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February 03, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-02-03

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Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom



Cloudy today with snow likely. Tem-
peratures falling to the upper 20s.

I _______________________________ I

RoI. XCIII, No. 102

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 3, 1983

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



Financial aid
draft rules

Frye names
Crowfoot new
SNR dean

Financial aid officers curious
about how to police a new law
requiring federal financial aid
recipients to register for the draft
got their answer yesterday from
the Department of Education in
Washington, D.C. The law which
goes into effect July 1, will require
next year's male aid applicants to
prove they have registered when
they receive their award notices in
ate May.
IF A STUDENT does not have
certification of registration, he
may fill out an affidavit saying
that he has registered with the
Selective Service but has not
received his certification. The
student will then have 90 days to
prove he registed before his finan-
cial aid application is denied.
The law, which goes into effect
July 1, will require next year's
male aid applicants to prove they
have registered when they receive
their award notices in late May.
Students who do not have to
register with the Selective Service
- women, students under 18 years
of age, or those born before 1960 -
must indicate their status on the
award notices they return, to the
FINANCIAL aid office officials

said the new guidelines pose a
potential problem for men who are
underage at the time they apply for
aid in the spring, but who will turn
18 years old later in the year. The
office has not decided how to deal
with these students.
A method of checking birthdates
must be integrated into the system
to ensure that these students do not
lose their aid, or receive aid
illegally, said James Zimmerman,
assistant director of the financial
aid office.
- Officials also say that the excess
paperwork that will accompany
the new law will be burdensome for
the office. "Administratively, it
will be an added complication to an
already complicated system. We
are not looking forward to more
work - we have enough to do
already," Zimmerman said.
Although some universities have
considered providing alternative
aid to students who fail to register,
the University has not decided
whether or not to do so.
The financial aid office, the ad-
ministration, and the general
public have 30 days to comment on
the rules, according to Department
of Education policy. If the public
comhment finds serious problems
with the guidelines, changes can be

University officials yesterday nomin-
ted Prof. James Crowfoot to a three-
year term as Dean of the School of
Natural Resources, ending a two-month
search that was originally intended
only to find an interim dean.
If approved by the Regents at their
Feb. 24 meeting, Crowfoot will im-
mediately assume the position vacated
in December when Dean William John-
son resigned to begin a sabbatical.
CROWFOOT said the coming months
will be a time for planning the future of
the school: 'University Vice President
for Academic Affairs Billy Frye is ex-
pected to announce his final recom-
mendation next week on the proposal
that the school's budget be trimmed by
"The main issue is to get on with
planning the future directions of the
school," Crowfoot said. To combat the
sinking morale which has plagued the
school during the budget review,
Crowfoot said he would give immediate
attention to problems such as course
availability, financial aid, teaching
assignments, and research funds.
"I understand my task is to try and
move the college through this bridging
period," Crowfoot said.
Because of the transition, Frye said
he felt it necessary to give Crowfoot the
full authority of a dean instead of
picking an interim dean, and appointed
Crowfoot for a three year term instead
of the traditional five years.

... receives three-year appointment
"I DON'T think ,we're in a good
position to search externally ... until
we complete the review process and
restore our committment to the;
school," Frye said.
In the search for an interim dean,
Frye submitted the names of tenured
faculty members to the faculty for their:
ratings, and chose rowfoot from
among the top five candidates.
Asked about the legality of creating a
three-year deanship, Frye said, "I
don't even know that we can do that ...
See NEW, Page 5

Indecent exposure? Daily Photo by ELIZABETH SCOTT
The smile on this man's face is not the result of a University Museum of Art retrospec-
tive on the peep show. The Museum is, in fact, hosting a special exhibit focusing on the
nude in art.

r s
a a 5 2 0 i { ! y "
Cranston announces x 4 49 Yv v v a

Liberal Sen. Alan Cranston of Califor-
nia became the first Democrat to enterl
the 1984 presidential race Wednesday,f
pledging to meet with the Russians and
end the "insane" nuclear arms race.
After making his announcement in l
Washington, Cranston flew to New t
Hampshire, the nation's first primary
state, to launch his long-shot battle for
the nomination.1
THE THREE-term senator, who is
assistant Democratic leader of the
Senate, is considered to be trailing far
behind the early Democratic front-t
runner - former Vice President Walterl
Mondale and Sen. John Glenn of Ohio.
"I come here today to announce my1
intention to campaign for the office of
president of the United States," Cran-
ston said. "I have no other choice .. .
not if I am to remain loyal to the prin-
ciples which I have developed during four
decades of public life."

Although little known nationwide,
Cranston is a dedicated and hard cam-
paigner who is one of the party's best
fundraisers - a useful asset in a long
BECAUSE HIS native California
provides 20 percent of the delegates
needed for nomination, Cranston's can-
didacy will become credible if he
makes any kind of respectable showing
in the early primaries.
In launching his campaign, Cranston
sought to carve out as his constituency
the "overwhelming majority" who
believe nuclear weapons threaten to
wipe out civilization.
He promised his first act if elected
president would be to sit down with the
Soviets and negotiate a mutual and
verifiable freeze on nuclear weapons
and then propose "that we meet again
and again and again until we agree on
See DEMOCRAT, Page 2

Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) announces his candidacy for the presidency in
a Washington news conference yesterday.

Policy board
turns down
U' research
study panel

Staring at a March deadline for presentation of
non-classified research guidelines to the Senate
Assembly, the Research Policy Committee yesterday
voted down a proposed subcommittee to investigate
several allegedly controversial research projects.
The committee, chaired by dentistry Prof. Robert
Moyers, defeated a motion presented by student
member Tom Marx, citing as reasons time constrain-
ts and concern over singling out specific grants.
"WE EXPLORED some possibilities for expanding
on policy we approved before," said Thomas Senior,
professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
"We have talked things out, but we aren't that much
further forward than we were."
The proposal called for a six member subcommit-
tee to investigate five or six specific projects labelled

"irresponsible" in a military research report com-
piled last year by Bret Eynon and Roger Kerson for
the Michigan Student Assembly. The subcommittee
would check to see if the projects were acceptable
under new guidlines the RPC approved last December.
"We need to look at questionable research before we
decide whether or not we need a mechanism for en-
forcing the guidelines," said Marx.
MARX EXPLAINED that the committee defeated
the proposal because singling out projects smacked
of "witch hunting." "A number of committee mem-
bers said they supported looking into the research
projects. However, they did not like the wording of
my proposal," Marx said. "Instead they suggested a
random selection of projects to look into, not singling
them out."
See PANEL, Page 2

Laser advocate Daly photo by ELIZABETH SCOTT
Andy Rotstein speaks at the Michigan League yesterday in support of a laser
defense system. He says investment in the system would spur the economy to
recovery. See story, page 2.



servers said, predictions of six more weeks of winter have
been met with jeers and snowballs. Thanks for the good
news, Phil.

revealed wires and other electronic gadgetry inside the
box. "We determined that we could not take a chance so we
treated it like it was a live bomb," Knottek said. Bomb
technicians from the Army's137th Ordinance Detachment-
Explosives Disposal destroyed the package by remote con-
trol. The Pac-Man had been running on batteries, police
said. The package, wrapped in brown paper, had been in-
tended for a Corpus Christi address that postal authorities
declined to release. Whoever owned the game must file with
the postal service to be reimbursed for the cost of the game,
said James McCullough, postmaster for Corpus Christi. EJ

Also on this date in history:
" 1966 - The Student Government Council passed a
motion calling for student body participation in the selec-
tion of the next University president;
" 1970 - University President Robben Fleming announ-
ced that legal action was being taken against 16 individuals
and the local Students for a Democratic Society as a result
of harassment incurred by military and corporation
" 1975 - The LSA faculty voted overwhelmingly not to
grant academic credit for ROTC classes. Credit had been

Shadow of a doubt

ID IT SEEM A BIT LIKE spring yesterday?
Punxsutaway Phil says it should. Phil, that fam-

Pac-Man boom


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