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February 10, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-02-10

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Page 2-Thursday, February 10, 1983-The Michigan Daily
Carter, Ford pilot



(Continued from Page 1)
as the nuclear arms race, the economy,
and defense spending," Yankelovich
said, adding, "The problem of bringing
peopledto the table is no frill, itn s a
necessity if we are to survive."
Yankelovich said the public is also
wary of putting too much faith in the

decisions made by government.
"Peope won't accept difficult solutions
until they're sure the painless solutions
have been exhausted," he said. "Policy
makers assume once the public con-
sciousness has been raised, the
problem is solved, but at that point

we're only halfway there. With raised
consciousness we only raise the public's
anxiety without letting them form con-
ception of what to do about the
problems," Yankelovich said.
YANKELOVICH said the important
task is to bring the public to the

Ford and Carter lend experti~se-

decision-making table.
Former Ambassador to China
Leonard Woodcock, author Norman
Lear, Congressman Richard Cheney
(R-Wyo.),and former University prof.
Wilbur Cohen also highlighted the con-
ference,along with such campus
luminaries as University President
Harold Shapiro and Regents Dean
Baker and Sarah Power.
Yesterday's conference was tran-
smitted via closed circuit television to
participants of previous association
forums. The group had planned to an-
swer questins over the telephone, but
because the system was not hooked up
until late in the day, only a handfull of
calls were taken.
Presidents Ford and Carter will be
addressing students today at 10 a.m. in
the Rackham Assembly Hall, and the
conference will conclude with panel
discussions at the Ford Library.

(Continued from Page 1)
Carter shared examples of how he
has tried to "bridge the gap" between
people and policy makers.
"On the campaign trail, I never
stayed in a hotel or motel. We always
found a private home. It saved us a lot
of money," he said.
It also brought "closer personal
ties," which Carter said were crucial to
his communication with the public.

HE ALSO said his bi-weekly press
conferences and call-in radio shows
were instrumental in bringing the
people closer to government.
Public support for the incumbent of-
ficial is essential, Carter said. "It helps
to have foreign leaders know that the
president speaks the voice of the
American people," he said.
Carter, who excited jealousy in Ford
for having run 10 miles yesterday mor-

ning, outlined his plans for the future.
For the next year he will be studying
the middle east. This will include a visit
to the region in April.
A STUDY OF nuclear weapons and
arms reductions will occupyhis next 12
months. Simultaneously, he is in the
process of establishing his Presidential
Library, a museum, and a center for
public policy, where he will maintain
his working office. All will be in Atlan-

Budget cuts could
halt lake research


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Blanehard suggests extension..
of payments for unemployed
WASHINGTON - Gov. James Blanchard suggested yesterday an exten
sion in supplemental unemployment payments and also asked for suspen -
sion of interest charges on money borrowed for jobless benefits.
Blanchard and Pennsylvania Gov. Dick Thornburgh, representing the,
National Governor's Association, testified before the House Ways ari.
Means public assistance and unemployment compensation subcommittee..,
Each pointed to the staggering effects the recession hashad on states put-'^
ting large numbers of people on unemployment rolls and forcing large
deficits in programs to aid the jobless.
"The Michigan unemployment rate was 17 percent in January," Blan-
chard said. "We have more unemployed people than some states hav
Increase in sterility, study says
WASHINGTON - More than 3 million married American women say they
want to have babies but are physically unable to, a government study repor-
ted yesterday. i
The study by the National Center for Health Statistics, citing a separat-
fertility survey, also documents a marked increase in younger couples wh&
are medically unable to have chidren. It speculates the rise may be due to
increasing cases of sterility-causing diseases.
The authors say "Reproductive Impairments Among Married Couples:,.
United States" may be the most comprehensive report published on the sub-
ject. It is based on a 1976 survey of married women of childbearing age.
Bush finds Allied European
leaders united on NATO
LONDON - Vice President George Bush, nearing the end of a seven-
nation European tour, said yesterday he was "optimistic" about his talks
with Allied leaders and found them "united on behalf of the NATO alliance."
Bush said in the last major speech of his 12-day trip that "rumors of the
death of our alliance have been greatly exaggerated."
The vice president traveled to West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium,
Switzerland, Italy, and France before coming to Britain. He said he came to
"consult" the allies, counter strong European anti-nuclear sentiment, and
criticize "one-sided" arms reductions proposals from the Soviet Union.
In speech after speech, Bush asserted the "moral" value of President
Reagan's "zero-option" proposal.
Gorsuch denies she tried

(Continued from Page 1)
money's worth though," he said.
"Strong local support" from several
Michigan congressmen. including Rep.

Carl Purcell (R-Plymouth) helped save
the lab last year, according to Quigley.
The Great Lakes lab employs 50 full-
time research scientists and 40 part-
time assistants, many of whom are
students. About 50 University students
participate in the Sea Grant program.
The Great Lakes lab monitors the
lakes and researches the most effective
ways to use the lakes' resources. The
lab will close Oct. 1 unless Congress
restores its funds.

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Space mission Daily Photo by ELIZABETH SCOTT
Former astronaut Jack Lousma speaks at the Chrysler Center Auditorium
on North Campus last night in a talk sponsored by the Society of Christian
Engineers. Lousma's speech was entitled "my greatest mission."
Panels srecommendat ions
threaten Sharon 's position

(Continued from Page 1)
fice for the Cabinet meeting, exhorting
Sharon to fight resignation.
AT ONE POINT they mobbed Sharon
and began singing the national anthem,
. Sharon has made no public announ-
cement on his plans and a senior Israeli
official said Begin did not want to fire
his controversial defense chief.
Begin appears to have several op-
tions, each of which could convulse

Israeli politics. From talks with
legislators of various Parliment fac-
tions, the following possibilities
* Sharon resigns and thereby spares
the government further problems. All
indications were, however, that he in-
tended to fight for his job.
" Begin resigns and tries to form a new
government without Sharon as defense
minister. he then runs the risk that the
Labor Party, which has more seats in
Parliament than Begin's Likud bloc,
would try to put together a caolition by
luring away some of Begin's dovish
" Begins -resigns and calls an early
election. The prime minister is known
to favor this because he has a big lead
in the polls. But he faces resistance
from two coalition partners, the ethnic-
based Sephardic TAM!rfaction and the
National Religious Party, which fear
they would lose strength in an election.

to obstruct EPA investigation
WASHINGTON - The head of the Environmental Protection Agency
denied yesterday she tried to obstruct a congressional investigation of her
agency, saying she imposed conditions on House investigators for the
"protection of our employees' rights."
Anne Gorsuch, already fighting a contempt of Congress charge and em-
broiled in controversy over her firing of a top official, spoke at a news con-
ference called after the chairman of a House subcommittee charged she was
.impeding his probe of EPA's $1.6 billion "Superfund" program.
The criticism arose after Gorsuch insisted that about 25 EPA employees
would testify before the subcommittee ony if an EPA lawyer was present.
She also demanded that Republican congressmen be represented at any in-
terview and that the EPA receive a full transcript.
"The conditions are, from my point of view, protection of our employees'
rights," she told a news conference. "If they wish to waive those rights,
that's their right. 'Bt it's my job to protect the rights of those employees un
til they wish to waive them."
Striking truckers seek support
Independent truckers sought allies in Congress yesterday as their strike
crumbled and more big rigs braved scattered gunfire and vandalism on the
The 10-day strike to protest hikes in fuel taxes and highway use fees was
still reaping a crop of violence.
More than 625 shootings and almost 1,900 other acts of vandalism have
been reported with one driver killed since the strike began Jan. 31. At least
96 other drivers were injured.
But, "It looks like the thing is over with," said Michael Pfleuger, a Depar-
tment of Agriculture official at New York City's huge Hunts Point Terminal
Pflueger said produce arrivals were up 73 percent from last week.
Reagan: Lower minimun wage
WASHINGTON - President Reagan said yesterday minimum wage
requirements never should have covered unskilled teenagers, and "the right
thing" to do now would be to exempt them so they have a better chance of
getting jobs.l
"The line on the chart for unemployment for teenagers goes right along
increasing with the increase in a minimum wage," Reagan told a group bf
regional editors and'broadcasters.
Government demands on employers, such as a higher minimum wage and
Social Security payments, have made it "impossible" for unskilled young
people entering the jobmarket to get a starting position, Reagan said.
The unemployment rate in January for teenagers was 22.7 percent, 4571
percent for blacks. The minimum wage is now $3.35 an hour. The ad-
ministration has proposed a $2.50 minimum wage for teenagers doing sum-
mer work.
boe Licbi ugan Oai l
XCIII, No. 108
Thursday, February 10, 1983
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