4 OPINION Pge 4 Wednesday, November 17, 1982 The Michigan Dail -Tonight: The fight comes to Cr B Dave Paton By now, much of the University community must know that, star- ting tonight, professional boxing matches will be held at Crisler Arena. Officials at the Athletic Depar- tment claim-with some plausibi- lity-that boxing can do just as much to advance the ideal of veritas, in Ann Arbor as the rock concerts periodically offered at Crisler. Many of the heavyweights of the academic community, however, have vented howls of protest at this further diversification of the empire. at the corner of State and Hoover. A any rate, a card of fights is scheduled for tonight. But who will slug out the real clash? This evening's most important battle will be between the all-powerful profit notive and the somewhat unreal and cerebral world lived in and created by serious academics. A. fight between a high-ranking Athletic Department official and an English professor who doubles as a vehement critic of the aloof, well- heeled Athletic Department-now that would be the fight of the cen- tury: ;The time is past midnight at Crisler Arena. An unpleasant pall of human sweat and cigar smoke hangs lie a storm cloud over the boxing ring on the center of the floor. All of the fights on the card have con- cluded. It was a good night-there were four knockouts; the fighters were really hurting each other. A man at ringside is proudly displaying a random spatter of blood like a red badge of courage. As the crowd grunts and stretches prior to leaving the arena, the ring announcer strides to the center of the ring and grabs the boom microphone. "LA-DEES and GENN-TULL-MEN! The Crisler Arena Boxing Authority is PROUD to present an UN- SCHEDULED extra attraction! A special bout pitting athletic might against academic brainpower and humanism! "IN THE SOUTHEAST corner, wearing the maize and blue, a man who has been labelled the most successful and innovative promoter of college athletics in human history. MISTER DON CANHAM!! (Cheers, catcalls, and cries of "refund !" fill the air.) "And in the northwest corner, wearing the tweed jacket and mortar- board, a man who stands for everything positive and whimsical in the human spirit, a hardworking and enthusiastic member of the English faculty, and Mister Canham's leading critic at the University, PROFESSOR BERT HORNBACK! !" (Cheers, catcalls, and cries of "who?"). The crowd sits down again, surprised and pleased by this bonanza. Cigars are relit, betting is recommenced, and the combatants are called out to the center - of the ring by the veteran referee Billy aot$0mlinI'lakyuth Frye. abut$mat i w i n I'lby akoc ou t heo "OKAY, GUYS, some special rules. auOatenneybyl akenec othNe? Bare knuckle fighting, no time limit. bleka hn, soyeou figkhting." her Any money dropped in-the ring goes to the University's general fund. We can- The bell clangs and the two men not allot any money to defray any charge from their corners, circling funeral expenses. Don't both of you ea ch other warily. "H IT ! K IL L ! guys like the way money looks? Isn't it ARGGH ! UGH !" the crowd shouts. just so . .. green? If either of you guys Canham reaches into his jogging shorts knows where I can lay my hands on (yellow and blue; available at the "M- Go Blue" shop). He withdraws a large' wallet, with a lock and chain, and bran- dishes it. The crowd gasps in terror. Hornback's eyes widen, but he stands fast. He brings out his college diploma and holds it in front of him with both hands, like Luke Skywalker wielding his light saber. Combat is joined: the pugilists spring for each other, pun- ching, jabbing, clubbing, locked in a mor- tal duel. FRYE LEAPS between the pair. "Hey, this is a bare knuckle fight. Put those things away. Say, do either of you guys know where I can get my hands on about $20 million?" Canham and Hornback are at 'each. other, their defenses down, both men willing to take a punch in order to give one. "Why don't you give the University something.. . UNGH! out of that fat wallet of yours, Don? They could use it a lot more than you!" Hornback gasps and pants between punches. "Because... ARGHH ! . . . because I don't have to!" declares Canham as he slams a meaty fist into the professor's face, staggering him. "I provide the University with good entertain- ment . .. I charge a fair price.. . why don't I deserve to be fiscally. autonomous? Why should I share someone else's hard times if I 'don't have to?" "UNNNH ... Why? What do you mean, why?" shouts Hornback, ducking a punch. "Because you ought to be part ... OOF.. . of them! Your teams wear "M" all over their jerseys and . . . guess what, Don? Theye ren go to school here ! You have no right to come in here with your professional college athletics and not help out this isler dying, money-crazed, smaller but bit- ter campus! You've got plenty of money for new buildings or expensive renovations on your,... OUCH ... on your precious athletic campus. Why not elp keep the art school alive, or, education or natural resources? Why4 fatten yourself while others starve?" and Hornback's fist in Canham's stomach drives home the point more ef- fectively than any of his rhetoric has. "Because ... I don't have to care!' exults Canham as he hammers Hor-, nback's ribcage. "I sympathize, but' HA ! HA! it doesn't have to change my. policies!" And with that, both men, charged with blind fury, drop the con- versation and leap into the melee with redoubled energy ... It is 129 rounds later, about 7 a.m... and Canham and Hornback are still at it, exhausted, swinging their arms- wildly without aiming. That can be the best fun of boxing-when they start doing that. The students who were here are gone; they undoubtedly have things to do that day. The cigar-smoking. Detroiters are gone too; they have to be back when the banks open, to float loans to cover up the unpaid ones. And so we leave Messrs. Canham and Hor- nback as the first light of day strikes the dome of Crisler Arena. The irresistable force of the Athletic Depar- tment meets the immovable object known as the academic University, and an irritating, perpetual stalemate results. Paton is an LSA senior; in English and history. majoring Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman WREwN yoBISOPCAST DOUBT' ON THE t\O9%ALU~y OF OUR NQUdLAR ' AT ~ . AND ENCOURAGE gouDtAR$To QUESTION1 TMIR ODER- THPT COMES PETP :.) Vol. XCIII, No. 60 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Progress on registration l ,o., l r C a ...... . O PPONENTS of draft registration were celebrating yesterday after news that a judge in California had dismissed charges against David Wayte. They hailed the decision as a monumental victory in the struggle against registration; some even said the decision would force the gover- iiment to scrap the entire registration system. -On the first point they are right; on the other, they are-at best--premature. Judge Terry Hatter's decision cer- tainly was a significant step in the fight against registration. The decision finally gave recognition to argument that opponents of registration had been bfinging up for months. At long last a judge has agreed that the gover- nment's tactic of prosecuting only those who speak out against the registration order is a blatant violation of constitutional guarantees of free speech. Yet the success on Monday does not necessarily mean that the Selective Service is about to be dismantled. The government has promosed to appeal Monday's ruling (although they hadn't by late yesterday), and gover- nment appeals of draft resistance cases have proven especially deadly. There's a reason for that, of course. What is "just" and what is "legal" have precious little to do with what the government can do under the guise of "national defense"-as has been shown throughout the draft registration cases. Sure, said the courts, the registration order may be a violation of laws forbidding discrimination-but this is "national defense," so it doesn't count. Sure, said the courts, the registration order may illegally require individuals to divulge their Soeial Security numbers (by law, "not to be used for identification"), but this is "national defense," and the gover- nment needs the convenience of using "illegal" means of identifying poten- tial conscripts. Similarly, the appellate courts could rule that it doesn't matter that the government violated the Constitution in prosecuting only the most vocal op- ponents of the registration order. The courts could rule that it's just fine for the government to have broken the law by starting registration nine days before it was supposed to. After all, showing the Soviets that we meant business over the Afghanistan invasion is a grave matter of "national defen- se." But even if the ruling doesn't necessarily mean an end to registration it is nonetheless a con- siderale success - no matter how the appeals turn out. If the ruling survives appeal, of course, selective service registration is in deep trouble. If it really wants to have a draft registration, the gover- nment might have to start all over again - appropriations and all. That means what is sure to be a bloody fight for the necessary money in Congress and, should the idea get past that, a whole new round of lawsuits questioningrevery detail of the registration process. If, on the other hand, the ruling is overturned, the opponents of registration may still realize con- siderable gains. A reversal of Hatter's decision would mean, in effect, that free speech in peacetime -is to be subordinated to the government's military ambitions. That would greatly increase the pwoer of the military in our society, giving it power over some of Americans' most basic freedoms. Such a decision, although a considerable defeat for American liberties, would give great support to the contention that the military needs to be controlled. It would be yet another powerful argument for basic, and desperately needed, reform. CLOSE To LET's NOT sPuT HIRS N QuR IENTION ( TO PROMOTE TNINKIN@ NOT TREAS&ON _ --, . _.. J%) F ;- S cl? v E x Y d . V N ./{' .. o 0 6 0 1N NEW YORK-Ellen Mayers, 34, lives in New York City, the communications capital of the world. But it doesn't do her much good. She can't even afford a communications device taken for granted by most Americans-a home telephone. Elizabeth Rodrigues, 23, came from. Puerto Rico four years ago to find a better life here. She still doesn't have a phone, either. THE PROBLEM for both of them is simple: money. For Mayers and Rodrigues, as for in- creasing numbers of poor Americans, a home phone is now a luxury. Mayers, who lives in the Flat- bush section of Brooklyn, has been a single parent for many years. Her 11-year-old son is disabled. She uses her sister's phone when possible, but her sister isn't always home. Mayers is on welfare and isn't looking for a job. Rodrigues lives in William- sburg, also in Brooklyn, and one of the poorest districts of this city. Her husband has been unemployed "for some time," she said. They have a two-month- old daughter. Ma Bell: Hanging up on the poor By Barbara Miner Telegraph Company (AT&T) it- self estimates that under such conditions approximately 35 per- cent of the very poor, as defined by the U.S. Commerce Depar- tment, would be priced out of a home phone. "When you don't have a phone," Ellen Mayers said, "that's when you realize how im- portant it is." SHE LOST her phone service recently when her welfare check was late and she fell behind on her bill. "They cut it right off," she said. Now a $175 deposit is required to have the service restored. Mavers is narticularl wnrried welfare recipients lacked telephone service. ABRAMS IS concerned that proposed rate increases will turn the telephone into a "plaything of the rich." It currently costs $174.54 for a phone to be installed in New York City, $100 of that as a deposit payable immediately. The proposed increases- would raise installation charges 25 per- cent, and pay phone calls from 10 cents to a quarter. At the same time, optional ser- vice charges, of most use to the affluent, would remain where they are or drop. For instance, charges for "call waiting"-a service to let one know when a lobbying organization, fears that proposals before the FCC could double the $5.61 rate. SIMONS reports that the FCC is in the final stages of public comment on three proposals to separate long distance equip- ment and service charges from fees for local service. All three, in effect, would add a surcharge to0 every bill of from $2 to $7 per month-depending on the proposal-for the right to long distance access. A fourth option, opposing any surcharge, has lit- tle chance of approval, according to Simons. The FCC's final decision could be issued within 60 days and go into effect one year later. "It's an outrage," says Simons. "The poor residents will sub - sidize the rich users who use long distance." FOR THOSE in search of work, lack of a phone significantly compounds the difficulties. Not only is it harder to reach prospec- tive employers, but there is no answer to give in response to the; familiar "Don't call us, we'll call you."_ 4