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December 01, 1982 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-01

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 1, 1982-Page 3
Supreme Court begins
review of abortion laws

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan
administration told the Supreme Court
yesterday that elected lawmakers - not
courts - need greater control over abor-
But a lawyer for' an Ohio abortion
clinic said some lawmakers want to
treat women "as if they are not to be
trusted to make up their own minds."
MORE THAN three hours of oral
arguments followed as the nation's
highest court opened its most sweeping
review of the explosive controversy
since the justices legalized abortion in
Among the issues the nation's highest
court will decide by July:
" Can. states or local communities
require that all abortions on women
more than three months pregnant be
performed in a hospital rather than
abortion clinics?
* Can young girls, even those found to
be "mature," be required to have the
consent of one of their parents or a
judge before obtaining abortions?
* Can doctors be required to tell patien-
ts seeking abortions that the fetus is "a
human life?"

Also at issue is whether governments
can require doctors to wait at least 24
hours after a woman signs a consent
form to perform the requested abortion
and whether two doctors must be
present when abortions are performed
in a pregnancy's late stages.
THE ISSUES arise out of various
regulations imposed by the states of
Missouri and Virginia and the city of
Akron, Ohio.
U.S. Solicitor General Rex Lee,
arguing as a friend-of-the-court in sup-
port of the Akron and Missouri restric-
tions, presented the Reagan ad-
ministration's first abortion-related
arguments before the Supreme Court.
Lee, the government's highest-
ranking courtroom lawyer, said all
abortion matters "involve balancing,"
of various dfactual and legal matters.
"LEGISLATURES do it (balancing)
better," Lee said. "Some will adopt
laws diametrically opposed to others."
Frank Susman, a St. Louis lawyer
representing Planned Parenthood and
others who challenged the Missouri
regulations, called the Reagan ad-
ministration's arguments "terrifying."
Susman argued that in a 1803 case,
the Supreme Court spelled out its
supremacy in deciding constitutional
matters and "179 years of con-

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Railroad Rembrandt
Graffiti shouts out its loud message from a boxcar near Ferry Field. The work was painted by an anonymous member
of "The Master Artists."

The University Players Power Series will open the season with William
Shakespeare's The Tempest tonight at 8 p.m. at the Power Center. The
comedy features Nicholas Pennell and members of the Theatre Department.
Tickets are on sale at the Michigan League.
Cinema II-That Obscure Object of Desire, 7 & 9 p.m., Lorch.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Despair, 7:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Classic Film Theatre-The Wild One, 7 & 10:10 p.m.; On the Waterfront,
8:20 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
A: lternative Action-The Santa Claus Action, 8:30 p.m., East Quad.
Hill Street Cinema-Laura, 7 & 9 p.m., Hill St. .
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies-Bamidele Agbasegbe
Demerson, "Black Extended Families of the South," noon,,246 Lorch.
School of Natural Resources-Michael Paluda, "District-level implemen-
tation of DNR forest management policies," 3-5 p.m., 1040 Dana Building.
Chemistry-Dr. Rosario D'Costa, "Studies Directed Towards the Total
Synthesis of Ionmycin," 4 p.m.,1300 Chem. Bldg.
The Transcendental Meditation Program-Free public lecture, 8:15 p.m.,
528 W. Liberty.
School of Education-Lawrence Cremin, "Public Policy for American
Education in the 1980's," 4 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Department of Statistics-Prof. Michael Woodroofe, "Asymptotic Expan-
sions for the Error Probabilities of Some Repeated Significance Tests," 4
p.m., 451 Mason.
Business Administration School-John Roach, "The Role of Microcom-
puter in the Business Information System," 8:30 a.m., Hale Auditorium.
The Center for Russian and East European Studies-Dr. Gavro Altman,
"Yugoslav Foreign Policy Today," noon, Commons Room, Lane Hall.
English Composition Board-Cheryl Johnson, "Taking Essay Exams," 4-5
p.m., 2203 Angell.
Linguistics-Ann Van Demark, "Current Research in Aphasia," 4-6 p.m.,
2050 Frieze.
Industrial & Oper. Engineers-Dev Kochhar, "LP Application to Cable
Radio," 4-5 p.m., 229 W. Engin.
Communications-Howard Martin, "Images of the Presidency: Photo-
Journalistic Contributions to Political Symbolism," noon, 2050 Frieze.
Oral Biology-R.W. Ruddon, "Regulation of Glycoprotein Hormone
Secretion by Human Cancer Cells," 4-5 p.m., 1-33 Kellogg.
r Psychiatry-Joseph Noshpitz, "The Roots of Child Psychiatry: 1900-1910,"
10:30 a.m.-noon, CPH Aud.
U-M Bicycle Club-8 p.m., 1084 E. Engin.
- University Council-"Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct and
Judicial System," 3-5 p.m., 5075 Fleming Ad. Bldg. For more info. call Dan
Sharphorn 764-3423.
Michigan Gay Undergrads-8 p.m., Henderson Rm., League.
Senior Olympics-Organizational mtg., 1:30 p.m., 1300 Baldwin. For more
info, call Terry leech, 665-3625.
Michigan Economic Society-s p.m., 101 Lorch Hall.
Science Fiction Club-8:15 p.m., Ground floor Conf. Rm., Union.
Academic Alcoholics-1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Martial Arts Practice, 6-8 p.m., Sports Coliseum.
LSA Office of Study Abroad-Info. mtg., 7 p.m., 2407 Mason.
U-M Wildlife Society- Wildlife Art Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., First floor
Natural Resources.
Broadway Drop-In Center-"Discovery Toys" party, 7:3Q p.m., Northside
Presbyterian and St. Aidan's Episcopal Church.
CEW-Resume Preparation Workshop for Minorities, 7-9 p.m., CEW
Department of Theatre and Drama-Drawing exhibit of Carlye Crisler,
Lobby of Power Center.
School of Music-Tour of Carillon, 4-5 p.m., Burton Tower.
.WCBN-"Radio Free Lawyer," 6p.m., 88.3 FM.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.

Dorm residents get
chance to air gripes

It happens everytime your parents
come to visit. You try to impress them
and show them around your lovely
dorm when a cockroach runs across the
floor, or a toilet overflows in the
bathroom down the hall.
If this or any other dorm-related
problems have been plaguing your life,
tell the Resident Halls Association at it
first annual Gripe Session. RHA
representatives will have tables set up
during dinner hours at each dorm to her
housing complaints on Dec. 6 and 7.
"WE'RE DOING this to let residents
know we're here to voice their com-
plaints," said programming committee
chairperson Leslie Ford.
"In addition to RHA representatives
working, we invite dorm government
representatives to sit in and listen,"
said Ford. Getting dorm government
involved will help alleviate idiosyn-
cratic problems, she said.
"We won't be able to handle all the
complaints, like (those about) food ser-
vice, but we can refer students," Ford

"THE RHA IS a resource group for
housing," which acts as a go-between
for residents and the administration,
according to RHA president Brian
The Gripe Session is being held in part
to show dorm residents that they do
have a say in their living conditions,
Wollery said. "Residents should find
out what's going on in their building and
get involved in seeing where they
money is going," he said.
"We (RHA) are a unified student
voice, more specific than MSA,"
Woolery said."They (MSA) don't deal
specifically with residence halls. The
MSA goes to the RHA with questions
concerning housing."
The RHA is also considering holding
a leadership seminar to get all the dorm
government officers together and find
out what they are all doing, Ford said.
The major complaints will be dealt
with after winter ~break, Jan. .12,
Woolety said. RHA meets Wednesday
nights from 7 until 8:30 in the Michigan

stitutional history would appear to fly
out the door" if Lee's arguments were'
Susman attacked all the regulations,
charging, "The real purpose of all these:
statutes is to thwart the woman's.
decision-making process."
Stephan Landsman, arguing for the
Akron Center for Reporductive Health
and others who challenged the city or-
dinance, also disagreed with Lee.
he objected particularly to what he
called Akron's 24-hour "cooling off"
period between the time a pregnant
woman first seeks an abortion and the
time when it can be performed.
"This requirements treats women as
if they are not to be trusted to make up.
their own minds," Landsman said.
The Supreme Court said in its.lan-
dmark 1973 decision called Roe vs. Wad-
e that a woman's decision to have an
abortion during the first three months
of pregnancy must be left to her and her
doctor. Government statistics show
that among adult women, more than 95
percent of the more than 1 million legal
abortions done each year are perfor-
med during the first trimester.
Under the 1973 ruling, states may in-
terfere in a woman's abortion decision
only to protect her health during the
pregnancy's second trimester and may
take steps to protect fetal life only in the
third trimester.
School of Education
Fall Lecture Series
Public Policy
and an Educated Society
The Continuing Challenge
Wednesday, December 1
Lawrence Cremin
Public Policy for
American Education
in the 1980s
4 to 6 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheatre
Dr. Cremin has served as President of Teachers
College, Columbia University, since 1974. A noted
historian and interpreter of education. Prof. Cre-
min is author of more than a dozen books. The
most notable, The Trans formation of the School.
is a history of the progressive education move-
ment in the U.S. Currently he is working on a
comprehensive history of American education,
the first volume of which was published in 1970.
The second volume, published in 1980, Ameri-
can Education: The National Experience 1783-
1876. was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in-History for
1981. Prof. Cremin received the 1982 New York
Academy of Public Education's Medal for Distin-
guished Service to Public Education.

Out-of-wedlock births rise

"I'm not my old lovable
self when I'm around
cigarettes. I get real
cranky. So I want all you
smokers to quit once
and for all. And who
knows? You might even
put a smile on my face"
American cancer Society
This space contritled as a public service

wedlock births rose 11 percent in 1980 to
a new peak "due solely to the substan-
tial rise in the rate for unmarried white
women," the federal government said
The number \of births rose slightly
and the overall fertility rate increased
to the highest rate in 17 years, the new
report from the National Center for
Health Statistics said.
The birth rate for women aged 30 to 34
rose 2.7 percent in 1980, more than for

any other age group, continuing a pat-
tern set in recent years. At the same
time, the smallest increase in birth
rates, less than one percent, occurred-
among girls aged 15 to 17. The birth rate
for teenagers under 15 declined by 8.3
The data showed that births to un-
married women, 665,747, accounted for
18.4 percent of all births in 1980. The
number was 11.4 percent higher than it
was in 1979.

Court closed
(Continued from Page 1)
Aldridge, 20, of the army intelligence
corps, was indicted at Aldershot, an
army garrison town 35 miles south of
London, on charges of preparing to give
documents "useful to an enemy" to
"another person" who was not iden-
The indictment said this occurred
between Aug. 18 and Sept. 14. The Daily
Mail reported earlier that he was
quesitoned during an investigation into
whether the Soviets got details of in-
telligence-gathering methods used
during the Falklands war with Argen-

in spy trial
ALDRIDGE, who was not required to
enter a plea, was ordered held without
bail for another court appearance next
Tuesday. He was the fourth person
charged in three weeks with violation of
the Official Secrets Act.
The others were Geoffrey Prime,
former senior translator at the gover-
nment's communications intelligence
headquarters, who was sentenced to 35
years in prison for passing secrets to
the Soviets; former diplomat Rhona
Ritchie, who got a nine-month suspen-
ded sentence Monday for slipping con-
fidential information to an Egyptian
diplomat who was her lover; and Ham-



White Lustrium Rings

Special Price!


canterburq loft
332 south state ann arbor michigan 81o 13665-0606
December, 1982
A number of us have begun to notice the emergence of
what may amount to a new generation of students at Michigan. They
are moved to action on social issues and do not share the cynicism
and career obsession of the mainstream. They resemble college
students of over a decade ago more than their contemporaries. These
students want plenty of information and skills to use in the causes
for which they work. They recognize the importance of well considered
ideals which go beyond themselves, and they want very much to be
effective, Even in the darkest times there have been a few such
college students, but now their numbers seem to be growing steadily
in Ann Arbor. None too soon!
It is for these students, and others who might join
them, that Canterbury Loft will sponsor next term a new "free university"
program. Here is how it might look:
" a "free" university in that the courses focus on some aspect of
social change for human liberation, either presenting in-depth informa-
tion on a particular subject or a set of skills.
0 "free" from grades, credits and other University formalities
where all participants can be active in their learning.


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See your Josten's Representative



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