See Editorial, Page 4
Sfit itjau
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
l laig
Wet one
Still no signs of a white Christmas
yet as today's precipitation will fall
in its liquid form. A high near 55.
Vol. XCIII, No. 72
Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 5, 1982
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Some time in the next two weeks a report
tamped CONFIDENTIAL will be circulated
around a large conference table. As the 20 or so
people at the table read the document, they will
probably be warned not to discuss it with
anyone outside the room.
This may sound like a meeting somewhere in
the Pentagon or among members of the
president's cabinet, but it's not. The top-secret
gathering will take place only a stone's throw
from Angell Hall,and the 23 people who will be
privileged to attend are member of the
University's Budget Priorities Committee.
PROBABLY the most important committee
on campus, the Budget Priorities Committee
gives administrators advice on which rest the
fates of three large schools on campus and the
shape of the University's future.
It is one of the first sources to which Vice
ns for
be win
for $20:
tees to
it one o
hanging the ca
lent for Academic Affairs Billy Frye tur- meeting. Questions almost always draw a
advice on devising strategies to draw hasty referral to the chairwoman, Mary Ann
aid, spreading what money there is Swain, who then explains the information is
d the University, and deciding who will confidential.
iners and losers in the University's hunt Committee members think some of the
million in budget cuts. material is so private, they don't trust them-
panel, appointed by student and faculty selves with it, according to Swain. Several
nments, participates in every stage of the times during the last two years, she said,
ear-plan - Frye's answer to the Univer- members have asked that certain documents
budgetary nightmares. It helps decide passed out by Frye be collected at the end of
schools, college, and other units will be the meeting to prevent information from ac-
ned for budget cuts and possible discon- cidentally slipping out.
ce, and sets up the special subcommit- ONE OF THE first things a committee mem-
o review the units. Finally, it suggests bers learns is the confidentiality of their work.
much should be cut. "I explain confidentiality, and say, 'if you
E REALITY of these cuts makes the have a problem with that you should get off the
ittee one of the most controversial committee,' " Swain, said. "And as the chair,
s on campus, and that distinction makes if (information still got out), I would ask them
of the most secretive. to resign."
tings twice a month are closed to the Although they do not play up this confiden-
, and members are forbidden to discuss tiality, the members say they are aware of the
nf the nnel's hiinessnoutgide the pressure to keep things private.
urse oft
"THERE IS nothing explicit," says
engineering Prof. Frederick Beutler, who
joined the committee this year. "But it is well
understood that the transactions of the com-
mittee are not something to blab about."
There is even greater pressure facing
students on the panel, according to Jamie
Moeller, who served for two years. "It is an
argument they administrators) used for
keeping students off the committee," he says.
"(Swain) said to be careful because as a
student it could really compromise your stan-
ding on the committee.
"There were a few members of the commit-
tee who would always point the finger at me
when something was leaked," he says.
THOSE MEMBERS were probably quick to
point the finger because of the importance they
see in keeping the meetings closed. Even
Moeller says the secrecy has its advantages.
"There is a lot of preliminary discussion," he
he 'U
says. "We would discuss a lot of units that
were not under review and might not ever be.
That information would be very damaging to
those units if it was leaked."
The panel's nature requires its closed-mouth
attitude, according to Swain. "Influences can
be made that are not necessarily correct (if in-
formation is released early). I don't think
students, staff, etc. should find out a decision in
the paper before they are told by the people
who made the decision.
"WE MAKE IT public as soon as there is a
decision made and as soon as everyone in-
volved in informed," she says.
Beyond the impact of premature statements
on the community, members say, there is an
impact on performance of the panel. "For any
committee to work effectively, they have to
work in an environment where they can talk
openly and are free to change their minds," says.
See BPC, Page S
vi Laic auci a r uaaaacaa vucaauc t11G _
trip to Latin
From AP and UPI
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica- President
Reagan, signaling no retreat from his
stiff opposition to leftist governments
like Cuba and Nicaragua, wound up his
five-day visit to Latin America yester-
day denouncing those nations he ac-
bused of "protecting guerrillas and ex-
porting violence."
In a speech delayed for more than
four minutes by a Costa Rican leftist,
Reagan dismissed suggestions like one
from Colombia's president that he
abandon the diplomatic isolation of
Cuba. He called instead for other
governments support the U.S. position.
"ANY NATION destabilizing its
neighbors by protecting guerrillas and
exporting violence should forfeit close
*and fruitful relations with the people of
the United States of America-and with
any people who truly love peace and
freedom," Reagan said.
As his four-nation journey to promote
hemispheric democracy drew to a
close, Reagan reaffirmed his steadfast
opposition to "false revolutionaries"
who sponsor insurgencies in neigh-
boring nations. His remarks to about
600 people in the National Theater were
delayed when Sergio Erik Ardon, the
only member of Costa Rica's legislative
assembly from the leftist
Revolutionary Movement of the People,
rose to lecture the visiting president.
As Ardon denounced what he called
U.S. militarization of Central America,
the crowd tried to shout him down, then
gave Reagan a standing ovation when
the president remarked that the
heckler "was expressing the com-
munist viewpoint."
REAGAN, WHO had stood smiling
waiting for Ardon to finish his
statement, called it "a tribute to
democracy" that he was permitted to
"He wouldn't be allowed to do so in a
communist country," Reagan said.
Much of the last 24 hours of Reagan's
trip was devoted to separate meetings
with the leaders of El Salvador, Costa
Rica, Honduras and Guatemala. The
See REAGAN, Page 3
County jail
arrested in
California police, acting on a tip from
local officials, arrested one of four
prisoners Friday who escaped from
Washtenaw County jail two weeks ago.
Daniel Wright, 25, of Ann Arbor, was
arrested in Oakland, California after
Washtenaw County Sheriff Tom Minick
informed police Wright might be hiding
in the state.
TWO OTHER escapees, Daniel
Valentine, 20, of Whitmore Lake and
Bruce Jackson, 26, of Ypsilanti, are still
at large. The fourth prisoner, Michael
Gregory, 33, of Ann Arbor, was
arrested in Pittsfield Township the day
after the Nov. 21 escape.
All four squeezed through a six-inch
gap between the bars of a prison cell
window while most of the other inmates
were watching television in a
recreation area.
Wright's arrest came the same day
his girlfriend, Maggie Lewis, was
arrested in Pittsfield Township for har-
boring the escaped prisoners in her
Glencoe Hills apartment. Sheriff's
department officials said they believe
Lewis hid the prisoners on the night of
the escape and gave them money and
MINICK SAID he received a tip that
Wright was in Oakland, but 'declined to
identify the informant. "We were
working on a series of angles to find
(the prisoners), and one of those angles
panned out to provide us the infor-
mation," he said.
Minick said he called Oakland police
early Friday and told them he had, in-
formation that Wright was hiding out i n
an apartment building. Police there
moved in around 2 p.m. and found
Wright, who surrendered peacefully.
He is being held in the Oakland Jail
without bond, awaiting extradition
proceedings in Washtenaw County.
Japan knows
Education means output
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK- You've heard the
usual reasons why Japanese produc-
tivity has risen while in some ways the
efficiency of American production has
Kallen. Now consider this reason: The
Japanese are better educated in the
That much has been known for years
by educators, but it has been a long
time awaiting acceptance by some of
the economic community, which
usually cited as reasons the loyalty of
Japanese workers or quality control
programs, or the government-business
rtnership in that nation.
OR IF NOT those factors, then the
laxness of Americans, who knew that
apprenticeship systems, worker incen-
tives, access to capital and on-line
training of executives were
needed-but did little about it for many
Now, education has come to the fore.
As a factor in productivity, "we
overlook it," said William Freund, vice
president and chief economist of the
New York Stock Exchange, which has
just completed another productivity
"The Japanese are better educated,
he said. "They are more literate. They
read better and understand better and
have a better command of
mathematics." No wonder, he said,
that they've made productivity gains.
A SECTION of the exchange's pro-
ductivity study, the fifth in a series,
provides evidence for some of the con-
clusions to which Freund refers.
" About 95 percent of Japanese teen-
agers now graduate from high school
compared with approximately 74 per-
cent in the United States. Source: Car-
negie Foundation for the Advancement
of Teaching.
And, says Freund, the Japanese high
See JAPAN, Page 5
Heading for the hoop Daily Photo by JON SNOW
Michigan forward Isaac Person beats Northern Michigan guard Frank Jenkins to the basket for an easy two points in
yesterday's basketball action at Crisler Arena. The Wolverines overcame a 38-31 halftime deficit to dump the Wildcats
77-70. (See Story, Page 10.)
Dr. Chase
Man with
heart has
more surgery
From AP and UPI
SALT LAKE CITY- Barney Clark underwent
surgery yesterday evening to correct a complication
resulting from a pioneering transplant operation in
which his diseased heart was replaced with a softly
whirring mechanical device.
"The surgery has been completed. The indications
are they were able to solve the problem," said John
Dwan, University of Utah Medical Center
CLARK, WHO had been taken off the critical list
earlier in the day, was returned to the operating room
after air was found to be leaking into his chest wall.
There was no immediate word on what had caused
the problem but hospital spokesman Mark Sands said
earlier the complication was "not an emergency
Peterson, university vice president of
health services, said before Saturday's operation,
"Nothing is wrong with the air drive line in terms of
cardiovascular function. Blood pressure is fine. Pulse
is fine. The problem may have been there all along,
and became acute after removal of the drainage
PETERSON SAID the leaking could be caused by a
tiny hole in the tube outside the cardiovascular area,
but within the chest wall.
He said the problem turned up as a "puffiness of
air" into tissues inside the chest wall. He said the skin
of Clark's left chest felt bubbly, almost like "puffed
"This in itself is not harmful," Peterson said. But
he said if it were allowed to continue long enough, it
Ah, married life
F IFTEEN housewives in Smithfield, R.I., who say
they are overworked and underloved have
declared themselves on strike until their
husbands stop taking them for granted.
"Appreciation isn't too much to ask for a slave who's on call
24 hours a day," said Terry Waterman, one of the group of
neighbors which has sworn off cooking, cleaning and other
household chores until their husbands meet their demands.
will change things much. "I mean, what can she do? If she
doesn't cook she won't have anything to eat," Gangi said.
"If she doesn't do the laundry, she's not going to have clean
clothes to wear. I didn't put a gun to her head and force her
to get married and have a baby. That's what she
Blue guitars bum out troops
B LUE GUITARS, a leading Soviet rock group sent to
Afghanistan to entertain the troops, got a public
chewing out yesterday for not putting enough Marx into
Russian means Blue Guitars, presented songs in a style
that was a "bad copy of Western originals" and they "bar-
barically interpreted and distorted Russian folk music,"
the soldiers wrote. The debate resembles criticism leveled
at American folk-rock groups two decades ago, but with an
added measure of political ideology. Izvestia, the gover-
nment daily, carried a long article last year criticizing
bands for playing "legendary songs of the war years," such
as "Katyusha" (The Rocket Launcher) and "Tyomnaya
Noch" (Dark Night), in a form "distorted beyond
recognition." "What could be more blasphemous than
,eduno to the h-,,PI of a ,hn,,.3v.dnnnMtncnn owh,g
to organize the Housewives League of Ann Arbor. The
organization hoped to combine with similar groups to
reduce the high cost of living.
" 1946-Soiled shirts became the new fad on campus after
the Post Office prohibited packages over 18 inches long to
weigh in at more than five pounds to save energy. Many
students were unable to mail their dirty laundry home to
" 1973-Alexander Haig, White House Chief of Staff,
described President Nixon as being "very, very disturbed"
about hearing that 18 minutes of subpeonaed Watergate
,ann hnd hppn ,avr c ,nbhi, h;Q erar.,a , vii Mr