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March 06, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-06

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Ninety- Three Years
Editorial Freedom


Mi iw au


Here yesterday, gone today. Mostly
cloudy and not as warm with a chance
of thundershowers. High in the mid

Vol. XCIII, No. 121 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 6, 1983 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Gophers go as
Breuer rejects

prepare for
pope's visit

Special to the Daily
MINNEAPOLIS-They may not have
as much notoriety or pizzaz as the
Houston Cougar fraternity Phi Slamma
Jamma, but the brothers. of Min-
nesota's Breuer-Blocka-Youa invited
the Wolverines into their house and
rejected the young Michigan hopefuls.
Fraternity president, and 7-3 center,
Randy Breuer blocked nine shots and
intimidated would-be Wolverine
scorers to lead Minnesota to a
highly entertaining 88-75 whipping of
Michigan yesterday.
IT WAS SENIOR Breuer's final game
in front of the packed-house crowd of
16,791 Gopher partisans, and when the
big man was taken out of the game with
38 seconds remaining, the roof came
down amidst an ear-shattering two-
minute standing Breu-vation.
"He was awesome," said Michigan
coach Bill Frieder after the game.'
"When you've got a guy 7-3, that works
hard, plays defense, scores and blocks
shots, you've got a real gem. Defen-
sively, he did a tremendous job. We
tried to take it inside on them and they
swatted it away."

. Breuer also had 17 points and grab-
bed 10 rebounds to go with his blocks.
Most of the swatting came in the first
half, as Breuer had seven to go with
four from reserve forward Jim Peter-
sen, as Minnesota took control of the
game midway through the half.
THE WOLVERINES came out strong
behind the 'inside scoring of center Tim
McCormick, who had 17 of his game-
high 24 points in the period, and took a
25-21 lead. But just as in Wednesday's
loss at Wisconsin, the Wolverine offense
broke down and stopped being able to
penetrate the Gopher zone defense.
"We put more pressure out on the ball
in the zone," explained Minnesota
coach Jim Dutcher. "When we
pressured them (outside) they didn't
have as much time to see the inside. We
forced them to dribble."
Meanwhile, the Gopher offense
awoke and Minnesota sizzled with a 21-4
run midway through the half, which
gave the team a 36-25 lead. Petersen
and Roland Brooks, who scored 11 of his
14 in the first half, each scored two con-
secutive buckets and it was off to the
races for the Gophers.
See GOPHERS, Page 8

(UPI)-Pope John Paul II arrive
exuberent welcome in Panamay
day as papal aides revealed
Nicaraguan leaders had askedf
help in discouraging U.S. milit
tervention in Central America.
In El Salvador, the gover
tightened security for the papa
today after announcing a plot
John Paul had been uncoveredE
in the week.
A Salvadoran guerrilla lead
UPI in a telephone call yes
however, that the reported plot
hoax by the government to discre
Dail Phoo b JEF SCHIER guerrillas.
dress. at the 1983 Bronze that in releasing a statement
y the Alice Lloyd Minority' plea by Nicaraguan leaders, thi
clothing, donated by many was making an indirect appeal
red by the Residence IFalls Reagan administration to s
dialogue and a political solutio
Is Reagan bi

ana ma
d to an
d that
for his
ary in-
al visit
to kill
er told
t was a
edit the
ma said
on ,the
ie pope
1to the
n in El

The Vatican statement said that
during a meeting between the pope and
the Marxist-led Sandinista junta in
Managua last Friday junta leaders said
Washington was preparing for military
intervention in El Salvador and
possibly Nicaragua.
U.S. intervention could lead to a
regional explosion, the statement
quoted the Nicaraguans as saying.
THE STATEMENT was given to
reporters aboard the papal plane as the
pope flew into Panama City from Costa
Rica on the fourth day of his eight-
nation tour of Central America and
His reception in Panama contrasted
sharply with the raucous events he ex-
perienced in Nicaragua, where
progovernment activists drowned out
his homily with chants of "We want

French Connection
Student Kandis Davis models a Parisian-style
Elegance fashion show, presented last night by
Council. Davis was one of 35 students modeling
local merchants at the show, which was sponsor

Financial aid:

A year ago, 7500 students marched on Capitol
Hill to protest the Reagan administration's
proposed cuts for financial aid. The press
described the demonstration as "massive,"
calling it a revival of the war protest spirit of
the '60s.
Actually, the movement never came close to
war era activism. Tomorrow, when students
are supposed to gather again in Washington to
demonstrate for financial aid and the repeal of
a law that links aid to draft registration, less
than half as many as last year are expected to
show up - and not a single representative of
the University of Michigan will be there.
LAST YEAR's protests were sparked by
Reagan's proposals to eliminate three federal
aid programs. Student lobbying efforts were
partly responsible for blocking the cuts in
This year, students are not as alarmed about

'A lot of fighting took place last year for the cuts and
people are tired this year, they have sat back and
become complacent.' - Randy Hayman, LSA sophomore

Reagan's proposed restructuring of federal aid
programs for 1984-85, which will stiffen the
requirements for students to become eligible
for grants and loans.
In comparison to last year's financial aid
scare, when programs were expected to go to
zero, Reagan's modified proposals for 1984-85
have gone seemingly unnoticed among higher
education officials.
This lack of response is dangerous, however,
because the proposed changes could have an
even greater effect on students than last year's
proposed cuts, said Kathy Ozer, an organizer of

the conference, called National Student Action
and Lobby Day.
IF APPROVED, the 1984 budget proposal
would collapse three federally funded student
aid programs into one "Self-Help Grant"
program, which would require students to pay
40 percent of the costs of attending school - a
minimum of $800 - to qualify for federal funds.
The three programs to be eliminated are the
Pell Grant, the Supplemental Educational Op-
portunity Grant, and the National Direct
Student Loan.
In effect, the "Self-Help Grant" increases the

... testified before Congress

Michigras planners
promise week of fun

u ing?
amount of money students can receive, but
decreases the number of students who are
ALTHOUGH THE appropriations will be the
same, from the 1983 to the 1984 school year, the
restructuring of the programs would severely
affect middle-income students, said Thomas
Butts, the University's Washington lobbyist.
Butts said the 1984-85 budget proposals are
misleading because overall there has been a 20
percent reduction in federal student aid since
Right now, federal aid makes up only 50 er-
cent of students aid package compared to 1981
when it covered two-thirds.
"REAGAN HAS not changed his philosophy
but modified his methods," Butts said. "He is
still in line with the long-term goal to cut federal
funding to education."
See STUDENTS, Page 2
o to polls
BONN, West Germany (AP) - A
slow economy and West' Germany's
future role in NATO are the 1majoe
issues today in what the Soviet and
Western blocs are calling the most im-
portant elections in the country's 34-
year history.
In hisyfinal campaign speech yester-
day, Social Democrat challenger Hans-
Jochen Vogel called the arms race "an
intolerable scandal" and urged voters
to give him a mandate "to do everyting
possible to make the stationing of fur-
ther U.S. missiles superflous."
CHANCELLOR Helmut Kohl said
during his final campaign appearance
that a vote for his conservative
Christian Demeratic Union would show
MASCK West Germans "want to remain a part
of the Western world."
The wrapup speeches in the two-
ther month campaign underscored the im-
ons, portance of defense issues in a country
with an active peace movement and
See W. GERMANS, Page 2

Students will have a chance to eat,
drink and be wildly merry en masse
beginning tomorrow when the Univer-
sity Activities Center kicks off the first
day of Michigras 1983.
The annual carnival, which will run
throughout the early morning hours of
Sunday, March 12, is designed to "bring
the spirit of fun back to the University,"
said Michigras chairperson Terry
"IT'S REALLY an all-campus par-
ty," she said. "UAC is trying to get
students to realize there is a lot to do
In recent years, Michigras has been
shortened to a single day or evening of
activity. But Grumer said this year's
celebration will be more reminiscent of
those held during the early 1970s.
"We wanted to bring back the car-
nival atmosphere of the event that oc-
curred with Michigras over ten years
ago," Grumer said.
TO ENCOURAGE campus-wide in-
volvement, UAC members will be
distributing buttons, balloons, and t-
shirts throughout the week.
A film festival tomorrow at the

Modern Languages Building will be the
first formal activity of the week.
Festivities will move to the University
Club Tuesday for the weekly Reggae
Night, complete with a live band.
A multi-bar beer chugging contest
will be staged Wednesday night at
Dooley's, Second Chance, the U-Club,
Charlie's, the Count of Antipasto, and
Rick's American Cafe. Winners at each
of the bars will compete against one
another in a chug-off Saturday night at
the Michigan Union.
TEAMS OF students will compete for
t-shirts Thursday afternoon during a
pizza-eating contest at the Union. Later
on that night, judges from recording
production companies will listen to
competing musical groups in a "battle
of the bands," which will continue
through Saturday.
Clowns and jugglers will entertain
passers-by on the Diag Friday and local
bars will feature a number of happy
hour specials.
The evening's highlight will be a
roast of President Harold Shapiro by a
panel of administrators, faculty and
student leaders. A $5 admission fee to

Doily Photo by BRIAN M
Flanker fan
Former Michigan flanker Anthony Carter signs an autograph for Michigan Panther fan Matt Marsh during "Pan
Fan Day" at the Pontiac Silverdome Friday. Carter's new team will play its first game tomorrow against the Stalli
the United States Football League team from Birmingham, Ala.

Swim trunks
I NA THE ELEPHANT, following the nature of her
species, will probably never forget her maiden
voyage on a waterbed. Her keepers aren't likely to


cause serious damage," he added. A stampede was averted
when circus owner Tommy Hanneford grabbed a knife
and slashed the bed. Water gushed onto the basement floor
and the elephant was able to regain her footing on the
sagging bed.E

Inspector Clousseau (a detective portrayed by actor Peter
Sellers in the movies)," said Nashville Detective john Pat-
ton. Q

" 1935-Two physicians connected with the University at-
tacked fraternity Hell Week practices on the grounds that
the period was physically and mentally harmful to the
" 1941-A Bureau of Student Opinion poll revealed the
Daily was third in campus preference among newspapers
behind the New York Times and Detroit Free Press. The
Gargoyle tied Technic, The Literary Digest,, and Good
Housekeeping for 31st on the list of campus magazine
preferences. l

The Daily Almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1952, Detroit activist Arthur McPhaul

Buis band it.



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