See story,
Page 8
S Progress i~j u aiI
on registraion Getting better
Mostly sunny and warmer today,
See Editorial, Page 4 with a high around 50.
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XCIII, No. 60 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 17, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages
review, hits
high gear
say ruling
may stop
for draft
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Draft op-
ponents said yesterday a federal
judge's decision could force the gover-
nment to scrap its registration
program, but Selective Service warned
young men they must sign up or face
Barry W. Lynn of the group Draft Ac-
tion said in Washington, D.C., that '"the
death knell for draft registration" was
sounded when U.S. District Judge
Terry Hatter Jr. dismissed the case
against a 21-year-old admitted draft
resister Monday in Los Angeles.
Hatter said the registration rules had
been put into effect in 1980 "a mere 21
days" after they were published in the
Federal Register, instead of 30 days as
The administration's review of the
University's counseling services will
enter a new phase next month, in which
special committee will decide what
rtions of the service can be cut back
or eliminated, administrators announ-
ced yesterday.
The University's academic and per-
sonal counseling services have been
under review for a year. But ad-
ministrators said the time was needed
just to collect information 'about the,
NOW THAT the information has been
gathered, the administration-through
special faculty-student commit-
ee-can take a hard look at the ser-
vices with -an eye toward making
bud'get cutbacks.
tThe faculty-student committee will
try to determine how well the coun-
seling services work, what their pur-
pose should be, and where budget cuts
could be made, officials said.
The committee's inquiry will cover 40,
counseling and advisory centers across
the University including Psychological
*nd University Counseling, as well as
the separate counseling centers each of
the University's schools and colleges
PREPARING for the upcoming
budgetary review, another committee
spent nearly a year interviewing coun-
selors and gathering preliminary data
to provide a lengthy and detailed
description of the counseling services
on campus, said Robert Sauve, an
assistant to the vice president for
academic affairs. That committee is
now finishing up its research.
Next month, an expanded versioin of
the committee will use the information
and descriptions it gathered as a base
for a budgetary review of campus-wide
The second committee will first at-
tempt to describe the objectives and
functions it feels the counseling units
should have, Sauve said..
THE COMMITTEE will ask "what
type of counseling should we be
providing for the students at this cam-
pus," and to decide which of the coun-
seling services the University deems
most important, Sauve said.
The committee's other major goal is
to look for places to save money in
counseling services while still preser-
ving adequate quality and quantity of
The committee will explain what ef-
fects certain cuts-1Q percent, 15 per-
cent, or 30 percent-would have on the
quality of the units involved.
COMMITTEE members will also in-
vestigate how money is currently
allocated to different counseling units,
and if across-the-board or selective cuts
would produce the most efficient
savings, Sauve said.
Sauve, however, said the review was
now set up specifically to look for
budget cuts, and that no precise savings
are expected from the review.
"We are in a budget-cutting mode (at
the University) these days," he said,
See CUTS, Page 5
Columbia astronauts Joe Allen, Bill Lenoir, Bob Overmeyer, and Vance Brand celebrate the completion of the shuttle's
fifth flight. Columbia landed smoothly in California yesterday after launching two communications satellites. See
story, Page 3.-
Samantrai wins in LSA election
Panel calls for
close scrutiny of
"DNA research
Final vote tallies late last night
showed that the new president of the
LSA Student Government would be
Rajeev Samantrai, who garnered 815
votes to his nearest competitor's 277
Samantrai and vice presidential can-
didate Tammy Goldman, who ran un-
der the banner of Students for
Academic and Institutional Develop-
ment (SAID) said last night that their
victory was due to hard work on the
part of the group.
"WE WERE all very committed.
Everyone worked extremelyhardon
the campaign. We felt we could do a
good job on the council," Samantai said
after the votes had been counted.
Winners in the contest for seats on the
council were SAID members Rob
Cohen, Michael Hansen, Jodie Levey,
Brian Sher, Elise Sosnow, and Carol.
Winners under the banner of
Legislative Efficiency for our
Educational Demands (LEED) in-
cluded Mark Greenleaf, Deborah Hor-
ness, Gretchen Morris, Barry Powers,
and Mark Wolf.
Independent winners were Steve
Apolinsky, Winston Lee, Ron Weiner,
and Dayne Myers.
ALL THE ballot proposals passed in
the election. Proposal A, which would
call for investigation of dropping
See SAID, Page 5
WASHINGTON - A presidential
commission, citing the danger of "at-
tempting to perfect human beings,"
called yesterday for a new body to
scrutinize genetic engineering
Alexander Capron, executive direc-
tor of the commission, told a House
*cience and technology subcommittee
that his panel discovered "well-
founded" concern that no government
body was adequately looking at and ad-
4ressing ethical questions surrounding
Ngenetic engineering.
GENETIC engineering or gene-
splicing, consists of the rearrangement
of DNA, the genetic material in all
living things. Scientists can add
genetically determined characteristics
o cells that would not otherwise have
possessed them.
"Especially close scrutiny is ap-
propriate for any procedures that
would create inheritable genetic
changes or that are aimed at enhancing
normal people, as opposed to
remedying recognized genetic defec-
ts," the commission report said.
"The very subjectivity that makes
the latter line difficult to draw suggests
the danger of a drift toward attempting
to 'perfect' human beings," the report
THE COMMISSION noted public
anxiety that work in the field might
remake human beings, like Franken-
stein's monster, and that the use of
these new powers might be considered
"playing God."
The commission said it found concer-
ns about creating a monster
exaggerated. But Capron said a
prohibition may be necessary in the
area of the hybridization of human
beings with other living things.
"THE PROSPECT of creating an ac-
tual being with partially human
characteristics offends a deeply held
taboo," he said. "There is, however, no
legal or regulatory prohibition of such a
step. And if the barrier is to survive in
the face of scientific advances, the
reasoning behind it will need further.
Doily Photo by TOD WOOLF
Tammy Goldman (left), SAID candidate for the LSA-SG vice president slot, does some last minute politicking in the
Fish Bowl.
Members of the Michigan Student Assembly last
night found themselves to be both the attacker and
the subject of attacks.
First, MSA members assailed the director of
University libraries, who had come to the student
government's meeting to explain his decision to
remove vending machines from the University's two
largest libraries.
THEN, MSA members found themselves being
assailed by a group of engineering students, who
brought petitions signed by hundreds of students up-
set by what they said was MSA's confused attacks on
campus military research.
The 10 engineering students complained that in at-
tacking military research on campus, MSA has lum-
ped together engineering students and weapons
research. MSA has wrongly suggested that the
University administration's decision to funnel more
money to the College of Engineering is somehow
linked to a rise in military research, the students
The engineering students, who presented petitions
signed by several hundred supporters, also charged
that the man MSA hired to study campus defense
research is biased against it. The students pointed out
that the investigator, Roger Kerson, worked on a
report last year that was critical of military research
on campus.
ENGINEERING senior Tom Girard said he would
like Kerson "to make a thorough, complete report
and to get rid of the emotionalism which surrounds
this issue," but doubted Kerson's ability to do it.
Another of the engineering students, senior Kevin
O'Connor, argued that Kerson does not have the
scientific background to evaluate adequately Univer-
sity military research. "He doesn't know the dif-
ference between a test tube and a carburetor,"
O'Connor told MSA members.
Earlier in their meeting last night, however, MSA
members were on the other side of the table,
criticizing University library officials for their
decision to bar food and drinks from the Graduate
and Undergraduate libraries.
RICHARD Dougherty, the director of University
libraries, and David Norton, the director of the Un-
dergraduate Library, spoke to MSA members last
Candy coins
TOLL MACHINES don't digest candy well, Illinois
state police officers have discovered, and at least
one motorist who tried feeding the machines with
experimentaldimes has been arrested and faces a
$1,000 fine. About a dozen machines have broken down in
the last month because of motorists' use of candy nickels,
says Cpl. William Schmitt, a spokesman for police assigned
h to the Illinois Toll Highway Authority. Schmitt blamed the
toll machine, faces a fine up to $1,000 on a charge of
toll machine, faces a fine up to $1,000 on a charge of
criminal damage totproperty. Q
Macho, macho man
calendar to hit the bookstores. Sure you've seen "The Men
of Michigan," "The Real Men of Michigan," and "The Ab-
solutely Unreal Men of Michigan" pin-ups, but now there's
"The 1983 Macho Man Calendar." Besides Sam, Slim, and
Mort, there's Chuck who can make himself belch and Brett
who's learned how to light a woman's cigarette without
burning her nose. December features Russ, the fisherman,
.say he can put worms on hooks without throwing up. And
when Russ goes ice fishing, his snot freezes on his
mustache. Available at Community Newscenter and Crown
House of Books for $4.95. Copyright pending. O
" 1932 - The entire German cabinet resigned, and Adolph
Hitler refused to help with reorganizing under Chancellor
Von Papen.
" 1944 - President Roosevelt said he hoped Congress
would enact legislation for compulsory one-year gover-
nment military training for young Americans.
" 1971 - Thousands of women met for the first National
Women's March on Washington to voice their opposition to
restrictive abortion and contraception laws.
" 1973 - The BGS degree was the most popular major this
year, chosen by 15.4 percent of all juniors and seniors in
' Sg
k w.
a_ _ ' '
', . °
3 '
.. 3
. .
Mort. That's their dog,
Killer, too. When fall rolls
around, they put on their
hiking boots and flannel shirts
ant had fnr th a ndc n
I Awamok.