Two empty
petition drives
See editorial, Page 4
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
Bah humbug
Partly cloudy today with a high near 20.
Lows tonight in the mid-teens.
Vol. XCIil, No. 96
Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 27, 1983
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Renters can
take time
choosing a
place to live
for next fall
Bargain hunters who have already hit the streets in
search of the perfect dwelling for next year should
take their time signing a new lease, according to
University off-campus housing officials.
With the present vacancy rate in area rental
housing above 13 percent, students no longer have to
rush to find housing, and can avoid nightmarish fears
that they won't find anything open.'
"TAKE YOUR TIME. It s a good time to be
looking around without making any commitments,"
said Jo Rumsey, director of off-campus housing.
While landlords are taking longer this year to
publicize their fall rental rate, eight of the major
management companies in the area have already
said that their rates will remain the same as last
BUT A SPOKESPERSON from Post Realty said it
would increase rates for its residents from 3 to 5 per-
cent, giving former renters little or no increase,
depending on the number of years at the residence.
Last season was "the best year for Post," the
spokesman said, despite the high vacancy rate.
Gary Baker, owner of Baker Management, said he
is increasing rent by 10 percent, but giving existing
See RENTERS, Page 5
Blanchard asks
for tax hike, leaves
higher ed. hopeful
Michigan's colleges and universities "have
already felt the cold steel of the knife," Gov. James
Blanchard said last night in his first state of the
state address. Blanchard, however, avoided men-
tioning specific cuts to higher education.
Before a joint session of the state legislature in
Lansing, Blanchard proposed cutting Michigan's
budget by $225 million, $100 million less than Blan-
chard's Fiscal Crisis Committee recommended last
week. He also proposed raising the state income tax
from 4.6 percent to 6.1 percent.
he was "quite excited" by the concern over higher
education expressed in the governor's speech. "My
response to the (policy framework) is very positive,
but I just don't know what the specifics will be for
higher education," Shapiro said.
Last week, after Blanchard's Fiscal Crisis Com-
mittee had recommended a $60 million cut to higher
education, University officials feared the Univer-
AP Photo sity could lose up to $13 million.
Blanchard said the $225 million budget cut would
ng his come from "across the board," including a portion
ack to from higher education. "The quality of sacrifice
will be the same for all," he added.
Blanchard said he expects everyone to par-
ticipate in reviving Michigan's economy. "No one
can save us but ourselves," he said.
BLANCHARD SUGGESTED a two-part plan for
"wiping clean the state's fiscal slate." He said this
will be accomplished by the $225 million budget cut
and by cutting 30 programs, boards, and com-
missions to be announced today.
Blanchard said raising personal taxes by 1.5 per-
cent and adding a .25 percent debt surcharge in-
crease would help eliminate the state's $1.7 billion
budget deficit.
Dwelling on Michigan's 17.3 percent unem-
ployment, the worst in the nation, Blanchard said
"it's time to put Michigan back to work." He said he
would propose setting up a state-wide jobs program
to help alleviate the problem. Blanchard also said
he has commissioned a survey of local public works
needs and asked the state Department of Transpor-
tation to come up with "buildable projects."
ALTHOUGH BLANCHARD said his budget cuts
would come from across the board, he also said "I
believe it is wrong to reduce state aid to those who
need it when so many are out of work and suf-
See BLANCH ARD, Page 2
Gov. James Blanchard appeals to the State Legislature last night durin
State of the State address for the support of his plan "to put Michigan ba
Cofee house may lose grounds
The Ark may have
to close its doors
Rough seas lie ahead for The Ark,
Ann Arbor's avante-garde, nationally-
renowned coffee house. The First
Presbyterian Church, which allows The
Ark rent-free use of its house on 1421
Hill St., is considering selling or
demolishing the building.
"I assume the Ark needs to be
somewhere else by next fall," said
Kathleen Dannemiller, co-founder and
self-proclaimed "mother of the Ark."
DANNEMILLER, who is also a
member of the church, said the chur-
ch's governing session created a task
force in 1981 to decide what to do with
the property, which is worth an
estimated $200,000. She said a group of
about 25 congregation members voted
unanimously Jan. 16 to tear down the
house and make it a parking lot.
Dannemiller added, however, that
the majority of the congregation
disagreed with the decision to tear the
structure down, so the Church gover-
ning session will decide.
"My hunch is that the task force will
now recommend that it be sold," she
THE NEXT church session will be in
February. It will not be open to the
First Presbyterian Church Senior
Minister William Hillegonds said the
building is badly in need of repair, and
The church cannot afford to make the
"The problem is that we set aside a
little money for the upkeep of Hill
House (The Ark), but that amount is not
nearly enough," he said.
UNIVERSITY finance prof. Thomas
Gies, who is also a committee member,
said the building is "no longer going to
be safe for public or private use," ad-
ding that it could cost as much as
$250,000 to renovate the house. "The
church just cannot afford that," he said.
"I understand the church's position
financially," Ark fundraiser Chuck
Tyson said, "but the church is moving
ahead without adequate concern for the
needs of the students and the com-
Tyson said the building has historic
value for Ann Arbor. "It would be
tragic if the church tried to tear it down
See ARK, Page 2
The Ark, one of Ann Arbor's most popular coffee houses may be demolished.
dies at 69
From staff and wire reports
TUSCALOOSA - Paul "Bear"
Bryant, the winningest coach in college
football history, died yesterday of a
massive heart attack. He was 69.
Bryant, who retired as Alabama's
coach in December after 25 years with
the Crimson Tide, died at 1:30 p.m.,
said Druid City Hospital spokeswoman
Lucy Jordan.
BRYANT DIED while being X-
rayed, hospital officials said.
Bryant, who won 323 games and lost
84 in a coaching career that spanned 38
seasons at Maryland, Kentucky, Texas
A&M, and Alabama, was admitted to
Druid City Hospital Tuesday night after
complaining of chest pains.
Michigan Coach Bo Schembechler
said he was very upset at the death of
his fellow coach. "I'm shocked and
grieved at the loss of the Bear. College
football lost a great coach and friend. I
think I speak for all coaches on ail
levels when I say we're going to miss
him," Schembechler said.
retirement from coaching on Dec. 14,
after Alabama had lost four games for
the first time since 1970. He was suc-
ceeded by Ray Perkins, who left the
New York Giants of the National Foot-
ball League to take the job.
His final game was the Liberty Bowl
in Memphis on Dec. 29, won 21-15 by an
Alabama team playing on emotion for
their departing coach.
By the time Bryant's career ended af-
ter the 1982 season, he had taken teams
to 29 bowl games and had been named
national coach of the year three times.
He averaged 8.5 victories a season.
Hare Krishna Guru Bhavanade Goswami addresses a small but attentive
audience of University students and local residents last night.
Krishna guru urges
"Education without a goal leads1
frustrated student body . .. (it) li
to anarchy," Hare Krishna G
Bhavananda Goswami Vishnu
said last night to a small but atten
audience of Krishna devotees, lc
students, and residents.
As a means of rounding out
standard university fare, Vishnu
urged that students pursue an
ditional "spiritual education."
surprisingly, he recommen
to a Krishna consciousness as the vehicle
eads for this education.
eads ANGELL HALL'S Auditorium D
pad took on an exotic air as the Guru's ad-
ipad dress was preceded by 30 minutes of
ocal religious chants by saffron robed
musicians and other members of the
the local center.
ipad In his 40-minute speech, the Guru,
ad- chief of the religion's preaching
Not projects in India, Australia, New
ded See GURU, Page 5
... winningest college coach
Quit calling
OR THOSE OF you who keep calling the Daily to
ask if we're planning to print the listing of faculty
and staff salaries this year, the answer is yes. For
those of you who are asking when we plan to print
the list, the answer is we don't know. Due to delays caused
primarily by January pay increases, the University's per-
sonnel office hasn't completed its computer file of salaries.
We hope to print the listings during the first week of
point, the barrel of the pistol fell off and hit the floor, the
police report said. The startled robber retrieved the faulty
barrel, looked at the clerk, and said, "Forget it." He then
fled the building. "Life is more humorous than any comic
strip," Warren Police Chief Richard Galgozy said. "In this
business, a person sees things that could not be made up.
This was not a startling report. But it was unusual, to say
the least." Galgozy said the would-be robber probably was
a bit shaken. "It's good news on the Saturday Night Special
gun," he said. Police have a description of the man but have
made no arrest. Dl
other side of the much-maligned sea creatures. He unveiled
a rare specimen, originally about 30 feet long and weighing
some 450 pounds preserved in 125 gallons of alcohol. Roper
made a joke about a large martini before showing guests
the "sushi bar." Roper explained that a squid's high
mineral and low fat content make it an "almost perfect
food." The exhibit is believed to be the only museum piece
of its kind in the United States, although Yale University
has a fiberglass replica. Roper maintained that the "sea
monster" is useful and apparently prospering because of
the decline in the sperm whale population. Although not a
vicious animal, Roper said he "wouldn't necessarily want
Also on this date in history:
" 1941 - A man returned to his car, which was parked on
Church Street, to find 'he had three flat tires. Upon
discovering this, he smashed all the windows of the car with
his tire iron and walked away.
" 1967 - Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and
Roger Chaffe were killed when the spacecraft they were
using for pre-launch tests burst into flames at Cape Ken-
e 1978 - Classes were cancelled for the second day in a
row after a blizzard socked Ann Arbor and dumped more
than 12 inches of snow on the campus. E