Page 4
Friday, September 10, 1982
The Michigan Daily4
After all, it's
only money
The following is a look back at some of
the top events that occurred at the Univer-
sity this summer.
E VEN AFTER this year's tuition hike of
15 percent, the bottom line is that there
seems to be no relief in sight for students.
In the past two years, the University has
hiked its tuition by more than 30 percent-far
more than the rate of inflation. But tuition in-
The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Campus
Lower Division
Upper Division ....
Graduate . . . . . . . . . . ..
$ 988
Increase (%)
$113 (16%)
165 (13%)
creases which exceed the rate of inflation are
nothing new; what's new this year is that the
government is no longer expanding the aid
programs for college students.
Add to that a beleaguered state budget and a
beleaguered state economy, and the prospects
for many students' futures are not good.
It seems certain that University ad-
ministrators will continue to use students to
make up the share of the budget that the state
is dropping. It remains much easier to hike
student fees than to go after additional
programs and personnel.
And relief is going to be elusive. The Univer-
sity of Michigan is by no means alone in raising
tuition by leaps and bounds, although tuition
here remains the highest for any public in-
stitution in the United States. Administrators
are able to justify their own tuition decisions by
pointing to the other guys and saying they're
doing the same.
It may be years before the state's and the
nation's higher education systems decide
either that they're overbuilt or that students in
general should have to pick up a greater part of
the burden of maintaining the nation's in-
At that point, many schools may find they
have priced themselves and their students out
of the market.
Lower Division . . ..
Upper Division ..
Graduate . . . .... . . . ..
* Includes Health Service Fee of
$49 (approved in May, 1982)
423(1 6% )
After the reviews
SHARPENING UP for its fall chores with
three major schools, the University's
review axe has felled one program and left one
The Institute for the Study of Mental Retar-
dation and Related Disabilities received an
almost certain death blow when a key budget
review committee recommended that the unit
be shut down. The review committee's decision
is ISMRRD's first step down the bureaucratic
road to official elimination by the Regents.
The Center for the Continuing Education of
Women fared better in a review that eventually
could have proved just as devastating. A com-
mittee appointed to examine CEW's perfor-
mance decided that -o budgetary review-
which can lead to elimination of a unit-was
Lack of support for research and community
projects was cited as a major factor behind the
vote to cut ISMRRD. But Herbert Grossman,
the institute's director, blasted the review
committee's conclusion, pointing out that
federal grants worth more than $300,000 recen-
tly have been awarded to the unit.
Grossman also added fuel to charges that the
reviews are little more than administrative
hatchet jobs. ISMRRD's director accused the
review committee of making up its mind before
the review even started-the same charge
leveled by the former chairman of the
geography department during the University's
last go at program-cutting.
Red blood,_blue blood
S TUDENTS TOOK turns putting on airs and
taking off clothes this summer to greet
some out-of-the-ordinary visitors.
In June, the campus rubbed shoulders with
European royalty during a visit from Queen
Beatrix and Prince Claus of the Netherlands.
Stopping at the University as part of a goodwill
tour of the United States, the queen met with
faculty, administrators, and Regents at a for-
mal reception, then waved to the collegiate
masses as her limousine sped down S. Univer-
Playgirl audition: Less is more
Making Title IX fit
THE OFFICE of Civil Rights is not a very
pushy organization.
" That's why, after a full summer of
wrangling, the University athletic department
has been able to comply with the federally im-
posed Title IX guidelines, which govern sex
discrimination in public institutions.
The athletic department has been found
innocent, so to speak, of discriminating against
its women athletic teams. Actually, the
University is violating the Title IX guidelines,
but after begging and bargaining for a half
year, the OCR gave Canham and company two
years to de-violate itself.
The OCR began its investigation of the
athletic department in 1973, when several
University women charged that there was
"gross discrimination against women," at the
This summer, the University was found
guilty of !giving more scholarship money to
men than women, giving more travel money to
men than women, providing women with less of
an opportunity to receive coaching than men,
and spending less money on recruiting women
than men.
The University, in a Shapiro/Canham brain-
trust, came up with a plan to remedy these
allegations last month, even though the ad-
ministration claims Title IX does not apply to
the University because it does not directly
receive any federal funds.
But excitement over blueblooded guests was
overshadowed earlier in the month by
Playgirl's hunt for red-blooded University
males. Representatives from the magazine
held auditions at Campus Inn for its October
spread on Big Ten men, which will feature
models from the University, Ohio State
University and the University of Wisconsin.
Although several men expressed mixed
feelings about becoming beefcake for Playgirl,
most were ready and willing to get the ex-
"I figure I run around town with little run-
ning shorts on," said finalist Mark Gibney, a
graduate political science student, "so it would
be the same to run around town without shor-
The Summer in Review was compiled by
Daily editors Andrew Chapman, Mark
Gindin,' Julie Hinds and Daily staff writer
Barry Witt.
Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan
Why do the jobless acquiesce?
Vol. XCIII, No. 2
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board
Bargain basement
U NIVERSITY Cellar was very
busy yesterday. Undeterred by
having to walk a couple of extra
blocks, throngs of students were
packed into the store merrily buying
their textbooks for the semester.
The Cellar's customers seem to ap-
preciate the extra floor space of the
new location, and the Cellar itself
seems to be luxuriating in its new-
found freedom to sell whatever it wan-
The Cellar's initial success is splen-
did, of course, since it seems to in-
dicate that the student-owned
bookstore will indeed be able to sur-
vive outside the Michigan Union. But
still something at the new store seems
wrong; the character of the store
seems to have changed.
Suddenly, the Cellar seems very
In its move from the Union, the
Cellar has lost the militant charm that
used to make it different from the
other bookstores. Its new glitter seems
more in tune with a shopping mall than
with the student protests which forced
the Regents to establish the store in the
late '60s.
Gone are all the shelves of books on
radical political thought and way-out
religions; in their place are racks and
racks of M-Go-Blue schlock. The
casual confusion of bookrush in the
Union ballroom is over for good; now
the Cellar has rows of neatly ordered
texts. It's all very neat, very precise-
and very capitalistic.
But it's not as if the Cellar had any
choice either. Forced out of the Union
last year by high rents and confronted
by a series of operating losses, the
Cellar has done what it's had to do: It's
streamlined, it's started carrying
more profitable merchandise, it's
become much more professional.
In the process, it's also become
much more dull. In doing what had to
be done to continue serving students,
the Cellar has lost some of the at-
mosphere that made it exciting-some
of the feeling that it was part of a
lingering protest. The Cellar's moved,
and it will never be quite the same.
By Franz Schurmann
There are plenty of signs today that the
economic upswing the United States is en-
tering probably is not going to mean a decline
in unemployment. Indeed, it appears in-
creasingly likely that the United States and
other Western nations are going to have
recovery at the price of permanently high
unemployment. The August U.S. rate of 9.8
percent, a post-World War II high, is expected
to climb past the double-digit mark before the
November elections.
Britain, where Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher launched her own version of
Reaganomics four years ago, was the tren-
dsetter. The British economy recovered
respectably, but with a significantly reduced
work force-an apparently permanent level
of unemployment hovering around three
million, or 13.8 percent of the work force.
A HALF-CENTURY ago Britain's John
Maynard Keynes predicted that the con-
sequences of such "involuntary unem-
ployment" would be violent, Bolshevik-style
revolution. His entire economic theory was
designed to provide government with effec-
tive policy tools to return the economy to "full
employment." In practical terms, that meant
deficit spending and large public works.
Franklin Roosevelt, unaware of Keynes'
writings, nevertheless did just what the
Englishman taught:sHe primed theapump
with big government spending and launched
all kinds of public service programs, as did
other Western nations.
Today, many countries face not just
recession, which can be resolved by lower in-
terest rates, but the deeper depression of
wholesale de-industrialization. Unem-
ployment at high levels has appeared in Spain
(15 percent), Holland (12.3), Canada (11.8),
Italy (10.4), and now in prosperous Germany
(7.4) and France (8.2). There are even signs
of it in Japan (2.5).
Canada and France briefly tried large-
scale, government-funded jobs programs,
only to retrench when they failed to make an
appreciable dent in their unemployment.
Thatcher consistently has refused to do
anything to alleviate unemployment except to
leave it to the marketplace. The Reagan ad-
ministration has followed exactly the same
IF KEYNES' theories and warnings are
inannrnnvuift h toinnr nntime Dthere a- nn
7.46 FACE ON -1NE B Q1OOt.A FL00%
Fifty years ago, most Western governmen-
ts developed a policy tool to guard against
upheaval from the unemployed: police
power. Germany got its Gestapo, Italy ex-
panded its carabinieri, and revolutionary
Russia developed a vast secret police. In the
United States, as well, national and local
police power has expanded under the influen-
ce of J. Edgar Hoover, motivated by fear of
riot or revolts.
Yet in 1982 there is little sign of any major
pu'sh to beef up police powers or numbers in
Western countries, though that is what the
East European countries have been doing, as
in Poland. Even stranger, signs are ap-
pearing from several Western countries that
police reform, rather than police power, is
getting priority attention.
PERHAPS ONE of the explanations for this
relative lack of police repression today lies in
another peculiar condition of permanent
unemployment in the 1980s-the calm of the
unemployed themselves. In the United States
and Britain, at least, there have been no big
riots, no noticeable swings to the left, no
response by people in unemployment lines to
haranguers denouncing the evils of
Classical economists before Keynes simply
would have argued that there is no such thing
as unemploymeht. If people want to work,
they can always find some as long as they are
willing to take lower wages. The rapid'growth
of alternative economies suggests that these
classical economists may have been partially
right. Italy, for instance, has high official
unemployment, but it also has a thriving
alternative economy estimated to account for.
some 40 percent gross output, and the highest,
economic growth rate in Europe.
It would be foolish to deny that there is
growing misery and suffering today; the rise
of interpersonal frustration and violence can
be seen in climbing suicide rates and child-
beatings. But it alsoawould be shortsighted to
overlook the possibility that many of the
unemployed may have decided to give up on
government as a remedy for their grievances.
MAYBE WHAT is happening in Poland~*
provides a hint'of what is to come. Faced with
a regimeathat is economically impotent and
politically repressive, Polish workers seem to
have decided to rely on themselves and the
"underground society" they have woven.
Certainly, what the Poles call "self
organization" is a powerful and positive
trend, and it may already be happening here.
The growth of America's own non-criminal
underground economy indicates the
possibilities. But it is unwise to simply turn
one's back on government as a potential ally.?
Survival for 10 million out-of-work Americans
will require the best efforts of both the people
and the policymakers.
And so the questions persist: How long will
the unemployed remain silent and invisible?
And how long can the government ignore
their plight?
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Schurmann is a professor of history
and sociology at the University of
California at Berkeley. He wrote this ar-
ticle for Pacific News Service.
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