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Bars & Clubs '
Annie's Dugout - Comedian and
singer Bob Springfield sings
some Seger, Chapin, Billy Joel and
Arbor Valley Inn - Bring all
your brothers and sisters down and
dance to the Mills sisters with the
Diamond backs.
The Blind Pig - Country rockin'
and some quaint originals like
Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly sung
by George Bedard and the Bon-
The Earle - Ron Brooks Trio
Larry Bell on drums and Bill
Evans on piano join Bassist
The Habitat - The Whiz Kids
and their many shades of rock
Joe's Star Lounge - Sun
Messengers,10 pieces from Detroit
playing latin, blues, jazz, and their
own style.
Main Street Saloon - Dwight
Carroll on 12-string guitar and
Mile High Club - Ann Arbor new
wave rockers check out new wave
band from Detroit, Scott Campbell
and the Sillies.
Mr. Flood's Party - Falcons
play danceable Chicago blues with
rock and roll and the best of
Mountain Jack's - Top 40 and
jazz played by Lifeline to make
your life better.
Rick's American Cafe -
Chicago blues will be played by hot
and steamy bluesman, Lonnie
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot entertains
with piano.
Second Chance - Rock back to
the 60s with Dittilies.
Stage Door - Marietta Baylis &
Friends sings heart-felt blues and
sizzling jazz.
University Club - SLK is back
with some of Ann Arbor's favorite
West Bank - It's no mystery
that Mystique will be playing; a
top-40 sextet.
Rabbi Guido's - Panga's lead
singer Yarrow sings jazzy light
rock and folk.
Professional Theater Program
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof continues
tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. This pulitzer-prize win-
ning play by the late Tennessee
Williams follows the story of a
southern patriarchal family that is
consumed by the evils of greed,
ambition and lust. Tickets are $6-
10.50 for the show at 8 p.m. Call 764-
Washtenaw Community College
Maxwell Anderson's The Bad
Seed, about a murderous child run
amok, has a dinner theater per-
formance tonight only . The meal
is at 6 p.m., and the show starts at
8. Tickets for munchies and the
performance are $15. At the WCC
Liberal Arts Building, (4800 E.
Huron Drive). Call 973-3625.
Canterbury Loft
San Francisco-based actor and
writer Moral Quest brings to the
Ann Arbor audience an original
one-person drama Gandhi: The
Tender Fire based on the life of
Mahatma Gandhi, the 20th cen-
tury's most prominent political
advocate of non-violent resistance
and civil disobediance. Perfor-
mance at 8 p.m., Canterbury Loft
(332 S. State). $3. Call 995-0151 or
Performance Network
John L. Beam's award-winning
drama The Mother Lode continues
tonight. Mother Lode is a story
about two ambitious reporters who
go to Calumet, Michigan to in-
vestigate the 1913 "Italian Hall"
incident and find that they get
more than they bargained for. 8
p.m. at Performance Network (408
Washington). $5. Call 663-0681.
University Dance Company
Alvin McDuffie returns to his
alma mater as a guest artist to set
a new dance on the current
generation of the University dance
students for their annual spring
concert this year in the Power Cen-
ter. McDuffie has established a
notable career for himself since
graduating from the University in
'73 in such areas as dance,
choreography and a teacher with
several major dance companies.
Along with McDuffie the Dance
Company presents faculty
choreographers Vera Embree
(Michigan's 1982 Teacher of the
Year in Higher Education),
Willie Feuer and Susan Matheke.
This opening of the Dance Com-
pany's spring concert promises to
be a thrilling event and one
definitely not to be missed. 8 p.m.
at the Power Center. Tickets are
$4-6. Call 763-2071 or 763-5460.
Mr. Flood's Party - The
Falcons flood Mr. Flood's with
danceable rock and easy blues.
Mountain Jack's - Put Lifeline
back in your life with top-40 and
Rick's American Cafe - Lonnie
Brooks hails to Rick's from
Chicago-the finest in blues.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Solo piano with Bart
Second Chance - Oldies but
goodies sung by the Original Dit-
tilies as they take you back to the
Stage Door - Marietta Baylis
and Friends sing blues and jazz.
UniversityClub - The best of
jazz by Lyman Woodard
Organization. See Music.
West Bank - Mystique sextet
brings top-40 to you.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- Be there for Buster Banks with
jazz piano and vocals.
Rabbi Guido's - The lead singer
of Pangea sings jazzy light rock &
Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra
Tonight the Orchestra is proud to
present soloist soprano Kathleen
Battle. Battle, a regular guest with
orchestras across the country is
also a Metropolitan and San Fran-
cisco Opera star. This will be
Kathleen Battles only Ann Arbor
appearance so don't miss your op-
portunity to witness an electrifying
performance. 8:30 p.m. at the
Michigan Theater. Tickets are $5-
10. Call 996-0066.
The Ark
It's a little late for St. Patty's
Day, but traditionalists will still
enjoy the music of Clairseach. Th-
is exploration into the customary
tunes of the Irish culture is
amusing and interesting. Hear
such instruments as the Irish harp
(of course), the button accordian,
the concertina, and the cittern.
This group will amaze you, they're
that good. They won the bicentin-
nial BON-FLEADH harp com-
petition in Ireland. Doors open at
8:30. Call 761-1451 for more info.
Michigan-born jazz musician
Lyman Woodward makes an
tonight at the U-Club. His interest
in that "funky sound" of Chuck
Berry and Fats Domino dates back
to his early years. Come and listen
to this jazz wiz do his magic. The
performance begins at 9:30. Call
763-1107 for more info.
Canterbury Loft
Gandhi: The Tender Fire con-
tinues tonight at 8 at the Loft. See
Friday's listing.
Performance Network
The Mother Lode continues this
evening at 8 p.m. See Friday's
Professional Theater Program
Tennessee William's Cat on a
Hot Tin Roof continues this
evening at 8 p.m. See Friday's
Washtenaw Community College
The Players continue their
production of The Bad Seed tonight
at 8 p.m. See Friday's listing.
Center For Russian and East
European Studies
Nora and Gerald Papasian will
present dramatic readings of the
works of Armenian Authors. The
Papasians are reknowned for their
incredible ability to captivate
audiences with their verbal and
visual interpretations. 8 p.m.
Trueblood Arena Theater in the
Freize Building. Call 764-0351.
University of Michigan Students
The public forum on "Crossing
the Impasse: A Look at the 'U' in
Crisis" continues today (see
Friday's listing). This morning at
11 there will be an issues workshop
on the following topics: "Working
at the University: Job Security
Tenure" "Research and Acad-
emic Freedom; "Reviewing the
Review Process"; and "Re-
direction. Implications for Non-
White Students."
An afternoon session at 2 deals
with the theme "Alternatives."
Rackham Auditorium Call 662-7973
or 763-3129. Free.
Ann Arbor Antiquarian
30 midwest dealers offer old,
rare and fine volumes for this
Fourth Annual Fair and Sale. The
books cover a variety of topics in-
cluding English literature, sports,
religion, cookery and much much
more! Many books for under $5
and some for more than $100. Don't
miss this annual sale & fair at the
Michigan Union Ballroom from 10
a.m.-5 p.m. Call 995-1891 or 662-
Canterbury Loft
Ann Arbor musician Mark
Sullivan and lighting artist Wayne
Gillis present a concert of "Elec-
tronic Meditations" tonight at 8.
Sullivan plays guitar and syn-
thesizer while Gillis operates a
light show featuring projectors and
laser. The music is basically gentle
and meditative in mood as well as
highly improvisational. Canter-
bury Loft (332 S. State). $2. Call
The Ark
Utah Phillips performs wild
songs tonight from the Golden
voice of the Great Southwest." Call
Professional Theater Program
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof plays
again this evening at 8. See
Friday's listing
Panhellenic Association
Come tour your favorite sorority
house today from noon 'til 3.
Homes that have provided a com-
fortable setting for studying and
socializing for over a thousand
University women reflect the
changing history of these sororities
through the many additions added
to houses that were constructed at
a time when hand carved
moldings, stained glass and
detailed panneling was not an un-
thinkable luxury. Most of these
houses have retained their original
architecture and today's tours will
definitly prove fascinating. $2 for
adults, $1 for students. All
procedes go to research for Lupes
Disesasae Disease. Call 663-4505.
University Club - Dance party
with your favorite DJ.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's -
Buster Banks jazzes up your
evening with piano and vocals.
Alliance Francaise d' Ann Arbor.
University Law Professor
Joseph L. Sax, author of Mountains
Without Handrails, lectures today
on "Exploring the Backcountry of
France: The Regional and
National Parks." Professor Sax,
an authority on environmental
law, has hiked through much of the
little-known regional park system
of France. Today he relates some
of his experiences on the trails and
his observations on the differing
approach to environment used in
the French and American national
parks systems. The program is in
English and will be held at 8 p.m.
in the Lawyers ClubLounge, Hut-
chins Hall in the Law School. Open
to the public. Call 665-5425. Free.
University Club - There's a
Reggae Dance Party tonight to
keep your Tuesday goin'.
West Bank - Mystique whips up
top-40 hits in a danceable style.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's -
Buster Banks plays jazzy piano &
University Student Chapter of the
Wildlife Society
This week is Wildlife Week and
in honor of this occasion the
Society will sell posters from the
Michigan DNR. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at
the School of Natural Resources in
the Dana Building. Call 761-8408.
Rackham School of Graduate
The 1982 Hamilton Prize, awar-
ded annually by the University for
the best scholarly book-length
manuscript illuminating some
facet or facets of the life, roles or
position of woman, past or present,
will be awarded to anthropology
professor Sally Price of Johns
Hopkins University at 4 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheater.
Professor Price's prize-winning
work "Co-wives and Calabashes:
The Social and Artistic Life of
Saramake Women" will be
published by the University Press
The public is welcome to join in
today's ceremony. Call 764-7260.
School of Education
The topic of the School of
Education's colloquium today is
"How Will We Educate Them?
University Planning for the 21st
Century." Today's lecture will
feature Dean Milton R. Stern of
University Extension at the
University of California, Berkeley,
as program presenter and
Professor Emeritus Cyril 0. Houle
of the University of Chicago as
reactor. 4 p.m. in Rackham West
Conference Room. Open to the.
public. Free.
Dharma Study Group
The Group presents "Taming the
Mind" tonight at 8, a public talk
and course in room 206 at the Bud-
dhist Meditation and Study Center
(206 S. Main). Call 769-7065 or 593-
Bars & Clubs
The Earle - Larry Mander-
ville plays piano solos for your en-
Joe's Star Lounge - It Play
blasts off with contemporary rock.
Mile High Club - Whiz kids offer
danceable rock tonight.
Mr. Flood's Party - Geroge
Bedard and Mr. B add a twist to
your basic rockabilly with boogie
Mountain Jack's - Lifeline jaz-
zes up your favorite top-40.
Rick's American Cafe - Seeds
of Europe plays contemporary
rock the likes of XTC & Split Enz.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) -Bart Polot enlightens
you with piano.
Second Chance - The winner of
Michigras' battle of the bands is
onstage tonight.
Bars & Clubs
The Earle - Larry Manderville
soothes you with piano solos.
The Habitat - Come dance to
the versatile rock of Whiz Kids.
Joe's Star Lounge - Falcons fly
into Joe's with rock in a dancin'
Mr. Flood's Party - Steve
Newhouse Band is rollin' country
rock your way.
Mountain Jack's - Top-40 hot
hits in a jazzy way with Lifeline.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer)- Bart Polot gives you
wonderful piano solos.
Second Chance - Mariner keeps
you hyped-up with top-40 rock.
University Club - Local
comedians get their chance to keep
you laughin' at Laugh Track.
West Bank - Mystique plays
top-40 hits tonight.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- Buster Banks is back beltin' out
blues & jazz on piano & vocals.
University Student Chapter-of the
Wildlife Society
In honor of Wildlife Week the
Student Chapter sells more posters
today. See Tuesday's listing.
Ann Arbor YMCA
The 'Y' is sponsoring an all-day
trip to the Toledo Museum of Art
today to view an exhibit on "Art in
Dance." This special exhibit ex-
plores the relationship between the
visual and performing artist and
includes such sorks as 19th century
paintings and sculptings as well as
video tapes of modern dance in
America. A docent will lead the
group through the show. The bus
leaves the Y at 9:30 a.m. and
returns at 3 p.m. $18 for non-
members. Call 663-0536.
English Composition Board.
The Board is sponsoring a lec-
ture entitled "Using Evidence in
Your Research Paper." Litsa
Varonis is the lecturer for the
event from 4-5 p.m. in 2203 Angell
Hall. This lecture guarantees to be
beneficial for all attendents. Call
764-0429. Free.
Department of Classical Studies
For the Second Gerald F. Else
Lecture in the Humanities
Professor Meyer Reinhold of the
University of Missouri and visiting
professor of Boston University,
will speak on "The Human Nature
in Greco-Roman Thought." 8 p.m.
in Rackham Amphitheater (4th
floor). Free.
Kathleen Battle: Michigan Theater, Saturd
Bars & Clubs
Annie's Dugout - Bob
Springfield is back for another
evening of song & laughs.
Arbora Valley Inn - Diamon-
dback with the Mills Sisters sing
rock and country.
The Blind Pig - Country rock
and memorable oldies with
George Bedard and the Bon-
The Earle - Ron Brooks and
friends get the Earle going tonight.
The Habitat - Whiz Kids rock
and roll; don't miss it.
Joe's Star Lounge - Latin,
blues, jazz-Sun Messengers bring
it all to you tonight at Joe's.
Main Street Saloon - Scat lets
you dance to top 40 and rock.
Mile High Club - Pat Mallon
sends sweet folk songs on guitar &
Bars & Clubs
Del Rio - Local jazz group from
5-9 p.m.
Joe's Star Lounge - Three ban-
ds support the Committee to
Prevent Recriminilization -
Beaucoup or Cobra, the Blue Front
Persuaders, and a third.
Main Street Saloon - Fusion and
electronic jazz originals played by
jazz quintet, Tantra. -
Mr. Flood's Party - The Blue
Front Persuaders feature Steve
Wethy on piano.
Rick's American Cafe -
Epicurean plays 60s rock classics
and some originals.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Solo pianist Bart Polot
sets the mood for the Gandy Dan-
Second Chance - Original Dit-
tilies give you another chance at
Second Chance to hear their rock
of the 60s.
Bars & Clubs
The Blind Pig - George
Bedard and the Bonnevilles are
beltin' out rollin' rockabilly.
The Earle - Lary Manderville
entertains your evening with sweet
piano solos.
Joe's Star Lounge - R & B
classics along with spicey originals
with Blue Front Persuaders
Mile High Club - Terry Tate hits
the scene with blues guitar, piano
and vocals.
Mountain Jack's - Get some
jazz ineyour top-40 favorites with
Rick's American Cafe - Dirty
Rats get your evening goin' with
original bluesy rock, very dan-
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Piano in a
sophisti cated style with David
Second Chance - Urbations are
back dancin' up the Chance crowd
with wild hits.
and the B-sides belt out rock 'n roll
all night.
Mr. Flood's Party - Trees
swings into Flood's with smooth
Mountain Jack's - Top-40 tunes
by Lifeline this evening.
Rick's American Cafe - Ann
Arbor's rousing rocker Steve Nar-
della is poundin' out the hits
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot solos on
University Club - Come listen to
the folk and jazz of your local
favorites at Soundstage.
West Bank - Mystique winds up
your evening with top-40 music.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- Buster Banks sings out the jazz
while playin' piano.
Eclipse Jazz
Eclipse Jazz sponsors a jam
session tonight from 9:30-1 a.m. at
the U-Club. All musicians welcome
for this session, which is tenatively
scheduled to air on WCBN (listen
to CBN for more details). Call 763-
5924. Free.
University Musical Society
One of today's most gifted
pianists, Murray Perahia, perfor-
ms this evening at 8. Perahia goes
far beyond sheer virtuosity to
communicate with his audience as
he plays works by Mozart,
Beethoven, Chopin, and Liszt. Hill
Auditorium. Tickets $6-16. Call 665-
Iowa State
The Iowa State Singers in a guest
performance this evening at St.
Andrew's Church (306 N. Division)
at 8 p.m. $3 for adults, $1.50 for
Professional Theater Program
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof hits the
stage again tonight at 8 p.m. See
Friday's listing.
Blixt Gal
The Bli
come see
in its las
cade). Fr
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this week
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Call 764-0
Bars & Clubs
Blind Pig - 'Paul Geremia per-
forms originals and classic coun-
The Earle-Larry Manderville
solos on piano tonight.
The Habitat - Whiz Kids are
keepin' up the contemporary rock
scene tonight.
Joe's Star Lounge - B.B. Bell
Lonnie Brooks: Rick's, Saturday
8 Weekend/March 18, 1983
9 We
8 Weekend/March 18, 1983 9 Wi