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March 17, 1983 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-17

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 17, 1983-Page 5
Prof. kicks off Marx
centennial conference

Calling political and economic
theorist Karl Marx "an intellectual vir-
tuoso," University Prof..Charles Tilly
helped to kick off a two-day conference
commemorating the centennial of
Marx's death.
Tilly, a professor of history and
sociology, told more than 200 people
packed into an Angell Hall auditorium
that Marx's theories have survived
because his theses on
proletarianization and the French
Revolution and his emphasis on class
struggle have stood the test of time.
MARX IS acknowledged by scholars
to be the founder of international Com-
munism. He is most known for his book,
Capital, and his "Communist
Manifesto," commanding the "workers
of the world" to unite in revolution.
Marx deviated from traditional
thinking, Tilly said, because of his em-
phasis on the importance of the coun-
tryside as the place where the
proletariate originates and his rejec-
tion of previous theory.'

Tilly said that the French Revolution,
which Marx called "the lighthouse of
all revolutionary efforts," followed
Marx's thinking on bouregeousie
revolution, as the French bourgeousie
replaced the incumbent monarchy.
TILLY ALSO pointed out flaws in
Marx's thinking, saying that Marx un-
derstated the importance of the
working class in France, and
discredited the politics of the French
peasantry, calling the peasants
"fragmented and reactionary" when
they were really organized radical.
Socialism today isn't perfect either,
Tilly said. "No doubt that a resurrec-
tion of Marx would be surprised and in-
dignant at seeing Socialism today," he
said. He used the analogy of one seed
producing many mutants to represent
the proliferation of socialist political -
groups today who sometimes deviate
from Marx's original theories.
Following Tilly at the opening
ceremonies was Prof. Goran Therborn
from Lund University in Sweden.
"MARX WAS the most historically
influential social thinker since the

death of Mohammed," Therborn said.
He also described Marx as a
"revolutionary political strategist," "a
scholar," and a "philoso her of
The conference, which was sponsored
by the Center for Research of Social
Organizations, is just one of many
tributes that have taken place all over
the world.
AT HIGHGATE cemetery in London,
where Marx is buried, more than 900
people gathered at his grave last Mon-
day. Ironically, only 30 people attended
his burial a century ago, where his
lifelong partner Frederick Engles
eulogized him by saying, "The greatest
living thinker has ceased to think."
The University conference continues
all day today, with workshops that will
further explore Marxist philosophy.
The public is welcome to attend the
sessions, which will be held in the
Rackham third floor conference rooms
and in the Frieze Building.

LSA professor Charles Tilly speaks at Angell Hall yesterday. His speech, entitled "Marx The Historian'" was part of
,"The Karl Marx Centennial Conference" still going on at the University today.

Mexican leader says
co r i
C~ountry is st able

Conference examines automotive future


*9XICO CITY (AP) - President
Migiel de la Madrid says he rejects the
Reagan administration's "domino-
theory" fear of a leftist takeover in
Central America, and insists that even
if At happened it would not affect
Re also claims Mexico's severe
economic problems will not cause
political instability or lay the country
open to threats by leftist forces.
" MEXICO IS a very strong domino
and will not be easily toppled," de la
Madrid told a group of visiting U.S.
publishers Tuesday. He added that he
was "pleased to see that there has been
some new understanding of this
situation in the United States gover-
ment" but did not elaborate.
De la Madrid, who took office Dec. 1
for a six-year term, said Mexico is
"concerned by the political tension and
violence in Central America" but op-
poses military solutions.
"Mexico insists on negotiated
agreements between countries and
Within countries," he said. Repeating a
long-standing offer by Mexico to
mediate in the region's conflicts, he
said his administration would be

pleased to cooperate "in any action
aimed at these objectives."
THE REAGAN administration last
year turned down an offer by de la
Madrid's predecessor, President Jose
Lopez Portillo, to mediate between the
United States and Cuba and between
the United States and Nicaragua's lef-
tist Sandinista regime. The U.S. ad-
ministration also strongly criticized a
joint Mexican-French statement in 1982
recognizing the leftist rebels in El
Salvador as a legitimate political force.
De la Madrid acknowledged that
Mexico is going through its worst crisis
in half a century. But "Mexicans are
trained to deal with crises," he
declared, "and our political, economic
and legal institutions are solid."
"WE ARE STILL going through
serious difficulties, but we are begin-
ning to see some signs of relief. The
hardest times are just ahead," he said.
He said the government renegotiated
one-fourth of its $83 billion foreign debt,
secured $3.9 billion in bailout loans
fiom the International Monetary Fund
and obtained another $5 billion in new
bank loans.
Tourism, the country's second-


de la Madrid
... rejects domino theory

(Continued from Page 1)
Nevertheless, we will try to hold off this
local content bill," he said. "I don't
think you will see any general protec-
tive barriers being erected."
Professor Keichi Oshima of the
University of Tokyo also stressed the
importance of a competitive world
"Revitalization can only be achieved
through continued technological
development, and competition will
provide incentive for that develop-
ment," he said.
OSHIMA ALSO said cooperation bet-
ween auto corporations might be an ef-
fective means of gaining technological
Intercorporate cooperation proved to
be a point of contention at the conferen-
ce. The representatives debated the
merits of a recent agreement between
General Motors Corp. and Toyota
Motor Co. to begin joint construction of
a new small car in the U.S.
John Smith, GM director of world-
wide product planning, said the only
alternative GM had to the proposal was
to get out of the small car business
"But we've sold more than 2 million
Chevettes - more than any other car

foreign or domestic - and we're not
going to walk away from that," he said.
SMITH SAID the agreement was an
effort to foster cooperation and free
trade between the U.S. and Japan.
"Protectionism in any form offers
only a retreat to the economic
isolationism of the 1930s," he warned.
Speaking for the Reagan Ad-
ministration, MacDonald said, "We
welcome the investment, even a token
investment. The flow of investment by
Japanese companies in the U.S. is one
way of relieving intense political
pressure on the U.S. government."
Bluestone, who is now a professor at

Wayne State University, described
methods for revitalizing the auto in-
dustry by restructuring ' labor-
management relations. Labor costs
have traditionally been cited as a major
factor reducing America's com-
petitiveness with Japan, but Bluestone
said "labor is only one very small part
of unit costs.
Scientific management techniques
should be replaced by the "in-
stitutionalization of employee in-:
volvement," he said. "There is a need
for a change in the work force in which
the knowledge and the experience of the
work force can be utilized.

biggest dollar earner after crude oil, is
booming due to the devaluation of the
peso. The president said his gover-
nment has cut spending sharply,
reducing the budget deficit from 17 to 8
percent, and reached agreement with
business and labor leaders to keep both
price and wage increases down.
The president said all this plus other
belt-tightening measures will help
economic recovery and will also help to
offset the reduction in revenue
resulting from recent sharp drops in oil
prices. Mexico, one of the five largest
producers and exporters, had to cut its
prices an average of $2.50 a barrel this
week, reducing export revenues $1.5
billion a year.

A conversation on how women grow and change
Barbara Fuller, clergywoman, co-founder of
Inter-faith Council for Peace
March 18th at noon
Guild House 802 Monroe 662-5189
Lunch (homemade vegetarian soup) is available at $1.00
Program is sponsored by Guild House and funded in part by
Michigan Commission/United Ministries in Higher Education




Airport expansion plan doesn't take off


(Continued from Page 1)
to begin seeking the grant.
"Before the City Council ever asked
for information, the Michigan
Aeronautics Commission was told the
City Council wanted this," said Leslie
Morris (D-2nd Ward). "We were all
abbergasted by the news," she added.
MORRIS SAID she is worried that the
ramifications of the grant investigation
may harm the city. "The credibility of
Ann Arbor getting grants is in doubt,"
she said.
Lowell Peterson (D-1st Ward) said he
was surprised by the seriousness of the
mayor's actions. "I always knew that
h@(Belcher) was capable of a petty
power play, but I didn't think he could
do'something so blatantly misguided,"
Mayor Belcher said he has done
nothing wrong. "I have been up front on
theissue forever," he said.
.NSTEAD, HE charges the
legislators with playing "backdoor
politics." He said Bullard and Pollack
knew about the grant more than a mon-
th.ago and didn't say anything until just
a :few weeks before the elections.
To me it is the most brazen use of

secret back.door power," he said of the
Belcher said Rep. O'Connor opposed
the expansion plans for personal
reasons. "Margaret O'Connor's house
is five miles off the runway," he said.
"She doesn't want planes flying over
her horse farm."
Peterson said Belcher had deceived
the Council. "He clearly misled Council
and falsified a document," he said.
reconsideration argument. "Even Lou
Belcher should understand that Oc-
tober comes before Jannary."
Councilmember Edward Hood (R-4th
Ward) said although he was against the
expansion plan, he saw nothing wrong
with what Belcher did. "I see nothing

wrong with what the mayor did. It had
to come back to (City) Council
anyway," he said.
Both Peterson and Morris noted that
it would have been more difficult for the
council to reject the grant after it had
been approved by the State Legislature.
Hood also saw the investigation as a
powerplay, but one made by other
Council members. "Leslie Morris is
running scared and using this to em-
barrass Mayor Belcher," he said.

3|Sigbi n fltUilg
Classifieds get results!

Do you know anyone
who's in favor of drunk
driving? Not likely. And yet
many people have driven when
under the influence of alcohol,
or will do it at least once.
Take a look at some
chilling statistics. One out of
every two of us will be in-
volved in an alcohol-related
accident sometime during our
lives. Last year alone, more
than 25,000 people died in
such accidents; an additional
1.5 million were injured. A
disproportionate number of
those killed were under 25
years old.
The cost of drunk-driving
accidents amounts to over $24
billion every year in property
damage, loss of wages, medical
and legal fees. Not to mention
the emotional pain to the vic-
tims' families and friends.
What is being done
about it? Over the years,
many different approaches
have been tried: mandatory
jail sentences, stiff fines,
license suspensions, alcohol-
rehabilitation programs, and
higher drinking-age laws.
No single countermeas-
ure seems to do the job by
itself. Tough laws, unless they
are supported by equally tough
enforcement and the certainty
of punishment, don't seem to

work over the long run. Even
with all three, probably the
most effective single thing we
could do is to examine our
own attitudes about drinking
and driving.
How much do you really
know about the effects of
alcohol? The facts may sur-
prise you. For example, a lot
of people believe that beer
and wine are less intoxicat-
ing than other drinks. In
fact, a can of beer, a glass
of wine, or a 1 -ounce drink
of 86-proof liquor are all
about equally intoxicating.
A lot of factors deter-
mine how quickly you'll get
drunk. Your body weight, how
much you've had to eat, and
the number of drinks you have
over a specified time all make
a difference. That's why it's
so hard to know when you've
had too much.
A common legal defini-
tion of intoxication is .10 per-
cent blood-alcohol level. For
a 160 lb. person, it takes about
four or five drinks in the first
two hours on an empty stom-
ach to reach the legal limit,
compared with three or four
drinks in the first two hours
for someone who weighs 120
lbs. Of course, your judgment
and reaction time will be
impaired well before you reach
the legal limit.
At General Motors, we're

car. The Department of Trans-
portation is now field-testing
that device.
We also strongly favor
all efforts that focus attention
on the problem such as the
Presidential Commission on
Drunk Driving. Make sure
your friends and family know
the facts about mixing alco-
hol and driving. Drunk driv-
ing will only stop when we
all decide it isn't socially
acceptable. Be self-confident
enough to admit when you've
had too much to drink to drive
Meanwhile, seat belts
are still your best protec-
tion against drunk drivers.
They can't prevent an acci-
dent, but they will help save
your life during a serious
crash- whatever the cause.
This advertisement is part of
our continuing effort to give
customers useful information
about their cars and trucks and
the company that builds them.
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