The Michigan Daily-Friday, January 28, 1983-Page 4
Mubarak presses
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak told President Reagan
yesterday that time is running out for peace
in the Middle East and the United States has a
special responsibility to make sure the
"golden opportunity" is not missed.
The White House meeting between the two
presidents produced agreement that the im-
passe in negotiations on the withdrawal of all
foreign forces from Lebanon casts a dark
shadow over the chances of the wider peace
process moving forward.
"WE REVIEWED the situation in Lebanon
and I assured President Mubarak of my
determination to support the territorial in-
tegrity, sovereignty and independence of
Lebanon to the end," Reagan said. "To that
end, there must be an early withdrawal of all
foreign forces."
Mubarak mentioned only the need for the
withdrawal of Israeli forces. But a U.S. of-
ficial said it is understood that as soon as the
Israelis agree to pull out their estimated
'Top priority must be
given to reaching an
agreement to the with-
drawal of Israeli forces.'
- Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak
30,000 troops, the Syrian and Palestine
Liberation forces will follow quickly.
There was no indication that Mubarak
asked Reagan to suspend U.S. military or
economic aid to Israel, although such a move
by the United States is known to be under con-
BEFORE withdrawing, Israel wants the
Lebanese government to agree on diplomatic
and economic ties. Israel also wants to keep
U.S. role
some troops at monitoring stations in
Lebanon as a precaution against renewed in-
filtration by Palestinian guerrillas.
The Reagan administration is opposed to a
peace treaty between the two countries at this
point, and has proposed U.S. troops instead of
Israelis be stationed at the monitoring
stations in the border area.
"I welcomed the reaffirmation of the
United States commitment to support the
territorial integrity, independence and
sovereignty of Lebanon," Mubarak said.
"The time factor is crucial to the success of
our endeavors. (Top priority must be given to
reaching an agreement to the withdrawal of
Israeli forces.")
A U.S. official said Mubarak set no time
limit, but the U.S. official said, "It is
measured in rponths." _
Mubarak appears to be working hard and
effectively to bring Jordan and represen-
tatives of the Palestinians into the Middle
East peace process, U.S. officials said.
AP Photo
Bomber explodes,
Five people were killed and eight others injured when this B-52 bomber burned yesterday. The
explosion occurred during a routine maintenance check at Grand Forks Air Force Base near
Grand Forks, North Dakota.
ConFusion, the Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association, is holding a Sciene
Fiction Convention, featuring panel discussions. a science fiction art show,
masquerade ball, snow creature contest, book dealers, and science fiction
movies. Special guest will be C. J. Cherryh, author of the 1982 Hugo Award-
winning novel Downbelow'Station. Events begin at 6 p.m. tonight and con-
tinue until 3 p.m. Sunday all at the Plymouth Holton Hotel, 14707 Northville
Alternative Action - The Sting, 7 & 9:15 p.m., MLB 4.
AAFC - Atomic Cage, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema II - Taxi Driver, 7 & 9:05 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
CFT - A Fistful of Dollars, 1 & 7:45 p.m., For a Few Dollars More, 2:45 &
9:30 p.m., The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, 5 & 11:45 p.m., Michigan
Mediatrics - Dr. Strangelover, 6:45, 8:30 & 10:15 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild - Every Man for Himself and God Against All, 7 & 9:05
p.m., Lorch Hall.
Public Health - Noon time Film Fest, Hope is not a Method and It Hap-
pens, 12 10 p.m., M2525 SPHII.
South and Southeast Asian Studies - The Cosmic Mountain, 7-9 p.m.,
Commons Rm., Lane Hall.
Eclipse - Buddy Rich Big Band, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Professional Theatre Program - Old Times, by Harold Pinter, 8 p.m.,
Trueblood Arena, Frieze Bldg.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre - An Evening of Ionesco, The Bald Soprano and
The Lesson, 8p.m., Main Street Theatre, 338 S. Main St.
Saline Area Players - A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams,
8 p.m., Saline High School Auditorium.
The Ark - Joel Mabus, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Music at Michigan - Piano Master Class, Santiago Rodrigues; 1:30 p.m.,
Oboe Recital, Cynthia Dance, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Guild House - Noon Luncheon, Bret Eynon, "Action and Consequence:
Revisioning the History of the 60s," 12 p.m., 802 Monroe.
Natural Resources - 1983 Laird, Norton Distinguished Visitor Series,
Kathleen Bennett, "Federal Environmental Policy," 3-5 p.m., 1040 Dana.
South and Southeast Asian Studies - Tom Hunter, "The Union of Art and
Song in an Indian Regmala Series," 12 p.m., Commons Rm., Lane Hall.
Chemistry - Organic Thesis Colloquium, Stephen Coulter, "Amino Acids
Grafted to Poly (Alkylenimines)-Potential Antitumor Agents," 2 p.m., 1400
Collegiate Inst. of Values and Science/Sloan Foundation-Sharon
Traweek, "Ethnography of Particle Physics in Contemporary America and
Japan," 4 p.m., MLB 2.
Gender Res. - Hema Dandekar, "Development Implications for Women
in Rural India - Case Study: Sugao in Decca, Mararastra," 12-1 p.m., Int.
Natural Resources - Kenneth Brooks, Phil Guertin, and Peter Folliott,
"Multiple Resourc Modelling: Needs and Opportunities for the Great Lakes
States," 1-3 p.m., 1040 Dana.
Engineering - Abbas Bahri, "Pertubation Methods in Critical Point theory
and Applications to Boundary Value Problems and Hamiltonian Systems," 4
p.m., 436 W. Engineering.
Center for Japanese Studies - Sharon Traweek, "Tsukuba, Mombush and
Physics; the Politics of Japanese Big Science," 12 p.m., Lane Hall Commons
English - Enrico Santi, brown bag lunch, 12 p.m., 454 Lorch Hall, faculty-
student seminar, 3 p.m., MLB Commons Rm.
Int'l Student Fellowship -7 p.m., 4100 Nixon Road.
Tae Kwon Do Club - practice, 5-7 p.m., Martial Arts Rm., CCRB.
Polish American Student Association - social hour, 4-6 p.m., Lane Hall
Commons Rm.
Duplicate Bridge Club - open game, 7:15 p.m., Michigan League.
League - International Night, Indonesia, 5-7:15 p.m.
Panhellenic Assoc.-Winter Sorority Rush, open house, 1-3 p.m., Anderson
Rm., Michigan Union.
Folk Dance Club - teaching, 8-9:30 p.m., request dancing, 9:30 p.m.-12
a.m., Dance Studio, corner of William and State.
Museum of Art - Art Break, Virginia Castor, "No. 1 Art Form," and "The
Nude," 12:10 p.m.
English - Informal Sem., Seamus Heaney, poet-in-residence, 3 p.m.,
Henderson Rm., Michigan League.
Campus Crusade for Christ - "College Life: What is success?" 10 p.m.,
Blue Carpet Lounge, Alice Lloyd.
SOS Community Crisis Center - interviewing for prospective volunteers,
114 N. River St., Ypsilanti.
UAC - sign-up for Mini-Courses, Michigan Union Ticket Office.
Organization of Arab Students - Near East Conference, registration, 9
a.m., Rackham building.
Hare Krishna - Visnu Pad, "Enlightenment in the Iron Age," 6:30 p.m.,
Bhaktivedanta Cultural Center, 606 Packard.
To submit items for the Lappenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
itA A U 1k@ I s ' - -
Reagan ei
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-President Reagan's
suggestion to abolish the corporate in-
come tax was accorded a quick White
House burial yeterday, and hei
delivered the eulogy: "I said yesterday
I would kick myself for saying that. I
Buteven as the chief executive and his
aides scrambled to put the idea to rest.
congressional Democrats were poking
fun at it. "On the same day that the
president sat down to drink with the
working men of Boston," said House
Speaker Thomas O'Neill, "he showed
his heart was still in the corporate
THE PRESIDENT noted he had
predicted he probably would regret
saying there "isn't any justification"
for the corporate tax, a statement made
in a meeting with Boston businessmen
on Wednesday - after, indeed, he sipped
a beer in an Irish bar in a blue-collar
"I said I would kick myself for saying
that," Reagan told reporters outside
the Oval Office. "I have."
Earlier, White House spokesman
' stand-b'
tax idea
Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker told
Congress yesterday that the nation is
poised for a sustained economic
recovery but the huge federal deficit
still "clouds the future."
"The bigger the deficit, the more
pressure there will be on interest
rates," Volcker said, adding that high
interest rates "will work against
growthin business investment and
housing," hampering recovery.
VOLCKER, IN testimony before the
Joint Economic Committee, did not of-
fer specific suggestions for whittling
the deficits that many economists say
could climb to $200 billion a year and
above if no action is taken.
He offered kind words, however, for
President Reagan's proposal of a
"standby" tax increase that would take
effect if deficits remained above $100
billion by fiscal 1986.
Passing such legislation now could be
"a possible and practical technique"
for reducing the deficit, he said. But he
added that it is up to Congress and the
administration, and not the Federal
Reserve Board, to deal with the deficit
through action on spending or taxes.
VOLCKER HAD less kind words for a
law, supported by Reagan, to "index"
tax rates beginning in 1985.
rrs on corporate
Larry Speakes said flatly of the idea; later about repeali
"it ain't going to be looked at." come tax," said
He revealed that Reagan, within comes at the same
minutes of saying the matter should be a new tax on consu
studied, told his staff on Wednesday be mainly on low-
there was no need to bother with it. people - a tax on t
"IT'S SOMETHING that's not on the pensation, a tax on
front burner, not on the back burner,
for that matter," Speakes insisted.
Sen. Paul Laxalt, (R-Nev.) Reagan's -
closest friend in Congress, said the
remark was "something obviously that
came off the top of his head . . . He
didn't intend to reflect policy at all."
Senate Republican leader Howard JOB
Baker indicated the idea of abolishing
the tax would have no chance on Capitol OPENING
Hill. He said the proposal may have
"some merit. . . But not now."
DEMOCRATS, meanwhile, had a
field day with the notion of abandoning The Camp
the corporate income tax, which ac- tions fors
counts for an estimated $58.3 billion or 9tin fo
percent of all federal tax receipts. Su mmer a
"Sure, repeal it - if you're Alice in who knov
Wonderland," said Sen. Howard Met- others kn(
zenbaum (D-Ohio).
"This president, who appeared to be
Mr. Nice Guy on the TV tube in his State The jobs i
of the Union message, talks one day out infor
tax statement
ing the corporate in-
Metzenbaum. 'This
time he is discussing
mption - which would
and middle-income
unemployment com-
health insurance.
AFL-CIO spokesman Murray Seeger
said, "I think it reinforces the im-
pression we all have of him - that his
mind is filled with these slogans he
learned long ago and they pop out at
odd times, and they don't really relate
to the basic dialogue on public policy.
campus information center
pus Information Center is taking applica-
student information assistants for Spring/
nd Fall, 1983. We are looking for students
w' the campus well, and who want to help
ow U-M better.
include gathering, organizing, and giving
mation to students, visitors, and others.
ons and more complete descriptions are
at CIC in the Michigan Union, or call
Applications are due by February 18.
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