OPINION Page 4 Sunday, November 7, 192 The Michigan Daily Vote tally:Dems cheer, GEO whimpers E VEN PRESIDENT Reagan's last-minute dose of television charm couldn't salvage the election for Republicans. When Reaganomics was put to the test on Tuesday, a dissatisfied nation gave the president's economic policy a failing grade. Republicans lost big in Congress and in several gubernatorial races. In Michigan-a state particularly hard-hit by economic woes- Republicans went down to defeat in two major races. Lackluster Democrat James Blanchard soundly beat his Republican challenger Richard Headlee (although the obnoxiously outspoken Headlee had a good go at beating himself). Blanchard will be the first Democrat to head the state in some 20 years. In the race" for U.S. Senate, Democratic incumbent Donald Riegle easily trounced Republican Philip Rup- pe. Close to home, Lana Pollack held the 18th District State Senate seat for Democrats by beating Republican Roy Smith. Pollack will succeed retiring Sen. Ed Pierce. Sarah God- dard Power and Thomas Roach of the Democratic slate were re-elected to their University Regents posts. About the only Republican, in fact, who made a good local showing was incumbent Republican Carl Pur- sell, who retained- his 2nd District congressional seat. State voters also decided that the nuclear freeze (Proposal E) was good, and putting the state police into the constitution (Proposal B) was bad. But state voters thought that both Proposals D and H-two somewhat contradic- tory proposals on utility rate increase procedures-were good, creating a big headache for the state. The biggest local disappointment in the elec- A Washtenaw County Circuit Court judge ruled this week that former University em- ployee Arthur Arroyo was guilty-and not tem- porarily insane, as the defense said he was-when he spread a gasoline over the floor of the 150-year-old structure and burned it to the ground. So now Arroyo will face a sentence of up to ten years in prison. Judge Henry Conlin said he should hand down sentence within a month. The defense said they will probably not ap- peal the decision. The case, which lasted two months, was filled with psychological drama. Arroyo's life history was aired many times over in the proceedings, as was his psychological state well before, during, and immediately after the burning of the building. But all that analysis went for naught as the 30-year-old former word-processor was found guilty of burning the Economics Building the night before Christmas. GEO faces the future T HE UNIVERSITY'S teaching assistants and graduate staff assistants last week rejected their proposed contract with the ad- ministration. In fact, when all the votes were counted it was clear that the proposal never had a chance of winning the approval of the Graduate Employees Organization's rank and file. But the contract was doomed more by apathy than by "no" votes. For a contract to be ratified, more than half of GEO's 625 voting members must vote in favor of the contract. But in the voting on the last contract proposal, which took place through the mail over two weeks, barely that number voted at all and only 143 voted in favor of the contract. That low turnout raised two significant questions for some GEO leaders. The first worry is that it may be nearly impossible to ratify any contract with that sort of turnout. Unless the union can motivate more graduate assistants to'vote in the future, sentiment would have to run about 95 percent in favor of a contract to win ratification. A second worry is that the University ad- ministration may capitalize on the low turnout in seeking to have GEO decertified as a union. When GEO leaders sit down at the bargaining table they represent 1,600 University TAs and graduate staff assistants. But only 625 consider themselves active members. And when GEO takes its contract proposal back to its rank and file, only 329 bother to vote. The administration might be able to point to the low turnout as proof that GEO does not have the support of its membership and ask the state to decertify GEO. Last fall, the Univer- sity was barred by the state from challenging GEO's union status for one year. The fact that that legal ban expires at the end of this month is naturally unsettling to GEO leaders. Amidst all the uncertainty about GEO's future, union leaders are struggling to decide what their next step will be. In a meeting last Thursday, GEO members decided to rule out for the time being the possibility of striking. In- stead, they voted to elect a new bargaining team and go back to the table with ad- ministrators. At the same time, however, other GEO leaders urged the union to start building up its strike and legal defense funds just in case. The Liddy-Leary ripoff OLD CONVICTS never die. They just get together and take their act on the road. Timothy Leary, a drug guru of the '60s, and G. Gordon Liddy, that rat-eating Watergate mastermind, took their schtick, er, debate to Ann Arbor this week. Thursday night at the Michigan Theatre, these two fanatical figures talked about "the power of the individual ver- sus the power of the state"-and still had time to take potshots at everything from Jimmy Carter to Tylenol. Liddy and Leary had their act down pat. Lid- dy was the raving lunatic who came off like a history professor when he spouted Cicero and Milton. Leary was the humanistic one who I,." '.$ .t4 'v tA u , I I ~ ~~~ifi .a 11 GEO: From activism to apathy Blanchard: A Democratic winner tion was the lack of student participation. The elections may have been a national referendum on Regganomics, but they weren't much of anything for Ann Arbor's campus population. Only some 30 percent of voters in campus precincts even bothered with a ballot. Another Christmas Eve LAST CHRISTMAS Eve, fire trucks raced to the Diag in a desperate bid to save the blazing Economics building. This Christmas Eve, a grassy patch will cover the spot where the building once stood. And the man judged responsible for setting the fire will probably spend the holidays in jail. went on and on like a raving lunatic when he called the Democrats "mongoloid bunglers." The political debate fell to the wayside as the one-liners flowed. "Tylenol and LSD are two examples of mass hysteria," goaded Leary. Liddy, in response to Leary's praise of Jimmy Carter, said, "I would love to see a woman president of the United States the calibre of Elizabeth I, Catherin3 the Great, or Catherine de Medici-all of whom had more'"balls than Jimmy Carter." Quips, theatrics, and ripoffs-that's what Liddy and Leary served up Thursday night. And Ann Arborites, who packed into the theatre, lapped it up. The Week, in Review was compiled by Daily staff writers Andrew Chapman, Julie Hinds, and David Meyer. 4 __ _ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Sinclair Vol. XCIII, No. 52 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Another achievement _ _._ _ - - _ _ _ _. ___,._ .- _-, y~ . - _- - --- - _- - __ _._ _- - __ _ - T'.>,, rt- 0 4 W ITH LITTLE fanfare, the government announced on Friday that unemployment has hit yet another post-Depression high. Last month, 10.4 percent of the nation's workforce was idle-up from 10.1 per- cent the month before. As usual, the administration took the latest increase in the unemployment rate as another vindication of the president's economic program. President Reagan is "sympathetic and concerned" about the high unem- ployment rate, but, according to White House spokesman Larry Speakes, "It is the president's belief you cannot solve unemployment without solving the causes.'' "The administration," Speakes said, "has laid a solid foundation for the creation of jobs and a solution to the rise and fall of unemployment." But how? By sapping the once- vibrant American economy of its vitality? By increasing the portion of the GNP devoted to war production while slashing social programs? By forcing unemployment-and its devastating effects-on millions? The administration argues that the current level of high unemployment is just a temporary expedient on the road to a "better America." The president says his program is already working, that all it needs is a little more time. But that excuse just doesn't wash anymore. Even David. Ortner, the Commerce Department's chief economist, admitted Friday that the unemployment rate, while already at a post-Depression high, is bound to go higher-perhaps as high as 11 percent. And many economists say there is nothing in the latest figures to suggest that the unemployment rate is about to level off-let alone decline. The nation doesn't need to give the Reagan program another chance- Reaganomics has already had too much time to start working. What the nation needs to do now is start coping with the disaster already wrought by the president's ideas. It needs a jobs program; it needs a renewed com- mitment to social justice. It needs, in short, the determination to put an end to the . mad experiment of Reaganomics. LO~W1EtfV *Z C - +' - .Zl t 4r _ 5.- 0 c C, Al t,..,_ _ _ -- -- - --- y.- .._ --= --. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: 4 Engieers Can speak for themselves EN4TRANCQE QF' THE TQREAPORS,J,,~ pSyoR s r-Ncy b 1!.- To the Daily: I would like to thank Ellen Lin- dquist for the concern for engineers she expresses in her letter ("Engineers are 'human, too," Daily, Oct. 28). I must, however, take issue with a few of her statements, er, misstatemen- ts. Lindquist suggests that engineers are destroying the world. This idea is too ridiculous for lengthy discussion, but let me say that should our civilization come to the end she envisions, it will be the fault of politicians, not engineers. Engineers have The whole of engineering achievement is built on in- novation and change. Engineering requires ingenuity, originality, and, yes, thought. Lindquist, on the other hand, responded to a headline about a review of the engineering humanities department by predictability yelling "No, don't cut it out!"-just as she's been programmed to react to the men- tion of a review. I realize that Lindquist must be very busy with the intense studies of an English major, and therefore doesn't have the time to eliminate duplication of effort, save the University money, and give engineers a wider choice of classes to fill their humanities requirement. Those of us who don't consider ourselves robots would welcome this opportunity to broa den our education. If Lindquist was capable of thought rather than programmed response, she would realize that the proposal is an excellent idea. So thanks for your concern, Ellen, but please let us speak for our-. selves. We are capable. 4 -Michael Mitchell November 4 Krell's OK To the Daily: "Nuts" to those attacking C. E. Krell's review of the Gateway Trio concert (Daily, Oct. 26). It was excellently written, enter- taining-one of the best 'arts reviews I've ever read in the Daily. Keep up the good work. -Randy Schwartz November 3