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February 08, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-02-08

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Dave Wilson was the star quarterback
r one season at the University of
Illinois. That season earnedhim
several Big Ten and NCAA passing
records and a contract for over $1
million in the National Football
League. It cost Illinois a season of
probation, a huge loss in television
revenues, a chance at a bowl game, and
a part of its academic reputation that
cannot be measured.
Wilson never should have been
Mlowed to step foot on the field, the Big
en ruled, because his academic tran-
scripts from junior college were not
good enough to allow him to compete.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill., and its campus -
more than 300 miles from Ann Arbor -
may seem a long way off, but accor-
ding to some people close to Michigan
athletics, Illinois' problems in 1980 may
hit closer to home than many people
Several months after his term ex-
pired as the University's faculty
representative to the Big Ten, Prof.
Thomas Anton now is talking about the
sad shape of Michigan athletics and its
domination by one man - Don
After six years of working on the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics -
three as a member and three as the Big

Ex-Big Ten rep.
assails Canham

trolling athletics. The operation has
become too big and too complicated for
boards to run."
Anton, a political science professor,
and Brown, from mathmatics, say the
University's situation is not uncom-
mon. All athletic departments in the
Big Ten are controlled by athletic
directors, although the conference was
founded on the basis of faculty control.
Anton places the University
somewhere in middle ground on how
much control faculty members have.
The University is better than some but
not as good others, he says.
The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics, made up of faculty,

administrators, alumni, and students,
has a reputation of being so impotent it:
is jokingly referred to as "The Board
Out of Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics" by many faculty members.
PART OF THE problem comes from
the board members themselves, says
"The fundamental problem with
faculty is they are not interested in
athletics," he says. "The attendance
record is not very good, and when they
go, they can't do much because they are
so uninformed. Most are quite content
to let the director have his way on
policy matters.
See MICHIGAN, Page 9

Ten representative - Anton says that
control of athletics has slipped from the
hands of the faculty into the lap of
Athletic Director Canham.
"We tend to put all our eggs in one
basket," Anton says. "I don't think our
board has much control.

AND ANTON isn't the only insider
who feels that way. "The board in con-
trol is really a board of advisors to
Canham," says Prof. Morton Brown,
who began his term on the board last
fall. "They may provide helpful advice
on some issues, but they are not con-

Ninety-Three Years it
of 4j 3t fr~ 4i ~Balmy
Editorial Freedom Highsilp~ in ~11 the upper 30s with clouds
Tn Centssin toar n a ges

Vol. XCIII, No. 106

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 8, 1983

Tein Cents

Ten Pages

$1 billion
DETROIT (UPI) - Despite an 8 percent
drop in worldwide sales, General
Motors Corp. said yesterday it made
$962.7 million in 1982, nearly triple the
$333 million profit earned in 1981.
The No. 1 automaker credited the
profit to tax credits, cost cutting effor-
ts and increased income from its finan-
cing and insurance operation.
THE PROFIT is GM's largest since
1979, when it earned $2.83 billion. It lost
$762.5 million in 1980.
GM said the latest profit is equal to,
earnings of $3.09 per share, up from
$1.07 per share in 1981. The profit was
in line with the predictions of analysts
who expected GM to make about $1
billion for the year.
The automaker had net sales last
year of $60 billion, down from $62.6
billion in 1981. It had a $252.2 million
tax credit, compared to $123.1 million
last year.
GM WAS the first automaker to
,report its 1982 earnings. Ford Motor
Co. and Chrysler Corp. are expected to
issue their statements next week.
GM Chairman Roger Smith and
President F. James McDonald
described 1982 as "another year of
mixed results."
They said the earnings-which
amount to 1.6 percent of sales-are "far
below the level of capital generation
needed to operate the company suc-
cessfully over the long term."
Part of the earnings can.be attributed
to concessions-made last March by
the United Auto Workers union-that
reportedly will amount to $3 billion by
the contract's expiration in the fall of



for riotin
From the Associated Press

Police in Ohio seized 17 people
on rioting charges yesterday in the
biggest arrest of the independent
truckers' strike, and the strike leader
later told reporters the shutdown may
last another week.
As police cracked down on the rock-
throwing and sniping that has killed one
person and injured 63 in the 8-day-old
strike, Mike Parkhurst said his In-
dependenit Truckers Association is
making progress in talks with "top"
administration official, a claim the
government denies.
POLICE reports of sporadic violence,
continued yesterday, but at a slower
pace than the hundreds of shootings
reported last week. A bullet tore into a
truck in Tennessee and slugs smashed

windows of a truck in Georgia, but no
one was infured, officials said.
In Marrero, La., a group of indepen-
dent truckers on Monday called for an
end to the strike.
"Everyone down here is hoping for
the same thing, peace and work,' said
Louis Alleman, a spokesman for the
Louisiana Independent Truck
Operators Association. Alleman
estimated the membership in the
association at about 3,000 drivers.
A GROUP of 130 Southern Oregon in-
dependent truckers, most of whom
were not taking part in the strike, voted
Friday in Medford to reaffirm their
boycott of the job action.
See TRUCKERS, Page 2

An Ann Arbor snow plow tears through the early morning snow on South University, cleaning off the street after the
season's first major snowfall.
What to do, where to go
when the snow hts har

Last weekend's snowfall prompted
not only memories of blizzards past, but
also questions about Ann Arbor's con-
fusing snow-removal policy.
Should the city be buried in snow this
year, drivers are advised to know
where and when to park their cars if
they want to avoid being ticketed.
ACCORDING TO Ann Arbor Director
of Transportation John Robbins, during
a snow emergency car-owners are
prohibited from parking on even-

numbered sides of secondary streets on
even-numbered days. Similarly, cars
parked on odd-numbered sides of the
streets on odd-numbered days will also
be fined $20.
In other words, on even-numbered
days, park on the odd-numbered side of
the street.
Robbins also said that during
emergencies, citizens may violate
regular parking rules on some streets
in order to follow the odd-even ordinan-

Arbor residents were bewildered when
the ordinance was first enforced in 1981,
and many recceived parking tickets
because they were misinformed about
the parking regulations.
University snow removers are
somewhat more lax about parking
violations. Plow trucks will pass up a
car in their snow removal routes the
first time, a spokesman for University
grounds maintenance said. But if the
removers return later the same day
and find the car still parked illegally, it
can be towed and the owner ticketed.

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' report
S. African

The University should pursue ambitious reform of
discriminatory policies in South African companies,
while retaining its present investments in companies
operating in the apartheid nation, recommends the
faculty panel charged with reviewing the issue.
The Senate Assembly Advisory Committee on
Financial Affairs' report was reviewed today by its
parent body, the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA). The full faculty Senate
Assembly will discuss the report at its monthly
meeting next Monday.
THE FINANCIAL affairs committee recommends
that "the University play a more active role" in en-
couraging the companies in which it invests to im-
prove the conditions of their black employees in
South Africa.
SACUA took no stand on the memorandum,
although the committee did pare down the financial
affairs committee's four-page report to two recom-
mendations for the purpose of focusing the Senate

Assembly's discussion next Monday on the actual
resolution, rather than on the background material.
Financial affairs committee members passed the
recommendations last week with one dissenting vote
cast by student member Ben Davis. Finance Prof.
Thomas Gies, chairman of the group, said that of the
two "obvious strategies" - divesting of South African
holdings or "staying in the arena and continuing to
struggle for change" - the latter made more sense to
the committee.
"WE URGE the University to stay with the com-
panies and to strongly participate in those policy
decisions where stockholders are able to, in order to
accomplish the Sullivan principles," said Gies.
The Sullivan principles call for equal pay and ad-
vancement opportunities regardless of race,
progress toward desegregation, and improved
quality of life for black workers in South Africa.
Members of the panel stressed that by maintaining
investment in the South African companies, the
See 'U', Page 3

Hanging Laces
A deserted pair of tennis shoes hang aimlessly from an electrical wire on the,
corner of East University and Hill St.

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Ding, dong-doper calling
MICHIGAN STUDENTS have learned to
survive the long, cold winters with a little
help from Ann Arbor's friendly pizza
delivery services. Some New York
residents have it even easier-they have their pot

self-proclaimed "pope," 41-year-old Michael Cezar,
says he is making $30,000 a day. Police said the mat-
ter was being investigated but declined further com-
ment. Cezar said if the group is taken to trial, mem-
bers would claim marijuana is their "church's"
religous sacrament. But do they deliver in thirty
minutes or less?
Gobbling games
DAC-MAN FEVER has reached epidemic propor-

store was estimated at $5,000. Police have no suspec-
ts in the theft, but they are guessing the truck that
gobbled up the wall and the game is sure to have a
considerable amount of damage. Q
The Daily Almanac
O N THIS DATE in 1968 the Student Government,
Committee demanded the University investigate
the nature of CIA activities on amDUS.

"America can do anything in manned space flight
that it desires;"
" 1980-Jackson Prison inmate Gustave Jansson
announces that he is running for governor, even
though he concedes that he is not the best man for the
On the inside ...




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