an Daily-Saturday, November 13, 1982-Page 5 3; J Bob Seymour (left) and Bob Stoick practice a dive for their final performance of the season. w Cowning round r on the footbaff ieldr What does it take to be a cheerleader at Michigan? Partly clownlike humor, partly foot- ball enthusiasm and mostly gymnastic skill. The 11-man squad practices three times a week but practice consists of a couple of hours of fun and; games that closely resemble grade school recess. Nevertheless, responsibility and dedication Rod Stablein shows hi g reat form during practice. take over sooner or later and the game-time per- formance comes off as both professional and spontaneous. r t } r r a t f M Photos by LISA CHRISTIE Getting the timing just right takes hours of rehearsal. Gymnasts have to be able to walk on their hands too. r;,> ' . :. ? .. Y.+ .: 4 r