I The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 9, 1982-Page 5 Students forgotten in budget planning The University of Michigan is one of the" great institutions of higher education in the world. Every educational survey perenially rates the University among the top in the world. This lofty position has resulted from an unparalleled combination of diversity and ex- cellence. The University has built upon a tradition of outstanding scholarly pursuit in many different areas. As a result of this, a* degree from the University is a significant; achievement because it marks a well-rounded. quality education unmatched by any other in- stitution. This, however, appears to be rapidly changing. As a result of Michigan's depressed economy, funding from the state, which con- tributes over half of the University's operating budget, has declined sharply. This decrease in: funding has obviously required some budget trimming at the University. The ad- ministration, headed by President Harold Shapiro and Vice President for Academic Af- fairs Billy Frye, however, has begun to use the necessity of budget cutting to totally reshape the University,,seemingly away from its stan- dards of diversity and toward a narrower, sup- posedly more marketable education. i As the University changes in this manner, every student regardless of her or his major or field will be directly affected. The quality of education will be altered as will the meaning of 4 degree from this University. OVER THE past two years, this shift in University priorities has become dramatic. In 1981, the Geography Department was targeted for elimination by the University ad- ministration. The department was dismantled despite the fact that it was one of the best of its kind in the country, that it had a relatively small budget, and that it included a wide yariety of disciplines. This action was followed in 1982 by the proposed reduction or elimination of the Schools of Art, Natural Resources, and Education. As in the case of geography, these schools are all quality programs but generated little or no revenue to the University. Because these programs concentrate on teaching and quality education as opposed to revenue producing research, they were deemed a liability by the administration. While these programs are being slashed in the name of budgetary restraint, other more profitable programs are being bolstered. The College of Engineering and School of Business Administration as well as programs in the hard sciences are given augmented funding. While this is partially a result of increased student enrollment, it is also an undeniable result of the vast research dollars such fields attract. THE INESCAPABLE conclusion to be drawn from these actions is that the University is being run not as an institution of higher lear- ning but as a corporation. Apparently the most important measure of a program is its ability to make money rather than its ability to provide a quality education to students. The implications of this policy are ominous. It means that no matter how good a program may be, or how important it is to students and faculty, it is still expendable if it is not cost ef- fective. Students will thus be deprived of the diverse quality education which was once the hallmark of the University. As a result of this much narrower and less rounded education, University graduates in all fields will become less marketable. Because the way in which the University is changing so directly affects every student, the Michigan Student Assembly will continue to be very active in pursuing the educational in- terests of students. The Michigan Student Assembly is the all campus student gover- nment with 38 members representing every school and college on campus. As such it is the Assembly's responsibility to represent the in- terests of every student in University affairs. TOO OFTEN in this process of rapid change, students have been forgotten or ignored. The educational needs of students have taken a back seat to the fiscal policies of the ad- ministration. To avoid further erosion of the. quality of education at the University, MSA,will be active in a variety of ways to influence decisions affecting the future direction of thi University. MSA will use two avenues to represe students in this most important time. The fi is through working within the University str ture to assure that the student voice is heart all decisions. MSA appoints students to a ra ber of student-faculty committees whicIet policy for the University. The most impoint example of this is student representation the Budget Priorities Committee, which ster- mines which units are to be discontinu and which units receive increased filing. Through such representation stude are t assured that they are heard by the Ut'ersity administration, even if they are nolways listened to. When students are not listenedo, it is necessary to pursue a second enue of representation. This course involvelirect ac- tion and mass participation. The bgest asset that students have in influencinpniversity decisions is our number. If an Sue evokes mass student support, the admirtration will1 often bow to pressure to change tir policies. THE MOST successful mass lion in many 4 years took place last April wheifore than 400 people packed the Regents' n-ting to voice l Amy Moore President Michigan Student Assembly sibility of MSA to represent students, it is the equal responsibility of every student to let MSA know her or his feelings and concerns and to of- fer advice and help at all times. Any action MSA takes is only as strong as the student support behind it. An apathetic student, body will be reflected in the decisions which exclude or ignore student concerns and rights.. A concerned and active student body, however, can work through MSA to assure that in this time of dramatic changes students and education are not forgotten but are instead the.; most important priorities of all decisions. This cannot happen, however, without the help and support of every student on campus. their concerns about the shifting priorities of the University. Both Regents and ad- ministrators were forced to answer to student concerns, and this display has resulted in more accountability on the part of the ad- ministration. Similar activities are scheduled for the fall, including a teach-in to discuss the issue of a changing University. Only in this way can students be sure of influencing University policy. Although both these avenues are somewhat effective in representing student views, they will only become totally effective with the sup- port of the student body. While it is the respon- VIEWPOINTS Campus issues will be research, *budget policies A note from the mayor . , . Y ' . outs lher dayor Ann Arbor Welcome to Ann Arbor! To those of you who are new students here this year as well as to those who are returning from summer vacation, I want to wish success in your studies-may you accomplish all of your goals. As University of Michigan students, you certainly have a good chance of doing so. I hope that you will find the time, in the coming year, to get to know your city as well as the Univer- sity. You will find Ann Arbor to be an amenable community. We have attractive shopping districts of- fering a wide variety of goods frequently available only in' much larger cities; cultural opportunities ranging from community theatre to a chamber or-" chestra to artists' cooperatives; many beautiful parks; an outstanding recreation program, and much more. Above all, Ann Arbor's people are warm and friendly, eager to welcome new residents. The city government is at your service, and I hope that you will not hesitate to call if any problems with city services should arise. May your stay here by happy and productive. Most of the pressing issues on cam- pus are related in some way to budgetary problems resulting from, decreasing state support for higher education. This is unfortunate. It gets us talking about FTEs (Full-Time * Equivalents), inflation, and "bottom lines," when we should be talking about the primary objectives of the Univer- sity-the search for new knowledge and the transmission of that knowledge. ,But we must face reality. The support for the University by the State of Michigan has not even kept pace with inflation over the past decade. One- response to shrinking resources has TECHNOLOGY transfer is another issue that has come on the scene. To what extent is the transfer of expertise from the laboratory to the production line a responsibility of the University? Does it serve in a feed-back loop to enhance and stimulate research programs or does it impose unaccep- table restrictions on academic freedom? The Michigan Research Cor- poration (MRC) will be debated on campus this fall and the faculty will be asked if it supports enhanced efforts to market ideas or sees a MRC as a hin- derance to research and teaching. An important question of values was Prof. Ronald Bishop Chairman Senate Assembly raised in the University community last year and will continue to be debated next year. I refer to the question of what responsibility the University has to monitor the direction of research programs. Can a project be judged on the basis of its stated aims or goals without regard for its possible con- sequences? Is the search for new knowledge a valid goal in itself? Should there be monitoring of research with respect to possible or projected con- sequences? Should the academic freedom and judgment of the in- vestigator prevail? How much do we allow outside influences, such as the availability of money for specific pro- jects, to direct-our research effort? These questions were raised in the Senate Assembly last spring with respect tosdefense-related research. The debate will be continued in the fall. I do not expect a clear resolution of these questions which all factions of the University will accept. I do think it is important that we discuss these mat- ters so that all persons involved are sensitive to the issues and then may behave responsibly. been the "smaller but better" doctrine, which proposes selected program reduction or discontinuance. THE DOCTRINE was debated exten- sively in faculty circles two years ago, was endorsed by the Senate Assembly, and led directly to Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye's Five- Year Plan. Even such well thought out planning, however, is vulnerable to aute budgetary crises such as those we have experienced during the last year. Now that we have had a chance to see some of the effects of smaller but bet- t'er, complicated by the acute -budgetary crises, some are asking if this is the way to go. "Shared poverty" With across-the-board cuts (relative or absolute) has been suggested as an alternative. (It should be noted that in- Olation has 'already given us a form of shared poverty over the past several years.) I do not personally advocate this strategy; but, if the number of its supports does grow, it should get more serious consideration. The dangers of a "shared poverty" philosophy must be fully recognized. The quality of the University depends