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December 08, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-08

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Court ruling helps
uphold student privacy

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 8, 1982-Page 3
State worried by

Supreme Court, b
day, effectively u
state Freedom of
not require colli
puterized lists of
The high court
subject, a deadlc
the death of Jus
last month. M
eliberations on
efore making hi-
Lawrence Keste
force release of
(Continued from Paae I
cording to Donov
the organization,
"get word out
rganization and
One way LaGR(
out is by staging
stration in the
Seven speake
organizations are
support of LaGRO
Among them ar
Graduate Employ
Michigan Student
rbor Action Con
d Gay Law Stu
Revolutionary W(
handing out litera
To get the 1
changed, LaGRO
approval from the
a movement aboi
the City of Ann A
law'to get a simil
"no campaign o

?I) - The Michigan
y deadlocking yester-
pheld a ruling that the
Information Act does
eges to release com-
students for political
was divided 3-3 on the
ock made possible by
tice Blair Moody, Jr.
oody participated in
the case, but died
s decision.
involved a suit by
nbaum who sought to
a magnetic computer

tape used by Michigan State University
to produce its student directory.
Kestenbaum wanted the tape for
political mailings during the 1978 elec-
Ingham County Circuit Judge
Michael Harrison ruled that the tape
was covered by Freedom of Infor-
mation Act which requires that most
government documents be available on
THE MICHIGAN Court -of Appeals
reversed the decision, concluding the
release would violate the constitutional
prohibition on using public funds for a
private purpose.

stage demonstration
an Mack, a leader of any further than consulting the ad-
LaGROC's goal is to ministration," Mack said.
that there is an Matt, a first year medical student,
campaign to seek this said that although LaGROC hasn't for-
n clause." mally taken their ideas to any ad-
OC is getting the word ministrators, "a lot of people who know
an hour-long demon- the Regents say that they won't give in
Diag today at noon. to us, and that we'll have to apply
rs from diverse political pressure by giving visible sup-
slated to speak in port."
C at the rally. Active and outspoken support is a
re speakers from the central problem for LaGROC in that
ees Organization, the "there is still a lot of intolerance of gays
t Assembly, the Ann and people are afraid of exposure,"
nmittee, and Lesbian Matt said.
dents. In addition, the Nevertheless, a cyclical problem dic-
orkers League will be tates that until LaGROC gets a large
ture. amount of vocal support, the by-laws
University by-law will remain unchanged and
C will have to receive discrimination will continue, said Judy
e Regents. There was a University employee.
ut ten years ago when And, as long as the discrimination con-
Arbor changed its by- tinues, gays are going to stay in the
ar motion passed, but closet and be fearful of coming out to
rganization ever went claim their rights, she said.

AP Photo
MX lights the night
A light burns above the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington yesterday
evening, as it always does when either the Senate or the House 'are in night
session. Yesterday, the House was taking up appropriations for President
Reagan's controversial MX Missile plan. The House voted down the ap-
House kills MX funds

LANSING (UPI) - A high default
rate on direct student loans could result
in federal sanctions, an audit warned
The report from the state auditor
general's office - covering the ac-
tivities of the direct and guaranteed
student loan programs through June,
1982 - also criticized program staffers
for accepting small gifts from
brokerage firms which contract with
the state.
The report noted the direct student
loan program, which provides state
money for students turned down by
private banks, is now the largest lender
in the overall guaranteed loan program
with 19.9 percent of the total.
IT ALSO, however, has a dispropor-
tionate default rate. Direct loan
borrowers make up 13.1 percent of all
guaranteed loan debtors, but the
program accounts for 53.6 percent of
borrower defaults.
The audit noted. the federal gover-
nment reimburses the guaranteed loan
program for 100 percent of all defaulted
loans if defaults do not exceed 5 percent
of all active loans. As the default rate
goes up, the reimbursement rate falls.
'If the default rate for direct loans
continues at the present rate, it may
result in reducing the rate of federal
reimbursement for loans in default."
THE STATE would have to make up
the difference out of reserve funds,
reducing its future loan capacity or
requiring further funding.
"Greater effort must be exerted to
reduce defaults on direct loans and
reduce the overall guaranteed student
loan default rate," the audit said.
It recommended sanctions on schools

with especially high default rates,
noting one had 40 of 50 borrowers in
TIGHTER checks are needed on the
credit history of borrowers and the
amounts they claim to need, the audit
said. It also called for closer
monitoring of those with guaranteed
loans who are behind in making
The audit said three brokerage firms
which work with the loan programs
gave inexpensive clocks and
calculators to 25 staffers.
"We feel certain that these gifts were..
not intended to nor did they influence
the actions of the recipients regarding
future bond sales; however, accepting
gifts may give the appearance of impy u
propriety," the audit said.
On state guaranteed private loans,
the audit criticized collection practices
as slow and cumbersome.
It noted that practice involves sen-
ding six separate letters from two
departments requiring voluntary
payment, and suggested it can be
speeded up by six months.
Green firewood should be allowed to
dry for six months before using. It
should be stacked loosely for air cir-
culation with the bark side up.

The Office of Major Events presents an evening with The Roches at 8 p.m.
at Power Center. Reserved seats are $8.50 and are on sale at the Union and
all CTC outlets.
Alternative Action-Last Grave at Dimbaza, 8:30 p.m., East Quad.
Ann Arbor Film Coop - The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum, 7:30 p.m.;
David, 9:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema 2-Trash, 7 p.m., Pound, 9 p.m., Lorch.
Hill St. - The Graduate, 7 & 9p.m., 1450 Hill.
Ark ': George Winston, jazz piano, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., 1421 Hill.
Friends of Traditional Music - Marty Somberg, fiddle, 8 p.m., 1612
Union Arts Program - Music freshman Edward Zilberkant, Chopin,
Debussy, Bach, 8 p.m-, Pendelton Room, Union.
UAC - Laugh Track, featuring Marty Micoli, 9 p.m., University Club,
School of Music - Campus Orchestra, Johan Van der Merwe, conductor, 8
p.m., Hill Aud.; Louis Negal, piano recital, 8 p.m., Rackham; Tube students
recital, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Communications - Seminar, Lerita Coleman, "Accuracy in Identifying
Communications Styles," Noon, 2050 Frieze.
Afroamerican & African studies - Colloquium, Oscar Gish, "Some Ob-
servations about health developments in three African socialist countries,"
Noon, 246 Lorch.
English - Lecture, Don Hill, "The Pleasures of Editing," 8 p.m. Rackham
E. Conf. Room.
Arab Students - Lecture, George Mendenhall, "Origins of the Arabic
Language," Noon, International Center.
Oral Biology - Seminar, H. K. Skolimowski, "Eco-philosophy: designing
new Tactics for Life," 4 p.m., 1033 Kellogg.
Linguistics - Colloquium, Rufai Madaki, "A look at Hausa-English code
switching," 4 p.m., 2050 Frieze.
Engineering - Seminar, Robert Smith, "Planning/Forecasting
horizons," 4 p.m., 229 W. Eng.
Chemistry - Seminar, Kathy Hillig, "Bilirubin & Bilirubin
} Diglucuronide: laser spectoscopy & photodecomposition," 4 p.m., 1200
Chem.; Seminar, Kartar Arora, "Synthetic Uses of phantom
polymerizations'," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Russian & E. European Studies - Brown Bag, Wayne DiFranceisco,
"Soviet political culture: Covert participation in a bureaucratic environ-
ment," Noon, Lane Hall.
Gender Res. - Seminar, Mary Corcoran, "Economic fortunes of women &
children," 3 p.m., Rackham Conf. Rm.
Museum of Art - Art Break, M. Coudron, "Life of the Mandarin," 12:10
p.m., Art Museum.
AAPPTM - Lecture, Robert Schneider, "Reversal of aging through Tran-
scendental Meditation program," 8p.m., Anderson Room, Union.
Academic Alcoholics -1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Science Fiction - 8:15 p.m., Union.
Tae Kwon Do - 6 p.m., CCRB.
Univ. Council- 3 p.m., 5075 Fleming Admin Bldg. -
Women's Athletics - Basketball, Michigan vs. Cleveland State, 5 p.m.,
Student Wood & Crafts - Power tool safety, 6 p.m., 537 SAB.
Lesbian & Gay Rights - Demonstration, noon, Diag.
WCBN - "Radio Free Lawyer," 6 p.m., 88.3 FM.
FWS - Holiday reception, 2 p.m., Alumni Center.
-Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Open House, 10 a.m., U. Hospital,
3rd floor.
Union - Sale of etchings and crystal, 9 a.m., 1st floor, Union.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.

(Continued from Page 1)
the nation's strategic nuclear weapons
force and winning an acceptable arms
treaty with the Soviet Union.
THE AMENDMENT approved by the
lawmakers eliminated $988 million for
missile production, but left intact $2.5
billion for further research and
development. Reagan could seek
production money again next year after
bolstering his case for the weapon and
its controversial "dense pack" basing
The dense pack idea involves placing
the missiles in closely spaced concrete
and steel silos in Wyoming that Ad-
ministration officials contend would be
safe from Soviet attack.
The MX proposal will now go to the
Senate where the bill prepared by the
Senate Appropriations Committee also
contains $988 million for MX missile
procurement. However, Ernest
Hollings, D-S.C., a member of that
panel, says he thinks he has enough
votes to knock the money out of the bill
in the Senate too.
The defeat of the MX missile - the
first time in memory that either body of
Congress has voted against a major

weapon sought by the White House -
was the achievement of a coalition of
several different groups.
THAT COALITION joined represen-
tatives who were against "dense pack"
basing plan, others who supported an
American and Soviet freeze on atomic
weapons, a third group who said rising
federal deficits mean the Pentagon
budget has to be trimmed and a fourth
group who urged more spending on
conventional weapons.
"It was a combination of all those
things that just came together," said
Rep. Jack Edwards, R-Ala., leader of
the floor effort to save the missile.
"We knew all week we didn't have the
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