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January 28, 1983 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-01-28
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Thy t

Bars & Clubs
Annie's Dugout - Bob
Springfield combines comedy and
song with an unusual twist.
Arbor Valley Inn - John An-
thony and Legend whip up some
wild country & western.
The Blind Pig - Willie D.
Warren and the Brush Street Blues
Band play Detroit blues.
The Earle - Jazz up your Friday
with the Ron Brooks Trio.
The Fox's Den (Lord Fox) -
Piano in a classical style tonight
with Winifred Kerner.
The Habitat - Dancin' rock with
the Whiz Kids all night long.
Joe's Star Lounge - The Flying
Tigers soar into Joe's to blast-off
with rockabilly.
Main Street Saloon - Let Air-
wave blow top-40 hits your way.
Mile High Club - Mustard's
Retreat combines rock & blues and
pleasant originals.
Mr. Flood's Party - George
Bedard and the Bonnevilles return
with rousing rockabilly.
Mountain Jack's - Twist and
shout to the top-40 tunes of Rainbo.
Rick's American Cafe - Brace
yourself for that wildman rocker
Steve Nardella.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot will enter-
tain with sweet piano.
Second Chance - Steve King and
those Dittilies are still kickin' out
your favorite '60s hits.
University Club - Oroboros
sails in from Ohio with R & B
West Bank - That swinging sex-
tet Topaz is still swinging with top-
40 greats.
Winston's Pib (Win Schuler's) -
Top off your evening by listening to
jazz piano by Buster Banks.
Eclipse Jazz
The Buddy Rich Big Band brings
some great old sounds to Hill
Auditorium with impeccable style.
The night is rounded out with per-
formances by the University's
Jazz Band and the Washtenaw
Community College Big Band
making it a sure big band ex-
travaganza. 8 p.m. $6.50, $7.50, and
$8.50. Call 763-5924.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
Spend an evening with Eugene
Ionesco in his world of absurd
comedy. Steven Stuhlbarg directs
two of the great playwright's
earliest works, The Bald Soprano
and The Lesson. The first is a
satirical comedy that attacks the
lifestyle of the middle class, while
the second makes a comment on
the use of education as a means of
controlling society. Performances
begin at 8 p.m. today and
tomorrow at the -Main Street
Theatre. $3. Call 662-9405.

Saline Area Players
Tennessee Williams' classic
drama A Streetcar Named Desire
will be presented at the Saline High
School Auditorium tonight at 8.
Michigan Daily alumnus Joshua
Peck directs this production.
Tickets $4.50 ($3.50 for students).
Call 429-9724.
Michigan Ensemble Theater
Harold Pinter's Old Times gets
new life from the University's
professional theater starting
tonight in the Frieze Building. The
play concerns the mysterious yet
humorous reunion of three friends
who remember strange things in
their past.$8-10. Call 764-0450.
University Folk Dancing Club
The old soft shoe gets a new lease
on life with beginning dance in-
struction and then full-fledged, un-
bridled dancing! 8 p.m.-midnight
at the 3rd Floor Dance Studio (621
E. William). $1.50. Call 665-9427.
The Wolverines take to the pool
against the Hoosiers of Indiana at
the Matt Mann Pool at 7:30 p.m.
Call 764-0247.
Ann Arbor Science Fiction
"ConFusion 101" is the name,
and outer-space and celestial ex-
ploits the game with this annual
gathering for science fiction en-
thusiasts. There will be films,
panel discussions featuring
prominent guests (including C.J.
Cherry, author of the "Faded Sun"
series), book dealers, and an art
show, to mention but a few bits of
fun scheduled for the festival's
three-day run. 6-10 p.m. every
night at the Plymouth Hilton in
Plymouth (14707 Northville Rd.).
Call 971-2055 or 971-3705. Free to
University Committee for Gender
University Professor of Architec-
ture and Urban Planning Hemalata
Dandekar will present a lecture
today on "Development Im-
plications for Women in Rural In-
dia: A Case Study of Sugao Village,
Maharastra." The lecture begins
at noon, International Center
(West Quad). 764-0373. Free.
Full Moon Meditation Ceremony
Reach altered states with
Stanley Zurawski, who will con-
duct a discussion on principles of
meditation and the Universal Con-
sciousness. Those interested can
appear at the Friends Meeting
House (1420 Hill) at 8 p.m. or call
434-7445. Free.

Saline Area Players
See Friday's listing for more in-
formation on Tennessee Williams'
classic drama A Streetcar Named
Desire. 8p.m.
Washtenaw Ski Touring Club
This month's third scheduled
"Saturday Morning Ski," open to
cross country skiers of all levels
of experience, will depart by car-
pool from the AAA Parking Lot
(1200 S. Main) at 9 a.m. Call 662-
SKIS. Free.
University Men's Basketball
The Wolverines vs. the fighting
Illini of Illinois. 1, p.m. Crisler
Arena. $5. Call 764-0247.
University Women's Swimming
Vs. Indiana at 2 p.m. in the Matt
Mann Pool. $1. 763-2159.
University Ice Hockey
The "M" Icers face off against
the MSU Spartans at the Yost Ice
Arena. 7:30 p.m. $3-$4. Call 764-
Friends of Matthaei Botanical
For their Propagation
Techniques Workshop the Friends
present Botanical gardens hor-
ticulture assistants Rodger Keller
and Janet Scott of the Friends'
Propagation Committee. These
two will demonstrate cutting and
seed planting techniques. 25 person
limit. Bring a shoe box or com-
parable container to transport cut-
tings and seeds. 10 a.m.-noon. Mat-
thaei Botanical Gardens greenhouse
(1800 N. Dixboro). $7.50
registration fee. Call 764-1168.
University Exhibit Museum
The audio-visual presentation of
all constellations and planets
visible in the winter sky continues
today. "Orion and Company" can
be seen at 10:30 & 11:30 a.m., 2, 3,
and 4 p.m. at the Exhibit Museum
(Geddes at N. University). $1. Call
Ann Arbor Science Association
"ConFusion 101" continues. See
Friday's listing.
Explorer Post #4
The Post will sponsor a cross
country ski trip at Camp
Munhackie on the Potawatomie
Trail which includes an overnight
camp out. File your skis and get
your sleeping bag ready, everyone
from 15-20 urged to join in the fun.
Noon today until noon Sunday. Call
662-5650. Free.

Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot provides
personal piano.
Second Chance - Dance and
drink to Steve King and the Dit-
Stage Door - Jazz Detroit-style
with Parade.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Janet Smarr and Roger Marcus,
a professional duo with a large Ann
Arbor following, perform music
for voice, lute, and guitar. St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church (306 N.
Division). Tickets $3. Call 971-2110.
First Presbyterian Church
The chancel choir of the First
Presbyterian joins with the Ann
'Arbor Chamber Orchestra for a
performance of the St. Nicholas
mass. The half-hour presentation
will feature inspiring, vocal solos.
First Presbyterian Church (1432
Washtenaw). 9:30-1:130 and 11
a.m.-noon. Call 662-4466.
The University Musical Society
Marcel Marceau, the master of
mime, gives two (yes, two!) per-
formances today at the Power Cen-
ter. See Saturday. 3 and 8 p.m. Call
The Michigan Ensemble Theatre
The Ensemble Theatre presents
Old Times in the New Trueblood
Arena. See Friday. 8 p.m. Call 764-
University Co-ed Gymnastics
A quadameet with Ohio State,
E.M.U., and Clarion College. 1
p.m., Crisler Arena. $1. Call 763-
Sierra Club
There will be a four-mile hike
through the Highland Recreation
Area, a wooded lake area about 20
miles from Ann Arbor. Car pools
leave Ann Arbor City Hall at 1 p.m.
Free, except for gas money. Call
Ann Arbor Science Fiction
"Con;Fusion 101" continues. See
Friday's listing. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
University Exhibit Museum
"Orion and Company" con-
tinues. 2, 3, and 4 p.m. See Satur-
day's listing for more information.

Mr. Flood's Party - Kevin
Brown performs folk and country
tunes on guitar.
Mountain Jack's - Let Rainbo
wrap up your month with top-40
Rick's American Cafe - Flying
Tigers breeze, into Rick's with
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - David Mayer takes
over on the keyboard.
Second Chance - Vendetta kicks
off with heavy-duty, heavy metal
University Club - Dance your
night away to all your favorites
with the Dance Party DJ.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- Buster Banks keeps listeners at
bay with jazz piano compositions.
Soundings Center for Women in
Middle Years
This is the first in a series of
Monday and Wednesday sessions
aimed at aiding women to find
jobs. These sessions are primarily
for women who have been
homemakers who now feel the
need to get a job to support them-
selves. 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Room 20
Bach School (600 W. Jefferson).
For an interview call 665-2606.

Bars & Clubs
Mountain Jack's - Make your
Wednesday wild and dance all
night with Rainbo.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot and his
piano provide for an intimate
University Club - Local comics
provide an evening of laughs.
West Bank - The versatile sex-
tet, Mystique will provide the right
notes for an evening of top-40 dan-
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- Let pianist Buster Banks add
some vocal jazz to your evening.
Michigan Ensemble Theater
Nikolai Gogol's short story The
Diary of a Madman will be per-
formed by the University's
resident professional theater com-
pany. The story follows the life of a
lonely civil servant who records
the events of his life in a diary. The
story deals with everything from
the dramatic yet somewhat comic
romance of the star to his fall and
guarantees to be an excellent stag
piece. 8 p.m. New Trueblood Arena
Frieze Building. $8-$10 tickets at
the box office in the Michigan
League (764-0450) and at the door
an hour before each performance.
Call 764-5387.
University Test Preparation Ser-
An introductory seminar for the
LSAT and the GMAT will be given
at the Michigan Union, Conference
Room 4 at 4p.m. today.
The Center for Russian and East
European Studies
Associate Dean of the College of
LS&A and professor of political
science William Zimmerman will
give a brown bag lecture today
titled "The Soviet Military
Project: A Real Introduction."

Bars & Clubs
The Fox's Den (Lord Fox) -
Winifred Kerner delights listeners
with a wide range. of classical
piano compositions.
Mountain Jack's - Somewhere
over the rainbow there's top-40 hits
by Rainbo; experience it tonight at
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot provides
soft notes on the piano to com-
plement your evening.
University Club - Local folk and
jazz is showcased this evening.
West Bank - Dance all night
with the top-40 sextet, Mystique.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- The vocal and instrumental
talents of Buster Banks will be
highlighted in an evening of jazz.
The University's non-
commercial student-run radio
station is having its fourth annual
On-the-Air Fundraiser. Starting
today the station will air four days
of special programming featuring
live music, rare recordings, and
more. Premiums will be offered to
encourage support of this enter-
taining and educational Ann Arbor
institution. There'll be good radio
all weekend long, help keep it that
way. Call 763-3501.
Michigan Ensemble Theater
The play Diary of a Madman

Brown Bags are held on Wed-
nesdays at noon in the Commons
Room of Lane Hall.

Steve N

Ann Art
Bald So
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Springfield entertain you with
comedy and song.
Arbor Valley Inn - Wildly
rockin' country & western music
by John Anthony & Legend.
The Blind Pig - Willie D.
Warren and the Brush Street Blues
Band wail with Detroit Blues.
The Earle -- Let the Ron Brooks
Trio jazz up your evening.
. The Fox's Den (Lord Fox) -
Contemporary and jazzy piano by
Steve Larson for the foxy crowd.
The Habitat - Whiz Kids whip
up some versatile dance numbers.
Joe's Star Lounge - Flying
Tigers wrap up the weekend at
Joe's with rousing rockabilly.
Main Street Saloon - Airwave
blows some top-40 tunes your way
with an original twist.
Mile High Club - Mustard's
Retreat rocks you a mile high at
the club.
Mr. Flood's Party - George
Bedard and the Bonnevilles return
with more swingin' rockabilly.
Mountain Jack's - Somewhere
over the Rainbow there's danceable
top-40 - experience it at Jack's.
Rick's American Cafe - Steve
Nardella blasts out those high-
powered tunes.
. Second Chance - Steve King and
the Dittilies tie-up the weekend
with '60s classics.
Stage Door - Parade plays
Detroit-based jazz onstage tonight.
West Bank - Top-40 Topaz plays
hits to keep you dancin'.
Winston'S PUB (Win Schuler's)
- Veteran pianist, Buster Banks
plays an entertaining jazz piano.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Celebration of
Jewish Arts
Geula Gill, the popular Israeli
vocalist, will perform her beautiful

renditions of Israeli folk songs.
This Tony Award nominee is per-
forming at 8 p.m. at the Michigan
Theater. Tickets $7.50-$12.50
(students $3.50-$6.50). Call 663-
Michigan Nuclear Weapons Freeze
The benefit performance at the
Michigan Union Ballroom will
highlight many of Ann Arbor's
talented musicians. Composing the
bill for the show will be Peter
"Madcat" Ruth, a virtual wizard
on the harmonica, Ann Doyle, the
versatile singer and guitarist, and
the Trees, who will perform vocal
duets. Also appearing will beUthe
JediAfro-Jazz Dancers and
Drummers, and the U-M
Mimetroup. Topping off the'
evening will be a showing by
Herizon, a female band playing
danceable rock. Tickets are $5 for,
the show at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
Ballroom. Call 995-2972.
University Musical Society
Marcel Marceau performs
tonight at the Power Center. The
greatest living mime will perform
new pantomimes fresh from the
European stage. You cannot miss
this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to gape at the master who has
thrilled audiences around the
world. 8 p.m. Tickets are $11-16.
Call 665-3717.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
Ionesco's absurdity entertains
another audience tonight at 8 p.m.
with The Bald Soprano and The
Lesson. See Friday listing.
The Michigan Ensemble Theatre
The Theatre presents Old Times,
a mystery-comedy-musical ex-
travaganza. See Friday. 8 p.m. in
the New Trueblood Arena. Frieze
Building. Call 764-0450.

Bars & Clubs
Mountain Jack's - Rainbo rolls
into their final week with excellent
renditions of top-40 hits.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer) - Bart Polot accentuates
your evening with soft piano.
University Club - The sounds of
reggae light up the U-Club with
recorded tracks.
West Bank - Mystique will keep
you both mystified and dancing
with top-40 hits.
Winston's Pub (Win Schuler's)
- Jazz pianist and vocalist, Buster
Banks provides for some great en-

Alice Si
The g
10 a.m

Bars & Clubs
Del Rio -- Local talent plays
Joe's Star Lounge -- Pangaea
plays dance, funk, and even latin
for University Women's Club.
Mr. Flood's Party - Steve
Wethy provides for an exciting
evening of sound.

Bars & Clubs
The Blind Pig-- George Bedard
and Mr. B. forge together their
country, rockabilly, and boogie
blues. -
The Earle - Larry Manderville
plays superb piano to go with your
The Habitat'-- The three-piece
Whiz Kids will delight with popular
dance tunes.
Joe's Star Lounge - Blue Front
Persuaders are back with classic
R & B styles and rousing originals.

Bars & Clubs
Annie's Dugout - Let Bob

Swimming: Friday, Indiana vs. Michigan.

8 Weekend/January 28. 1983

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