4 ~1~ OPINION Page4 Tuesday, November 30, 1982 The Michigan Daily 'A. C.! A.C .':Tribute to a gridiron god. By Jon Weiss All ranks pay (homage) to the hero of the day ... Hear the shouts! The people cannot see him enough. They delight in a man. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Sure, I know it's fashionable to sneer at "dumb jocks." Especially at this University, where football is "big business" and academic programs are being discarded as fast as polyester leisure suits. I know it's obscene when Bo Schem- bechler can make more money than several professors combined, or when Don Canham can build a million dollar indoor sports complex so his boys won't catch cold. YET NONE of this can take away from the thrill of watching one man play football. To see Anthony Carter gracefully leap for an overthrown pass, or run like a gazelle after being forced to slow down for a ball thrownrbehind him, is to watch an artist at work. It is pure beauty. As a current senior, I have been blessed with the kiss of fate. My years at the University have corresponded with those of the great Anthony. I will never forget screaming for "A.C." His spine-tingling touchdowns were my touchdowns. I also will never forget the sick feeling-the real pain- that used to gnaw at my stomach whenever Carter got belted to the ground. He looked so little, so vulnerable ... for a gridiron god. INDEED, so close is my vicarious relationship with Carter, I mark my years here by his years. As a freshman, I was intimidated by the size of the University, yet, at the same time, eager to experience "college." All that was encapsulated in my first Michigan football game. I not only helped "pass a girl up" (for which I received a painful "wedgie" from the woman sitting behind me), I witnessed Anthony Carter's first touchdown. Who could believe that off the field this gif- ted athlete was as quiet as me? If I retain a vivid snapshot of that touchdown run from my first year, I prize a roll of pictures from my second year, all with a similar image-the deadly accurate passing of John Wangler to, of course, Anthony Carter. AS MY ALTER ego on the football team was gaining more confidence and settling into his role, so was I. By sophomore year, the ,University had become less hostile, my friendships more established. As I had found my niche, the gridders, led by the Wangler- Carter express, had found the roses in Pasadena. Then came my junior year-and a new roll of film was inserted in the camera. Wangler had graduated, replaced by "promising" sophomore Steve Smith. The Wolverines were ranked in first place in pre-season polls, and the glittering Carter gained wide exposure. As for myself, I had moved into a new apartment with a great location. Hopes were high. BUT ONCE the season started, it was as if someone had stuck their finger over the rosy lens. My classes sucked, my apartment was pint-sized, and my roommates smelled funny. Things were not much better for the Maize and Blue. Wisconsin upset us in the very first game. The Smith-to- Carter connection failed to click, and the camera began to jam. Heroic Anthony did make his share of spectacular plays that year and the team won the Bluebonnet Bowl, but there was something tragic about it. Ironically, "God's gift to football," as Carter was called, had to depend on the frailties of a very human quarterback to get him the ball. Never again would he catch as many passes or score as many touchdowns as he did in his sophomore year. BUT LIKE many incoming seniors, Carter and I both looked forward to our senior year as the culmination of our college careers. As my mother pointed out when she saw my bed made, I had grown up during the past three years. Carter's change over time, however, seemed even more dramatic than my own. Once painfully shy, he was now the captain and leader of the football team. His picture leaped out from magazine covers. He was touted for the Heisman trophy. A.C. saved some of his most elec- trifyingsathletic feats for his last year, and despite mortal throws, he set several noteworthy records. And if he had played for a school that stressed passing, he no doubt would have set countless others. SLOWLY, THE roll of film has ad- vanced-but in light of Carter's brilliance, it has too often been un- derexposed. His statistics this year are even lower than last year's. The most exciting player in college football- some say in college football's history- now has little chance for a Heisman. This waste of his extraordinary talent hurts me more than watching little An- thony get bashed on the gridiron. Our Anthony deserves better, a lot better. And no one must be more aware of this than Carter himself. e a But, through it all, have we heard from him one word of complaint? He must be more than God's gift to football. He must be a god. Weiss is an LSA senior. Ut Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER' Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman RAGRN A1 TfPRWVAE SCTOR S1OULD 7A1E 0VR 1ME5OC1AL WELARE PROGRAS WELL, NC IDAN'T MAN~ IT KNOW I S Vol. XCIII, No. 67 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A touch of honesty \ ' , _ R 6t{T _ v- HE PRESIDENT, to his credit, has gone out of his way to make "the point that his proposed gasoline tax increase is not a jobs program, although it will create hundreds of -Ahousands of jobs. At least he's-honest. Such honesty is, of course, a refreshing change of pace from the man who appointed James Watt to save the environment and who sought to increase government revenue by cutting taxes. But aside from any sub- tle changes in style, the essence of the Reagan program remains intact; the administration continues to ignore the major issue. And what is the major issue? As even the president's supporters in Congress admit, the issue is unemployment. "Jobs is the single biggest issue in the country now," admitted Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R- Tenn.) on Sunday. "It has supplanted inflation as the number one issue." Yet despite the growing Republican awareness of the nation's economimc woes, the administration has yet to propose any realistic programs to cope with high unemployment rate. The public works projects to be financed by the gasoline tax are, as the administration readily admits, hardly a means to fight unemployment. The areas which will benefit from the projects will not necessarily be areas with high unemployment, and the 300,000 jobs which may be created by the plan are insignificant compared with the total number of persons unemployed-more than 12 million. Further, both of the two options to fight unemployment mentioned recen- tly by administration officials are un- workable and face substantial op- position from Congress. The first, a proposal for reducing the minimum wage for teenagers, would not greatly increase employment prospects for the urban poor as the president suggests. Instead, it would create even more adult unemployment while doing nothing to train or educate teenagers. The second option in the president's repertoire is ludicrous even by Reagan standards: The president wants to start taxing unemployment benefits because it's too "lucrative" to be unemployed. The notion that people choose to be unemployed because it's so "lucrative" is ridiculous, and the whole idea of the tax is just bad economics. Such a tax wouldn't create any new jobs, but would effectively sabotage the positive economic effects of unemployment benefits. Under the president's proposal, benefits would no longer support consumerspending during economic downturns. By removing the effectiveness of unem- ployment compensation, the president would be removing all hope for a con- sumer-driven economic recovery. The president is, to be sure, attem- pting to patch up the nation's economic problems in a number of ways. But un- til he starts to attack the unem- ployment problem head on, the president's economic bandaids just won't stick., RS A u~iKNV\N, 1: WNT To -flN1- To \/OWNW~k AZ tp NT XDID - /- C AY? R1CAT TY WLD REcKNs M OU K N L aiG Q z a OL %A W:9 x.11 r r d rJ Dona V ' ' LETTERS TO THE DAILY: 4 'U' actions on divestment 'appalling' To the Daily: The actions of the University of Michigan administration on November 17 were outrageously appalling. On that day, a representative jfrom the University appeared at the Michigan Senate Judiciary committee meeting at Lansing. After discussion opened on House Bill 4553, which displays the state's complete disapproval of South Africa's apartheid policies, the woman representing the University was invited to the front to speak. The reason she was invited to the front is because she was the only person out of the entire crowd who wanted to express views of opposition to HB 4553. Ever since this piece of legislation passed through the state House, the University of Michigan has been actively in- volved in lobbying against it. To most citizens in this state it ap- pears that the University is state actively opposing the bill. HB 4553 was designed by Rep. Perry Bullard to be another clear signal to South African officials. It certainly is not a first-it follows previous legislative ac- tion including the passage of a resolution and an anti-apartheid banking bill. Section F of HB 4553 specifically states an education institution shall- not "encourage or condone legally required discrimination against an in- dividual on the basis of race or color by knowingly making or maintaining an investment in an organization operating in the Republic of South Africa." The only argument that has been presented by the University against the bill that makes any sense at all is that it would harm its financial concerns. And even this argument is infested with flaws. How can University ad- ministrators he worried about the financial feasibility of divestiture when colleges and universities throughout the presented by the University of Michigan. To a person who has reviewed testimony from tor- tured non-white South Africans, the University's actions seems deplorable at best. HB 4553 will soon be before the full Senate. Having met with senators, aides, and proponents of anti-apartheid legislation, I can assure you that, regardless of the bill's outcome, the battle against apartheid will continue. It's too bad that University of Michigan administrators haven't recognized their serious mistake. It's too bad that any studentl should have to attend an educational institution that in a roundabout way supports racism. -Mark Giuffrg November 23 Banners downed . 11", To the Daily: A group of students who belong to the Union of Students for Israel worked hard on the design and construction of two banners an- nouncing the showing of the film, "The Issue Is Peace" and a talk, on the question of Palestinian autonomy by Prof. Arthur Men- del. After having received per- mission from the University to display the banners on the Diag, we hung them from a couple of about the upcoming events of Monday, Nov. 29. To our dismay,4 both banners were ripped down between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the 29th. We are disappointed that others prevented our organization from dispersing in- formation and hope that such an occurrence does not happen again. -Randy Hermap Sara Jaffee Todd Miler I'