I OPINION r- Page 4 Tuesday, March 1, 1983 The Michigan Daily' How to be an All-American By Barry Witt SThose of you who were out of town ;during Spring Break missed some :really big doings up north last week. No, the biggest news wasn't li'l An- thony's decision to forego his studies in favor of fame and fortune, disappoin- ting Papa Bo who had brought Carter to Ann Arbor for a valuable physical education degree. The big news came out of City Hall, where Ann Arbor Mayor Lou Belcher learned that his fine municipality ear- ned All-America City honors this year. Boy, talk about excitement. After being overlooked for the last 16 years (Ann Arbor was last honored in 1967), the city beat out such notable contenders as Times Beach, Mo., Cicero, Ill., and Miami. MAYOR LOU and a delegation of Ann Arbor dignitaries flew out to Seattle last summer to present the case for their city to the National Municipal League. The Ann Arbor group based their presentation on three key features of the town: " The Energy Advisory Board, which has developed a plan to harness hydroelectric power from the mighty Huron River and promoted the city's recycling program, in which the University-Ann Arbor's largest producer of waste-refuses to par- ticipate; " The Michigan Technology Council, a coalition of University, city, and local business representatives that is trying to make Ann Arbor the nation's 41st Silicon Valley; and, " The Michigan Theatre, for which city voters approved a tax increase last spring to preserve the building. AT LEAST those were the projects that everyone knew the judges looked at when awarding the All-America distinction. What Mayor Lou and his All-America promotion committee didn't know was that a small citizens action group en- tered a whole other set of city achievements for the judges' con- sideration. It was this five-point secret presentation that brough the panel over to Ann Arbor's side: " The Downtown Club, former home of the city residents whom Mayor Lou can't handle; e State Street, from Briarwdod to cen- tral campus-one couldn't ask for a smoother introduction to Ann Arbor; - The Hash Bash and the $5 law (Hey, Mr. Mayor, if you repeal the law, they'll repeal youraward); League, which does little more than provide officials from cities across the country a fun little conference to attend every few months in touristy spots such as Seattle, Houston, or Washington D.C. The All-America distinction each year goes to the eight or 10 cities that put together the nicest presentation highlighting the few good things they have accomplished. In high school, I had the good fortune to be jetted from my Chicago suburb to a Natural Municipal League conference in Louisville to represent my city in the 1979 contest. My city was showboating its youth and senior citizens programs, so it carted a half-dozen municipal- minded teenagers and another half- dozen old folks down to the conference to demonstrate what wonderful people we were. OTHER 1979 nominees presented some interesting details about their communities. Baltimore-the only city that really deserved a citation they year-had just completed its im- pressive Harbor Place development and showed it off with a 12 foot by 12 foot mock up. Other cities' accomplishments weren't quite so grand. The best part of one display-I think it was Roanoke, pity Va.-were these delicious little ham. and biscuit sandwiches. I spent a lot Vf time in this area of the display room.,+ ANOTHER TOWN featured a videotape of happy people riding along a bicycle path and doing other happy things to the tune of a Judy Collins song. Most of the towns had buttons and;t- shirts and other stuff spouting "I love Topeka" or whatever. My own hometown is now going through one of those miraculous multi- million dollar "downtown redevelop- ment projects," so I'm sure we'll go for' the prize in another few years. But this year was Ann Arbor's turn. City officials are certain that all the trouble was worth it because all the notoriety associated with the award is sure to bring new businesses to town. If you fail to see the link, you've got com- pany. Any business worth its tax break can see that silly award for what it is-recognition for the best PR job by a city in a given year. If Ann Arbor enters again this year, though, I volunteer to represent the city. Those biscuits sure-were good. Witt is the Daily's editor-in-chief. I Is this All-American? " The annual neo-Nazi neo-riot (the judges asked for a repeat performance this year); and, " Shaky Jake. Unaware that these were the points that put Ann Arbor over the top in the competition, the mayor boasted of all his city's fine accomplishments at a press conference Friday. After noting how progressive Ann Arbor is, the mayor said, "No wonder they call us the arrogant asses, and justly so." Honest, he really said that. IN ALL seriousness, the All-America city contest is a farce. The competition is sponsored by the National Municipal Sinclair__ , Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan I4 Vol. XCIII, No. 116 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A tr repre M*A* :provi 1capab Aan sit audie Wh almo its hi real, devel situat and n obvio At ;war, dealt -with :ted-b :predi .down :would have war i M* :becau .stereo :The s5 :to a :audie Thank you M*A*S*H iST NIGHT America celebrated because they shared the same he end of a television show that emotions all people experience. sented television at its best. M*A*S*H's viewers laughed with S*H is over after 11 years of Hawkeye laughed, cried when ng that a television series is Magaret cried, and felt sick when B.J. )le of both dealing wiht real hum- felt sick., tuations and appealing to a mass A &the show was able to sure'-N. uatio. a a l tter changes ;not only through, nce..r good scriptwriing, but because the old at set M*A*S*H apart from characters were replaced with dif- st all other television series was ferent characters, forcing the rest of umanness. The characters were the cast to adjust as they would in the believable, and they grew and real world. And the characters loped. They were put in real changed within the show. Radar tions which were not predictable beame a man Margaret became not always resolved in the most omething more than an army brat us manner. and Hawkeye became less of a prac- one level, the show was about tical-joking womanizer. and in war people die. M*A*S*H Other television series have failed to with death the same way it dealt make their character much more than every other topic it confron- one-dimensional stereotypes, and thus head on. Who could have ever have insulted the collective intelligen- cted Col. Blake's plane being shot ce of their audiences. M*A*S*H was while he is on hiiway home? It different; it made its audience feel and I have been so much easier to think. And it experimented with dif- had him make it home safely, but ferent ways to make people feel and s not like that. think, such as the several interview A*S*H ultimately succeeded episodes. use its characters were not It is that basic difference M*A*S*H otyped like those of other shows. offered that America celebrated last ,how'may have taken its audience night. Until more series cane offer different time and place, but the television audiences real characters, nce identified with the characters all viewers have are reruns. A 14 ;I LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Plant Department has suc a,'. 31 x' a ; Yh :.j ,- :' . Y r 'n rr a. .'f i"+ . 1 , .i .. i i s: : , :f t.Y I I -1 I I _i % d .; ++ X ~ s i ;;' , s : f; .. ,i .k . ;%,ti , , Y '. i J" e To the Daily: As one of those contacted by your reporter regarding ex- periences with the University's Plant Department, I was incen- sed that the article (Daily, Feb. 15) was so negative and focused solely on reported problems. Where, for example, were my comments to your reporter about the high quality of work done for us by the Plant Department skilled tradesmen? Their help- fulness to us in getting things Downtown Club errors done? The effect on the Plant Department of budget and man- power cuts? I hope this article is not an example of what your "Ninety-Three-Years of Editorial Freedom" is all about. There is nothing wrong with good investigative jour- nalism-which I take to mean a systematic and thorough examination of a situation-and the writing and publishing of all the findings. Good findings are just as much news as bad fin- dings, given that news simply means recent events or things that have happened. We tend to think good things happening are the norm, more boring and less III 1 1 1 To the Daily: I would like to correct the several inaccuracies in your ar- ticle "Officials to close Down- town Club" (Daily, Feb. 17). First, William Hall, the building's owner, is quoted as saying I claim rehabilitation costs would be $8,000. I have never said any such thing. I have no idea where he got the figure. We estimate rehabilitation costs at $250,000. Second, Hall claims I have not contacted him at all on this mat- ter. Absolutely untrue. Hall par- ticipated in many meetings of hte Ad Hoc Committee to Save the Downtown Club. In August, we presented him precisely the plan described in your article, which combines HUD low-interest loan anything to assist the tenants. I am offended. Our Community Development Department has been working overtime, developing a way of saving the facility for the tenants and of rehabilitating it, counseling tenants, and assisting them. Our Housing Commission has struggled long and hard to place the tenants Hall illegally booted out. Our Building Department is trying to have the building made habitable once again. I per- sonally have assisted tenants find new accomodations-no mean task, given the crisis circum- stances. Councilman Larry Hun- ter has done yeoman's work. We have worked ourselves to a state of near-exhaustion trying to clean im~ th TPChNal hasmade onf the Igongs To the Daily: The constitution of the state of Michigan indeed grants the Regents of the University of Michigan complete authority over the operation of the Univer- sity and complete control over its funds. That same constitution grants the state legislature the authority to enact the state's budget. cesses appealing to the readership. Actually, organizations (like the Plant Department) having a few problems are also the norm, so you are not really ahead of the game with negative-selection reporting.. Reporting on all the cats that did come home last night is news, you can publish it, and you will still sell papers. By reporting only the negative news in the Plant Department article, you've come full circle-we now have a shining example of what good investigative journalism is not. -Owen C. Jansson February 22 Late law University chooses to ignore public policy, the legislature ought to ignore the University when it becomes time to ap- propriate funds for the operation of public institutions. There exist certain universities that may properly ignore publie policy in some areas. They are known as private institutions and subsist on tuition and alumni M 3 I