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March 29, 1983 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-29

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Honors students told to
seek out fresh ideas

The goal of a college education should
be to choose values that are right for
the individual, education school Dean
Joan Stark told the 60th Annual Honors
Convocation on Sunday.
Stark urged students to work towards
"intellectual independence," which she
defined as the realization that there is
more than one right answer to a
"YOUR TASK as students is to move
beyond memorizing facts and an-
swering questions toward raising
issues, weighing alternatives, and

finally making your own genuine com-
mitments," Stark told the crowd of
3,600 gathered at Hill Auditorium.
Increasing reliance on high
technology in the classroom and a
stronger emphasis on vocational skills
could also discourage students from
exploring a wide variety of academic
areas, she said.
"I don't mean to say that technically
oriented courses necessarily prevent
intellectual development, but they can
have a retarding effect if they do not in-
troduce students to a variety of
viewpoints and challenge them to make

choices and solve problems," Stark
The honors ceremony recognizes the
-University's top students for their
'academic achievement. Among those
honored was Paula Rosenthal, a James
;Angell Scholar who maintained a 4.0
average for eight consecutive terms at
the University.
Other Angell scholars were
recognized for achieving a 4.0 average
for at least two consecutive terms.
Most of the more than 3,000 students
who were honored were recognized for
maintaining a gradepoint of at least 3.5
for two consecutive terms.

r 5

Bigamist sentenced to 36 years

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWI$
Speakers at the 60th annual Honors Convocation included (1. to r.) James Cox, University Alumnus; Joan Stark, School N
of Education dean; President Harold Shapiro; and Vice-president of State Relations Richard Kennedy.
Disrob ing'U'administrators

PHOENIX, Ariz. AP - A convicted
igamist who testified he married 105
women in a wedding march that
became a stampede over the years was
sentenced yesterday to the maximum
34 years in prision and fined $336,000.
"Societyneeds to be protected from
this individual," Superior Court Judge
Rufus Coulter Jr. said in pronouncing
sentence on Giovanni Vigliotto, 53.
The defendant, who scolded the judge
for "hang 'em high justice," was sen-
Stenced to 28 years for fraud and six
years for bigamy, plus the fine.
"HE WON'T do it to anybody else for
a while, will he?" said Patricia Gar-
dner, one of the women Vigliotto
testified he had wed. Vigliotto was con-

victed of bigamy and fraud in connec-
tion with his marriage to Gardner, a
real estate saleswoman.
Defense attorney Richard Steiner
said Vigliotto would have to serve all 28
years for fraud and 4 years, 7 months
for bigamy before he could become
eligible for parole. However, an
Arizona Department of corrections
spokesman said Vigliotto would have to
serve only 22 years and 8 months before
becoming eligible for parole.
Asked whether his client could pay
the fine, Steiner replied, "Lord knows,
but he has a public defender for an at-
IN ADDITION to Gardner two other
women also testified during his five-

week trial that Vigliotto had married
them and swindled them of cash and
Two members of the jury that convic-
ted Vigliotto - Nadine Smaltz and
Thomas Vandenbosch - were spec-
tators at the sentencing and both said
they agreed with the maximum senten-
Vandenbosch said after the verdict
was returned last month that during the
trial he would look at Vigliotto and.
wonder how such an unattractive man
could have won the love of so many
"I THOUGHT, 'Wow, what is it?"'
Vandenbosch said. "There's some kind
of magic about him."

When some people dress for a formal
occasion, they stick to basic black. But
for University administrators, dressing
up can be a complicated chore.
At special occasions, such as Sun-
day's honor convocation, University
deans, administrators, and Regents
must throw off their usual business
suits and don ceremonial robes.
IN FACT, the robes have such ornate
accessories that University officials
need help dressing themselves, said
Evelyn Chipps, a secretary in Univer-
sity President Harold Shapiro's office.
Before each ceremony, Chipps and

other staff members bring the gowns to
the event and help -the officials get
Chipps explained that the color of the
robes and hoods has nothing to do with
the wearer's tastes, but that they
represent the level of education he or
she has achieved.
THE COLOR OF the hoods' lining
signifies the university at which he or
she has earned a degree, she said. A
University graduate, for example,
would have a maize and blue lining.
The length of the hood increases with
the stature of the wearer's degree. A
student earning a bachelor's degree in

May can look forward to donning three.
foot hoods.
A velvet strip on the robe' sleeve in-
dicates the disciplines in which an in-
dividual has earned his or her degree,
Philosophy majors proudly disply a
dark blue strip on their robes' sleeves..
It gets even more complicated. The
length of the velvet strips also vary,
depending on an individual's level of
AN AMBITIOUS doctoral candidate
in public health, for example, can look
forward to stepping out in a robe with a
four-foot hood and a five-inch, salmon-
pink velvet strip.

City candidates square off for '83 election

Unvers'y Ten,

(Continued from Page 1)
2nd Ward
Who says there's no such thing as a
sure bet? Running unopposed,
Republican Thomas "Dick" Deem
seems headed for a sure win in the once
heavily-Democratic 2nd Ward.
The 2nd Ward, which includes most of
the city's northeast side, has yet to see
a Democratic challenge since the city's
1981 redistricting left the ward solidly
Republican. Deem would replace
Democrat Leslie Morris, who is run-
ning for mayor. He would share the
ward with Republican James Blow,
who ran unopposed in 1982.
3rd Ward
The race to watch in this year's city
council elections will be the 3rd Ward,
where Republican incumbent Virginia
Johansen is pitted against Democrat
Jeff Epton.
The 3rd Ward, once strongly
Republican, emerged from redistric-
ting as the city's "swing ward."
Democrat Raphael Ezekiel took the
ward with 51 percent of the vote in last
year's election, and now shares it with
The ward extends from the Diag
through the affluent Burns Park section
to the city's southeastern region. This
includes a large portion of student
Johansen, who is finishing up her first
term on council, says unemployment is
the city's worst problem. "We have to
attract compatible businesses and in-
dustry to create long-lasting jobs," she
sJohansen emphasizes the role agen-
cies like the Washtenaw Development
Corporation must play in attracting
businesses to Ann Arbor. She also
stresses keeping taxes low as a
measure to create an attractive
business climate in the city.
On the ballot proposals, she opposes
the "weatherization" charter amen-
"It was a superb effort by the people
who got the proposal on the ballot,"
Johansen says, "but in the charter it is
inaccessible." Johansen says she
favors a city ordinance for energy
saving measures.
,She is in favor of the pot law repeal,
but adds that "it's not a big deal."
"I can live with the results, but it
seemed appropriate to put it on the
ballot and let the citizens decide,"
Johansen said. "If people use
(marijuana) in their homes, I feel it's
their business."
Epton, son of Chicago Republican
mayoral candidate Bernard Epton, is a
political newcomer who shares few of
0 Johansen's conservative interests. He
said he is disenchanted with the current

Republican majority in the council
where he sees an absence of energy and
interest among Mayor Louis Belcher's
council colleagues, especially in their
treatment of social services.
"We need to spend more money on
social services," Epton said, "and the
area of day-care and emergency
housing are fundamentally important."
By giving tax abatements to big
businesses so they will locate in Ann
Arbor, as was done for Warner-Lam-
bert, Epton says Republicans are
missing the boat.
"Tax abatements are not practical,"
Epton says. "They city is giving away
tax abatements while the mayor says
we have to cut social services."
Epton is opposed to the repeal of the
$5 marijuana law, a proposal he calls
"a red herring."
"Repeal is just another signal that
adult society doesn't care. There is a
substance abuse problem, but singling
out marijuana isn't the right ap-
proach," Epton says, "we need
education on all types of drugs."
He favors the "weatherization"
ballot proposal, and said he feels the
charter amendment is the better way to
reach energy conservation goals give
what he sees as inaction on the part of
city council. "(Council) is not very
reliable," Epton says.
4th Ward
Democrat John Powell may have a
tough time as he squares off against
Republican Larry Hahn in the fourth
ward, a historically conservative sec-
tion of the city.
The two men are vying for the council
position being vacated by retiring E.
Edward Hood.
The fourth ward includes much of
southwestern Ann Arbor through State
St. and Packard, out to Briarwood Mall.
While the odds may be against him,
Powell certainly is not giving up. He has
campaigned rigorously, going door to
door within the ward - A practice he
.says he'll continue with if elected "to
better serve" the residents of that
This will be Hahn's first attempt at
running for public office. Hood
recruited Hahn as his successor, so ex-
pect a candidate who fits into the main-
stream of the conservative community,
something Hahn readily admits.
"It's not a sexy campaign approach,
but I think the city is in pretty good
shape. I want to keep it on that track,"
Hahn said.
"That doesn't mean I'm sitting on my
hands. I'm not so sure this is a given
Republican Ward," he said. "There
hasn't been a contested election in this
Hahn has not been deeply involved in
party politics before this election but is
heavily favored.
"I'm trying to do something for this

city. I'm proud of being'from Ann Ar-
bor," Hahn said.
Thirty-eight year old Hahn is an Ann
Arbor native. He received his MBA
from the University and is currently a
CPA with Deloitte, Haskins, and Sells.
He is also a Vietnam veteran.
He favors repeal of the five dollar
marijuana law, but doesn't see it as an
important issue. He is against the
"weatherization" proposal because he
says it "hasn't been subjected to the
public scrutiny needed."
Unlike most of the other candidates,
Hahn is against Proposal B, which
would levy a half mil tax solely for the
park system.
"I don't like the principal of one
department in the city going outside the
general fund to obtain money," Hahn
said. "It's a bad precedent."
Powell does not see the city in quite
the same light. He says Ann Arbor has
some definite problems and could use
improvement. One of those areas,
Powell says, is city planning.
"We need a coordinated effort bet-
ween the University, the city, the coun-
ty, and the surrounding townships. As
resources shrink, there is a need to pool
our efforts," Powell aid.
He is concerned with bringing high
tech industries to Ann Arbor, he said,
because it would hurt local job security
and cause retraining problems for the
city's workforce.
"There are still people in this city
who don't have technical skills. We have
to make a commitment to the com-
munity to not give tax abatements
without getting something in return,''
Powell said.
Other areas he said he wouldlike to
focus on are safety and crime preven-
tion, handgun control, street repairs,
programs for the poor, and alleviating
the burden of property taxes.
Powell, 41, has lived in Ann Arbor
since 1974 when he was director of the
Michigan office for the American
Friends Service Committee. He is now
assistant director of community ser-
vices for the University.
Powell served on the Ann Arbor
Board of Education from 1979-82 and
also served on the Ann Arbor Human
Rights Commission.
The only ballot proposal that Powell
opposes is the repeal of the $5 pot law,
like most of his Democratic colleagues.
5th Ward
It may go right down to the wire for
the candidates from the city's fifth
ward. Challenger Kathy Edgren lost to
Joyce Chesbrough (R-5th Ward) by less
than 50 votes in last years election. This
year she hopes to come out the winner
in her bid against incumbent Lou
Velker, despite the wards republican
voting history.
Like most of his fellow Republicans,
Velker supports the Downtown
Development Authority and its efforts

to bring business into Ann Arbor.
However, he denies the Democrat's
charge of irresponsibility in awarding
tax abatements.
"We're very careful about who we
give (tax abatements) to," he said.
Velker also advocates lowering
millages in order to attract business to
Ann Arbor but is wary about making
the city a one-industry town.
Velker said he believes the Univer-
sity will play a pivotal role in Ann Ar-
bor's economic future. "I certainly
think the University of Michigan is a
very good reason for a lot of high tech
people to move into this area," he said.
At the same time Velker said he feels
the city has become too dependent on
the University for it's economic sup-
port. "Right now the biggest industry
(in Ann Arbor) is the University of
Michigan," he said. Velker added that
he would like to see the city diversify
it's economic base.
Velker's opponent does not share all
of his beliefs concerning the economic
development of Ann Arbor. Edgren said
she feels tax cuts to large corporations
unfairly shift the tax burden from the
corporation to the homeowner. Edgren
called the Warner-Lambert tax
abatement an "instance of fiscal
She favors giving tax breaks to small
businesses. Edgren also said Ann Arbor
needs to diversify its economic base in
order to provide employment oppor-
tunities at all levels.
She added that the city cannot pin its
economic hopes on the development of
new industry, especially high-
technology firms. "I'm not against high
tech, but I don't think it will be a cure-
all for Ann Arbor," Edgren said.
Like other Democratic council
hopefuls, Edgren has focused her cam-
paign on human services, "I consider
myself a human services professinal,"
she said. Edgren directs the Univer-
sity's Inmate -Project, a branch of
Project Community.
The Democratic challenger would
like to see the city develop a Human


Ward B




N. University


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S. University


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Services Plan that would identify
priorities and solicit potential sources
of support through various city, county
and state agencies.
"At the city level we need to either
meet the needs of the residents of Ann
Arbor or see that they are met by
someone else," Edgren said.
Edgren said he feels the Poverty
Committee formed by Velker has not
done enough to help the needy of Ann
Arbor. "This is the worst Ann Arbor has
been since the Great Depression," she
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said. "I thinik it's outrageous that there
are people in Ann Arbor who are
Velker explained that the delay 4
starting the Poverty Committee's
emergency food distribution systeY
was due to difficulty in findingIi
suitable location.. He added that tfie
Committee allocated funds through
Catholic Social Services, which was
unable to establish a distribution cezi

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