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February 11, 1983 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-02-11
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Guarneri String Quartet
University Musical Society
Rackham Auditorium
4 p.m. Sunday, February 13
By Lauris Kaldjian
TOO MANY MINDS are plagued by
the bitter memory of neglected op-
portunity. A shame, eh? Well, oc-
casionally life affords the coveted
second chance. So those who missed
the Guarneri String Quartet the first
time around (Jan. 9) may yet be
redeemed and delighted by the Quar-
tet's second performance this Sunday
afternoon, Feb. 13, at 4 p.m. in
Rackham Auditorium.
The occasion of this fortunate second
appearance is the completion of the
Brahms quartet cycle, in com-
memoration of the 150th anniversary of
the composer's birth.
Ever since their debut in 1964 the
Guarneir Quartet has been lulling
audiences with its silken tones and
telepathic ensemble. Being the senior
quartet in this country has granted
them a reputation overflowing with
superlatives; but more importantly it
has allowed them time. Like an
exquisite wine, they have carefully and
subtly become a rare vintage, to be
savored with respect and supreme

Pizzeria Uno's
1321 S. University
Hours: 11:30 a.m. - 2 a.m.
Monday - Sunday


Guarneri Quartet: Strings on stage
The Guarneri consists of violinists
Arnold Steinhardt and John Dalley,
violist Michael Tree, and cellist David
Soyer. When thinking of this quartet
one recalls their coicerted effect, not
their individual contributions. Though
all are soloists in their own right they
have combined their talents creating a
new force that exceeds the sum of their
individual potentials.
Time wears differently on everyone.
Almost two decades of performing with
the same ensemble could result in a
calous and disinterested approach by
the Guarneri, but no; these musicians
have played the repertoire to the bone,
and yet they move ever onward. Their
fresh and inviting spirit confirms their
continual commitment to music. And
.its not merely a matter of duty, for our
musical hearts detect something else.
Theirs is a consummate art that sings
with a passion commensurate with
technical facility.
Brahms wrote 17 string quartets, but
only the last three survived his uncom-
promisingly high standard. Of those
Do you get
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three the Guarneri will perform the
Quartets in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2 and C
minor, Op. 51, No. 1. To separate these
they will perform Beethoven's Quartet
in F major, Op. 135, which marked a
monumental end to his quartet writing.
For quite some time Brahms viewed his
.predecessor's quartets (not to mention
his symphonies, etc.) from a respectful
distance. The transition from
Beethoven to Brahms depicts a musical
passage of time.
Within Rackham's welcoming walls,

ensconced in its spacious seats, the at-
mosphere is primed for the friendly
manner of the Guarneri Quartet. They
send their musical message by per-
sonal delivery to all who are willing to
receive it.
To those who consider themselves
endowed with exceptional luck and
audacity: I can assure you that the
Guarneri String Quartet will not return
for a third time (not this season,
anyway). So you'll have to wait until
next year.

By David Spak
0 NE OF THE true joys of growing
up in the Chicago area was that I
got to eat the best pizza anywhere -
Chicago-style deep dish. And for many
years, the undisputed king of deep dish
was served at Pizzeria Uno. Deep dish
at Uno's, with its special blend of
cheeses, tomatoes (no sauce in this piz-
za), spices, and fresh toppings all on a
firm, crunchy pizza pie crust, was the
Carnegie Hall of pizza.
But off to Ann Arbor I went, to be
educated about the more important
things in life, like how much I miss deep
dish pizza. I suffered through two years
of tomato sauces, overwhelming
cheeses, and crusts that tasted more
like dough than a true pizza crust.
My salvation arrived last spring
when Pizzeria Uno went national,
opening branches in Ann Arbor and
many other cities across the land.
To be sure, something was lost in the
translation from Chicago institution to
the mass market. But at least there is a
pizza in Ann Arbor that reminds me of
Part of what is missing at the Ann

Arbor Uno's lies in the atmosphere.
Though it tries to imitate an Italian
wine cellar and the cozy basement of
the Chicago original, this Uno's doesn't
quite cut it. There is a little too much
noise for intimate dining, and the
management has stuffed in a few too
many tables.
The supporting cast has been well-
trained; waiters and waitresses
generally do their jobs well and with a
friendly smile. They are capable of
handling both a large group and a
couple on a date with ease.
As a warm up for heartier appetites,
the minestrone soup ($1.65) is a fine
beginning. The soup's vegetables are
plentiful and the spicing properly ac-
cents the broth, though the broth itself
can be a bit heavy.
The regular house salad ($1.65) is
also good preparation for the main
event. Other salads around town may
be larger, but that saves more room for
the pizza.
Sadly, though, the garlic bread
($1.25) is a hit or miss proposition,
varying from piece to piece depending
on how much spicing is sprinkled on
But those are all mere preliminaries
for the stars of the show: the deep dish
specialties. Uno's serves up five dif-
ferent specialties - the "Veggie," the
Mexican, the Delicatessen, the Steak 'N
Cheese, and "The Uno" (from $5.75 to
$7.25 for the regulars).
The "Veggie" and "The Uno" are in-
deed both special. Both feature boun-
tiful supplies of fresh and crisp green
peppers, onions and mushrooms, with
the (un)usual tomatoes and cheese on
top of the only true pizza pie crust in
Ann Arbor. "The Uno" adds sausage


................................ ............

Uno's: Deep dish delicious
and pepperoni to this combination.
The biggest flaw in "The Uno" is that
the meats don't play a larger role in the
overall composition of the taste. Both
pizzas also could use a slightly stronger
supply of cheese. These flaws, however,
may be a result of my taste buds being
assaulted for two years by the
domination of these "missing" flavors
which are so prevalent in other area
But that crust, those tomatoes, and
that fine blend of spices makes up for
the flaws. They are what separates this
pizza from the crowd.
If you've managed to finish off the
pizza - though they may look small

when you fire
are filling -
the meal. Eit
($1.25), len
you, though 1
wish you ate ]
Be aware t:
price - and i
area pizzas.
something C
extra cost is m
At least nc
about what I'
from home I
pizza on the li

That's Eden's for lunch!
- home of the Chapati*
- extraordinary chili
- homemade soups & salad bar
" great coffee & cappuccino
" carry-out service
EDEN'S Restaura
330 Maynard St. (directly across from Nicke
The(Chapati sandwich i $1ur . wfreshI\ baked


Chapati &
with this


6 Weekend/February 11, 1983

11 We

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