Page 8--Saturday, October 30, 1982-The Michigan Daily
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Mud Bowl set for
Homecoming is upon us, sports fans,
and that can only mean one thing. Th-
at's right, for this weekend only the in-
tramural community gets its big day in
the sun. And that can only mean one
thing, the Mud Bowl. Hundreds will
flock to the quagmire on the front lawn
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon to watch two
fraternities knock heads for the coveted
title of Mud Bowl Champion - 1982.
Among the luminaries rumored to
make an appearance at this traditional
roll in the muck are Muddy Waters, ex-
baseball player Jim 'Mudcat' Grant,
and Roger Mudd, among others. The.
Daily will provide complete coverage of
this traditional tangle, but right now,
here is the lowdown on the game.
Both teams enter the showdown un-
defeated in Intramural play. The Phi
Delts arl still reeling after last year's
loss in overtime. Red Weller, last
year's starting offensive tackle and
defensive end for Phi Delta Theta, who
will miss this game due to a shoulder
operation realizes that the two teams
will be after each other's throats. "It
will be a good one," he cracked. This is
the understatement of the year.
Quarterbacking the Phi Delts will be
Pete Gutman, who will have the luxury
of operating behind a massive offensive
line. This is Gutman's first Mud Bowl,
and he will be looking to these trees on
the front line for help. Matt Van Hoef,
Dave Liederbach, and Mike Citron will
be sliding under Gutman's passes.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will be relying
on the strong arm of veteran passer
Jeff Harris. Harris who missed last
year's game with a brokeh leg, will
hope to regain his form of two years
back when he lead his charges onto the'
field. He will be throwing to Paul
Chewins, Kirk Seablom and Paul
Fieyermuth, all capable pass
receivers. Seablom, the captain of the
I M Roundup
SAE squad, is confident about his offen-
sive unit. "Our offense is much better
than theirs, they generally rely on
defense to win." When asked about the*
rivalry between the two houses,'
. Seablom was equally eloquent. "It's
always pretty hectic out there -- never
too friendly."
So, there you have it, fans, the kick-
off is set for 10:00 a.m. Grab you hip
boots and nosey on over to SAE. Oh,
don't forget, the nod here goes to Phi
Delta Theta by two points.
Residence Hall
Raiders 20, Huber 0
David Sullivan caught a pass from
John Stukel in the first play of the game
and waltzed 50 yards for a touchdown to
set the tone for the game. Huber never
really recovered and was ravaged by
the Raider attack. Sullivan scored two
more times on passes from Stukel, who
also intercepted a pass. the Raiders'
defensive line was also devastating, led
by huge Dan Wallery, who kept the
Huber passer on the run all day. this
win puts the Raiders' record at 2-0 and
clinches a birth for them in the 'A'
The Dix 30,-The Swill's 0
Mike Briguglio tossed four touch-
down passes, and Bud Van de Wege
picked off three errant Swill aerials to
lead the Dix effort. Mike Boyd was on
the receiving end of two touchdown
tosses-and Van De Wege and Bob DeC-
arolis each gathered in one scoring
strike. The score was 16-0 at the half,
and the Dix domination continued into
the second half as they allowed the
Swill's only one first down all game
long. This was the Dix second win of the
Legal Soul 42, MBA's 0
This one was never close. John
Hollingsworth ran for two touchdowns
and passed for threermre to lead the way
in the Soul's rout. Derek Mayes was on
the receiving end of one of the touch-
down strikes, while Robert Dews
caught two more. Turt Wilder and
Mike Wilson stood out in the strong
defensive effort put forth against the
hapless MBA's. The win upped the
Legal Soul record to 2-0, and
established them as one of the teams to
beat in the Graduate division.
A-Banana 14, M-Heads 0
John Padmos scored two touchdowns
and added a pair of interceptions to
pace the Bananas. The game was close
at the half, but Padmos' touchdown
midway through the second half clin-
ched the win. Bill Fisher and Dan
Roberts also added interceptions for
the awesome Banana defense. Captain
and quarterback Jim Becker was im-
pressed with his team's defensive ef-
fort. "They had no chance," he com-
Beaver Patrol 44, Rams 0
The Beaver Patrol seems to be
creating a dynasty. The team has won
the football championship six of the last
seven years and is continuing its win-
ning ways this year. Gary Forhan quar-
terbacked the team to a 44-0 victory last
week. Unlike some teams which have
star receivers, the Patrol spreads its
scoring around. "We try to let everyone
get a touchdown," said team member
Howard Pikstein. A few of the touch-
down scorers against the Rams were
Craig Forhan, Mike Ruczinski, and Dan
Damioni. Greg Brock, a lineman, inter-
cepted a pass in the end zone and
downed it, not for a touchback but a
touchdown. The Rams, meanwhile,
were only able to complete two passes
all game according to Pikstein.
IM Notes
The Hunt House Touch Football
Team will travel to St. Louis to compete
in the National Women's Touch Foot-
ball Championships. This is the second
trip in three years for the Hunt Team,
and they are looking to improve on their
performance two years back when they
did not advance very far. Anyone in-
terested in sponsoring the Hunt team
should call Judy Hunter at 764-0144.
All intramural managers will want to
make a note of this. Instant scheduling
for all playoffs will take place Novem-
ber 3rd from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and
November 4th from 11 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. If you t;o not register your team
for the playoffs, you do not play. Got
that? Good!
IM Scores
Hunt 'A' 14, Delta Gamma 0
Get a Grip 34, Zeta Sheep 0
%Pi Beta Phi s, Hunt 'B' 0
%dAmbatans Awesome 14, Thronson 0
MMB 20, Helen Blueberries 0
Wenley Wenches 14, Bush Bunnies 14 (field position)
Tri VD 6, W.D. Awesome 2
Aberg Warriors 12, Taylor Blue 8
Gomberg 8, Mojo Raiders 8 (first downs)
Guardian Angels 36, North Campus 40 0
Fisher Death Squad 6, Penquin Tide 0
Fletcher 'A' 8, Gomberg Red0
Ambatana 12, Counens 'A' 0
Bartlett Blazers 6, Gomberg 'A' 0
Bursely Crush 6, Blue Devils 0
5th Hamilton 6, Elliott Rush0
4th Lewis 6, Blagdon Braves 'A'0
4th Van Hoosen 0, Elliott Blues 0 (first downs)
Adam Ants 'A' 6. Kelsey Roots Blue 0
Reeves 'A' 14, Oxford 10
Oxford '2'0, Mountainmen 0 (first downs)
Raiders 20, Huber 60ers 0
M House Gold 6, Joe Mamma's 0
Rumsey Blue 'A' 20, Futher Muckers 2
Force 4 Strikes Back0, (BB)2 0 (first downs)
Alice Lloyd 'A' 18, Frost House0
Wenley 'A' 2, Acid Lade Wazoos 0
MMAC Raiders 14, 4th Hamilton Hummers 0
The Dudes 5, Van Tyne 'A' 6
Second Reeves 26, Chicago Quadriplegics 0
3 Palmer Punks 6, Williams 0
Penal Action 14, MI Hotshots 8
Legal Soul 42, MBA's 0
Forcible Entry 6, Smashers 6 (first downs)
Expatriots 14, Rib Tips 0
9.0 Sitko 22, Giants 6 ,
Jets 0, DSD 'B'0 (first downs)
Minimum Contact8, Maulers 0
Phi Rho Simplex 11 4, American Studies 0
Thetas/Phi Delts II 12, Thetas/Phi Delts 10
Three & A Punt 20, Immaterial0
Buccaneers 14, Antler Dancers 8
D.I.R.T. 6, Rat Patrol6 (first downs)
Maltese Cross 20, Alpha Phi & Fiji S
Hit n' Run 0, Nitwits 0 (first downs)
Awesome 12, Alpha Omega PI/Triangle6
Mutants 11 20, Rejects 0
Beaver Patrol 28, Lagnaf 0
Theta Chi 34, Chicago B&B's 0
Campus Crusade 116, University Towers 0
Diseases 16, Co Speds 0
Co Wrecks 6, Untouchables 0
Zeta Psi 12, Sigma Nu 0
Phi Alpha Kappa 22, Sigma Phi 0
Delta Chi 10, Acacia 0
SAE 24, Alpha Delta Phi 0
Sigma Alpha Mu 6, Psi Upsilon 0
Delta Upsilon 12, Sigma Chi 0
Theta Chi 18, Fiji S
Beta Theta Pi 28, Triangle0
Chi Phi 24, Chi Psi 0
Phi Delta Theta 30, Phi Kappa Psi 4
Delta Tau Delta 20, Theta Delta Chi 6
Sigma Phi Epsilon 8, Lambda Chi Alpha 0
Phi Sigma Kappa 14, Zeta Beta Tau 8
Evanh sShae1 .9 Alnha T... n.. a
Patterson Dental 12, Cinl's 6
Dix 30, The Swill's 0
2lm.a sGorillas 22. Wonka's 12
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