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March 17, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-17

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43Iai i

_ _

Vol. XCiII, No. 130

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 17, 1983

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Criticism of
Dow Chemical
Pstricken from
EPA report
From AP and UPI
CHICAGO - Comments critical of Dow Chemical Co.'s
handling of a dangerous chemical were deleted from an En-
vironmental Protection Agency report on orders from a
Washington official, a regional EPA spokeswoman said
In what regional EPA Director Valdas Adamkus described
as an "unusual" handling of the report, the conclusions im-
plicating Dow in dioxin contamination were removed on or-
ders from an EPA Washington task force headed by Donald
Barnes, said Kathy Brown, public affairs director of the
Chicago EPA region.
THE ORIGINAL draft in the spring of 1981 included con-
clusions that said:
"Dow Chemical of Midland, Mich., has extensively con-
taminated their facility with dioxin and has been the primary
contributor to contamination of the tittabawassee and
I Saginaw Rivers and Lake Huron."
the draft also said consumption of fish from those water-
ways "should be prohibited.'
These conclusions were removed from the final report sent
to Washington and the Michigan Department of Natural
Resources, Brown said.
N Brown said Dow received the draft report from EPA's
Washngton headquarters.
"Dow reviewed it and made comments, and was directed
to phone the comments to the reginal office," said Brown.
"They were received by Clark and the other scientists. It was
then that the regional group and the dioxin work group in
Washington made changes over a period of time through com-
ference calls between the two groups..
IN WASHINGTON Hernandez told a congressional com-
mittee that he allowed Dow "in good faith" to review the
original draft but denied ordering deletion of unfavorable Chief of shades DaiIy
references.Ch e ofs asY
EPA Inspector General Charles Dempsey said that as a Make waves store owner, Mark Thomas, watches
result of disclosures about the report "we're doing an investi- his punk paraphenalia store located on State Stree
See CRITICAL, Page 7 is no longer in danger of closing. See the story on pa
Students, faculty clash

Legislators block
Belcher's airport
expansion plans


The Joint Committee on Transportation an-
nounced yesterday that it would begin an in-
vestigation into possible violations by Ann Arbor
Mayor Louis Belcher in his attempt to obtain a
grant to expand the Ann Arbor airport.
The announcement comes in the wake of a sur-
prise move by three Ann Arbor legislators to block
the airport grant in the House Appropriations
Committee and send it back to the Joint Capital
Outlay Subcommittee.
THE MICHIGAN legislators, Sen. Lana
Pollack, Rep. Perry Bullard, and Rep. Margaret
O'Connor, all expressed shock at what they felt
was contradiction of the will of the people of Ann
"What we have here is a pretty serious
violation," said Rep. Perry Bullard. "The cer-
tification process went forward without the
knowledge of the City Council."
Mayor Belcher has backed the airport expan-
sion project for several years. Since 1975, the
Council has voted three times not to allow the ex-
pansion. The last vote took place in 1979.
On Oct. 10, Belcher held a meeting with mem-
bers of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission and
the Federal Aviation Authority. At that time, the
legislators said, Belcher told the Commission that
the makeup of the Council had changed and he
wanted to apply for a federal grant to improve the
THE GRANT Belcher applied for is a federal
grant but must be appropriated by the state
According to the legislators, on November 17 of

last year, the Michigan Aeronautics Commission
appropriated $3,608,000 for the expansion project.
The grant was then sent to the Joint Capital
Outlay Subcommittee for aproval.
It was a fluke that anyone discovered that the
grant had been passed by both the subcommittee
and the commission, said Barbara Perkins, an
aide to Sen. Pollack. During the beginnng of, the
legislature's new term, she said, someone men-
tioned to Pollack that the airport was due to get
alot of money for expansion.
AT THIS POINT!, Pollack contacted the other
Ann Arbor representatives. Under the Freedom of
Information Act, Bullard and O'Connor requested
details of the meetings Belcher had held to gain
preliminary approval of the grant.
The legislators decided that no popular support
existed in the council to support Belcher's action,
so they took their case to Thomas Hertel, chair-
man of the House Transportation Committee.
Following a meeting with Hertel they decided to
release the information to the council members
and the press.
Bullard said he saw several problems coming
out of the grant investigation. "The mayor at best
has lost touch of the fact that he is not the whole
city council, and at worst has committed a federal
felony," he said,
BELCHER SAID he had been given the "okay"
by the city council in January when they agreed to
reconsider the issue and asked for more infor-
According to several council members, the
decision to reconsider was not a mandate for Belcher
See AIRPORT, Page 5

the stairs leading into
et. The new wave store
age 2.


over research
By GEORGEA KOVANIS the best means of develop
Students and faculty members technology.
clashed over the question of controlling But LSA senior Ken Naffz
non-classified University research improved weapons systems on
during an open meeting of the Research improved methods of human
Policies Committee yesterday. tion.
The committee recently completed a WE'VE NEVER had a weapo
proposal which would extend guidelines in this country that we ha
for classified research, especially used," he said. "What kind
defense-related projects, to non- conscience do we have?"
classified work. Three of the committee's fo
YESTERDAY'S open meeting was members agreed with Naffzin
called to provide a forum for public . "The University is not a pa
discussion of research policies at the form research that's going
Univeristy. human beings," said student
r Herschel Weil, professor of electrical Tom Marx.
and computer engineering, said the Marx further criticized his
University should not limit defense- tee for not seeking more stu
related research because it saves lives. when they were formulat
A strong defense system serves "to proposal and for "riot dis
deter people from killing people," he broad enough range, of issues.
said, and the University provides one of FACULTY members said

ping new concerned that guidelines u
fere with their academic fre
inger said "I'm responsible for my r
nly lead to the effects of my reseal
n destruc- Patrick McCleer, assistantf
electrical and computer eng
ns system Others (faculty members
ve never did not want any researchi
of social because they said even defe
research can be a valuable
ur student contribution.
ger. "TO ME, THE research I
ace to per- research that has to be don(
to harm generations," said researc
it member Ervin Holland-Moritz.
In his 25 years at the
s commit- Holland-Moritz said he
(dent input policies such as those being
ing their crippled project develop
cussing a blames restrictive guidelin
'' e See STUDENTS, Pa
they were e,

would inter-
esearch and
rch," said
professor of
) said they
e academic
'm doing is
e for future
ch scientist
has seen
ment. He
nes for the
age 3

Daily Photoby ELZABEITI Ul
Michigan Student Assembly defense research investigator Roger Kerson questions members of the Research Policies
Committee at yesterday's open meeting, where faculty and students discussed the proposed quidelines on University research..

Bo to pushfor rules
to limit pro recruiting

'U'hosts automotive conference

Michigan football Coach Bo Schem-
bechler will testify before the 18-
member Senate Judiciary Committee
in Washington, D.C., today regarding
legislation which would allow
professional leagues to forbid teams
from signing undergraduate college
The bill under consideration would
provide a limited anti-trust exemption
so that professional sports leagues
would have the option of passing rules
to bar college athletes from dropping
out of school to join pro teams.

troduced the Collegiate Student Athlete
Protection Act on Feb. 28. It is co-
sponsored by Sen. John Tower (R-
Texas) .
Schembechler was unavailable for
comment yesterday, but Michigan
athletic director Don Canham outlined
what the Wolverine coach plans to say
in his testimony.
"He'll say that you can't run an inter-
collegiate football program and keep it
on a high level if you're going to lose
players before they develop," Canham
said. "That's an essential complaint."'
See BO, Page 9

Japan's history of protectionist
policies will soon hurt its car industry
and force them to become more com-
petitive in the international market, in-
dustry representatives concluded at
yesterday's meeting of the U.S.-Japan
Automotive Industry Conference.
"The heyday of the Japanese auto in-
dustry has been reached and from now
on they're in the struggle just like
everyone else," former United Auto
Workers vice-president Irving
Bluestone told a crowd of 800 represen-
tatives gathered in Rackham
workers in Japan runs deeper than in
the U.S.," Bluestone said.
Several other speakers at the con-

ference shared Bluestone's optimism
that the world auto market would soon
be expanding beyond Japanese
"The Japanese are being perceived
as being too successful for their own
good," said Chrysler vice-president
Robert Perkins.
HE ACCUSED the Japanese of
evading responsibilities inherent to
being an international economic power,
such as overseas investment and main-
taining an open world market.
"An island fortress mentality
prevails in Japan," Perkins said.
"(Chrysler is) encouraged by Nissan's
and Honda's investments in plants in
Tennessee and Ohio. But Nissan's and
Honda's investments are only the first
steps in the right direction."

While he called for the Japanese to
drop their isolationist business prac-
tices, Perkins also called for the adop-
tion of protectionist policies by the
United States.
"WE MUST protect our mnnufa. -
turing sectors as a matter of national
policy," he said.
Unless Japanese industry heads
begin "substantial and meaningful in-
vestment in North' America," Perkins
said, "they will face the prospect of in-
definite content quotas."
But U.S. Deputy Trade Represen-
tative David MacDonald said he doub-
ted the U.S. would enact protectionist
"THIS CONGRESS is a more protec-
tionist Congress than the last one.

... calls protectionism a "retreat"

Campus meets Canham Award
SOME LOVE HIM, some hate him, but we got him. Don Facult
Canham will be the guest of the Daily and Canterbury nomin
Loft at today's edition of Campus Meet the Press. A three- Michig
member panel will question the athletic department's awards
famed director at 4 p.m. in the Pendleton Room of the
Michigan Tninn Audience members will be allowed to A ...

rsity, here's a chance to show your appreciation. The
of Student Services and the Michigan League are ac-
g nominations for the annual Student Achievement
s, designed to honor students who have shown out-
ng achievement in activities outside the classroom.
y, students, and staff members can turn in their
ations at the Office of Student Services, 3000
;an Union, before Friday, March 18 at 5 p.m. The
s will be presented on April 13. Q
%, r I -

and Lynn Desenberg of Improve Michigan's Policy,
Academics, and Communications Today (IMPACT) and
Mary Rowland and Jono Soglin of It's Our University
(IOU). Four students are competing for two openings on the
Student Publications Board.
The Daily almanac
N THIS DAY in 1891, the "U. of M. Daily" received re-

as the Ann Arbor Vietnam Day Committee finalized plans
for its participation in the International Day of Protest, and
the Voice Political Party held an unauthorized noon rally on,
the Diag.
* 1980 - The Dead Boys, a punk rock group from Ohio,
performed at Second Chance but the show turned into a
"near-riot" in which musicians and an audience of nearly
600 exchanged verbal insults, beer, and glasses, forcing the
band to scramble for cover.


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