4 OPINION Page 4 Sunday, January 16, 1983 The Michigan Daily Blanchard: New face, same old cuts then to the Regents. All the above are expectec g TOOKTHEMatwhewcuseyk tbacked chair s ad changes its mind. A group of citizens are to approve the report with only minor changes. chauffered limosines, but once they were pressing for a ballot proposal which would through with all the inaugural wining and declare Ann Arbor a "nuclear free zone." dining, Blanchard administration officials got The idea may sound somewhat futile around to the real business of state gover- especially since the proposal, if passed, would nment: cutting university budgets. not be legally binding - but the Committee for 4 At least that seems like the only thing state a Nuclear Free Ann Arbor takes the issue quite officials know how to do. Certainly they haven't seriously. They argue that the proposal would -cENERALLY, AN exam has two possible v ~~express the opposition of the city's residents to -a outcomes: Either you pass or you fail. If been able to come up with any more creative ere s si of t c iitrsi n you pass, everything's hunky-dory. But if you the nuclear arms race and to militarism in, R FM general. If passed, Ann Arbor would become fail, you still have a choice; you can drown b'" ,the fourth nuclear-free city in the nation. your sorrows in a few beers at Dooley's, or you The proposal says that the city is opposed to can sue the University. the nuclear arms race and to the design, Scott Ering chose the latter course. After he development, production, or deployment of received a very low score on his national nuclear weapons. It also objects to the tran- medical board examination of June, 1981. sportation of nuclear weapons through the city. Ewing was expelled from Inteflex, the Univer- The group is going to ask the Ann Arbor City sity's accelerated medical program. Council to put the proposal on the April city Charging that he should have received a ballot, but at least one Democratic coun- second chance to take the exam, Ewing took cilmember has suggested that the Republican the University to court. Ewing says he is the ways to solve the state's financial woes in majority may kill the measure. first Inteflex student notPermitted to retake recent years. Republicans, for their part, have made few the exam, and says the University should "go It may have been a new decision by an ad- public comments about the idea. Said Mayor back and play the same rules they set uph ministration. but the result was the same old Louis Belcher: "I don't jump on anything But University lawyers have argued that the song early last week as Governor James Blan- without looking at it closely. Even the most Bayliss: Good review by comparison dismissal was justified on the basis of Ewing's chard announced plans to withhold several noble causes can go raw." poor academic record, three warning letters he hundred million dollars from state schools and Blanchard: A cutting' inauguration would be "punishing" to the school, causing received from the program's Promotion and cities - including $26 million from the Univer- hcaLessi more possible layoffs of tenured faculty members. and Review Board, as well as what board sity - ip an attempt to alleviate Lansing's cash is Said art school Dean George Bayliss: "It would member Dr. Henry Gershowitz called on4 crisis. No nukes be punishing, I can't feel happy about any "abysmally poor record on the national board University administrators reacted with ____ __HE UNIVERSITY art school seems to degree of reduction in the budget." exam." dismay, realizing that they may never see have gotten off easy. A committee In comparison to cuts recommended for the U.S. District Judge John Feikens heard much of this so-called deferall returned If the T HE REAGAN administration has reviewing the school for possible budget cuts School of Natural Resources - which will closing arguments from both sides last Friday, University lost that money permanently, said considered a lot of different locations for has suggested that the North Campus fine arts probably have 30 percent of its budget slashed and will make a decision by the end of the mon- University President Harold Shapiro, "our the MX: Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, under the institution could get by with 10 to 15 percent by the administration - the art school is faring th. general fund would be literally broke." Pacific Ocean. But never - to the best of less money than it's living on now, but take extremely well. By most official estimates, a 30 Incidentally, Ewing promised to do better But one slight bit of good news by week's anyone's knowledge - have the joint chiefs away any more and the school would be in percent budget cut will force drastic changes in next time, if given the chance. end: The legislature will consider an income looked into plopping the MX down here in Ann trouble. the natural resources school. tax hike to alleviate the state's tight finances, Arbor. Administrators and students in the school, The Week in Review was compiled by taking the pressure off already skeletal state Nevertheless, some local residents want the however, say even a 10 percent cut which is The report, if approved by the University Andrew Chapman, Ben Ticho, Charls programs. city to be ready in case the administration what the committee strongly recommended, uesident fortcadi Ccmffai rs Billy rye, an Thomson, and Barry Witt. 4* Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman Vol. XCIII, No. 87 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Score one for the NGAA LEIv s EE IF yo OF 1- e W~att I WHA~\PT SOUND tDOES TH1 ONE MAKE? ' W N T 'S R I G T - A C A N A R R , >-'V/ (G N'od! No ~O oES TKE BULLDOZE K~flj T LONG LAST, the National A Collegiate Athletic Association has taken a step to end the ex- ploitation of college athletes and to reassert the principle that education should come first in the nation's colleges and universities. This week, NCAA members voted to require that high school athletes main- tain a "C" average in a set of core courses before they may receive athletic scholarships. The new rule also would require these students to score at least 700 (out of 1600) on the SAT or a minimum of 15 (of 36) on the ACT. No one disagreed with the first half of the new rule, but officials at predominantly black institutions said that the test score requirements are discriminatory because the tests are biased in favor of white, middle-class students. While we sympathize with the argument of the black colleges, we feel their position misses the central point of the NCAA action. That point is that education - not athletics - is the primary function of a university. The new rule does not deny any college the right to accept any student who it feels has the ability to graduate. It only places restrictions on those who may participate in intercollegiate athletics. It does not prevent univer- sities from granting any form of finan- cial aid besides athletic scholarships. Simply put, colleges still will be able to welcome students with sub-700 SAT scores; the NCAA is only saying that the time of those students is not best spent on football fields or basketball courts. Through the new rule, the NCAA is sending a message to its constituent athletic programs and to high schools across the nation. The NCAA wants an end to inflated grade points for athletes; it wants prospective college students to be judged on the basis of their scholastic - as well as athletic - prowess. But equally important is the message the NCAA is sending to the student-athlete. The association is taking steps to put the "student" back in "student-athlete." It is signalling high school and college athletes that colleges are more than mere training grounds for the pros. The real test for student-athletes is not how they perform on the playing field, but how they perform in the classroom. That's where lifelong suc- cesses are fought for and won. Victories on the playing field are hollow without victories in the classroom. Chalk one up for the NCAA. 4 J Mormons point proudly to the fact that there is a checkout line but no cash register at the "supermarket" run by the Chur- ch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at Welfare Square in Salt Lake City. Here, at one of dozens of Mormon welfare facilities spread across the country, the hungry show up daily for free groceries while others arrive seeking jobs in the store of the nearby church-owned dairy. The Mormons are fond of quoting one of their early leaders: "Anreligion that has not the power to save people tem- porarily and make. them prosperous and happy cannot be depended upon to save them spiritually and to exalt them in the life to come." WELFARE RECIPIENTS, however, may bear more than the burden of being down on their luck: In Mormon country there's often a sense that it's a sin to be poor. Although President Reagan has cited the impressive Mormon program as an example of how private initiatives can fill the gaps created by his attack on publicly funded programs, others are not so sure. Welfare agencies and community workers in Salt Lake City note that the church's longtime hostility to public welfare and disdain for welfare recipients has led some church members to seek assistance elsewhere. Speaking of the Mormon program, church spokesman Jerry Cahill rattles off an im- pressive array of statistics. Church members are involved, mostly through volunteer labor, in 600 food production projects. These projects include 20 can- neries and numerous meat- nacking and dairy nerations Mormnons find charity, and guilt, begins at home By Bob Gottlieb and Peter Wiley 533,000 man-days of labor were donated by members and welfare recipients, and 27,000 people were placed in jobs through some 30 employment offices. More than 20 facilities run by Deseret In- dustries provide work and shelter for the elderly and handicapped while providing cheap secon- dhand goods for the general public. Decisions about who is eligible for free food and employment are made by church bishops (local ward or parish leaders). The bishop also decided whether to provide aid to nonmembers. Cahill emphasizes, however, that "we can't treat all of the ills of the world. We don't have the resources to feed everybody." In fact, while the scope of the Mormon social welfare programs is generous, the attitude toward the needy here sometimes is not. THAT IS WHY in another part of Salt Lake City the nonsec- tarian Crossroads Urban Center is nrnvidina fnd for 1 0O. n onnl even put people up in their homes," Fox says. "Others are not." A Mormon at the center who had converted to Mormonism seven years earlier was recently turned down by her bishop for short-term financial assistance. She was bitter about the bishop's response because she and her husband had been full tithe- payers since they joined. After they presented the problem to a higher church official, their bishop apologized and helped them with their rent utilities The woman also noted that some people were being sent to the Crossroads Center by their bishops despite the church's claim that it.takes care of its own. A SECOND REASON for avoiding the church welfare system, according to Fox, is the moral stigma of poverty. Church leaders impress upon their folowers that the welfare system is a way to asc. "the evils of the dole" and "the curse of to get help a local bishop insisted on transferring title to their property to the church. The church's history - its highly successful 19th-centur experiments with cooperatives and communes and its hostility toward the federal government stemming from the government's attack on polygamy and church political power in Utah - has led in the 20th century to an ideology of self-reliance. In recent years, though, the church has portrayed itself as an organization of suc- cessful achievers and has con- tributed significantly to an ant" public welfare attitude in Utah and other parts of the West. BOB ABGLE, A Concaw Maidu convert to Mormonism who heads the Indian Center in Salt Lake City, notes that this city is the only one in the country with a major Indian population that does not "have an adequate In- dian center or adequate Indian programs." "The conservative mood i Utah, which is based on the teachings of the church, means that there is something wrong with social programs," observes Angle. "They 'are' socialistic, somehow anti-Mormon or anti- American. They emphasize that to such a point that they are keeping the poor poor." Although the Mormon church can rightfully claim significan successes with its welfare program, the pervasiveness of the attack on social programs has contributes to attitudes of hostility toward the poor. With the number of destitute growing and federal assistance down, the church may find itself overwhelmed by aid seekers which organizations like the Crossroads Urban Center with its li im n n onn n1r n.1- m , '114. "PELIvt %1 0