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March 30, 1983 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-30

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 30, 1983-Page 3
China opening to west, profs say

Communist China's relationship with
the western world will continue to
change as the Chinese government
seeks a more open attitude toward
western influence, according to two
professors from the University's Center
for Chinese Studies.
Political science professors Michel
Oksenberg and Leonard Woodcock
discussed their observations of China
yesterday with a crowd of about 70
people gathered at Lane Hall.
OKSENBERG, a member of the
Natural Security Council during the
Carter administration, said that the
People's Republic of China today is
charactericized by three themes: a new
self-confidence, an increasing com-
mitment to independent foreign policy,
and more emphasis on an "open door"
policy to the west. ,

He said Chinese officials are begin-
ning to feel that they have solved the
problems brought on by a large
national budget deficit, inflation, and
energy shortages in the years 1979-1981,
leaving them with a new sense of self-
"They have begun to sense that they
are past the worst," Oksenberg said.
THE CHINESE have also become
more independent in their foreign
policy, he said. "One no longer hears
the call for increased cooperation bet-
ween China, Japan, Western Europe,
and the United States to resist the
Soviet Union," he said.
Oksenberg said that while there has
been no change in the underlying
relationship of distrust between China
and the Soviet Union, since his visits
there several years ago, the Sino-Soviet
situation has become "more stable, less

rancorous, and less volatile" than in the
But Oksenberg said that at the same
time, relations between the Chinese and
the west are also improving, as China
relaxes its formerly stringent policy
against western influence.
THE CHINESE have increased their
emphasis on an "open door" policy with
the west, and are "not striking a policy
equidistant between the United states
and the Soviet Union," Oksenberg said.
Woodcock, U.S. ambassador to China
during the Carter administration, also
emphasized the new openess in China's

dealings with the West. The Chinese
government is now encouraging
western business firms to come into the
country by holding trade exhibitions
and conventions.
But Woodcock said that few
American firms had participated in
these exhibitions, because the United
States has always had a policy of
'promoting free enterprise in the free
world and protectionist policy in the
third world."
"The most we have ever aspired to be
is on friendly relations with the
Chinese," Woodcock said.

Daily Photo by JON SNOW
University Profs. Leonard Woodcock (left) and Michel Oksenberg speak
yesterday at a lunchtime forum in Lane Hall.
Weather Report brings their unique brand of jazz to Hill Auditorium
tonight at 8 p.m. The event is sponsored by Eclipse Jazz.
Cinema Guild -8%, 7 & 9:30., Lorch.
Cinema Two - Three Days of the Condor, 7 & 9:10 p.m., MLB 3.
Anthropology - Holy Ghost People, 7 p.m., MLB 2.
Women Law Students Assoc; Labor Studies Ctr; Michigan Media - Miles
of Smiles, Years of Struggle, 12:15 p.m., 116 Hutchins Hall.
Nuclear Film Series - If You Love This Planet and Acid Rain: Requiem
and Recovery, 8 p.m., East Lounge, Bursley.
Ark - Queen Ida and her Zidego Bank, a Cajun song and dance troupe, 8
p.m., 1421 Hill St.
Music - Clarinet recital, David Margolis, 8 p.m., Recital Hall; voice
recital, Jane Schoonmaker, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Music - Excerpts from film scores of Alex North, Robert Martin, Hubert
Cohen; "Death of a Salesman," "A Streetcar Named Desire," "Viva
Zepata," "Shanks," 8p.m., Rackham.
Afroamerican & African Studies - Lerita Coleman, "Encoding and
Decoding Race from the Voice: What 'Sounds" Black?" noon, 246 Lorch.
Psychiatry - Steven Paul, "Anxiety Disorders; Molecular Mechanisms
and New Perspectives," 10:30 a.m., CPH Aud.
Eng. Comp. Board & Undergrad. Lib. - Thomas Dunn & Grace Rueter,
"Documentation in the Research Paper," 4 p.m., 2203 Angell.
Politics - Hans Ehrbar, "The International Monetary System: Dollars
and Missiles," 7 p.m., 447 Mason.
Chemistry - Catherine Tsalta, "Importance and A Critical Survey of
Methods for Cholesterol Analysis," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem; Andrea Dupont,
"TRICYCLO ( OCTAN-3-ONES: Photochemically Prepared Syn-
thons for Cyclopentanoid Natural Products, 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Russian and East European Studies - Ileana Cura, "The Poetry of Vasko
Popa," 7:30 p.m., Commons Room, Lane Hall.
Collegiate Institute for Values & Science - Thomas Dunn, "The Reality
and Limits of Progress," 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall 120, Law School.
Center for the Continuing Education of Women - Helen Feinberg & Bar-
bara Eagle, "Assertiveness Training for Women Graduate Students," 3:15-
4:45 p.m., 350 S. Thayer.
Michigan Association of Gerontology Students - Natalie Drews & Penny
Hommel, "Preparing for Death: Psychological & Legal Aspects," noon-1
p.m., School of Social Work Lounge, Frieze Bldg.
Minority Student Services - Jackie Rodriguez, "Social Identity and
Political Consciousness: The Relationship," Noon, 2202 Union.
Social Work - Teresa Vernardez, "Retractions to Women in Authority
Positions: Social, Psychodynamic and Interactional Perspectives and
Strategies," Noon, 2065 School of Social Work.
Women in Communications - Melissa Windham, Careers in Com-
munications series, 12-1 p.m., 2035 Frieze.
Voice of Reason - Howard Simon, "Threats to the Constitution," 7:30
p.m., Kuenzel Room, Union.
Statistics - Alexander Gimelfarb, "A Probablistic Model for Pair For-
mation Leading to Assortative Mating," 4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Nurses Christian Fellowship - 4-5:30, 2703 Firstenberg.
Science Fiction Club -8: i5 p.m., Ground Floor conference room, Union.
Academic Alcoholics- 1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates - 9 p.m., 802 Monroe.
Cornerstone Christian Church - Second Floor, Ann Arbor Inn, for infor-
mation call 434-1525.
U-M Bicycle Club -8:00 p.m., 1084 Engineering Bldg.
WCBN - "Radio Free Lawyer," 6 p.m., 88.3 FM.
Tae Kwon Do Club - Practice, 6-8 p.m., Martial Arts Rm., CCRB.
English Composition Board and Undergraduate Library - Mini Lecture,
"Documentation in the Research Paper," 4 p.m., 2203 Angell.
Transcendental Meditation Program - Introduction, 528 W. Liberty, for
info. call 996-TMTM.
Tau Beta Pi Assoc. - Tutoring, 7-11 p.m., 307 Ugli; 7-11 p.m., Alice Lloyd
Music Room; 8-10 p.m., 2332 Bursley.
Student Wood and Crafts Shop - Power Tool Safety, 6-8 p.m., 537 SAB.
Women Law Students Assoc. - Conference on Pornography and the 1st
Amendment, Rm. 100 Hutchins hall.

To submit items for the happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml. 48109.
UAC MUSKET presents
OO )

Golden Key


Controversial story puts
newsletter in jeopardy

(Continued from Page 1)
said they were irked that the wage plan
announced in October did not take ef-
fect until Jan. 1 and was not retroac-
Stanczak said that Virginia Nordby,
director of the University's Office of Af-
firmative Action, told her that after the
executive officers read the article,
"(University President Harold)
Shapiro put a clamp on funding."
Shapiro was unavailable for comment.
The quarterly newsletter, which has
been published for almost 14 years,
receives all of its $1,100 annual budget
from the affirmative action office.
AT THE DEC. 10 meeting, Stanczak,
who is a secretary in the music school,
said Nordby told her to draw up formal
guidelines for publishing the bulletin.
"I worked up sort of a report for Nordby,
a step-by-step procedure for nitpicky
things like who'd take the bulletin to the
printer," Stanczak said.
According to the guidelines, "The
editor will select topics for bulletin
issues and will indicate general con-
tent/subject matter to the Office of Af-
firmative Action at least three weeks
prior to expected publication."

Stanczak, -- who submitted the
guidelines to Nordby on Feb. 11, said
she learned last Thursday that Nordby
and Shapiro had approved the
guidelines, and that the bulletin would
receive funds to publish two more
She will meet with Nordby and other
University officials on April 6 to decide
the future of the bulletin.
the bulletin or its funding.
Stanczak said she felt the article
represented both sides of the issues
fairly and expressed the opinions of
staff members and University ad-
"It sounds ominous," she said of the
bulletin's future. "If they're mad at me,
punish me. Don't take away the
newsletter that goes to 5,000 people
because of something I wrote and
Although she stands by her story,
Stanczak said she has recommended
that each bulletin issue include a
statement that the opinions expressed
in the articles do not necessarily
represent the views of the ad-

Send your application
Financial Aid Course Evaluation
Student Legal Services Security Task Force Redirection
April 5th 6th

State tax increase means
snaller budget cuts for 'U'

Apr. 5 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Business School
Law School
Major North Campus Buildings
9:30 am- 5:00 pm
Engineering Arch
9:45 am - 7:00 pm
Union Lobby
Dinner Hours:
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Campus Dorms
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Taubman Library

(Continued from Page 1)
deferred on Jan. 10, although some of
that money has been doled out to har-
dship cases.
Another $67.7 million in college aid
was deferred earlier this month.
State officials have estimated that
Suspect apprehended
Ann Arbor Police arrested a 23-year-
old man in connection with a December
armed robbery. On December 7, a 22-
year-old Ann Arbor woman was grab-
bed from behind by a male suspect who
had a gun tucked in his pants. The
suspect stole the woman's engagement
ring, a diamond ring, and her purse
before fleeing on foot. Police traced the
jewelry to the suspect.
-Halle Czechowski
Paid for by Sport Guides 415S Detroit Street

April 6 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Business School
Law School
Natural Resources
Major North Campus Buildings
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Engineering Arch
Geddes Bus Stop
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Union Lobby
Dinner Hours:
All Hill and Central
Campus Dorms
7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Taubman Library

about 1,000 state jobs will be lost
through the cuts, but most of those
already have been left vacant by at-
Blanchard's executive order also is
expected to include at least $60 million
- and possibly up to $66 million - in'
cuts for the state's largest agency, the
Department of Social Services.
Department Director Sister Agnes
Mary Mansour said she anticipates
much of that cut will be in the form of
deferred payments to hospitals.

Read and Use
Daily Class ifieds



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