*1 OPINION Page 4 Friday, April 1, 1983 The Michigan Daity What about solidarity with Nicaragua? 1 By George Minde The following is the text of a speech prepared earlier this week which I wanted to read at the March 24 Latin American Solidarity Rally on the Diag. The organizers of the rally, however, would not let me read in front of the rally, so I would like to air it now. The prepared text is as follows: We are gathered here today for a rally in support of the people of El Salvador. Yet we must also remember our debt of solidarity with the people of Nicaragua. NICARAGUA IS now in a particularly severe state of crisis. Rebels siezed the towns of San Ramon and Los Llanos near the capital of Managua, just two weeks ago. The people have less to eat than in 1978, the year before the San- dinistas came to power. The government declared over a year ago that it was in a state of siege - a state of war. What are the true conditions of the people of Nicaragua? They have less food than under the dictator Somoza; malnutrition is widespread. Yet the Sandinistan junta has seen fit to pur- chase over 50 tanks from the Soviet Union, giving them the only two tank battalions in Latin America. What threat is there from her neighbors to justify such an expense? This, while the people of Nicaragua are starving. THE JUNTA is working to expand its military airfields and has pilots training to fly people are starving. What improvements have there been in human rights in Nicaragua since the overthrow of the Somoza regime? PRESS censorship remains. The editors of La Prensa, who agitated so strongly for human rights under Somoza, have been imprisoned for calling for the same under the Sandinistas. The Sandinistas are actively working to ex- terminate all segments of the population who don't support them. The Miskito Indians have been the victims of repeated massacres at the hands of Sandinistan troops, with over a thousand having been murdered during the last year; the junta has made no attempt to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice. Indeed, the junta has stepped up their tempo by forcibly moving the Miskitos into "fortified villages," supposedly to "protect" the Indians. Actually, it makes repression easier and is similar to South Vietnam's "strategic hamlet" program and Vietnam's current "new economic zones." THE SANDINISTAS are detaining hundreds of people each week; over two hundred a month "disappear," in a level of bloodshed ap- proaching that in El Salvador. Roberto Guillen, former deputy chief of counter-intelligence for the Sandinistan military (one of several high officials who have left Nicaragua since seeing the aims and methods of the Nicaraguan junta), describes how he was instructed to purge the government of all who had doubts about the Sandiniston program: "In the beginning we were instriio- ted to work against terrorists and spies. But then we were instructed to work againt comrades within the Ministry of Defense .. people who disagreed with the National Direc- torate began to face trumped up charges of U murder." The Sandinistan junta has reverted to the methods and aims of Stalinism; human rights, the welfare of the people are all being ignoregl in the pursuit of the interests of individual members of the junta: The Sandinistas, claiming to be marxists, have abandoned Marx's call for a dictatorship of the proletariat, and have simply settled for a dictatorship. yi Marxism is dead in Latin America - if, iq- deed, it ever existed. The repression practiced by the governments of Cuba and Nicaragua hasO proven that. The people under these dictato- ships are no better off than they were under the regimes of Batista and Somoza. The current revolution in Nicaragua is a sign of hope - hope that they may finally bring, a government of peace, prosperity, and justice to the people of Nicaragua - something that the Sandinistas have shown themselves incapable of doing. Minde is a junior in LSA. Nicaragua: Bringing Soviet-made tanks to Central America while its poor starve. jets that the junta doesn't even own yet, but is preparing to buy. This, while its people are starving. The junta has bought helicopters, guns, and artillery from the Soviet Uniort; now, the junta is talking with the Soviet Union about the possibility of the Soviets deploying mobile IC- BMs in Nicaragua; this, while Nicaragua's Wasserman &e I~tlchtgan atl Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIII, No. 143 ' 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Defective bureaucracy HE GRANTING of political asylum is a fairly routine procedure in this country. A potential defector makes an .application, the State Department gives a recommendation, and the Im- migration and Naturalization Service quickly grants final approval. It isn't a long process, and if the State Depar- tment gives a favorable recommen- dation, the request is virtually always approved. The exception to that rule is Hu Na, a Chinese tennis player who, though she got a favorable recommendation from the State Department in July, has not yet been granted asylum. The problem apparently stems from an internal dispute in the immigration service's offices. Unfortunately, this bureaucratic squabble may cost Hu her chance to stay in the United States. Immigration officials, who are under the jurisdiction of the Justice Depar- tment, aren't saying why Hu's request has not been acted upon, except that they are afraid of "setting a precedent" by allowing her to stay What kind of precedent are they afraid of setting isn't at all clear. More than 1,000 Chinese citizens now in this country have applied for asylum; less than a dozen applications have been approved. Hu, though, meets the legal requirement that she have a "well- founded fear of persecution" if she were to return to China. She also met the informal requirement that she have the State Department's approval. Though officials in Peking naturally are against granting Hu asylum, if the United States were to do so, it certainly would not cause any great harm to U.S.-Chinese relations. There simply aren't any good reasons not to allow Hu to stay in this country. you CUT lMy JO NF TREr RaTfE COST MNE MY JO?' To C-t'f OUR tEMDENS(Y ON THE GiOVERNM~ENT IOU AXED2 SAFETY .j To I KA'Rye YOUR~. P'RODUCTV IT To 5NVc- YOU R~A&ANoNM CS I5 WEV~t% HAVING To -,;Y You'RS 5ORFRy l L / I I r4 i V1 4: z 4a; LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Frat shows more' class than Daily "NOW, AS YOU CAN SEE ON THIS CHART.., ; 1 ' l 1B~ PM RAPIDi~ ° ZoneSF?~O "MP~~SItT IRA Q PL S.rISSILS / I ~, To the Daily: The response of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity to the sen- sationalized "Frat Party Draws Accusations of Racism,'' (Daily, March 22) shows that Sammies has a heck of a lot more class than most other campus organizations, especially the Daily. As a non-Greek, I often looked down upon frats as being crude and self-centered. Sam- mies response has completely changed my attitude. Unlike the Daily, which refused to print even a one line apology for its irresponsible "Japs: Fact or Fiction" article, because, as editor Barry Witt said he wasn't Critique of To the Daily: I found Ellen Lindquist's review of the Reader's Theater Guild production of As I Lay Dying a little disturbing. I am surprised to hear a professed theatre critic rail on a production for the lack of sets. A set is not what makes a play a play. A set serves to enhance the image presented in the play by the ac- tions and words of the charac- ters, as do makeup and costumes. But these traditional theatrical tnnic are nnthing ht tonl For convinced that it was a mistake to print the article, the members of Sigma Alpha Mu realized that they had the responsibility to apologize if their actions offended even one member of the campus community. The Daily has shown callous disregard for the feelings of the community time and again this year. Almost every day, a letter to the editor is printed, com- plaining about a particular ar- ticle. Of course, we all realize that the Daily is free to print whatever it chooses, but this does not excuse it from the guidelines of responsible journalism. Barry Witt and the Daily's editorial f a critic gap oy creating scenery in the audience's minds to replace that which could be made from wood and muslin and stage paint. If done skillfully, the set-less play can surpass a play with full scenery. This production of As I Lay Dying may indeed have left the audience, "dying to leave," but it doesn't sound to me as though painted backdrops and a horse and cart on stage would have fixed the problem. The fault lies with the actors and the direc- tnr a V.n dd a n-in board must reexamine their policies and principles if they hope to stop other people and organizations from joining Hillel's boycott of the Daily. Winning isn 't To the Daily Ann Arbor bids farewell to women's basketball team for- ward, Peg Harte ("Peg Harte quits hoopsters," Daily, March 29). It's unfortunate that the rest of the Vince Lombardi school ("Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing") doesn't pack up and go with her. Hey Peg, is there room on the bus for Don Canham? Who knows, if you make a winning team out of Aquinas maybe they'd let Don narrow the field house seats and double the ticket prices. When asked her reasons for leaving Michigan, Ms. Harte unashamedly announced that she "didn't like constantly losing. ..it would be different if we were winning the Big Ten (champion- ship). " That's the bottom line, I guess: nobody likes a loser. It's bad enough when women lose (who cares about women's sports. anyway, eh?) but what if (gasp!) the Michigan men's football team should have a few bad seasons? 171_ r- ._-_1 9_ __ - . . - .-- - Once more, I would like to commend the members of Sigma Alpha Mu for their understanding and class. - Sara Jaffe March 26 f everything Harte gave another reason for leaving: the "difference in coaching philosophy" between Harte and coach Gloria Soluk: "She (Soluk) thinks that players are old enough that they shouldn't have to be yelled at...I didn't feel comfortable with having her as a friend and 'a coach." God bless humiliation, subor- dination, "yelling" - all the things that make a man feel like a man, a woman feel like a girl, and make America great. Shoot, what fun is a sport anyway if it doesn't remind you of boot camp? Gee wiz, Ms. Soluk, if you'd try treating your players like Bobby Knight treats his players, maybe you'd win a game once in a while. I don't know Ms. Harte, I don't know Ms. Soluk, and the only basket I can make isone that holds marshmallow chicks - but I think I'm going to go out for basketball next year: Maybe there's something to be learned about losing with pride. MMeI