OPINION Th i.hianal Page 4 Wednesday, November 3, 1982 The MLchigon Doily Liddy: Outrageous in all respects .6 G. Gordon Liddy, the notorious "tough guy" of Watergate (you remember-he held his hand over the candle), will appear on campus tomorrow to debate Timothy Leary, whose "tune in, turn on, drop out" was a rallying cry for the 1960s drug culture. Daily editor Julie Hinds spoke with Liddy over the phone last week about his newfound popularity on the college lec- ture circuit and his reflections on the tenth anniversary of Watergate. political intelligence gathering. It's the same sort of thing that goes on every four years in this country. Daily: So you don't think your activities were unusual? Liddy: No. What was unusual was all the hysteria and carrying on about it. After all, in 1964 when Barry Goldwater's apartment was broken into, a wiretap was put in, and his papers stolen, it was page 23 news. That's where it belongs. I don't have any quarrel with that. Daily: What do your contacts with students tell you about the changing mood of the coun- try? Liddy: First of all, they tell me that the young people of this country are very much for this country, concerned about it. The students are ambitious,, they're goal-oriented, they un- derstand what's necessary for achievement. They put that into practice. I would say that older persons like myself who are worried about young people as a result of what hap- pened in the 1960s can just relax. The young people of the 1980s are nothing at all like the young people of the 1960s. And the country is the better for it. Daily: Who do you think would be better as a role model for students-you or Timothy Leary? Liddy: Well naturally I would have to admit to a prejudice and bias in my favor. So for a young person seeking a role model, if his or her choices were limited to Timothy Leary or G. Gordon Liddy, I would suggest myself. I think Timothy Leary would not. Daily: About the current legal system in the United States, you and Leary both have criminal records ... Liddy: I've got a much bigger criminal record than Tim Leary has and let's make sure we understand that. Daily: . . . Do you think you both deserve them? Do either of your convictions reflect a weakness or failure in the legal system? Liddy: I can't speak for Tim Leary on that, but for me, it's quite clear that I broke the law with respect to the Watergate break-in. I did it then for reasons I considered good ones and I would do it again in similar circumstances. Now, with respect to the Ellsberg break-in (at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist), I think that was an incorrect legal finding, because I think that was justified and within the power of a president for reasons of national security. Daily: You've been called a "nice scary guy" by the Village Voice and a "thoroughly dangerous man" by Theodore White. Which do you think is closer to the truth? Liddy: It depends upon the circumstance. I am, for example, no danger to anyone who does not mean me harm or does not mean my coun- try harm. If, however, you approach me with intent to harm or my country with intent to harm, I'm probably the most dangerous person you could ever run into. Daily: What about some of the recent TV por- trayals of yourself? Such as.. Liddy: Oh, there's lots of them. There's a portrayal of me based upon the Dean book, there's a portrayal of me based upon my book, there's probably been half a dozen portrayals of me on Saturday Night Live. There's so many of them and they're all different, which I guess is to be expected because they're looking at the same person through different eyes. Daily: Do you think they capture the essence of your personality? Are you that outrageous in certain respects? Liddy: Well, I think I'm outrageous in all respects, but I don't think that's a terrible thing to be. / ' C Daily: What do you think of President Reagan? Does he inspire your loyalty? Liddy: I think he's a good president. I think he's the best president for now. This is not to say I agree with all his policies. I don't agree, for instance, with his insistence that we don't need a draft. I think it's quite clear that we do, so I think he's wrong there. I think he's dead wrong on selling grain to the Soviet Union. But then again, I didn't agree with everything that Richard Nixon did. He was almost classically Keynesian in his economic policies, and I disagreed with that. But Richard Nixon also was the right president for the right time. Daily: Of the participants in Watergate, it seems those convicted for their role have become more popular-through books, lec- tures-than the prosecutors or judges. Why do you think that's happened? Liddy: I don't think that is true at all. John Dean is probably the most unpopular person in the United States. Jeb Stuart Magruder-I would say he's dreadfully unpopular and nobody even thinks or hears of him. With respect to John Sirica, who was judge, his' reputation in the legal community is probably about as low as it can get. Washingtonian magazine took a poll and he was rated just about unfit to sit on the bench. Daily: How did you celebrate the tenth an-, niversary of Watergate this summer? Did you have any reunions? Liddy: No. Daily: Did you notice the event? Liddy: It would be impossible to not notice it was happening, because the television and newspapers were full of it. But I can't even remember what it was I was doing or not doing at the time. Daily: Any twinges of remorse? Liddy: Good Lord, no. Over what? Dialogue is a weekly feature of the Daily's Opinion Page. :I 4 Daily: The Wall Street Journal called you "the big man on campus" because of your popularity as a college lecturer. How do you account for that? Liddy: My individual lectures--apart from my debates with Tim Leary-have been quite popular. The reason they have been successful is that so often when students go into their political science courses and history courses, what they get is the Holiday Inn version of reality-with a seal of paper around it; sanitized for your protection. They do not get that from me. I give it to them flat-out, warts and all. Daily: Your audience of college students was seven or eight-years-old when Watergate oc- curred. What do you stress to them about your role? Liddy : I don't stress anything to them. I tell them exactly what happened and why it hap- pened. I make no bones about it-it was I N :E;t FWA " Liddy: No regrets Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Stewart Vol. XCIII, No. 48 420 Maynord St. Ann'Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board C.y* -HEY SAY THE ELECTION WAS A COMPEMi6iN BE5W MN AMOR~E rOS AND -O&WL5R PR~ICES, z Deeper and deeper 0 THOSE who were naive enough to think that the United States had gone out of the business of actively un- dermining selected foreign gover- nments, the message on Monday was clear. As far as the Reagan ad- painistration is concerned, nothing has changed from the good old days. With a certain degree of moral smugness, an administration official yesterday denied published reports that the United States, through the Central Intelligence Agency, is waging a covert war to overthrow the San- dinist government in Nicaragua. "We are not waging a secret war, or anything approaching that," one senior intelligence official was quoted as saying. "What we're doing is trying to keep Managua off balance and apply pressure to stop providing military aid to the insurgents in El Salvador." At best then, what we are doing is sending American advisers and money to Central America for the expressed purpose of harassing a sovereign government. And at worst-as the reports in the media suggest-the United States is becoming deeply em- broiled in a disastrous war. In either case, it is very disturbing that the Reagan administration ap- parently favors a military-rather than a political-solution to the problems in Central America. Actions such - as the "harassment" of Nicaragua will ensure that Central Americans will continue to regard the United States .as an imperialist foe. Undermining legitimate Central American governments will only prolong the conflict and gravely damage U.S. interests. From his first weeks in power to the present, President Reagan effectively has worked against policies, such as land reform, which could provide long- lasting, systematic solutions to the dif- ficulties in El Salvador and Central America. His administration continues to provide aid and public support to rightist elements in both El Salvador and Honduras-despite their glaring violations of human rights. And now, the administration has taken its policies one step further. With each escalation, however, the ad- ministration's position becomes more destructive and the hope for peace in Central America more remote. So I VCr.MD DEMOCRATic Fb'R A1oR; Toes ANrA HIGHER PRICES.5 How MUCH CAN st: THEY RLS E THE A ' PMICE OF GENERIC Pocr Foot? I' r 3 . QG FDp I l t ,+QT r >"Ly 92 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Kreii: A m indiess, cynical punk 6 To the Daily: I would like to urge restraint to C. E. Krell ("Jazz on the front lines," Daily, Oct. 26). The main problem with his writing is that it is not described as a piece of ... and a lousy writer too To the Daily: Today, I read C.E. Krell's "review'' of the Gateway Trio concert which took place last Saturday at the University Club in the Michigan Union. In the review, C.E. thanks me for let- ting him into the concert; to quote, "Thanks ticket lady." Please tell the "reporter" that I prdfer to be called Ms. Ticket Lady, and that he was not totally the Gateway Trio will not read the review. Unfortunately, the members of Eclipse Jazz attem- pted to do so. We usually look forward to reading the Daily's reviews of our shows. In reviewing a concert, it is your responsibility to present an account of the event which is ac- curate, well thought out, and correctly spelled. Since both of our shows were sold out, it is a shame that T decided to ive the pointless creative writing, but rather is passed off as a music review. Nothing is farther from the truth. Krell is a punk. He is not only a punk, he is sufficiently immature to be unable to enjoy any kind of music but punk. If I did a review of a punk concert, I would probably insult a lot of punks. But if I had the strange and unhelpful notion of describing my experience in- stead of the show, I would at least put in the audience's reaction. From the Gateway Trio review, no one knows how much the audience-with the notable exception of the cynical Mr. Krell-loved the show. I, for one, am sorry that he got in. If he hadn't, this wonderful show wouldn't have been described as a bad acid trip. And Krell doesn't even do that right; It sounds like he gets his adjec tives by sticking pins in copies of Penthouse and a physics tex- tbook-neither of which has anything to do with music. Statements like, "Sound not as good as a glazed donut, not as bad as a Mounds bar," do not tell us anything. They just confuse us for a moment until we realize it is complete bullshit that doesn't even make sense to the person who wrote it. Reading statements that don't make sense is very unpleasant A