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September 10, 1982 - Image 19

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-09-10

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 10, 1982-Page 19


Fritz Crisler,' the former Michigan platoon s
football coach, Athletic Director and was also o
one of the trail-blazers of modern-daypush to g
college football, died at his home on adopted i
August 19 after a extended illnessHe her of ties
was 83. Upon his
Crisler began his coaching career at decided tc
the University of Chicago in 1922 as an helmets"
assistant under the legendary A. Alonzo always v
Stagg. He coached for nine years there famed, w
before becoming Athletic Director and decorate t
head coach at the University of Min- Though
nesota. After two seasons in Minnesota, strumenta
Crisler moved on to Princeton where he
coached for six years before becoming
head coach at Michigan in 1938.
IT WAS at Michigan that Crisler built
his reputation as an innovator and an
administrator, as well as a football
In 10 years of coaching the
Wolverines, Crisler compiled a 71-16-3 GREEN
record and won two Western Conferen- purchase
ce championships. His greatest team Clemsonc
was the 1947 squad that finished the has prom
regular season with a 9-0 mark and National
swept to the national championship Associati
with a 49-0 pounding of Southern reported W
California in the Rose Bowl. NCAA in
Crisler took on the added duties of Gene To]
Athletic Director in 1941 and held that businessm
position until his retirement in 1968. As spring, anc
Athletic Director, Crisler became a Jordan, t
pioneer in the development of college copyright s
football rules as they stand today.
Twice he was chairman of the NCAA THE NC
football rules committee, and he later recruiting
ation Photo became one of its few permanent mem- several m
Crisler, bers. inquiry ha
shaping CRISLER WAS the thinking man's dan, a sen
coach, and he is credited with the first player


ent of the now familiar two-
ystem in college football. He
ne of the prime movers in the
get the two-point conversion
n order to decrease the num-
arrival at Michigan, Crisler
o "dress up the plain, black
that the Wolverines had
worn and he created the
'ing-tipped stripes that still
he helmets today.
Crisler was indeed an in-
al force in the development of

college football, he was even more in-
strumental in the development of
Michigan athletics.
TWICE HE enlarged Michigan
Stadium and he is responsible for the
construction of the Stadium press box.
Under his direction, a hockey rink, an
athletic office building, baseball stan-
ds, men's and women's swimming
pools and gymnasiums and the basket-
ball arena that bears his name were
"He was always one of my revered
friends and obviously one of the great

athletic administrators the country has
ever seen," said current Michigan
Athletic Director Don Canham. "His
contributions at Michigan will always
serve as a monument to his brilliance. I
shall miss him more than I can ex-
Crisler's overall winning percentage
as a football coach of .769 makes him
the 17th winningest college coach of all
time. He was elected to the Michigan
Sports Hall of Fame and the University
of Michigan Hall of Honor.

IIA probes Clemson

VILLE, S.C. (AP) - The
of a 1982 Monte Carlo by
quarterback Homer Jordan
npted questions from the
Collegiate Athletic
on, the Greenville News
nvestigators have questioned
lison, an Easley, S.C.,
an who employed Jordan last
A the player's mother, Alice
he newspaper said in a
CAA HAS been investigating
practices at Clemson for
nonths, but results of the
ive not been released. Jor-
ior from Athens, Ga., is the
r whose name has surfaced in
with any NCAA probe of the
al football champions.
said an investigator asked
ad given the athlete financial
eto buy a car. Tollison said he
nd had not aided any other
purchasing an automobile. He
an worked for him several

weeks last spring at Blue Ridge Tool
and Machine Co. in Easley.
NCAA rules prohibit gifts to college
TOLLISON SAID he denied a request
by the investigator to see his bank
records for the past three years. He
said he "would not show those to
Mrs. Jordan said she was involved in
the financing of the car her son bought.
Tollison said he had received one visit

from the NCAA investigator and had
several telephone calls that he con-
sidered harassment. He said he had
lodged a protest with the NCAA for
what he considered harassment.
Jordan could not be reached for
comment by telephone by the
newspaper Tuesday or The Associated
Press Wednesday. University Sports
Information Director Bob Bradley,
citing policy for all players, would not
provide Jordan's phone number, but
agreed to ask him to call the AP. Jor-
dan did not call.

FORMER MICHIGAN football coach and Athletic Director Fritz
shown here in a recent photograph, was an instrumental force in thes
of Michigan athletics.

. returns,
to Lions

PONTIAC (AP) - Running back Billy
Sims returned to the Detroit Lions
Wednesday, ending his summer-long
holdout, and was on the practice field
for the first time this season.
Sims, an All-Pro running back,
walked in to the National Football
League team's training camp about 1%
hours late for a team meeting.

SIMS HAD promised to end his
holdout after a private meeting with
Lion's owner William Clay Ford. That
meeting was held Tuesday, but late
Tuesday night, Sims appeared tio be
hedging about returning to the team.
When Sims was not on hand for the
9:30 a.m. meeting, the disappointment
was evident on coach Monte Clark's

1981 nation
him if he h<
had not a
player in p
said Jord



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Back in the saddle APPhoto
Billy Sims loosens up yesterday for his first practice with the Lions since July 29. Sims left the team 'due to a contract
dispute with the Lions' management. His decision to return came after a private meeting on Tuesday with Detroit
owner William Clay Ford.




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