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Christianity Page 1
Campus Christian groups work to spread their
message and to carve a niche for themselves within a
University community that may see them as strange
or pushy. Cover photo by Deborah Lewis.
Big Band Page 4
Buddy Rich started banging away with the swing
bands of the '40s. This week the master percussionist
rolls into Hill Auditorium for a jazz extravaganza.
Also, Israeli singer Geula Gill makes her warbling
skills known at her Saturday performance in the
Michigan Theatre.
Rockabilly Page 5
Ann Arbor's Steve Nardella plays his rock the way
he likes it - fast and hard. Take a listen to some local
rockabilly with this week's profile.
Silent treatment Page 6
French mimist Marcel Marceau won't say
anything at his performances this weekend, but the
Power Center shows are sure to be real screamers.
Over at the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, lonesco's Bald
Soprano sings all week.
Gandy Dancer Page 11
The Gandy Dancer enjoys both a scenic location by
the railroad tracks and a fine reputation as the place
for stylish dining. This week's review takes a look
beyond the rails and the rep.
OK LBJ Page12
Lyndon Baines Johnson was perhaps one of the
most ambitious, disliked and controversial presiden-
ts in modern times. His newest biography, written by
Robert Caro, is a lengthy if often biased investigation
into the Texan's background and early career, as he
developed into a politician of memorable craft, op-
portunism, and often cruelty.
Youngstown Page 13
Neil Young's latest offering, Trans, brings elec-
tronics into his usual song and dance. Easily one of
his best albums.
Marcel Marceau: Silen
Maranatha: Spreading the word
from 1
Members aren't forced to follow these
rules. Most wouldn't even think of
breaking them, because they say they
have no desire to.
Following a trend on campuses
across the country, the students are
part of a steadily growing body who
have decided that dedication to Christ
is the most important thing in their
lives, in contrast to the scramble for
jobs or weekends of partying that oc-
cupy other undergraduates.
Some of the students have traditional
Christian backgrounds, others find the
faith for the first time after they join
the group. "At home, my family isn't
Christian, and getting involved in
things like Inter-Varsity is sort of
discouraged," says sophomore Nora
Arquette. "There's more freedom
The Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship is just one of the
organizations on campus - most of
them unaffiliated with specific
denominations - they may turn to. The
University Christian Outreach, Cam-
pus Crusade for Christ International,
Maranatha Campus Ministries Inter-
national, and others, usually run by a
few full-time staff members assisted by
student leaders, exist primarily to suit
student needs. There are wide differen-
ces between some of the groups - par-
ticularly between Maranatha and the
others - but the underlying similarity
is their dedication to Christianity and
the strength it brings to their daily
"This (the University) is a place
where everyone's out for themselves."
says Smith, a chapter president for In-
ter-Varsity who attended her first
meeting five years ago when a friend
asked her to come along. "They're out
to get into med school, and they're out
to beat everybody else down.
"A Christian will take the time to
sacrifice an evening of study to help a
friend with a problem - that kind of
thing speaks very loudly."
Other things speak pretty loudly, too.
Students who don't belong to the groups
often say they've felt bothered,
sometimes even harassed, by the effor-
ts of students belonging to some of the
groups to spread the word.
Most members of the Christian
groups will say that despite what some
people consider hard-sell tactics, their
primary goal is not to bring more
people into the group itself<; they are
only trying to share what they feel is the
best way of life.
"When I talk to someone, I don't em-
phasize the fact that it's Campus
Crusade I'm involved with," says
Karen Googasian. "If a person chooses
some other group, that's fine
Crusade is just a tool."
Some of the larger groups focus on
the dorms, especially at the beginning
of the term, as a way to contact more
'My main goal as to a Christian is to glorify
God in whatever I do. As far as social things
like abortion are concerned, I believe the
gospel can be applied to everyday life.'
-Maranatha member
Dan Lockrie
Diag may not suit everyone.
"Each individual is different, and
each expresses his faith in a different
way. It's a very personal thing about
how you do it," says Googasian, who is
also social chairperson for Delta
Gamma sorority. "I definitely know
people in Crusade who are very
evangelistic and pushy, but I also know
people who are scared to death to even
tell anyone they're involved."
MIKE CAULK, who founded Ann
Arbor's chapter of Maranatha in
1981, isn't at all afraid to share his
brand of evangelical Christianity. He
can be found out on the Diag on most
pleasant days, and even on some of the
nastier ones, preaching the gospel and
arguing social and political issues with
passersby. "It's just the tip of the
iceberg," says Caulk of his ser-
monizing. "It's the equivalent of a far-
mer sowing seeds - the very visible
Caulk's wife, Missy, says her
husband's methods are not standard
among Maranatha groups on other
campuses. But, she says, "That's what
the Lord spoke for him to do."
And Maranatha has reaped the
benefits of Caulk's work. Recent
graduate Ed Frutig says he had been
raised in a Christian home, but began
following a more liberal lifestyle when
he came to the University as a member
of the wrestling team. After hearing
Caulk on the Diag, he says, he decided'
to join Maranatha "because I knew
what they were saying was right."
Giving up wrestling for golf because of
an injury, Frutig says his game im-
proved after he made God the center of
his life.
Although Maranatha has a relatively
small local membership - about 70,
compared to Inter-Varsity's estimated
300 - it has the most notorious
reputation, partly because of Caulk and
Weekend Weekend is edited and managed by students on the Weekend, (313) 763-037
Friday, January 28. 1983 staff of The Michigan Daily at 420 Maynard, Ann Ar- Daily, 764-0552; Circulatio
.1, Ie 14bor, Michigan, 48109. It appears in the Friday edition tising, 764-0554.
Magazine Editor............ Richard Campbell of the Daily every week during the University year
Assistant Editor .......................Ben Ticho and is available for free at many locations around the Copyright 1983, The Mic
campus and city.
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There's no such thing as an aven
"It does help some people make up
their minds . . . (but) if somebody tries
to convert me, if I'm already a
Christian, I don't need to hear it," said
LSA junior Diane Turner.
Some feel more strongly that the
students are trying to sell them
something they don't want. Roxanne
Panah, another LSA junior, said that
one person approached her while she
was studying in the Union, sat down,
and proceeded to talk to her even
though she said she was busy. "When.
I'm not interested, and they're per-
sistent, it bothers me," she said..-
students. The methods of drawing at-
tention vary from the large-scale
gatherings - Crusade is planning
meetings for Alice Lloyd and West
Quad next week - designed for studen-
ts who want the safety of a crowd, to the
small Bible study or prayer sessions
that can give one-on-one attention.
Beyond the formal recruitment effor-
ts - members stress that they recruit
for God, not for their group - leaders
say students aren't given instructions
about how to present their message.
While it is very important to spread
God's word, they say, preaching in the
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