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January 11, 1983 - Image 1

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See editorial, Page 4


Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom

4E ai1Q

Skies will be mostly cloudy today.
There's a chance of snow as tem-
peratures hover around 30.

Vol. XCIII, No. 82 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 11, 1983 Ten Cents Eight Pages




million in



'U' officials
to name
on Friday
Stepping up their plans to create a
private, profit-making research cor-
poration, University officials will name
ha committee Friday that will work out a
inalproposal for the project.
The committee will consist of seven
faculty members and three local
businessmen whose main objective will
be to appoint an interim director and
iron out the corporation structurally
according to George Gamota, director
of the University's Institute for Science
and Technology, who will chair the
GAMOTA SAID only the seven
faculty members will be named on Charles Giles, director of business ser
Friday. These faculty members will water in the college's library. A broke
;then choose the participants from in the lower levels of six buildings Sun
Gamota said University ad-
ministrators decided to go ahead with
the plan to create a Michigan Research
Corporation, which would develop and
market the discoveries of University
researchers; was completed after the
MRC received endorsements from
University deans and faculty late last
What we're entering now is phase
three" and what we're trying ton, , From AP and UPI
put some meat on the skeleton," FrmAanUP
Gamota said. OSSINING, N.Y. - Rebellious in-
GAMOTA SAID he believed the mates at Sing-sing state prison last
MRC's interim director would be night announced the release of four of
chosen from within the University, but 17 guards held hostage for three days.
See MRC, Page 2 State officials would say only that the
1984 Closer i

Administrators fear
massive budget cut

Governor James Blanchard.announ-
ced yesterday his first steps to cope
with the state's huge budget deficit -
plans that include what may turn out to
be the largest budget cut the University
has ever experienced.
Because of a "severe" cash shortage
and the state's tide of red ink, Blan-
chard said that $500 million in January
and February aid payments to state
schools - including $26 million to the
University - will be held back to keep
the state deficit from growing.
BLANCHARD refused to say how
long the money would be held, but state
budget office spokesman Pat McCarthy
said the funds would not be released
"until they (the governor and
lawmakers) reach a resolution on the
budget situation."
Blanchard also warned that although
the action is being labeled a deferral, it
is "quite possible" the money will not
be fully paid back.
If the $26 million is not repaid, it
would be the largest cut the University
has ever received.
IN THE PAST the state has made
good on its promises to pay schools
back. But the deferrals have never been
for an indefinite period, and ad-
ministrators fear it may be different
this time.
"The ominous thing is the governor's
lack of assurance that (the state) can
make up the payments, "' said Univer-
sity Vice President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy, "If that's the case,

AP Photo
rvices at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, wades through knee deep
n city watermain emptied an estimated 8 million gallons of wter causing flooding
Eay morning.

0 0
ig inmates claim
of four hostages
prisoners' claim was "not totally inac- Timothy Russert, spokesludn for Gov.
curate." Mario Cuomo, said of the claim.
The prisoners, in an announcement "Developments which are occurring
over a bullhorn, said four hostages this very moment would seem to be
were freed in exchange for food. very favorable."

... withholds large part of 'U' aid
then (the deferral) is bigger than
anything we have ever known.
"If the University is forced to sustain
that magnitude of loss permanently,
our general fund would be literally
bankrupt," said University President
Harold Shapiro in a statement released
A REDUCTION of that size would
force the University to cut more money
See STATE, Page 3

"IT IS NOT totally inaccurate,"

See NY, Page 3


you think

Is the world foreseen by George Or-
well in his book 1984, with its om-
nipotent "Big Brother," becoming a
University professors from several
disciplines will examine this and other
questions at an upcoming conference
entitled "The Future of 1984," to be held
March 10-12.
ENGLISH PROF. Enjer Jensen,
coordinator of the conference, said the
idea for the meeting was spurred
mainly by "the coming of 1984."
Even though the novel was written in
1949, "there is a growing interest in it,"
Jensen said.
"People are beginning to think about
the horrors of nuclear war," he said,
"and it's more important to talk about
(the book) in 1983 than in 1984."
"WE WANT to discuss why 1984 has
had such an impact, what gives it ap-

peal, what is its relevance, and will this ce "is an occasion to rE
relevance change after 1984," said well's prophesies and
Engineering College Humanities Prof. these were realistic."
Gorman Beauchamp, who will be a par-
ticipant in the conference. Law Prof. Francis
Sponsored by the English department discuss a paper on the
and the Michigan Council for the vasion of 'privacy today
Humanities, the conference will draw Prof. Richard Bailey w
scholars from around the country and role of language in the
from several areas of study, ideologies.
illustrating the impact of the novel.
"It's more than just a work of fiction," Other University fac
Jensen said. "It draws on many dif- participating in the con:
ferent disciplines." Joseph Adelson,I
Participants will contribute papers psychology, and Le
reflecting their thoughts on different associate professor of:
issues and themes presented in the book at the University's Dear
to promote discussion and an exchange
of ideas, Beauchamp said. IN ADDITION to fac
POLITICAL SCIENCE Prof. Alfred from various universitie
Meyer, who will present a paper Senator Eugene McCart
dealing with Orwell's political view ex- attending.
pressed in the novel, said the conferen- "(McCarthy) was invi
From AP and UPI
edWASHINGTON - The Upjohn Co., citing a clean
"safety record" overseas, yesterday urged gover-
nment approval for what would be the first injectable
V e e contraceptive in the United States.
Less than an hour after a public board of inquiry on
the drug's fate opened, however, the National
Women's Health Network announced it plans to sue
Upjohn on behalf of American women it says suf-
fered adverse effects from the drug, Depo-Provera.
THE HORMONAL contraceptive, administered by
injection in three month intervals, has been a subject
of controversy for more than a decade - much of it
focusing on studies in which research dogs and
monkeys developed cancer.
i Upjohn is the chief, but not the only, manufacturer
v e of the drug which is usually administered by a
physician. It is a synthetic similar to human

vflect upon Or-
how many of
Allen will also
issue of the in-
iy, and English
ill focus on the
e formation of
culty members
ference include
professor of
slie Tentler,
social sciences
born campus.
ulty members
s, former U.S.
hy will also be
ted because of

his political involvement and literary
sophistication. We wanted people from
non-academic professions too,"
Beauchamp said.
Also attending will be Bernard Crick,
Orwell's biographer and professor at
the University of London.
ALTHOUGH THE final format has
not been decided upon yet, Jensen said
there will be "opportunities for the
community to join in the discussion."
"There is something to be gained
from dialogue between participants,"
said law Prof. Allen. "The views ex-
pressed.. . can lead to exchanges that
are interesting, and even exciting."
Ideas from the discussions will be in-
corporated into a study guide for high
school and college students to help in
understanding the book, Jensen said.

FDA ask
to appr

progesterone, which inhibits ovulation.
Upjohn, based in Kalamazoo, Mich., insists the
studies were unsound and safe use of the drug by
more than 10 million women during the past 20 years
is a better and more accurate test.
ALTHOUGH THE Federal Drug Administration
twice refused to approve it as a contraceptive, in 1973
and 1978, it has been permitted in the United States
since 1960 for treatment of advanced endometrial
and kidney cancer.
With the backing of the World Health Organization,
it is used as a contraceptive in more than 80 coun-
tries, including West Germany, Belgium, Sweden
and France.
Upjohn says Depo-Provera has proven to be 99.7
percent effective as a contraceptive, making it equal
See FDA, Page 2

ifj eta]

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Israeli leader speaks
Daniel Amit, founding member of the Committee Against the War in
Lebanon, tells an audience at the Michigan Union yesterday that the
strength of the Israeli peace movement is growing. Amit, whose appearance
was sponsored by the New Jewish Agenda, stresses that Palestinians now
living in Israel must be involved in the country's future.


War between the states
OR SEVERAL years, South Dakota Gov. Bill Janklow
has been trying to lure businesses to his state from
neighboring Minnesota. The competition between states

peace offering, he invited Janklow to be his guest at
National Football League playoff game between
Vikings and the Falcons. Janklow said he was too busy.


only thing I've seen is two does," said Wilson, 53. "And that
was out of doe season, so I didn't get a shot." A hunting
buddy, Doug Phillips, who drove down to take a look at the
contraption said it was "fixed up right good. I've never hun-
ted from a convenience like this." Russell, 42, and Wilson
are avid deer hunters, but deer season closed without either
man bagging one. Nevertheless, they said, the blind will
stay put until next year. Cl

*1917 - The women of the University of Minnesota for-
med an organization known as the Anti-Gossip Club. It at-
tempted to offset the influence of the Gossip Club, which
held weekly gab-fests on campus.
* 1943 - William Revelli held a meeting for all potential
members of Michigan's first All-Girl Band. More than 35
women attended.
" 1952 - The State Fire Marshall called for the immediate
rainr of fi Uvrcity hnik,,ldiacr n et NaL.~f ~l tha Wact.

Flushing game




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