a0 OPINION Page 4 Saturday, November 20, 1982 The Michigan Daily' 6 Porn: Real men don't read smut j By Chris Coatney Years ago I used to read Playboy magazine. :I remember my excitement when I gqt hold of my first copy of Playboy. I ran to my room in West Quad-it was before Christmas break-and I closed my door so that no one could see what I wAs reading. THERE BEFORE my very eyes was page after page of female bodies. And they were "mine, all mine." I could ravish them, enslave them, do anything I-wanted to with them-all in my mind, of course. A harmless little pastime, you say? Well, I had a lot of emotional problems during this time of my life, and sometimes I felt more than a little uneasy around women. Could it be that I had a guilty conscience? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was treating women as sex objects instead of as real human beings. ' Pornography is far from harmless. Examples abound of both individual arid gang attacks on women that were itxited by reading pornographic literature. The argument that por- nography channels aggression into safe forms of behavior is untrue; evidence shows that porn actually increases the desire of men to commit sexual crimes. According to one study, 57 percent of rapists and 80 percent of child molesters said they had tried out sexual activities depicted in porn media on real-life victims. Another study by the Michigan State Police showed that 41 percent of convicted sexual offenders had used pornography "just prior to or during" the commission of the crime. MY OWN INTEREST in this issue recently was aroused when I read an article about a home for runaway children in New York City. It said that 60 percent of the 12,000 kids who come through the home every year had been involved in child pornography or prostitution. "We are asked to believe that we are unprogressive not to'view the depiction of gang rapes, snuff films (murder of women for sexual pleasure), genital mutilation, bondage beatings, and tor- ture of women as signs of a harmless diversion of aggressive male sexuality into 'safe channels of expression,'"" says Linda Person, a member of Take Back the Night in Eugene, Ore. "Por- n is a crime against women and children ... snuff films are not always being 'acted out'-they are the murders of women actually occurring while the cameraman grinds out the film for the profits of this multi-million dollar (and growing) industry. "(There is) one woman being beaten every three minutes, one rape every five minutes, and an average of one child molestation every ten minutes in this country. "Whether porn is a cause of violence against women, a reflection of reality, or viewed as a safety valve by ill- informed psychology buffs, simple common sense dictates that it does get translated back into our society, if only Supreme Court. But according to the Citizens for Decency Through Law, this is not true. CDL, a national, non-profit organization, has successfully argued pornography cases before the Supreme. Court. ACCORDING TO the CDL, there are no laws governing what a person may read in the privacy of his own home. The laws proscribe, however, the commercial exhibition, sale, and distribution of obscene materials. Adult bookstores have already been effec- tively closed down in such places as Cincinnati, Ohio, and Atlanta, Georgia, among others. What can you do to help fight this porn plague? First of all, refuse to read such material and encourage other people not to read it. Peer pressure is one reason that people indulge in por- nography today. Second, write to your local newspapers and radio and television stations and protest the advertising of X, R, and PG rated movies and material. You can speak to your local shopkeepers as well. ThIRD,CONTACT your local city administration and find out whether existing laws are being enforced. Fourth, get involved with a local chapter of CDL. Fifth, pray. Up until now I have avoided religious discussion on this topic. Many people believe that it is wrong to legislate morality. Yet, inherent in thetconcept of making laws is imposing a standard of beliefs. ACCORDING TO the Bible, the in- dividual or nation that rejects God's law will perish. I believe that you can look at history and see that this is the case. Gibbon attributed the fall of Rome to decadence and immorality. A a noted British political scientist, Loird Patrick Devlin, said: ". . . an established morality is as necessary as good government to the welfare of society . . . The suppression of vice is as much the law's business as sup- pression of subversive activities." If someone walked naked down thew streets of our city, he or she would be clapped into jail immediately. Yet: naked women and men can be seen parading up and down the aisles of our: grocery stores and city streets every day-in magazines that amount to: legalized displays of prostitution. I believe that the free flow of por-, nography has a lot to do with the rise in crime and violence in our society. I am personally acquainted with five victims of rape. I knew a female cab driver from this city who was murdered three years ago by a knife-wielding assailant. Other factors are involved, to be sure,.1 but the attitudes produced by por- nography are not healthy for our society. I believe it is my duty as a Christian to stand up for the safety of women and children. What do you think? Coatney, a University graduate, lives in Ann Arbor and is self- employed. Doily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON in unconscious attitudes . . . about women's sexuality." "MODERN PORNOGRAPHY is an education system," says Charles Keating, founder of Citizens for Decency Through Law. "It teaches. Its message is that human beings are mere animals; the highest value is immediate pleasure; other people may be used and then discarded. "Its message is that sex is divorced from love, commitment, mortality, and responsibility-that it is purely an animal act, no more and no less . . . That women's importance is to be found in their genital organs which are fair game for whomever wishes to exploit them; that irresponsible sex has no consequences-no venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, premature marriages, psychic drama, Some message." Many people today believe that por- nography has been legalized by the *1 A die dmdan to Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman Vol. XCIII, No. 63 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A dose of moderation FTER A disappointing show at the A polls, the Republican party in Michigan is now licking its post- election wounds. And like any wounded creature, it is lashing out in thoughtless anger. The object of much of the party's scorn is none other than William Milliken. After spending some 14 years in the gubernatorial seat as the party's "prime spokesman, Milliken is now fin- ding much of the blame being heaped on him for Richard Headlee's defeat. If only Gov. Bill had openly campaigned for Headlee, khurt Republicans claim, James Blanchard never would have run away with the gubernatorial race. Angry Republicans are even proposing putting a two-term limit on the governorship. This, some party members think, will both keep someone like Milliken from ac- cumulating too much leverage, and will put a curb on Blanchard's poten- tial reign. But the condemnations of Milliken and the two-term proposal amount to one thing-a hasty backlash. In its haste to lay the blame for defeat, the party is skirting the real reason for its loss-Richard Headlee. The Republicans didn't need Milliken to ruin their chances for victory; they did themselves in by nominating a can- didate representing the most radical, divisive faction of the party. Milliken's word did carry a lot of weight during the election, as the scor- ned Headlee-ites admit, precisely because he stands for moderation. Milliken has been able to build coalitions of support and win bipar- tisan respect. His ability to unite the divergent interests of the state-a quality never demonstrated by Headlee-accounts for his power and influence. We disagreed with many of Milliken's positions and with many of the positions of the mainstream of the Republican party. Nevertheless, Milliken represented a healthy com- ponent of the two party system. Instead of making Milliken a scapegoat, the party should rehabilitate him a role model. The future of the Republican party depends on its ability to rid itself of the divisiveness of the Headlee faction. Without a good dose of moderation, the sting of the Republicans' wounds just won't go away. I W 6A 0I5 ONTT- RULER OE 6UAWMAALA A BORN N ITIN ~ The United States is engaged in a kind of love affair with Japan these days. Sushi bars have spread from Beverly Hills to Brooklyn, and sake is replacing Perrier as the new trendy tipple. Studying Japanese has become a new feature of the fast track for college corporate types. Love affairs with other nations-and the United States has had a few in its time-are somewhat like human affairs. There are tiffs and riffs, fights and distortions as both sides see each other in ideal rather than real terms. It pleases Washington to see Japan as a firm friend and ally, a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy now and in the future. This belief alone creates a whole series of myths which are dif- ficult to explain when they do not accord with reality. THE GREATEST of American myths about Japan in the 1980s encompass three broad areas: trade, business management, and defense. In all of these areas, the United States is making monumental perceptual miscal- culations which will exact a stiff price in years to come. In the area of trade, especially, the United States persists in sounding like a callow, frustrated swain. Washington whines that the Japanese will not liberalize exports because they are being selfish and petulant. Their spur- ning of America's most sincere trade overtures is seen as an act of petty willfulness which can be overcome only by pressure and emotionally charged pleading. This is exactly the strategy that has been followed with each new unsuccessful trade negotiator proclaiming his frustration at his fruitless wooing. This posture simply refuses to acknowledge the fundamental facts of Japanese economic sur- vival. At base, these are facts of elementary geography. Japan is 3 AM ATRYiW& To BRING THE WOD of 1' E 6Os~\c:Lo TI; ACKWWD COUNTRY Y vI o bf~oTS - TN AT MY RcvF'$ OF- PAATS ARE FALSE TO0 EAVEDt I,4 Z America 's love affair with Japan: Only a fling? By William Beeman . . \- 1 4 KP } i I x C I TAT'S RIGAT -CANY THE TURKEY AN SENP OVER SOME'TV PiNNERS 1'Ii -- - TdAR Ji l B which keeps it aloft. In the past, whenever Japan has felt that it might be cut off from either its source of supplies or its foreign markets, it has taken extraordinary steps to preserve the massive in- take/exhaust balance in its economy. Of course, the most violent example of this was Japan's entrance into World War II, triggered in great part by U.S. threats to its supply and export lines. The fear of being cut off is one of the great themes in modern Japanese political life. It ex- plains much of Japan's political attitude in the Middle East, which has made it Iran's best friend in the free world outside of the Islamic sphere. Cool toward Israel, Japan now also is the number one or number two trading partner for every Middle Eastern oil producer. THE FEAR of being cut off also partly explains why the Japanese are so terrified of increasing cheap food imports from the Such appeals are blatantly emotional, and they are largely effective, because they are drawn from real fears and memories of postwar food shor- tages and more recent events such as President Nixon's sur- prise soybean embargo in the 1960s. YET ANOTHER aspect of the Japanese economy obscured by American myths is the vast dif- ferences which exist between large export-oriented industry and the medium and small in- dustries producing the local market. In one, the big com- panies-Mitsubishi, Sony, and the like-get the lion's share of government attention: subsidies, low-cost loans,, fat government contracts and more. This is not surprising for it is these com- panies that produce the ram-jet effect in the economy which ef- fectively sustains the whole nation. destroyed our own agriculture, we will subsistence surely star- lifetime employment in a bankruptrcompany, nor do any of the other miraculous, morale- boosting business techniques so admired by American managers apply. Yet this sector employs 50 percent of all Japanese industrial workers. It is this weakness in the' economy, more than any other, * which has produced the unusually low exchange rate for the yen in recent months. Washington trade and economic leaders have raised the rather foolish charge that Japan is manipulating the yen rate to keep their export costs low. The truth is that Japanese capital is fleeing from a genuinely sick internal market which the face-conscious Japanese are embarrassed to publicize abroad. Wholesale openings of industrial and con- sumer imports from abroad probably would destroy many of these small industries. THUS, though America loves Japan, it also hates her for being so obstinate in not yielding to demands for unbridled, in- creased trade. Japan's hidden fear,swhich we refuse to see, is that the United States might destroy or damage her in the process. Both nations need a good coun- selor at this point-one that can help Washington find the language and the policies to assure Japan that its self- perceived fragile economic con- dition will be protected if trade is increased. Such long-term guarantees are admittedly not easily made by U.S. business, with its short-term profit strategy, nor by a gover- nment which changes radically every four years. But unless such guarantees are made, our in-. fatuation with Japan can never*be much more than a casual fling. Beeman, who recently com- 4 wr