4 OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, March 2, 1983 The Michigan Daily. PARADE oversimplifies class of '83 I By Steve Masse Sunday papers (Feb. 20) all over the country were carrying the Parade magazine, which ballyhooed the "Surprising Class of '83." Since I usually read the Sunday paper, I did not boycott this issue even though my teeth were grinding at the thought of yet another "analyst" rambling on and on about the so- called changes of college life. "Colleges and universities are no longer 'playgrounds of the elite," Hank Whittemore writes. Give me a break. First of all, colleges were never playgrounds. The only reason students were tagged as elitist was that there was a draft deferment for students in the six- ties and early seventies, and non-students had to bear the brunt of military conscription in the wake of John Kennedy's Vietnam policies as executed by Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. THUS THE students, as always, were seen to have the easy life. All they had to do was read Freud and grow their hair long, and draw flowers, and eat granola and protest-a picture drawn by the media and by the political machine, and a picture still propagated to this day. No wonder "'people look back at campus radicalism and joke about that behavior."' Leave it to the media to continue its sim- plistic encapsulation of events, by taking the distortions and then writing sequels to the distortions. "'Now you sit down at meetings and decide what to do,"' Whittemore quotes David Meyer, former editor-in-chief of the Michigan Daily. David Meyer belongs with the media, for his vision of the world is typical of many news people: he sees things as through a glass eye, darkly. Simple' common sense would show that the only reason people can sit down and have a meeting now is because the radicals of yesteryear are in the offices of today, and are allowing the open-minded discourse they fought for to continue. Whittemore also writes, "The class of '83 has learned from the errors and benefitted from the advances of those years." This is only half right. The class of '83 has done what' was necessary to become the class of '83, and that's all. Just like the classes of '63 and '73. The class of '83 has very narrow basis for learning from "errors" of previous generations, because "assassination, urban rioting, Vietnam, cam- pus turmoil, and Watergate" are obscured from sight with a vengeance, for they are no longer chic, and when they are brought up, they are always presented inaccurately. Maybe Hank Whittemore has learned something from the sixties, but it is implausible that past "errors" have taught anything special to people who neither lived through the turmoil as adults, nor have occasion to relive that turmoil now. STUDENTS today don't need to rally or protest for what was already fought for. Students don't have to mobilize. There is no war, there is in- stead a laissez-faire attitude toward the federal government, apparent in the fact that there is more protest over the cost of the next war than there is over the inevitability of it, Herman Wouk's war novels notwithstanding. Today there are only random pockets of protest over issues that in the late sixties would have caused major protests, but to wish for that atmosphere would be anachronistic. Neither age is wiser. To dub this generation as one of "Pragmatic Idealism" is also offensive, for to do so assumes that students ten years ago were not pragmatic or idealistic. Contentions that today's student has "a greater sense of realism, knowing that things are complex and hell-bent on trying to prove that violence doesn't work, through peaceful mass protests. Most violence then was initiated by non- protesters, by people who resented other people for fearing and hating war actively; and other violence related to rioting was done not by students, but by desperate and hungry people. To intimate student violence was prevalent then is a media distortion. Not to mention that guns make more change than people like to accept-a sad lesson that the peace workers of the past tried so hard to negate, and got Kent State for their efforts. There was a lot of energy put into social change in the sixties and early seventies. Kent State won't be forgotten, because it dramatized a time, impossible to reproduce today, when the military was pitted against their civilian peers by the propagation of lies by the media and the acceptance of those lies by a good part of the population. Maybe Kent State and other obvious "errors" of the past may be avoided, but the class of '83 will make its own mistakes. The present state of college life is the direct result of all the energy that students in the six- ties and early seventies have invested as veterans of a home-fought civil war, which admirably was fought more with words than with guns. Students today can ride the crest of that change against racism change against sexism, change against close-mindedness which began years ago, though by no means was completed. BEFORE ANYBODY accepts too closely the analysts who babble about the great changes in college today, let it be known that without vigilance from the public, the political machine and the media will roll as they wish. Don't let anybody lull you into thinking it's fine to r relinquish political.vigilance, because when it is important to mobilize to express public outrage or unrest, where will the class of '83 be? Probably in the Army-because that seems to be the only place one can be sure of a job today. A very unfunny development. A final word about Parade's inset by Abbie Hoffman (speaking of anachronisms), ob- viously placed to coincide with the nail-the jello-to-the-wall view of college that has sullied' the perceptions of Sunday paper readers throughout America. There is nothing more of- fensive than an ex-radical who tries to keep his "image" while fouling the minds of college students with such rubbish as: "The activists today are smarter than they were in the '60s." Does he speak for himself? Being smarter' writing articles for the same papers which; called him a criminal years ago? I PARADE: A distorted look at college life that issues aren't so black and white," show a gross lack of perception about social changes that occurred in the past twenty years. Moral and social issues were never as cloudy as they were during the turbulent times. And if there was ever such a thing as "free sex," the notion opened up the way for coeducational college living. Issues are more black and white today; especially with regard to the dollar quest. HOWARD Shapiro, a senior at Yale and former editor at Yale Daily News who should know better, makes a particularly insulting and misinformed comment: "Instead of having a sit-down strike, students will meet with the administration and try to compromise. Why? Because violence doesn't work." Double barreled bunk. People in the sixties seemed If students "are convinced that fundamental changes in the balance of power, in the way decisions are made from the grassroots to the highest levels, are not just a democratic dream but a reality about to occur," then those students may not be so much the "Surprising Class of '83," as the "Surprised Class of '83." Because if they don't "operate under the im- patience of Apocalypse," they may not be "here for the long haul," but rather "hung up as we (?) were on internal conflict." Do they really "have the confidence to make it hap-, pen? Did you ever see so many blithering,.. shopworn platitudes and rhetorical idiocies gathered on the same nice-nelly page? And see the perpetrator of it get paid? Masse is a novelist and a graduate of the University of Massachusetts. .11 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Sinclair 4 Vol. XCIII, No. 117 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Playing with dominoes R= ' Y ' I AS THE RESULT of recent guerrilla successes in El Salvador, Presi- dent Reagan has called for a review of U.S. policy in Central America. But in- stead of coming up with fresh workable proposals for ending hostilities in the war-torn nation, the administration has asked Congress for the same failed policies of the past years - more ar- ms. In tones reminiscent of his eloquent predecessor Alexander Haig, Secretary of State George Shultz told Congress $60 million in military aid is essential to the survival of the current regime. Shultz said administration also plans to expand the number and the role of U.S. military adivsors in El Salvador. Shultz has fallen for Haig's glib, but misguided "falling dominoes" theory. El Salvador shares a border -with Mexico, and Mexico shares a border with the United States. If you look closely, Shultz seems to be saying, you can almost see the blocks leaning this way. But as (some)Americans learned in Vietnam, guns do not prop up dominoes very well. The dominoe is in trouble not because it is weak in the face of a guerrilla onslaught, but because it has failed its people by abandoning land reform and respect for human rights. Despite the Salvadoran gover- nment's failure and oft-noted bar- barity, few Americans want the Cen- tral American nation to fall into the hands of Marxist dictators. But neither do they want to see American aid and possible American lives squandered in a futile military stalemate. Already one American soldier has been wounded there. What many U.S. church groups and concerned citizens recognize is that the opposition is neither monolithic nor totally Leninist. Democrats abound on both sides and are seeking a meaninful role in a legitimate government. With an additional $60 million in ar- ms, the Salvadoran government may wage a stronger battle, but it won't win a war rooted in more than 50 years political repression. By calling for moreaid, the Reagan administration rewards the Salvadoran government for its intransigence and offers the Salvadoran people caught in the crossfire, more of a stalemate and less of a solution. 1 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Social Security: Victim Of, militarism . To the Daily: The real problem facing Social Security is the distorted priorities of the capitalist system. Newsweek, for example, remarked, "The commission estimates that if old-age benefits remain at currently mandated levels, the Social Security Ad- ministration will have to find an unimaginable $1.5 trillion over the next 75 years just to keep the old folks comfortable at home." That sum, however large, is hardly "unimaginable." It's about what U.S. militarism is currently spending for militarism over a five-year period. Yet, the same ruling class claims that it can't afford to pay retired workers an already meager level of social security. Clearly the problem is not inadequate economic resources. The problem is, according to the Socialist Labor Party, that capitalism operates to provide profits for a minority class of capitalists who own and control the economy. Workers collec- tively produce enough social wealth to provide all workers, retired and employed alike, with a comfortable-even a boun- tiful-standard of living. Clearly what is needed is a Socialist In- dustrial Republic of Labor under which goods would be produced for use instead of for profit and the means of wealth production would be socially owned. Under such a system war and militarism would have no economic basis for existence. -Archie Sim February 12- A tenuous connection ri a ' 4 W q b Y y t + S t ¢v W y To the Daily: I was disgusted and dismayed to read your story concerning Karen Young's dismissal from the University. With no direct evidence linking her dismissal to the recent audit of the Office of Major Events your reporter im- plied a connection which will no doubt harm Young personally a great deal. Not only was there no direct evidence, but there seemed no evidence at all to support Frank's assertions. That is known as libel. Guilt by association and guilt by innuendo should never be employed in lieu of concrete evidence in the pursuit of a' story. Frank should be im- mediately dismissed and his editors should be severly reprimanded. I hope Young and her lawyers have more com- passion than do you. Ignore the Nazis To the Daily: Once again it is springtime in Ann Arbor and all of the crazies come crawling out of the bushes, including the Neo-Nazis. And once again the Daily is stated and the demonstrators beat each other up. Was this the rally's original purpose? The only ones who accom- plished what they set out to do were the Nazis. A few men -Robert L. Rosenberg February 10 )flhfhifl " - } End hnr