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April 02, 1983 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-04-02

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TYPING-all kinds. Very professional. Reasonable
rates and quick service. Call Lauri at 662-1678.
TYPING - Fast, quality work, campus pickup and
delivery. 665-0337 01J0416
VARDEN STUDIOS IS HERE!! Why aren't you? All
Juniors and Grad Students should call 764-9425
:#ODAY and make an appointment for YEARBOOK
ORTftAITS. These portraits will appear in the 1984
Call Noelle anytime, 971-2364.
Ideal for resume/multiple cover letters, theses,
reasonable rates.
Papers, articles, reports
LSAT: May 24-June 16
GMAT: May 16-June 15
call 665-3579. cJ0414
SUMMER STORAGE: Clean, private units, from
$18/mo. 1% miles from UM stadium. StowAway Self
Storage, I-94 and Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. 769-0119.
Editorial and typing service
Freelance writing, research
WANTED - Othello cartridge for Atari 2600. Can
trade or buy. Call eves. 994-0107, days 764-0556.
SMASSAGE, relaxing, complete body, call before 9
a.m. only Paul, 668-8631. 37MO405
CALIFORNIA-Why sweat through finals when you
can help me drive to No. Calif.? Share driving all or
most way to S.F. Bay. Leaving April 13-15, few stops
between. Call 994-0107 evenings. dTte

Notre Dame visits the Indoor Track and Tennis
Building today to take on the women's
tennis team. Starting time
for the match is 1:00 p.m.


Today's men's tennis match vs.
Minnesota will take place
at Liberty Racquet Club
beginning at 1:00 p.m.

.... .. ....... .

The Michigan Daily

Saturday, April 2, 1983

Page 9


Ne ters smash Wisconsin

Michigan men's tennis commenced its Big Ten season
yesterday with a crushing, 7-2, victory over Wisconsin.
"I told you the other day that we were prepared for this
match," said a pleased Michigan coach Brian Eisner.
THE WOLVERINE singles players jumped all over the
Badgers led by senior captain Mark Mees. Mees annihilated
Steve Lovett, 6-0, 6-1 at first singles in a match that surprised
both coaches. "Steve's been playing very well recently," said
first year Badger coach Pat Klingelhoets.
"Lovett just came up with a bad match," said Eisner.
"That happens, but he's a good player. Today he was just
nervous and Mark played well."
At third, fourth, fifth and sixth singles the story was the
same. Tom Haney, who was not expected to play third singles
due to arm problems, downed Dan Arends, 6-3, 6-2. Eisner,
however, was so pleased with the senior's performance that
Haney will play second singles today against Minnesota.
FRESHMAN JIM Sharton continues to play well in the
fourth spot where he defeated Tom Annear, 6-4, 6-4. "Jim
played a good, mature, solid match today," said Eisner.
Rodd Schreiber blasted John Wayne at number five, 6-4, 6-
2. Last year in the Big Ten tournament Wayne defeated
Schreiber at number six singles, but the Michigan junior

from Flint is on top of his game. "Rodd just overpowered
Wayne," said Eisner.
"I shouldn't lose to anyone at fifth singles. I have so much
confidence that all I have to do is play my game. If I play my
game then I don't have to worry," said Schreiber.
FRESHMAN HUGH Kwok is also playing sound tennis as
he defeated Beany Welch, 6-2,6-2.
Michigan won two out of the three doubles matches to wrap;
up the victory. Mees and Haney beat Andy Ringlien and
Arends, 6-0, 7-5 at first doubles while Schreiber and Kwok
knocked off Wayne and Annear, 6-1, 6-4.
This afternoon Michigan hosts Minnesota at the Liberty
Racquet Club at 1:00 p.m. Two years ago the Golden Gophers
tied Michigan for the Big Ten championship and last year
tried to intimidate the Wolverines before the Minnesota home
"LAST YEAR was a real dirty affair. They tried to humble
us in front of their fans," said Schreiber. But Michigan won
an emotional match. "We proved to them who the class of Big
Ten is and let them crawl back into their holes. It's definitely
a good rivalry," said Schreiber.
Michigan is now, 6-10, 1-0 in the conference.
Mees believes that things are looking up for the Wolverines
as he said, "We took our lumps during the pre-conference
season, but it prepared us well."

Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Tom Haney shows noill-effects from an arm injury as he puts everything in-
to his forehand. Haney, as well as the Wolverines, had little trouble
registering the win.
Women n etters to meet

Irish, Boilermakers


234-A Nickels Arcade; 668-0529


FACULTY MEMBER in Calif. interested in house
sitting for a month or two months. Call collect 805-
255-9571 early mornings or weekends. 22L0407
MARILYN K. LEESE - Take a study break on the
Michigan Daily. Go see a movie with the two free
tickets to the State Theater that you have just won.
Come on down to the Daily office to pick them up.
LARGE EFFICIENCY for Spring/Summer. Fur-
nished, carpeted, lots of windows, private entrance,
wired for cable, all utilities paid. Two blocks from
campus, pets allowed. Call Jan 769-6950 , U070405
ROOMS AVAILABLE in 6 bedroom house on
Hamilton St. Completely furnished with other extras.
Rent negotiable. Call 665-3610 ask for Mike Z. or Tom
T. 10U0405
SUBLET! May-August. Three-bedroom furnished
* apartment. Free Parking. Great location. Inexpen-
sive. 761-9357. 21U0406
SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM apartment, 5 min. from B
school, AC, Laundry, Parking, View - rent
negotiable. 761-1801 61U0403
SUBLET-May to Aug. Albert Terrace Apts. 2
bedroom, 1% bath, bi-level, air-conditioned, dish-
washer, Furnished. Near Campus. $350 negotiable.
996-0652. 14U0403
Hill. 3 or 4 spacious spaces in house. Price
negotiable. Call 996-8387 persistently! 25U0407
Rooms available on OLD WEST SIDE, fall option.
Rent Negotiable. Adam, 662-2551 eves. 23U0407
MAY-AUGUST. Female grad student. Own room in
beautiful 5-bedroom house near arb. Non-smoking,
semi-vegetarian. Call 994-3073. dU0405
SUBLET - Efficiency, quiet, cool, close to campus,
and hospital. After 5 p.m., 996-1907. 42U0409
SUMMER SUBLET, possible fall option. Mid-April
or May 1 to August 25; unusual two-story apartment,
older house 1 blocks from Law School, excellent for
one or two. Call 662-6817. 24U0404
HALF PRICE for spring-summer. One or more mon-
ths. All utilities included. Furnished. Rent a whole
house, a room in a house, or a one or two bedroom
apt. Call David M. Copi, 663-5609. cUtc
SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Park Plaza, next to
Bagel Factory. Single or Double occupancy. 668-6729.
ONE FEMALE NEEDED to share bedroom in 2-
bedroom apartment. $160/mo. Call 994-5695 or 761-
2551. 73Y0405

It's the old good news, bad news
situation for the women's tennis team
this weekend.
Good news; Michigan plays Notre
Dame today (1:00 p.m.) and Purdue
tomorrow (10:00 a.m.), and is the
favorite in both matches. Bad news; in
addition to Marian Kremer, Michigan's
previous number one singles player,
the current number two, three and four
singles player, and half the number two
doubles team are injured (Stephanie
Lightvoet, Paula Reichert, Jill Hertz-
man, and Juliet Naft, respectively).
ASIDE FROM Kremer, who will be
out for an indefinite period of time,
Lightvoet has the most serious injury
with inflamed knee ligaments. Coach
Ollie Owens considers 'her "doubtful"
for today's match, but thinks she may
play Sunday.
Of course, Michigan has more good
news on its side, because Notre Dame
has injuries too. Number one singles for
the Irish, Susie Panther, has been suf-
fering from a bad back and is expected
to play at number five because of it.
Also, the number three for Notre Dame
has been out of a cast for only a short
Add the fact that the Irish are a
division II team in women's tennis and
have no seniors and only one junior in
their starting lineup, and things look
good for the Wolverines.
OWENS, HOWEVER, is not so sure of
victory. "I don't think it's going to be a
cakewalk or anything."
On the other hand, when asked if she
considered her team an underdog,
Notre Dame coach Sharon Petro
laughingly responded, "I think so. If we
can play some good tennis...I'll be hap-
Tomorrow's match against Purdue
will in all likelihood be a greater
challenge to the Wolverines.
OWENS SEES Purdue as an ob-
stacle, but not an insurmountable one.
"We're definitely going to have to be
ready to play." he said, but added "If

our lineup is healthy we should be able
to win."
Purdue, which finished fifth in the
Big Ten last year, is described by both
coaches as having good depth. Purdue
coach Carrie Meyer predicted "We'll
have some matches where we'll give
(Michigan) very good competition."
With all the injuries at Michigan and
the line-up shuffling at Purdue no one is
exactly sure where these good matches
will be, though, but one with great
potential is at number three singles.
HOPEFULLY, THE Wolverine's
Lightvoet will be healthy to square off
against Deb Mackey of the Boiler-
makers. What makes this match in-
teresting is that Mackey recently beat
Lightvoet's sister, who plays for EMU.
Lightvoet seems to take this in stride,
but said "I guess I sort of want to beat
the girl. It changes it a little."
As a team, Meyer described Purdue
as "eager", and Michigan seems to feel
the same way. Lightvoet predicted "I
think we'll do well in the Big Ten", and
with the conference schedule getting
under way for both teams, there will be
some good tennis this weekend.
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Multinational firms
seek qualified indivi-
duals with language
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Part-time and full-
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Send resume or re-
quest for application
form to:
Swenson, Crawford & Paine
Dept: B-33
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Chicago, Illinois 60690
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Michigan Daily





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This sale is our way of thanking out regular customers and
introducing ourselves to the many new people who
might not have heard of us. Have fun.

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