Page 2-Saturday, February 12, 1983-The Michigan Daily
Attorney says
clinic to blame
for 'Baby Doe'
Compiled from Associated Press and
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LANSING(UPI)-A surrogate
mother had a baby by her husband
rather than the man who was to pay her
$10,000 to bear his child because the in-
semination clinic failed to explain the
"do's and don't's," an attorney charged
Blood tests revealed this week show
that Judy Stiver's husband, Ray, is the
father of a baby born with a defect last
month under a fouled-up surrogate
motherhood contract that gained
national attention.
UNDER THE contract, Alexander
Malahoff of New York City was to pay
Stiver $10,000 to bear his child through
artificial insemination.
The baby was born last month in a
Lansing hospital with microcephaly, a
birth defect characterized by a smaller-
AP Photo
Slip sliding away
A motorist gets out to clean off his windshield amidst snarled traffic yester-
day during a blizzard in Philadelphia.
Trucks back on road
than-normal head and often mental
Malahoff insisted the child was not
his and submitted to a complicated
blood test at Sparrow Hospital. The
results, proving conclusively that
Malahoff was not the father, were an-
nounced on the Phil Donahue show in
SINCE THEN, blood tests on Ray
Stiver show that he is, indeed the
father, said Wiley Bean, the Stivers' at-
But Bean said he still feels that the
Dearborn insemination was at least
partly to blame for failing to give the
Stivers formal instructions on ab-
staining from sex.
It was an associate of Noel Keane
the Dearborn attorney who brokered
the surrogate arrangement, who ad-
vised the Stivers to abstain from sexual
intercourse for 30 days following the in-
semination, Bean said.
"THAT WAS the only advice she
received as far as anything pertaining
to the do's and don't's," Bean said.
Dr. Warren Ringold, operator of the
clinic, has denied that allegation.
The Stivers have named "Baby
Doe"-as the infant was called before
Malahoff was ruled out as his
father-Christopher Ray Stiver.
The couple agreed to take
Christopher home, but the infant since
has developed a serious viral infection
and is now in the care of the state
Department of Social Services.
Bean said the Stivers will have dif-
ficulty supporting the baby, especially
if extraordinary medical care is
required. Stiver, a part-time bus
driver, and Mrs. Stiver, a clerk, have a
3-year-old daughter.
Gold theft could be U.S. record
NORTH MIAMI, Fla. - Two masked gunmen walked in the unlocked door
of a jewelry wholesaler, tied up three workers and stole an estimated 875
pounds of gold worth up to $9 million in what could be the nation's largest
gold theft, officials said yesterday.
The bandits vanished during a fierce thunderstorm that had cleared the
streets of potential witnesses.
The gold stolen Thursday night was worth $6 million to $9 million, police
said. In 1980, thieves stole 800 pounds of gold from another Dade County
jewelry business, and that $8 million burglary was described at the time by
an insurance investigator as the nation's largest gold theft.
Metro-Dade police spokesman Tim Davis said the FBI was calling the
robbery the biggest gold heist in recent memory.
The thieves walked into Golden Door Jewelry Creations, forced owner
Scaul Crediwciosu to open three safes and then blindfolded and bound him k
and two other employees with electrical tape, Davis said.
Suspect held in brutal killings
LONDON - Police held a 37-year-old civil servant yesterday as a mass
murderer who strangled as many as 17 young drifters, hacked up their
bodies and boiled the pieces.
The suspect, Denis Andrew Nilsen, was charged with the murder of
Stephen Sinclair, the only victim so far identified of three whose dismem-
bered remains have been found.
Nilsen, a former London police officer and a 12-year veteran of the British
army, was described by a colleague at the job center where he worked as
"an efficient worker with nothing very remarkable about him."
The police said parts of three bodies were found in his apartment and in
the sewer of the house in which it was located. After questioning him, they
began searching another house where he used to live, and a Scotland Yard
spokesman said they expected to find "13 or 14" more bodies.
(UPI)-Big rigs loaded with goods
barreled along the nation's turnpikes
without incident yesterday, but some
striking rebel truckers charged
"sellout" and vowed to stay off the
Theircampaign did not appear to
have too much effect. Most state high-
way officials reported traffic about
normal and moving smoothly except in
the Northeast where a major winter
snowstorm snarled traffic.
EVEN THE Pennsylvania-Ohio
bat zone" where hundreds of trucks
were hit by gunfire, rocks and bricks
was quiet.
"There haven't been any reported
cases of violence," said a Transpor-
tation Department spokesman.
"Commerce seems to be moving along
But the strike left a bloody record.
One trucker was killed and 98 persons
were injured during the 11 days that
saw 656 shootings and 2,023 acts of
violence and vandalism.
MIKE PARKHURST, president of
the Independent Truckers Association,
called off the strike Thursday and said
Truckers protesting hikes in fuel and
highway use taxes had "been able to
accomplish, for the entire industry,
more than we have ever been able to in
the past."
But Parkhurst's chief rivals, joining
in a coalition of truckers called the In-
dependent Truckers Unity Committee,
announced they would hold meetings
throughout the East and Midwest
during the weekend to seek support for
continuing the strike.
One of the most outspoken members
of the coalition, Bill Hill, president of
Fraternal Association of Steel Haulers,
yesterday called the back-to-work or-
der "the sellout of the century." "As
far as we're concerned, we're asking all
our people who shutdown to continue to
shutdown and keep their rigs parked,"
he said in Pittsburgh.
"THERE'S A man killed. There's
men that are going to prison because of
this thing.rThere are families thatsare
going to be ruined. There are guys who
are going to lose their business. And
what for? A promise.
"He's getting a commitment that's
not even a commitment from third-
string congressmen that when they get
time, or something, they'll look into it.
That's nothing," Hill said.
Parkhurst lobbied Congress for
special hearings to consider legislative
reforms to the 1982 Highway Revenue
Act, which the truckers said imposed
inequitable fuel taxes and highway user
fees on the industry and would cost
each of them about $5,000 a year.
But a letter from four
congressmen-Reps. Peter Kost-
mayer(D-Pa.), Ed Jenkins (D-Ga.),
Douglas Applegate (D-Ohio), and
Carroll Campbell (R-S.C.)-did not say
Congress would reopen hearings on the
fuel tax bill.
Kostmayer aide John Seager said 35
of the 435 members of Congress had
agreed to sign the letter, although
Parkhurst said we expected 100
congressmen to do so.
Low-income Downtown
Club to close its doors
Riley retains court seat
(Continued from Page1)
Riley was appointed late last year by
former Gov. William Milliken to
replace the late Justice Blair Moody,
who died shortly after winning re-
election to an eight-year term.
a right to serve until after the next
general election in November, 1984.
Gov. James Blanchard and Attorney
General Frank Kelly, however, insisted
her right to serve terminated when
Moody's old term expired the end of
last year.
Milliken is a Republican -and Riley
was an unsuccessful GOP candidate for
the Supreme Court in last fall's elec-
MOODY WAS a Democrat, like Blan-
chard and Kelley.
The 58-year-old Riley is married to
prominent Republican attorney
Wallace Riley.
She served on the Michigan Court of
Appeals from 1676 until her appoin-
tment to the Supreme Court. Before
that, she was a Wayne County Circuit
Court judge.
Solicitor General Louis Caruso
argued for her ouster, and was opposed
by Frederick Buessner, Riley's private
attorney, and renowned University of
Michigan Law Prof. James White, who .
represented Milliken.
(continued from Page 1)
Peterson said his group cannot raise
enough money to bring the building up
to city code standards. But yesterday
he revealed that the Salvation Army is
considering buying the facility and
using federal money to rehabilitate it.
"ALL OF THAT hinges on us being
able to keep the owner from kicking
people out," Peterson said. He said
Hall and the other co-owners cannot
legally close the building while tenants
are still living there. Peterson
estimates that around 25 people still
reside in the building.
But Hall said only a half-dozen
residents remain from the original
group of 40 or 50.
"(The building) could turn into
something nice, but it's not
economically feasible to do it for
residential space," Hall said. "Lenders
are willing to put money into office
development, but (they say) there are
just too many residences in Ann Arbor
MANY OF the former residents have
already moved into apartments or live
with relatives, Hall said. He and county
officials are helping some of the
Curdic3Aumiip *ruicen
remaining tenants find homes in apar-
tments and other facilities around the
city, he said.
But Peterson believes Ann Arbor
needs the kind of single-room, low-
income housing the Club offers. If the
house is renovated, he said, there would
be 68 single rooms available. Tenants
would pay rent equal to about 30 per-
cent of their income.
Present tenants, most of whom were
referred to the facility by social service
people, pay $150 per month for a room,
bathroom, and laundry facilities. Hall
said some of them help with building
repairs if they cannot afford the rent.
slightly smaller than an average dorm
room but most of them are now empty
because Hall said he allowed residents
to take furniture with them when they
moved out.
Maintaining such housing is feasible
because tenants evicted from places
such as the Downtown Club end up
using services paid for by taxpayers,
Peterson said.
But Downtown Club residents say the
facility is a far-cry from what it once
Mike Joll, a resident and manager of
the Downtown Club and Ray Harvey, a
former resident, said they are concer-
ned about the way the Club has
deteriorated in the past four months.
"HE (HALL) LET IT fall apart,"
Harvey said: "If he had kept it up to
code when he first got it he wouldn't be
in this position."
Most of the problems were not caused
by residents, Joll said, but by people
who wandered in from the street.
"One reason they're closing this
down is that anything (liquor or drugs)
you wanted you can get (at the Club),"
Harvey said.
"THIS WAS really nice at one time
until they closed the Wonder Bar across
the street and all the riff-raff started
coming in here (instead)," he said.
Joll called the second floor of the
three-level building the "war zone,"
where people would sit in the halls and
stairways. The floor is packed with holes
in the walls and broken windows and lit-
tered with empty liquor bottles.
A headline in yesterday's Daily read
"Ark may not stay afloat; Church votes
to sell site." The headline should have
said that the First Presbyterian Church
plans to rent the current site of the Ark.
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Justice bans classroom prayer
WASHINGTON - Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell yesterday banned
Alabama teachers from leading prayers in classrooms pending a lower
court decision on whether the school prayers are unconstitutional.
"There can be little doubt. . . that conducting prayers as part of a school
program is unconstitutional under this court's decisions," Powell declared
in a three-page order reinstating an injunction against prayers in Alabama
The justice last week temporarily halted teacher-led prayers. The new or-
der puts a stop to school praying until the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
can rule in a case challenging two Alabama school prayer laws.
The statutes are being challenged by Ishmael Jaffree, an agnostic who ob-
jects to having his three children exposed to prayers in the Mobile County
public schools.
U.S. District Judge Brevard Hand of Mobile last month threw out Jaffree's
lawsuit, concluding that the Constitution bans only the establishment of a
national religion and does not prohibit states from allowing prayer in public
Stolen racehorse claimed dead
DUBLIN - The stolen racehorse Shergar accidentally put out an eyein a
trailer and was killed to end its misery, three anonymous callers claimed
yesterday. Police discounted the report, but Shergar's owners grew anxious.
"We can only hope to God it was a hoax," said Lord Oaksey, one of three
British racing correspondents hoping to negotiate with the armed gang that
snatched the Aga Khan's prize stud Tuesday.
Two telephone calls to the British Broadcasting Corp. and one call to the
home of horse trainer Jeremy Maxwell in Northern Ireland said Shergar
was "put down" after injuring himself in a horse trailer.
Maxwell said he doubted the call was genuine; and police spokesman Jim
Quinn said: "We think Shergar's alive and police all over the country are
searching barns, stables and similar places where we assume he's being
Iranians arrest communists
NICOSIA,, Cyprus - Iran's revolutionary authorities have arrested
leaders of the Moscow-aligned Tudeh Party, Tehran radio reported yester-
day. It was the latest blow in a crackdown on the Iranian communist group
by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's regime.
In another development, the exiled leader of the main anti-Khomeini
guerrilla group declared in France there will be "a massive popular
uprising" in Iran when the ailing 82-year-old Khomeini dies.
Friday was the fourth anniversary of the Islamic revolutionaries' triumph
over the old Iranian regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
A demonstration was staged at the Tehran University campus to mark the
occasion, said. Tehran radio, monitored here. The demonstrators shouted
slogans condemning Iraq's "aggression" in its border war with Iran, and
accusing the United States and Soviet Union of supporting Iraq.
Vol. XCII, No. 110
Saturday, February 12, 1983
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters); $14 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $7.50 in Ann Arbor; $8 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
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502 East Huron, 663-9376
Feb. 12 "Valentine and Valentino"
Guest Speaker: Rev. T.J. Ging
Communion Sunday
Student Study Group-Thursday 6:00
10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship. Child
care provided.
11:00 a.m.-Church School. Classes
for all ages. Class for undergraduates.
Class for graduates and faculty.
Choir Thursday 7:15 p.m., John Reed,
director; Janice Beck, organist.
Ministry Assistants: Marlene Francis,
Terry Ging, Barbara Griffen, Jerry
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
Guest Speaker: Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Feb. 12 "Jesus: The Life of a Party"
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at
7:15 p.m.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors:
Rose McLean and Carol Bennington
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday services 9:15 a.m. and 10:30
Sunday morning Bible Study 9:15
Midweek Lenten Vespers Wed. 7:30
Thursday evening Bible Study 9:00
*- - e *
Angell Hall, Room 229
Every Thursday Night-7:00p.m.
All are welcome. "Let there be
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus/Career Fellowship
Coordinator: Steve Spina
Sunday a.m.
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour-10:30 social hall
Wednesday p.m.
8:00-Allelous (Christian Fellow-
ships), French Room
8:30-Study/Discussion Groups
9:30-Holy Communion, sanctuary
* * *
(The Campus Ministry
of the LCA-ALC-AELC)
Galen Hora, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St. 668-7622Y
Editor-in-chief .......................BARRY WITT
Managing Editor ..................... JANET RAE
Opinion Page Editors................KENT REDDING
University Editor................FANNIE WEINSTEIN
News Editor.................. GEORGE ADAMS
Student Affairs Editor................ BETH ALLEN
Arts/Magazine Editor.................. BEN TICHO
Associate Arts/Magazine Editors ...... LARRY DEAN
Sports Editor ..... .............BOB WOJNOWSKI
Associate Sports Editors ............. BARB BARKER
Larry Mishkin, Lisa Noferi, Rob Pollard, Dan Price. Jeff
Quicksilver, Paul Resnick, Wendy Rocho, Lenny
Rosenbaum, Scott Solowich, John Toyer, Judy Walton,
Karl Wheatley, Chuck Whitman, Rich Wiener, Steve
SALES MANAGER................... MEG GIBSON
331 Thompson-663-0557
Worship Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study Mon. 1-2.
Room 3, Michigan League.
Tuesday evening bible study