Tom Marx asked why
increasing the number of minority

faculty and students wasn't one of the
priorities of the five-year plan, and
pointed to the fact that certain units
designed to aid minorities are currently
under review.
Frye responded, "We don't know to
what extent money is the problem. A
disproportionate amount of financial aid
already goes to minority students."
But Frye said Marx had 'no basis to
allege ... that we're not committed as
an institution." He said in the last three
or four weeks the University has been
considering major changes in its

minority efforts, but would not
Afater Frye went home, leaving the
students alone in the building with
University Safety officers, several
students said Frye had "listened"
without hearing, and was not being
receptive to new ideas.
"Frye tried to turn it into, you have
one philosophy and we have another.
But in a University community you
need many philosophies," said
graduate student Ben Davis.





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