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March 26, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-26

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Summer sublet

supplement inside

,, ,

Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom




y. .
Partly cloudy today with a chance of
rain tonight, The high will be in the
low 40s.

_ ,


Vol. AII, No. 138,

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 26, 1983

Ten CentsI

Fourteen Pages

*FBI agent
Rowe as
An FBI inspector said yesterday that
former informant Gary Thomas Rowe,
accused of killing a civil rights worker
18 years ago, was a volatile person and
hard to control.
Inspector James McGovern testified
yesterday at U.S. District Court in Ann
Arbor that Rowe, who was hired by the
bureau to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan
and feed information to the FBI, was a
"volatile person."
"I would say that he was difficult to
control," said McGovern, who was
assigned to handle the case in 1965 just
after the murder.
VIOLA LIUZZO, a 39-year-old Detroit
housewife, was shot and killed as she
shuttled participants in a voter's rights
march between Selma and Mon-
tgomery, Ala.
She was killed when shots were fired
at her car from another automobile
carrying three Klan members and
Liuzzo's children are holding Rowe
responsible for their mother's death
and are suing the FBI for $2 million.
They are charging the FBI with
negligence for hiring Rowe as an in-
formant when it knew of his violent ten-
ACCORDING TO Neil Shanahan, a
former FBI agent who was in charge of
handling Rowe, the informant provided
the bureau with "information of
unusual value."
"I was more concerned with his
reliability than his stability," Shanahan
But he added, "If I knew that Mr.
Rowe was going to permit or lead
violence; I'd have counseled him again-
st it."
S SHANAHAN ALSO said that he knew
Rowe owned at least four guns, and that
See FBI, Page 2





. ;

tax hike


Doily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Signs like this are becoming a familiar sight around campusas renters rush to find subtenants.

Sublet fever

,Summer scramble torn eis
By JACKIE YOUNG he or she will be anxious to help the tenant find someone to
sublet to over the summer.
It's that time of year again - desperate subletters are THIS YEAR, landlords may have good reason to worry.
scrambling across campus, plastering signs with detachable With the off-campus vacancy rate at an estimated 15 percent
phone numbers on just about any empty wall. and the slight decrease in enrollment this past year, tenants
And they'll have to keep on scrambling, too, since it looks have the advantage in looking for a place to live.
as if there will be fewer students staying in Ann Arbor for the In addition, there are fewer students at the University in
summer, according tothe University's officials. the summer-enrollment in the spring and summer is usually
"ADVERTISE EVERY possible place you can. And start about one-third less than the fall figures, Rumsey said.
advertising soon," said Jo Rumsey, the director of the off- For the person who is subletting, or the "prime tenant,"
campus housing office. Students should take advantage of one important rule of thumb is that yon must have the lan-
kiosks, bulletin boards, ads in the Daily and the Ann Arbor dlord's approval on any prospective tenant, or "subtenant,"
News;and the off-campus housing bulletin boards on the first before signing a sublease, Rumsey said.
floor of the Student Activities Building, she said. ONCE SUBLETTERS find the perfect summer
"Letting your landlord know that you're leasing isn't a bad replacement, they should make a written inventory of the
idea either," Rumsey added, "Since some landlords print condition of their unit before and after the subtenant moves
and distribute lists of summer sublets available." in. It's also a good idea to stay in touch with the landlord and
In many cases, the landlord may be just as worried as the subtenant to make sure the rent is being paid.
subletter that summer rent won't get paid, Rumsey said, and See SUMMER, Page 3

From staff aid wire reports
LANSING - House Democrats
yesterday rammed through a modified
38 percent income tax hike and the'
Senate quickly put finishing touches on
the measure, sending it to Gov. James
Blanchard, who is expected to sign it
next week.
With the vote, Michigan joins a long
list of recession-battered states which
have opted to raise taxes to deal with
declining revenues and federal budget
cuts. The tax hike contained in the plan
will make Michigan's the highest flat
rate income tax in the nation.
pressed relief yesterday after the
legislature's action. The tax hike is ex-
pected to restore the $45 million in state
aid payments already deferred this
Richard Kennedy, University vice
president for state relations, said the
temporary nature of the cut did not
bother him. University officials had
been lobbying for a permanent hike in
order to maintain a solid base of sup-
port in future years.
The increase will help the University
avoid "really impossible budget reduc-
tions," Kennedy said.
"THE DEMOCRATS faced up to the
problem the state had," said House
Speaker Gary Owen (D-Ypsilanti)
shortly before the 58-50 vote approving
the bill. "We voted to solve that
No House Republicans voted for the
bill and only three Democrats - Reps.
Richard Fitzpatrick of Battle Creek,
Sal Rocca of Sterling Heights and Jelt

... enthused after vote
Sietsema of Grand Rapids - voted
against it.
Less than 24 hours earlier, the Senate
approved the bill on a 20-18 vote, with,
one Republican in support and one
Democrat against.
IN CONTRAST to the previous day,'
Senate action, where debate consume&
about five hours, the bill roared through
the House with less than a half hour's
discussion on the floor. Lawmakers met
in closed-door caucuses for about two
hours prior to voting.
A potentially major hitch in the
process was quickly removed when the
House, without a formal vote, gave the

Students campaign to
fight Ed. school cuts


While the University's top faculty
budget committee deliberates over the
future of the School of Education,
students have begun a campaign to t-y
to save the school from massive budget
Students for Participatory Gover-
nance, a group conceived in January to
serve as a liaison between students and
faculty at the school, has begun a letter
writing campaign asking state officials
to pressure the University's Regents in-
to sparing the school. ,
SEVERAL HUNDRED letters have
been sent to Gov. James Blanchard,
Speaker of the House Gary Owen (D-
Ypsilanti), the chairmen of the House
and Senate Appropriations Commit-
tees, the chairman of the House Com-
mittee on Education, and the president
of the state board of education. The let-
ters urge the officials to contact the
Regents and express opposition to the
proposed 40 percent budget cut.
A review commmittee has proposed a
$2 million budget cut for the school, in-
cluding the near elimination of un-

'There is a question as to whether the
review committee had sufficient expertise,
time or resources to do its work, and then
whether they met the charges.'
- Michael Garcia
Students for Participatory Governance

dergraduate education. The school's
dean estimates the total impact of the
proposed cut at 50 percent of the
school's budget. The proposal now is
being discussed by the Budget
Priorities Committee, after which it
must be approved by the executive of-
Michael Garcia, president of the new
student group, said that beyond the let-
ter writing campaign, his organization
is waiting for the budget committee's
recommendation before taking other
STUDENTS AND faculty members in
the two other schools which face large
budget cuts - art and natural resour-

ces - have massed in support for their
schools. The review process for each of
those schools is farther along.
Garcia said he felt the letters were at
least helping to inform key state of-
ficials of the school's plight. "Getting
student concerns out is the key," Gar-
cia said. He also said that even if the of-
ficials decide not to contact the Regen-
ts, the students' purpose will be accom-
plished. "The bottom line is that these
persons in high office might influence
awareness (of the problem), in regard
to the Regents, and other key state of-
ficials," he said.
See STUDENTS, Page 7

Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
Lap of luxury
Gary Remy of Delta Tau Delta fraternity looks on as Craig Coccia enjoys a leisurely ride down Tappan Road in the 1983
Greek Week festivities yesterday.

Goldilocks jailed?
A JURY OF 43 Madison, Wis. first- and-second-
graders weighed both sides on the Circuit Court
trial of Goldilocks, and delivered its verdict:

the Bears' home because she had been chased by a swarm
of bees. "She did not intend to do anything wrong and she is
very sorry for the trouble that she accidently caused the
Baby Bear's chair and eating his porridge. Defense attorney
Carstensen, a student, said "Sorry will not fix Baby Bear's
chair. If Goldilocks doesn't buy a new chair for Baby Bear,
then the bears will have to - and it isn't their fault the chair
broke." "It's one of those things that teaches kids that the
law isn't black or white," Balisle said. "There are gray
areas, extenuating circumstances."

said the woman was arrested 10 minutes later and said she
needed the money for groceries. She was released after
authorities decided not to file charges.
The Daily almanac

many leases contained deceptive clauses. "This is the wor-
st batch of leases we've seen in a lont time," a tenants union
spokesman said.


On the inside...

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