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Bars & Clubs
Annie's Dugout-Footloose
brings a little bluegrass into your
The Blind Pig-The Dynaflo
Blues Band blows into town.
The Earle-Fine bass and jazz
work from the Ron Brooks Trio.
The Fox's Den (Lord Fox)-
Piano playing by Winifred Kerner.
The Habitat-Pegasus is a trio
with female vocalists.
Joe's Star Lounge-SLK puts up
some 'Window Dressing."
Main Street Saloon-Stainless
Steel plays spotless covers.
Mr. Flood's Party-Ray Fuller
and the Bluesrockers bring Detroit
Rick's American Cafe-The Ur-
bations "Whip" it up.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer)-Bart Polot twinkles the
piano keys.
Second Chance-Moriah plays
top-40 rock.
Stage Door-Jazz by the Bugs
Beddow Quartet.
University Club-The music of
Babylon from regaers Ital.
West Bank-Top-40 sextet
Mystique performs.
University Symphony Orchestral
University Chamber Choir
Two fine University ensembles
team up for tonight's all-
Stravinsky program, com-
memorating 100 years of the famed
Russian composer's music.
Thomas Hilbish conducts the
choir, while Gustav Maier directs
the orchestra in a joint performan-
ce of Stravinsky's Requiem Can-
ticles. The orchestra will also
tackle two of Igor's most popular
works, Le Sacre du Printemps
(The Rite of Spring) and the
Firebird Suite. Fantasia fans will
remember the Rite of Spring as the
prehistoric-dinosaur sequence.
Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. Recom-
mended. Call 763-4726. Free.
Canterbury Loft
The horsepower is over-
whelming in the Loft's 8 p.m.
production of Equus. Peter Shaffer
has written a psychodrama about a
young man's obsessive passion for
the hooved creatures. Elise Bryant
directs the Common Ground
Theatre performance which runs
through Sunday. $3 (332h.State).
Call 665-0606.
Professional Theatre Program
PTP's production of Tintypes is
a rousing musical revue of over 50
songs and dances, including a
number by the old bandmaster
himself, John Philip Sousa. Scott
Joplin and George M. Cohan also
figure prominently in this ragtime
comedy set in the days of
vaudeville. 8 p.m. (227 S. Ingalls).
Call 763-5213.
The Performance Network
The Young People's Theater
production of Scrooge continues
tonight at 8 p.m. Ebenezer gives
Dickens the humbug treatment. $3
for students and senior citizens; $4
for adults. (408 W. Washington)
Call 996-3888.
University Gilbert and Sullivan
UMGAS' production of The Gon-
doliers goes ; to Venice for the
musical auo's patented song and
dance routine. Plenty of lively
humor, flashy costumes, and
irreverent fun. 8 p.m. Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. $6. Call 763-1085.
Ann Arbor Civic Theater
The Ann Arbor hills are alive
again with The Sound of Music.
Loosely based on the true von
Trapp saga. Climb every mountain
to get to the Michigan Theater. $6-
9. Call 662-7282.
Pioneer High School Theater Guild
Ann Arbor Civic Theater's Jim
Posante directs the high school's
production of You Can't Take It
With You, a Moss Hart-George
Kaufman comedy about a non-
working family. 8 p.m. Pioneer
High School Little Auditorium.
$3.50. $3. Call 994-2120.
Ann Arbor Dickens Fellowship
The Scrooge complement.
University English Prof. Bert
Hornback reads A Christmas Carol
following a performance by har-
pist Clair Ross. What the dickens?
William L. Clements Library (S.
University). 8 p.m. Donations ac-
cepted for the Ann Arbor Hunger
Coalition. Call 764-2347.
School of Music/Department of
The Ann Arbor Art Ensemble
and the University Dance Com-
pany present a "Works in
Progress: Music and Dance"
program tonight at 8 p.m. in the
Dance Building's Studio A
Theater. Featured are new
musical works by Gregory
Ballard, Andrew Glowaty, and
Richard Lavenda, as well as
choreography by Willie Feuer and
Susan Matheke (1310 N. Univer-
sity). Call 763-5460.
Ice Hockey
The skaters of Ferris State take
on the University stickers tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in Yost Ice Arena. $34.
Call 764-0247.
Women's Swimming
The tankers of Oakland Univer-
sity float into Matt Mann Pool.
tonight at 6:30 p.m. for a dive with
the University pool women. $1. Call'
Ann Arbor Area Resolve
Curious about infertility
problems? Tonight's 7:30 p.m. film
showing of "Trying Time: A Crisis
in Fertility" will answer your
questions. Ann Arbor Public.
Library. Call 769-2093. Free.
The Habitat-Easy-listening
with Pegasus.
Joe's Star Lounge-SLK brings
Tnn Arbor ska "One Step
Main Street Saloon-More top-40
from the Stainless Steel quintet.
Mr. Flood's Party-Ray Fuller
and the Bluesrockers play rockin'
Mountain Jack's-The top-40
dance tunes of Lifeline.
Rick's American Cafe-The Ur-
bations bring the "Skaffle" into
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer)-Bart Polot on piano.
Second Chance-Moriah,
another top-40 rock performance.
Stage Door-Bugs Beddow
brings a quartet of good jazz.
University Club-Soundstage
features a special Afromusicology
West Bank-Mystique is a top-40
Michigan native Claudia Sch-
midt brings along her 12-string
guitar, dulcimer, and pianolin (a
special native Michigan in-
strument) to tonight's 8 p.m. con-
cert. Last year's performance was
a great success by all accounts and
folk fans are encouraged to attend.
$5. Southfield Civic Center, Parks
and Recreation Bldg. Call 855-9848.
Canterbury Loft
Equus runs on. See Friday
listing. 8 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program
PTP's Tintypes continues
tonight at 8 p.m. See Friday listing.
The Performance Network
Scrooge and Victorian England
via Charles Dickens today at both 2
and 8p.m. See Friday listing.
Ann Arbor Civic Theater
"Do Re Mi" to The Sound of
Music. See Friday listing. 2 & 8
University Gilbert and Sullivan
The Gondoliers paddle on. See
Friday listing. 2 & 8 p.m.
Pioneer High School Theater Guild
Holiday fund raising precedes
today's showing of You Can't Take
It With You. See Friday listing. 8
Ann Arbor Dickens Fellowship
The Cantabile Brass Quintet per-
form before Bert Hornbeck's
reading of A Christmas Carol. See
Friday listing. 8p.m.
School of Music/Department of
Another ''Works in Progress"
program at 8 p.m. See Friday
Ice Hockey
Tonight's 7:30 p.m. face-off pits,
Michigan against Ferris State.;
Yost Ice Arenia. $34. Call 764-0247.j
The Wolverine Invitational has
mat men and women from Western
Michigan, Michigan State, Eastern
Michigan, and Toronto's York
University tumbling all over
Crisler Arena. Noon and 7 p.m. $1.
Call 764-0277.
Potters' Guild
The Potters' Guild Christmas
Sale offers an assortmet of fun-
ctional and decorative ceramic gift
objects. The sale takes place in a
large heated tent (201 Hill) and in-
cludes a table of inexpensive pots
for purchase by children only. 10
a.m.-5 p.m.
Grey Panthers of Southeastern
Young and old are invited to at-
tend today's 3-5 p.m. open meeting
to plan the Panthers' 1983 agenda.
Fire Station 2nd floor conference
room (111 N. 5th) Call 663-5348.
Yoga Center
A Hanukkah vegetarian dinner.
Latkes and menorahs are centers
of attention at tonight's 7 p.m. din-
ner/celebration. $4. (205 E. Ann).
Call 769-4321.
School of Metaphysics
Blow your mind at the School's
Psychic Christmas Party.
Features a gift exchange; bring
one. 7:30 p.m. (209 N. Ashley). Call
996-1363. Free.
Ann Arbor Art Association
Today's holiday magic workshop
offers children ages 6 and up a
chance to enjoy making wall
hangings, bookmarks, soft sculp-
tures and other treasures. (117 W.
Liberty) 1-4 p.m. $6. Call 994-8004.
youth as Laszlo and Sandor
Slomovits, collectively known as
Gemini, highlight today's 2 p.m.
Children's Concert. Gemini plays
an all-acoustic selection of folk and
children's songs on a broad range
of plucked, bowed, and thumped
instruments. 2 p.m. at The Ark
(1421 Hill). $3 (children $2). Call
First Presbyterian Church
A day full of Renaissance
festivities including secular vocal
music, delicious old-fashioned
food, and audience participation in
a pageant. First Presbyterian
Church. (1432 Washtenaw). 5 p.m.
Call 662-4466.
Canterbury Loft
No horsing around in Equus. See
Friday listing. 8 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program
Celebrated singer and actress
Patrice Munsel stars in today's
dual performances of Tintypes at 2
and 8 p.m. See Friday listing.
The Performance Network
Scrooge continues with two
shows at 2 and 8 p.m. today. See
Friday listing.
University Residential College
A dramatic presentation of
Voltaire's satiric novel about Can-
dide, an aware optimist. Nuclear
warfare replaces Lisbon's 18th
century earthquake. Residential
College Auditorium (East Univer-
sity). 8:30 p.m. Free. 763-0176.
Women's Basketball
The Irish of Notre Dame stomp
into Crisler Arena today at 2 p.m.
for the match against the tall
women of Michigan.
Ecology Center of Ann Arbor
The annual meeting for 1982 will
be held today at 6 p.m. in the Old
Second Ward Bldg. (310 S. Ashley),
including elections for the new
Board of Directors. Free.
Potters' Guild
The Christmas Sale continues
from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. today. See
listing for Saturday.
Hillel Foundation
The Jewish Cultural School of
Ann Arbor holds a Chanukah
celebration today at Hillel (1429
Hill) from 10 a.m.-noon. Dreidle
spinning, menorah lighting; a
holiday fest. Open to all interested
parties. Call 663-3336.
Women's Health Forum
Today's monthly meeting
features a lecture on "The Life of
Samuel Hahneman" by an-
thropologist Adelaide Suits.
Hahneman pioneered the science
of homeopathy during the 18th cen-
tury. 2-5 p.m. First Baptist Church
(512 E. Huron). $2. Call 662-0060.
Ann Arbor Recreation Department
Students in top dance classes will
be showing off their talents in the
different genres. The studio will be
decorated with artwork done by
Tri-Arts students. 2:30 p.m. Eber-
bach Cultural Arts Building. (1220
S. Forest) Call 994-2326.
A Charles Dickens Christmas
Bert Hornback of the English
Department reads the narrative
from the first chapters of Great
Expectations. A Christmas Carol
will then be read after as a small
encore. The Earle (121
Washington). Free. 994-0211.
refreshments during rehearsals. 6
p.m. Michigan League Conference
Room 5. Call 971-7936 or 971-3118.
Guevara is
El Che Che
Trotter Hou
8 p.m. Call 7
Recycle Ani
Today's r
coming ex
recycling se
terested pa
Bars & Clubs
The Blind Pig-George Bedard
and Mr. B. boogie away your Mon-
day blues.
The Earle-The fine piano &
vocals of Larry Manderville.
Joe's Star Lounge-The Blue
Front Persuaders blow "Up Yer
Mr. Flood's Party-Urbations'
keyboardist Andy Boller performs.
Mountain Jack's-Lifeline
throws you a top40 dance line.
Rick's American Cafe-J.P. and
the Rivieras visit with fine blues.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer)-A solo piano show by
David Mayer.
Second Chance-Metro brings
you cosmopolitan top-40s.
Eclipse Jazz
The very last jazz workshop of
the year. Led by Urbations sax
player David Swain. All welcome.I
Trotter House (1443 Washtenaw).
Joe's Star Lounge
Another round of jitterbug
classes gives you a chance to make
those feet fly. Partner/experience
not required. 8-9:30 p.m. at Joe's
(109 N. Main). Call 665-0110 or 668-
Spartacus Youth League
Today's 7:30 p.m. public forum,
"We stopped the Klan" features
eyewitness accounts and a video
showing of the Washington con-
troversy. Henderson Rm. in the
Michigan League. Call 662-2339.
Ann Arbor Cage Bird Club
Diana Eyster uses live birds to
demonstrate why each one evolved
different colors and features.
Darwinians should check this out.
7:30 p.m. Burns Park Senior
Citizens Center (1320 Baldwin).
Free. Call 769-0245.
Committee Against Registration
and the Draft
A meeting of strategy and
organization for members and non-
members of Washtenaw County.
7:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church
(1917 Washtenaw). Free. Call 663-
Ann Arbor Center for Independent
Living Social Gathering
A buffet dinner for those who
have contributed their volnteer
services throughout the year. The
organization has been providing
services such as counseling, care,
housing info, and transportation
for the handicapped for over seven
years. Ann Arbor Moose Lodge
(390 S. Maple). $6. Call 971-0277.
Soundings Center for Women in
Middle Years
The first session of a five week
set of counseling sessions designed
to help women find jobs. The
program is oriented towards
women who no longer have the
responsibilities of homemakers
and who wish to find suitable jobs
that will earn them handsome pay.
9 a.m.-2 p.m. Room 20, Bach
School (West Jefferson). For an in-
terview call 665-2606.
Bars & Clubs
The Earle-Larry Manderville
plays piano and sings.
The Habitat-Female vocals in
the Pegasus trio.
Joe's Star Lounge-Pangaea
perform jazz/funk.
Mr. Flood's Party-Coun-
try/rock from the Beam Brothers.
Mountain Jack's-You get top-40
dancers from Lifeline.
Rick's American Cafe-Rock
along with Epicurean.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer)-Bart Polot solos on
Second Chance-A Moriah-filled
evening of top-40 rock.
University Club-The Reggie
Dance party sans Michael
West Bank-Mystique is a top-40
Eclipse Jazz
Veteran jazz pianist Dave
Brubeck makes what is becoming
an annual Christmas appearance
tonight in Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m.
The program isn't just jazz but a
communal production of "La
Fiesta de la Posada," a Latin
American Christmas story. Sax
man Bobby Militello joins the rest
of the Brubeck boys and over 100
local musicians in this one of a kind
show. $6.50-$8.50. Call 763-6922.
Department of Dance
Today's Composition I and III
showings play at 4 p.m. in the Dan-
ce Building's Studio A Theater
(1310 N. University Ct.). Call 763-
5460. Free.
Ann Arbor Libertarian League
Tonight's 7:30 p.m. weekly
meeting takes place in the
basement of Dominick's (812
Monroe). Free.
Joe's Star Lounge
Another evening of jitter-
bugging. See Monday listing. 8-9:30
Ann Arbor Public Library
Registration begins for a
program that involves story
reading for two-year-old. The
series includes readings, songs,
and finger plays. 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Ann Arbor Public Library
Martin Whyte, sociology
professor, will be giving reviews of
two recent books that deal with the
Far East. The program will be
broadcast live on Cable channel 8.
12:10-12:50 p.m. Call 994-2333.
Divorce After 60 Support Group
Psychology counselors will be on
hand to give assistance to people
aged 60 or older that are just
divorced or somewhere in the
process. They'll probably take you
if you're 59, though. 1:15-3:30 p.m.
Turner Geriatric Clinic (1010
Wall). Free. Call 761-9448 or 764-
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
Anybody who wishes to donate
their volunteer services to the Ann
Arbor Symphony is encouraged to
attend. There are positions
available for those who wish to
usher, help fund-raise, or serve
Bars & Clubs
The Earle-The piano/vocal
talents of Larry Manderville are
on display.
The Habitat-More trio work
from Pegasus.
Joe's Star Lounge-Ann Arbor
drummer Rich Hollander leads RH
Factor's jazz.
Mr. Flood's Party-The Lepers
are a blues/rock quartet.
Mountain Jack's-Another
lifesaving top40 appearance by
Rick's American Cafe-Rock of
all eras by the Jets.
Roundhouse Saloon (Gandy
Dancer)-Bart Polot returns to the
Second Chance-Bittersweet
Alley walk on with top-40 rock.
University Club-An evening of
local comedy on Laughtrack.
West Bank-Mystique plays
your favorite top-40s.
Brass Ring
English popsters ABC travel to
Royal Oak tonight at 8 p.m. Martin
Frey gives the "Look of Love" to a
select few, and all the fans who
shell out $10. Tears are not
enough-you got to have heart.
Recommended. Call546-7610.
Ann Arbor Area Piano Teachers
Slavio Varani will lecture on the
music of Spain and South America
then demonstrate his skills on the
piano. 9:30 a.m., 1034 Robin Rd.
Free. 665-5346.
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite
will be amongst the works perfor-
med for the annual holiday con-
cert. Audience participation in the
singing of carols is always the en-
joyable ending to the event. 8:30
p.m. Free.
Ann Arbor Public Library
More storytimes registration.
See Tuesday listing. 9 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church
I know it sounds gross, but the
Boar's Head Festival and Feast
promises to be a good time. See
Sunday listing. 6 p.m.
Washtenaw County Parks and
Recreation Commission
Today's 6:30-9:30 p.m. holiday
Craft Workshop for the Impaired
Adult helps the handicapped help
themselves. County Recreation
Center (4133 Washtenaw). The
c: -Fmaking material cost $2.50.
Register by Friday. Call 973-2575.
Turner Geriatric Clinic
Tonight's "For Men Only: Work,
Retirement, and Other Pleasures"
topic is stress, and how to cope
with it. Men over 50 invited. (1010
Wall) 7:30-9 p.m. Call764-6831.
University Council
Today's 3-5 p.m. meeting
features a lecture on "Student
Code on Non-Academic Conduct
and Judicial System." 5075
Fleming Administration Bldg. Call
Dan Sharphorn at 764-3423. Free.
Trotter House
The controversial life and times
of Bolivian revolutionary Che
Bars i
The Earle
returns with
The Hat
Pegasus per
Joe's Sta
della is a 1o
Mr. Flo
Simmons a
heat it up.
Lansing roc
Flying Tige
Second 4
covers as a t
West Ban]
40s from M3
in today's
program in
Studio A Thi
sity Ct.) Cal
Ann Arbor P
The Drop
keeps pre-s
E. William)
Bars & Clubs
Del Rio-An evening of tradition-
filled open jazz.
Joe's Star Lounge-The Swans
and Sonic Youth perform. See
Mr. Flood's Party-Former
Minister of Melody pianist Pete
Falkenstein boogies.
Second Chance-Moriah plays'
top-40 rock.
Joe's Star Lounge
There'll be plenty of danceable
dirge tonight as two of New York
City's hottest downtown avant-pop
bands, Sonic Youth and the Swans,
apply their art tonight at Joe's Star
Lounge. It's a rare chance for
locals to see what's going on in the
big city. Showtime is 9:30 p.m.
$2.50. Call 665-JOES or 665-7974.
18th Annual Community Messiah
Loosen up those vocal cords; this
is your chance to help sing the
majestic Handel masterpiece!
University Choir director Patrick
Gardner leads the communal hor-
des in this tradition-filled
unrehearsed performance. Emer-
son Hoyt is looking for possible or-
chestra musicians, to report at
1:15. Singers should arrive at 2
p.m. St. Clare's Church (2309
Packard). $1. Call 769-6099.
Washtenaw Council for the Arts/
The Ark
A twin delight for Ann Arbor
The mus
jests focusi,
works rang
B.C. bronze
a recentnp
Burns. The
dar feature
samples fr
museum (c
and S. State
p.m. Tues
through Fi
The Guilt
runs from
a.m.-8 p.m.
a.m.-5 p.m.
and sale wi
and natiot
tsmen. I
Hill). Call 7
Bars & Clubs
Annie's Dugout-Footloose lets
the bluegrass fly free and frantic.
The Blind Pig-The Dynaflo
Blues Band flows again.
The Earle-The Ron Brooks Trio
returns with jazz.
The Fox's Den (Lord Fox)-
The piano classics of Winifred
University Artists and Craftsmen Guild' Christmas Art Fair: Satur-
day-Sunday, University Colliseum
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