Four anti-Klan protesters
arrested in minor scuffle
From AP and UPI
SOUTHFIELD, - Four robed
Ku Klux Klan members, led by Im-
perial Wizard Bill Wilkinson, dodged
eggs and rocks as they pcketed briefly
yesterday outside the offices of subur-
ban Detroit television station.
The four white-robed and hooded
Klansmen protested outside the offices
of the Southfield-based WXYZ-TV
because the station - under public
pressure - had cancelled a debate
between Wilkinson and a former Black
Panthers member.
As the Klansmen approached the
gates surrounding the studios, about
people, some hurling rocks and eggs
aid shouting obscenities, rushed the
group and began beating them with
fists until police disbursed the crowd.
THREE ANTI-Klan protesters were
Scharged with assault and battery and
with resisting and obstructing police of-
fices, while a fourth was charged with
assault and resisting police. All four
were released on $100 bond.
"We had one officer slightly injured,"
policeman Mike Martin said.
"Everybody, including the Klan mem-
bers, were just bruised and shaken up a
little bit."
Wilkinson said he would press assault
and battery charges against those
KLANSMEN warned police they
would protest at the station.
"They will be in there full regalia, or
as Wilkinson puts it, 'with their pointy
hats on,' " Southfield Police Capt. Jen-
nings Shaver said after meeting with
Wilkinson earlier.
"He (Wilkinson) said they intend to
try to get some attention but the media
has blacked him out so far and he doub-
ts if he would get any," Shaver said.
"WE WANT TO put a little heat on
WXYZ, and the best way to do it is to let
them know who's out there picketing,"
Wilkinson said. "Obviously, that's (the
hats) our identification. We'll be
wearing our robes. When the priests go
out to demonstrate, they wear theirs."
The demonstration lasted less than
1 hours, ending at 2:20 p.m. when
Klansmen left in a pair of cars amid a
chorus of blaring horns and insults
shouted by pasuersby.
Car crash kills three agents
issigned to protect royal party
Calif. (UPI) - A head-on car crash
yesterday killed three Secret Service
agents assigned to protect Queen
Elizabeth II as the royal party headed
irto the snowy Sierra for the weekend.
The queen and Prince Phillip went to
Yosemite National Park to relax after
hosting a wedding anniversary dinner
that turned into an intimate late-night
champagne party for President and
Mrs. Reagan on the royal yacht in San
Francisco Bay.
10 THE DEAD agents were part of the
detail assigned to protect the queen and
Prince Philip during a weekend in the
national park. The accident did not in-
volve the royal motorcade, which
passed through the area about 30
minutes later, the California Highway
Patrol reported.
The identities of the dead agents were
withheld pending notification of their
There were at least two other in-
juries, including a sheriff's deputy.
A HIGHWAY patrol spokesman said
a Mariposa County sheriff's patrol car
Their name might suggest otherwise, but with its clear, crisp picking, The
Hot Mud Family is one of the hottest midwest bluegrass bands. The group
will be performing at The Ark, 1421 Hill St. Doors open at 7:30 and the show
begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5.
AAFC - Nran Guin, Color of a Pomegranate, 7 p.m., Aud. A.
CG - Hiroshima, Mon Amour, 7 & 10:15 p.m., Lorch.
Hill St. - Modern Times, 7 & 9 p.m., Hill St.
CFT - Dressed to Kill, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Trumpet Recital - Robert Sullivan, 2 p.m., Recital Hall.
Oboe Recital - Vi Huffman, 4 p.m., Recital Hall.
Clarinet Recital - Doug Storey, 6 p.m., Recital Hall.
Piano Chamber Music Recital - Heasook Rhee, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Choral Conducting Recital -Joseph Line, 4 p.m., Rackham.
Musical Society - Dresden Staatskapelle, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
PTP - "The 1940's Radio Hour," 2 p.m., Power Center.
Aikido - Practice, teacher T. Blackburn, 6 p.m., Wrestling Rm., Athletic
Racquetball - Practice meeting, 9 a.m.-noon, Courts 1 through 5, NCRB.
Women's Athletics - Basketball, Mich. vs. Minnesota, 2 p.m., Crisler
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - Exhibit, "Ikebana - Japanese Flower
Arranging," lobby.
William Monroe Trotter House - Exhibit, 110-piece photographic exhibit
depicting the fampus personalities and confrontations of the civil rights
movement, 6-10 p.m., 1443 Washtenaw, free.
The University Activities Center kicks oiff Michigras festivities with a free
film festival at MLB 3. Films include Ride the Wild Surf, Head, at 8 p.m., and
The Last Picture Show at 10 p.m.
CG - Japanese Film Series, 7 p.m., Lorch, free.
Creation Science, film by Students for Origins Research, 7 p.m., Univer-
sity Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw.
Trombone Recital - Gordon Good, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Poetry Series - Will Cares and Chuck Cares, 8 p.m., The Guild House, 802
Academy of Early Music, "Seicento Transalpino," featuring Concerto
Castello, 8 p.m., Pendleton Rm., Michigan Union.
Women's Research Club- Mary Crichton, "The Image of Male Beloved
in Women's Love Poetry," 7:45 p.m., West Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Computing Center - Introduction to Tell-A-Graf, Forrest Hartman, 3:30 -
5 5p.m., 176 BSAD.
Department of Chemistry - "Synthetic Routes to
Dimetallocycloalkanes," John D'Errico, 4 p.m., 1200 Chemistry Bldg.
Young Workers Liberation League - "Apartheid in South Africa: Who
Supports It? Who Fights Against It?" Goeffrey Jacques, 7:30 p.m., Trotter
Women in Design-"Trends in Illustration," Les Miller, 7:30 p.m., School
of Art Rm. 2104.
Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays - 7:30 p.m., First Methodist Chur-
ch. 120 S. State St.
Washtenaw Committee Against Registration and the Draft - Planning
sideswiped a Secret Service car on
state highway 132 between La Grange
and Coulterville, then continued down
the road and crashed head-on into
another Secret Service car.
Although the royal motorcade was
detoured around the crash scene on a
parallel road, photographers in a van
following the queen's limousine said the
wreckage was clearly visible to the
passing royal party.
The queen's physician, traveling in
the motorcade, offered his services but
was told local authorities had the mat-
ter in hand.
The agents killed in the crash had
been driving ahead to reach the hotel
and sleep before going on duty at mid-
night, a Secret Service spokesman said.
The royal press spokesman, Michael
Shea, told reporters the queen "was ex-
tremely saddened by the news" of the
Mic higras
fes t ivities
to begin
tom orro w
(Continued from Page 1)
the road will go toward financial aid,
Grumer said.
Saturday will feature a dance
marathonsponsored by Zeta Beta Tau
fraternity to raise money for the
AmericanCancer Society.
GRUMER SAID UAC will open an
arcade and casino in the Union Satur-
day night, which will include "jello
snarfing," hairy legs, and poker con-
tests. Chances to play ping-pong,
billiards, and snooker will also be of-
The week's festivities will wind down
with a champagne brunch at the Union
beginning midnight Saturday, Grumer
BOSTON (AP) - He is in his 20s or
30s, a little shorter than average, a little
overweight. He prefers a firearm -
usually a rifle - and is likely to kill his
victims in their homes. More often than
not, he sports a mustache.
That, say two Northeastern Univer-
sity professors, describes the American
mass murderer, a killer who they say
does not fit the popular perception of a
gibbering madman who kills strangers
from rooftops or performs mutilations.
"THE TYPICAL mass murderer is
extraordinarily ordinary," said Jack
Levin, a sociology professor who, with
criminology professor James Fox, has
studied 42 mass killers. "He's the guy
next door. He doesn't stand out in a
Fox and Levin looked at cases in-
volving murders of four or more people
from 1973 to 1980, comparing them to
single homicides.
The cases of mass killings, involving:
at least 500 deaths, provided the
researchers with a strong impression of
who is likely to kill and what factors
lead to such deadly bursts of rage.
"THE MASS murderer is a distinct
phenomena that we should try to under-
stand," said Fox. "What we understood
until now was based on a few case
studies which are biased."
The researchers also say mass mur-
der is on the increase, possibly because
of the increasing pressures of society.
Many of the killers studied had recently
lost their jobs or undergone divorce.
Others went on homicidal benders for
In the past two months, the country
has recorded two separate mass mur-
ders. Twelve men and one woman were
slain Feb. 19 in a holdup at a Seattle
Chinatown gambling club. Two men in
their early 20s have been charged with
the crime.
THIS WEEK six residents in remote
McCarthy, Alaska, were shot and
killed. Authorities have charged Louis
Hastings, a 39-year-old unemployed
computer programmer, with the
deaths. No motive has been established
in the killings.
Fox and Levin say a mass murder is
a masculine crime. Of the 42 cases
studied, only one involved a woman. It
is also a white man's crime. Fox said
only eight of the mass murders studied
were black.
Geography also plays a role in mass
killings. The researchres say such
crimes are likely to occur on the East or
West Coasts. They are more unlikely in
the South, which Levin says has a
higher than average homicide rate.
of a fight, over money, out of honor or
love. You don't have that kind of fight
with four people at once," he says.
The researchers found that in half of
the mass killings studied, the murderer
knew his victims. More than likely,
those victims were family members..
"Very typically, in these cases, the
killer is a man who is trained in the use
of weaponry, who has a gun in the house
and who one day just kills his family,"
said Fox.
LEVIN SAID these killings often
have their roots in revenge.
"There may be a divorce or
separation involved," he said. "In or-
der to get even the husband will come
back and kill his wife and children as
Levin said the other large percentage
of mass killings take place during
another crime, usually robbery. These
types of murders are usually the well-
planned acts of a sane person.
"These people are not crazy in either
a psychiatric or a legal sense," said
Levin. "They are evil, but not crazy."
. The researchers say only a small
percent of mass murderers fall into the
category they call "glassy-eyed,
deranged killers." These crimes, they
said, citing Ted Bundy, who was con-
victed of slaying two sorority sisters
and a child in Florida, are the most
Such findings, the researchers say,
are an important step toward under-
standing the causes of mass murderers
and could possibly lead to ways of spot-
ting potential cases.
"Mass murder is an extreme form of
aggression and we had better start
trying to understand it," Levin said.
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A Southfield police officer (with cap) grabs a bystander provoked by a demonstration of Ku Klux Klan members outside
Detroit television station WXYZ yesterday afternoon. Bill Wilkinson, imperial wizard of the Klan is second from the
U.S.mass murderer s found
very ordinary in new study
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