The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 22, 1983-Page 3
Reagan asks Ruckelshaus
to help unsnarl EPA
Ruckelshaus, fired when he refused to
rescue President Nixon from the tangle
of Watgergate, was chosen by another
president yesterday to help unsnarl the
political mess at the Environmental
Protection Agency.
President Reagan announced
Ruckelshaus' nomination as EPA ad-
ministrator at an impromptu news con-
ference where he defended his admin-
stration's record on the environment. B
ut the president added, "I believe we
can do better."
Ruckelshaus said he had been
promised a "free hand" in tryng to
solve the worst crisis in the history of
the agency that he headed at its foun-
ding 12 years ago.
HIS PRIORITY, Ruckelshaus said.
will be to "get on with this enormously
complicated job of cleaning up our air
and water and protecting our citizens
against toxic substances."
Reagan's first EPA chief, Anne
McGill Burford, resigned on March 9
amid multiplying allegations of
mismanagement, conflicts of interest
and "sweetheart deals" with polluters
being investigated by a half-dozen
congressional committees.
In his first stint heading the EPA,
Ruckelshaus was given high marks as a
competent administrator who got the
agency off on the right course.
LATER, NIXON fired Ruckelshaus
when the then-deputy attorney general
refused to fire special prosecutor Ar-
chibald Cox as part of the "Saturday
Night Massacre" during the Watergate
scandal in 1973.
In Congress, leaders of both parties
forecast swift Senate confirmation of
the nomination.
"I predict he will be confirmed over-
whelmingly," said Majority Leader
Howard Baker. Senate Democratic
Leader Robert Byrd said Ruckelshaus
was perceived as "able, a man of in-
Meanwhile a House subcommittee
voted to cite Rita Lavelle for contempt
of Congress just after it released
documents purporting to show White
House political manipulation of the $1.6
billion "superfund" toxic waste
cleanup program she once headed.
The contempt charge came because
E Daily Photo by WENDY GOULD
Delta Delta Delta, Sigma Phi, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon extoll the virtues of cool cool kitty's new guy, while strutting
their stuff to "The Boy From New York City."
Zany contests mark Greek Week
... nominated for EPA chief
Ms. Lavelle, fired as assistant ad-
ministrator at the embattled Environ-
mental Protection Agency, refused to
obey a subpoena to appear before the
House Energy and Commerce sub-
committee on investigations. The vote
was 8-0.
i _
While yesterday's snowfall makes
campus look anything but
Mediterranean, for some students this
wveek will be positively Greek.
Sunday marked the beginning of the
Jniversity fraternity system's annual
Greek Week festivities, which will
continue through Saturday.
ACCORDING TO Greek' Week co-
chairman Ray Johnson, a member of
Sigma Nu fraternity, the purpose of
Greek Week is "to promote a positive
Greek image on campus and to work
together to raise money for philan-
This year, the festivities began
Sunday with a team banner contest,
spaghetti chow-down, and ice cream
social. Last night, fraternity mem-
bers staged a variety show, called the
Greek Sing, at the Michigan Theater,
Activities scheduled for later this
week include a keg stack and waiter
race, a pie-eating contest, a dance
contest, and of course the Mr. Greek
Week pageant Thursday night at the
Michigan Theater.
JOHNSON SAID the festival, now in
its fifth year, has more events and
more participants than ever before.
He also said Greek Week 1983 has
been a success so far this year.
"Our fund-raising goal this year is
$10,000, and as of Sunday night we
were half way there," he said.
All the profits from the shows and
contests will go to charity. Among the
causes set to benefit from this year's
celebration are the Washtenaw
Association for Retarded Citizens, the
Arthritis Foundation, the Multiple
Sclerosis Foundation, the Alumni
Association Scholarship Fund, and
Leader Dogs for the Blind.
The final event of Greek Week will
be the Greek Olympics on Saturday.
While only members of the Greek
system may participate in the games,
everyone is invited to watch.
Council passes energy plan.
Ann Arbor City Council last night
passed 7-4 a resolution to "commit the
community to energy conservation
plans" should a ballot proposal
requiring minimum insulation for ren-,
tal housing fail in the April 4 city elec-
The council resolution, proposed by
Councilwoman Joyce Chesbrough (R-
5th Ward), would only be binding if
voters reject making the
"weatherization" proposal an amen-
dment to the city's charter.
The resolution is similar to a backup
marijuana ordinance passed by council
two weeks ago, which would take effect
if voters repeal the present $5 amen-
Chesbrough and other council
Republicans urged citizens to vote
against the insulation proposal, saying
it would cause too many problems as a
charter amendment because it could
then only be changed by city-wide
"The problem is that in it's present
form the only way to make corrections
to an amendment) is to hold an elec-
tion," Chesbrough said. "This would
result in a slow, cumbersome process."
Chesbrough said "We should use
carrots instead of sticks," to get
people to invest in energy-saving
"The charter amendment is unwieldy
and I would prefer to see this in or-
dinance form," she said.
Mayor Louis Belcher said a charter
amendment "is not the way to go about
(improving energy-saving)."
"I don't feel the city charter is the
place for something like this," he said.
"It's like hitting a small part of our
community over. the head with a
baseball bat and saying 'you will like
Council democrats, voted against the
backup resolution, and said they favor
passage of the weatherization proposal.
The University's Windsurfing Club offers a free indoor clinic tonight on the
sport's equipment and techniques. The evening will feature an action-
packed slide show and everyone is welcome to attend. Be in the Anderson
Room in the Union at 8:30 p.m.
AAFC - The Middle of the World, 7 p.m., Mouchette, 9 p.m., Natural
Minority'Student Services - Japanese Film Series, Red Beard, 7 p.m.,
Trotter House.
Union Arts Program - "The Atomic Weight of Potassium," 12:10 p.m.,
Pendleton Room, Union.
School of Music - Piano Recital, 8 p.m., Recital Hall; Percussion Studen-
ts Recital, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Current and Modern Consort - Premiere concert, 8 p.m., Unitarian
Universalist Church.
Law School - Irving Howe, "Why Has American Socialism Failed?" 4
p.m., 100 Hutchins Hall.
CHGD - Willfred Schramm, "Corpus Luteum Regression in Early
Childhood by Target-Oriented Liposomes," noon, room 1000, 300 N. Ingalls.
School of Education - Milton Stern, "How Will We Educate Them?
University Planning for the 21st Century," 4 p.m., West conf. room,
Urban Planning - Stewart Marquis, "Land Resource Management," 11
a.m., 1040 Dana.
Geological Sciences - John Door, "Indogangetic Megafans," 4 p.m., 4001
C.C. Little. 2
Chemistry - Paul Doherty, "The Search for CO Ice on Mars," 4 p.m.,
1300 Chem.
Computing Ctr. - Bob Blue, "Working with Sigfiles," 12:10 p.m., 1011
NUBS; Chitra Ramanujan, "Intro. to Pascal, III," 3:30 p.m., 176 BSAD.
International Center - Richard Cleaver, "West Bank Settlements,"
noon, International Center.
CRED - Pierre Encontre, "L'Identite de la Zone Franc Comme Systeme
de Change et de Cooperation en Afrique," 12:10 p.m., 340U Lorch.
ILIR - Robert Milbrath, "The Mondragon Cooperative System of Spain:
The Paradox of Leadership," 12:15 p.m., 606 ISR.
Bioengineering - Edward Coale, "Long Term Evaluation of a Joint Knee
Arthroplasty," 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering.
Chinese Studies - Whitmore Gray, "Legal Education & Law; The View in
June, 1982," Noon, Lane Hall.
Steiner Institute - E. Katz, "The Twelve Main Types of Philosophy," 8
p.m., 1923 Geddes.
Lesbian Network - 6:30 p.m., Guild House.
Judo Club -6:30, IM Bldg.
Students for Abortion Rights -7 p.m., Conf. Rm. 4, Union.
Ann Arbor Go Club -7 p.m., 1433 Mason.
CEW Job Hunt Club - noon, 350S. Thayer.
Racquetball -8 p.m., CCRB.
Soc. of Christian Engineers - noon, 315 W. Engineering.
Baptist Student Union -7 p.m., 2439 Mason.
Aikido - 5 p.m., Athletic Building.
Student Wood & Crafts - Intro. to Woodworking II, 7 p.m., 537 SAB.
Extension Service - "Clinical Services for Infants: Theory and Research
into Practice," 8a.m., Sheraton Univ. Inn.
CRLT/Michigan Media - TA Workshop, "35 MM Slide Production," 7
Museum of Art - Art Break, "Forest, Prairie, Plains: Native American
Art," 12:10 p.m., West Gallery.
1982 Hamilton Prize - Award Ceremony, 4 p.m., Rackham Am-
Test Preparation Service - "How to Better Prepare for LSAT and
9 arrested
at rally
Nine people were arrested Sunday af-
ter they charged a group of neo-Nazi
demonstrators outside City Hall.
Those arrested were members either
of the International Committee against
Racism or the Progressive Labor Par-
ty, twotDetroit activist groups. They
were not Ann Arbor residents.
FOUR PEOPLE were arrested for
felonious assault, one person for in-
citing a riot, one person for assault and
battery, two people for disorderly
fighting, and one person for interfering
with an officer.
About 30 demonstrators from the neo-
Nazi SS Action Group of Westland,
arrived at noon Sunday, two hours
'before they were scheduled to march.
About 70 counterdemonstrators were
already present at City Hall when the
neo-Nazis arrived.
Police surrounded the group as they
marched into the parking lot in front of
City Hall. About 30 counter-demon-
strators charged forward and began
stoning the neo-Nazis with rocks and
other projectiles.
POLICE officers rushed in to
separate the groups and arrested nine
people. The scuffle lasted only a few
moments as police herded the neo-
Nazis back into their van.
Ann Arbor Police Chief William Cor-
bett, at a press conference after the
rally, said one police officer received
minor lacerations to his leg, but was not
taken to the hospital.
"I think its regrettable that people
can't come and exercise their first
amendment right," Corbett said.
Detroit attorney Doyle O'Connor,
who is representing the persons
arrested, said he was upset over the
fact that police confiscated the signs
carried by the counterdemonstrators,
because they were potential weapons,
but allowed the neo-Nazis to carry
similar signs. "How they can say
felonious assault against the counter-
demonstrators and not against the
Nazis is beyond me," O'Connor said.
An estimated 70 police officers were
on duty at City Hall for the rally. City
officials said overtime costs amounted
to about $14,000.
"We'd be more likely to deal with the
issue if-the charter amendment were
passed," councilwoman Leslie Morris
(D-2nd Ward) said. "We're jealous that
somebody went out and did something
about energy before (council)."
Councilman Larry Hunter (D-1st
Ward) said council has a responsiblity
to respect the proposal. "The public has
given us a mandate to deal with this
problem whether we like it or not," he
Democrats said the- backup measure
made no mention of mandatory retrofit,
which would require landlords to put
energy-saving improvements in
existing buildings instead of just newly-
constructed ones.
Earlier, council was united in ap-
proving the site plan for Tally Hall, a
six-story shopping mall-parking struc-'
ture hybrid to be constructed later this-
year. The site on the corner of E. Liber-
ty and E. Washington was approved
Blacks accuse fraternity of racism
(Continued from Page 1)
tions of the all-white fraternity. John
Powell, director of the Trotter House,
said he had not heard of the party
before yesterday, but was dismayed to
hear of the practice.
"To deal with the jungle is fine, but to
see it as primitive, to see it with color,
and to see whites in control is racist,"
said Powell. "This gives a sense of the
feeling of superiority white students
Powell added that though the frater-
nity may have had no racist intent, they
may be portraying blacks in a negative
way. By dressing as blacks, they are.
"saying they may be ignorant to the
sensitivity that goes along with a sen-
sitive subject, such as race,"he said.
A WEST QUAD minority peer ad-
visor, who said he had vague knowledge
of the Sigma Alpha Mu party before the
event, said he was "more than a little
pissed" about the party.
"I actually had two initial reactions,"
said Patrick Mason. "First, I said to
myself, 'What's new?' There's always
been a large group of depraved people
who think that it's okay. My second
reaction was that I was more than a little
pissed. It should be shocking that sup-
posedly intelligent people let this kind
of act go on. The fact that it's going on
proves this country has a long way to go
in its racial attitudes."
Clarence Stone, a black former MSA
representative, said the fraternity
members were "narrow-minded and
insensitive" for having the party, but
added tht he felt "impotent to stop it."
Stone said, "There's not much you can
do with a frat when you're outside it."
MEMBERS OF the frater-
nity-known as the Sammies-said
yesterday there was no racial intent
and that the impetus for the party was a
revival of a fraternity tradition. Jeff
Libman, Sigma Alpha Mu's president,
said the jungle theme was revived four
years ago after members noticed
fraternity pictures of "Jungle Parties"
from the 1950s.
"There's no racial intention at all,
that's the last thing we would do," Lib-
man said.
Libman noted that only a few of the
more than 200 people at the party
dressed as "natives." Other popular
costumes imitated Tarzan,Jane, jungle
animals, and even trees. Libman said
the fraternity members separated the
idea of today's blacks with jungle
natives. The people who are upset
"don't have any relation to the jungle,
just an any white person walking down
the street has no relation to the
jungle," he said.
"IT'S ALL done in harmless fun-it's
tradition," said Steve Cohen, the
fraternity's social chairman.
Cohen also said the party was
"definitely not racist." If anyone ap-
proached the Sammies with a com-
plaint, the practice of painting them-
selves would stop, Cohen said.
"We've never been confronted, but:
for sure if somebody said something, it
would definitely stop," Cohen said.
In the past 14 months, at least two
fraternities at Midwestern campuses
have been reprimanded for allegedly
racist actions. Early last year, the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the
University of Cincinatti was suspended
for two years following a party
celebrating Martin Luther King's bir-
thday in January, 1982.
At Michigan State University, the
Theta Chi fraternity was reprimanded
last year for posing iii a fraternity pic-
ture printed in the MSU paper with a
small black doll. The caption beneath
the photo identified the "fraternity
mascot" as "Willie."
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