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April 02, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-04-02

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Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom


Sir 43UU


Windy today with a 90 percent
chance of rain. The high will reach
near 50.

%i. XCIII, No. 144 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, April 2, 1983 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Hash Bash
now just a
a It
The helmeted policemen and
barricaded University buildings
seemed a little out of place in the Diag
yesterday, as the annual Hash Bash
drew only about 25 pot smokers to
elebrate the joys of Ann Arbor's
Mnient marijuana law.
While the first Hash Bash in 1972 was
considered to be a stab at traditional
moral values, this year's smokers said
they attended more out of habit than
anything else.
IN THE 60s, everyone was rebellious
saying, 'No more conformity.' You
stood around and smoked hash and the
police couldn't do anything. It was a
statement," said Richard Peden, an
ngineering freshman. "Now, it's just a
"Tradition," he said.
"The Hash Bash has no significance.
It's going down - it doesn't make a dif-
ference," said LSA senior Eric Ket-
See HASH, Page 3

Numb er of
jobless down
in March

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-Unemployment re-
ceded a notch in March to 10.3 percent
of the civilian labor force, the gover-
nment said yesterday. That left 11.4
million people on the jobless rolls - not
counting 1.8 million others who long
since gave up the quest for work and
remain unconvinced they should try
Michigan's unemployment rate jum-
ped nearly a full point to 15.7 percent
last month, providing more evidence
the national economic recovery is not
making itself strongly felt here.
Janet Norwood, commissioner of
labor statistics, said the March reports
showed "moderate improvement" in
the job market. But she acknowledged

that the bare 0.1 percentage point drop
in the seasonally adjusted unem-
ployment - from 10.4 percent in
February - was no cause for elation.
"The unemployment rate has to drop
two-tenths of a percent to be
statistically significant," she told a
news conference.
THE REPUBLICAN Party hailed the
report, representing the second decline
in three months, as proof that President
Reagan's promised economic recovery
"is happening...,. the president is get-
ting the job done."
Democrats and the AFL-CIO insisted
too many people remain out of work,
and that the administration isn't doing
enough to help them.
See MICHIGAN, Page 6

Death in the Diag Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Jean Raczkowski, of a Detroit theater group, performs an abstract improvosation yesterday on the Diag based on five
stages of dying - denial, anger, fear, depression, and acceptance - theorized by death and dying expert Dr. Elisabeth

Students to vote on five MSA ballot proposals


In addition to picking Michigan Student
assembly representatives next week, students
will. be faced with five ballot questions, in-
cluding three which could raise mandatory
student government fees.
If students vote to accept the proposals, they
must be approved by the Regents before they
can take effect.
PERHAPS THE most original proposal on this
ear's ballot is one asking students to support a
ofessionally-staffed research center to
provide free training and consultation for
student groups.
The proposal calling for the establishment of
a Student Center for Educational Research and
Innovation, funded by a $1.50 hike per term in
MSA's mandatory fee, is the first placed on the
ballot by petition in at least four years, accor-
ding to its originator Richard Layman, an LSA
Layman calls the center a "must" to im-
rove the effectiveness of student groups.
*ompetent organizational functioning
requires certain skills and knowledge" such as
leadership and decision-making abilities, he
THE PROFESSIONAL organizational develop-
ment consultants and interns at the center could
help those groups understand their deficiencies

Four seek t
Students voting in this year's Michigan
Student Assembly elections April 5 and 6 have
a big task ahead of them. In addition to
picking a president and vice president from
the four party slates, they must select
representatives for the 37-member assembly
from a field of candidates that is twice as
large as it has been in previous years.
Presidential and vice- presidential can-
didates are: Marc Dann and Kim Fridkin,
representing ACT; Duane Kuizema and

o MSAjob
Laurie Clement of the British Humour Party;
Steve Schaumberger and Lynn Desenberg of
Improve Michigan's Policies, Academics,
and Communications Today (IMPACT); and
Mary Rowland and Jono Soglin of It's Our
University (IOU).
There are also 16 independent candidates
running for seats in eight of the University's
17 schools and colleges.
For profiles on all the parties, turn to page

University administration.
SOAP HAS been operating with only half of its
staff this term after its director and two staff
members left for new jobs, according to
Michigan Union Director Frank Cianciola,
who is responsible for SOAP.
Cianciola said he felt SOAP currently does
handle some of the projects targeted by the
new center and could probably take on a more
with a full staff to be hired for the fall. He
suggested that he and Layman "get together to
make sure that any duplication doesn't occur."
Lyman's proposal is modeled after similar
centers at the University 6f Massachussetts
and Stanford University and utilizes many of
the research methods initiated by the Univer-
sity's Institute for Social Research.
ANOTHER PROPOSAL calls for renewing.
MSA's mandatory fee assessment - with a
new twist. If approved, the current fee of $4.25
would be a base for increases or decreases in
the fee in accordance with the cost-of-living in-
When MSA went to the students three years
ago with the fee proposal, and initial increase
was approved of 45 cents, or approximately 20
percent. Increases of 12 percent, or 40 cents,
and 9 percent, or 35 cents, followed in 1981 and
Increases in the past were projected to

reflect expected expenses for the following
years and not to keep up with the cost of living,
according to a spokesman for the office' of
student services.
IN ADDITION to MSA's office expenses and
allocations to student groups, the mandatory
fee supports three free programs available for
students. Student Legal Services, which
provides legal counseling and representation
for approximately 3000 students each year
while working extensively on housing law
reform, receives $2.90 of every $4.25
The course evaluation program, which
publishes student evaluations of teachers and
courses in its "Advice" booklet, collects 15 cen--
ts of the assessment while the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union receives 10 cents. The
remaining $1.10is used by MSA.
Approval of this proposal would tie the fee
assessment to inflation rates, while a vote no
would abolish the mandatory fee.
THE THIRD question facing students'calls
for a 25 cent increase in the automatic fee
assessment for college and school student
See STUDENTS, Page 7


and work toward correcting them through con-
sultation and special training programs.
At the same time, the center would be con-
ducting campus-wide surveys to collect infor-
mation about the quality of student life.
The center could also be helpful to students
who work with the administration. Layman,
who has worked on the LSA Curriculum Com-
mittee, said that he and other student represen-
tatives often go before the administration
asking for changes or improvements, only to be
confronted with requests for evidence that
current programs are indeed failing.
"THE CENTER could collect hard data to help'

students promote changes in the University,"
said Layman, who also heads MSA's course
evaluation program.
While some object to the hefty fee increase to
support the program, others worry that it may
duplicate services provided by the Student
Organizations and Programs (SOAP) office.
The office sponsors recreational events in ad-
dition to advising and surveying student groups
on campus.
But Layman says that he thinks SOAP does
not carry out its objectives, and that the
proposed center has advantages over SOAP
because it would be autonomous from the

Petition against Daily
collects 2,000 names

A committee formed this week has
collected close to 2,000 signatures, in
only a day-and-a-half, from students on
campus to protest "irresponsible jour-
nalism" in The Michigan Daily, a
' kesman for the group said yester-
The petition charges that since the
present editors at the Daily have taken
over, articles published have been sen-
sational; increased racial, religious,
and gender tensions on campus;
misquoted sources; and misrepresen-
ted the news.
BRIAN SHER, head of the Commit-
for a Responsible Michigan Daily,
id the goal of the petition drive is to
make the Daily publicly admit to acts of
irresponsible journalism.
. Sher, an LSA junior, said the petitions
will be collected next Friday, and soon
after the committee will present them

to the Daily's editorial board for a
"If a group this size comes to the
Daily, they will have to respond," Sher
said. "A responsible newspaper has to
respond. We hope the petition will open
up discussion with groups and the
BARRY WITT, editor-in-chief of the
Daily, said he doesn't think the paper
has been irresponsible or that lines of
communication with readers are
"We take phone calls every day from
readers and we welcome letters and
publish them," Witt said.
Witt added that after the Daily
received calls and letters objecting to a
recent article entitled "Japs: Are they
fact or fiction?" he and six other
staff members attended an open
meeting at Hillel, a Jewish organization
on campus, to discuss the story.

given in
Liuzzo case
The attorney for the children of a civil rights worker
killed 18 years ago said yesterday that while the FBI
could control former informant Gary Thomas Rowe's
activities, it "could not suppress his genius for
In his closing arguments before U.S. District Court in
Ann Arbor, Chief Council Dean Robb reaffirmed his
clients' contention that Rowe was responsible for the
death of Viola Liuzzo, a 39-year-old Detroit housewife
and mother of five children.
LIUZZO DROVE to Alabama in March 1965 to par-
ticipate in'the voters rights march that stretched from
Selma to Montgomery, Ala.
Liuzzo was driving black march worker Leroy Moten
back to Selma on March 25, 1965 when she was killed by
See ATTORNEY'S, Page 2

A chain for change AP Photo
Tens of thousands of British protesters formed a 14-mile train yesterday during an anti-nuclear
demonstration in Aldermaston, England. The demonstration was staged in opposition to the proposal
that Cruise missiles be built on the site. See story, Page 6.

Politeness pays
R UDENESS DOESN'T pay in Houston, Texas.
Don't believe it? Well just ask 18-year-old
Michael Washington. Washington refused to an-
swer a judge's questions with a "yes, sir" and
was given 3 0 dv in iail tn nlish nff his manners.

Sale" signs in front of the building. The signs had "Budget
Priorities Committee" written on the back, a reference to a
budget committee that has been at the center of the Univer-
sity's budget cuts. The telephone number listed on the front
of the sign was that of Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost. Jim Beblavi, a 'physics
research engineer whose office is in the building, said no one
there knew who planted the signs. E

e 1968 - About 400 University students marched from the
Diag to the Ann Arbor Selective Service Board to read a
statement repudiating the draft to local board officials.
" 1953 - Former University faculty member Jonas Salk
announced the discovery of a new vaccine which promised
immunity against influenza for as long as one or two years
with a single injection. D
. . ,


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