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October 29, 1982 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-29

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 29, 1982-Page 9
Candidates vie for 2 Regents seats; few surprises
(ContinuedfrOmPagei) cutbacks, Templin, a 1949 University it." he said, "you can't say it's the fault of A growing number of black students election. "I think the next six months
''... e.. n 4I., lau .. ! +, -.£'T WE .A Uf ha Unii..,. v " leaving the University has sent black are going to be very tough, she added.


. tew surprises, stressing the c anenge
of finding the balance between further
Jniversity cutbacks and further tuition
"ikes in the University's struggling to
make up for diminishing state aid.,
TEMPLIN, 55, said the University
cannot afford to increase tuition much
more. Instead, she wants the Univer-
sity to press harder to look for financial
help from the private sector and to lob-
by harder in Lansing to prevent further
cuts in state aid. "I don't see that
tuition can keep going up," she said.
On the subject of University budget

graduate, said she supports the ap-
proach the administration has taken in
making a few deep cuts in some
programs rather than cutting a little
from all programs. "Overall cuts will
result in overall mediocrity," she said,
arguing against possible across-the-
board program reductions.
Unlike Templin, the other Republican
challenger, Gust, believes the Univer-
sity should raise tuition rather than cut
deeper into its programs. "I don't agree
with (more cutbacks) at all," he said.
"I think it's the wrong way to go about

U1T BLAMYEb most o Meuniver- <
sity's problems on shrinking support
from the state and said the school must1
turn to private sources of revenue.
"The bind the school is in is a result of
both state and federal cutbacks," he
said. "The private sector is a logical
place to start (looking for money)."
The 58-year-old lawyer said he would
like to see more minority students on
campus, but not at the expense of ad-
missions standards. "If there aren't 10
percent (the University's stated goal of
black enrollment) that are qualified,"

any poncy.
Both Power and Roach, who are
finishing their eight-year terms as
regents, have established records of
support for the University's budget
plans of balancing cutbacks with tuition
Power, a 47-year-old Ann Arbor
Democrat, conceded that the Regents
have been able to do little to increase
black enrollment in her eight years on
the board. "Obviously, we're not doing
very well," she said. "What concerns
me most is the rate of black attrition."

enrollment down in recent years.
ACCORDING to Power, who
graduated from Vassar University, the
low number of black students is not the
result of a lack of financial assistance
but is caused more by poor race
relations on campus. "It's not so much
financial aid as climate and at-
mosphere," she said. "Would (a white)
want to goto a black school if there were
only 5 percent whites?"
She said much of the University's
financial future depends on who is elec-
ted to the state legislature and the
governor's mansion in next month's

Power's colleague on the board,
Roach, has also established a record of
support for the administration. Roach,
a 53-year-old Detroit lawyer, said that
while he backs the University's selec-
tive program cutbacks, it cannot afford
to cut much more.
While he concedes that "there is no
body of the University I know of that
has an adequate budget," he says he
does not think the cutbacks have
severely weakened the educational
quality of the University. "But we're
getting close," he added.

Debate mounts over proposals D.

(Continued from Page 1)
chase, and if the measure passed, the
company would have to estimate its
costs for the coming year without
knowing how much fuel prices would go
up. If fuel prices increased
dramatically, McCarthy said, Edison
would have to borrow money and those
costs would be passed on to the con-
THE INCREASED utility rates would
drive businesses interested in
developing in Michigan, other opponen-
ts say, besides hurting businesses
already here. That could mean a lot of
lost job opportunities, according to
House Majority Leader Bobby Crim
and Senate Minority Leader Robert
*Vander Laan. "It would serve only as a
deterrent to expansion of our state s in-
dustrial base and place Michigan's cost
of energy at a competitive disadvan-
tage with surrounding states," Vander'
Laan said.
But the Michigan Citizens Lobby,
which petitioned to put the proposal on
the ballot, disagrees. Spokesman John
;Morrison said the current rate increase
system gives utilities "no incentive to
be cost accountable." Morrison claims
1utilities already borrow money. "It's a
practice that's already done," he said.
The utilities could get emergency
borrowing under Proposal D, according
to Morrison, who called forecasts of
borrowing in emergency situations
were "purely a scare tactic.'
Also, he said, high energy costs are

already driving businesses and jobs
from Michigan. Morrison said energy
costs are 30 percent higher in Michigan
than in surrounding states. Goodyear
Rubber and Clark Equipment Co. are
examples of companies that left
Michigan because of those costs, he
MORRISON accused utilities and
their fuel. suppliers of being behind the
anti-D campaign. When utilities have
millions to spend on campaign, he
claimed they "can make a lot of frien-
McCarthy admitted that Edison and
other utility companies have spent
millions to oppose D and fighting for H
another utility rate hike measure, but
rejected charges that the costs of those
campaigns would ultimately be picked
up by consumers. All of that money has
come from the individual shareholders
of the companies, McCarthy said.
Proposal H has drawn most of its
support from the same people who op-
pose D. They say H accomplishes most
of what D would, but is less restrictive.
The proposal would prohibit certain
automatic adjustment clauses and
provide that utilities could recover
fuel costs only after a hearing; it would
permit separate hearings on fuel costs
at the same time; and it would prohibit
state legislators from accepting em-
ployment wih a utility for two years af-
ter they leave office.
UTILITIES and other opponents of D
prefer this proposal mainly because it
doesn't limit the energy companies to

one rate hike at a time. This would
allow them to recover any losses
caused by fuel cost increases.
Proponents of H also say it would
prevent politicizing of the regulatory
commission because it would prohibit
Michigan legislators from working for
a utility until two years after leaving of-
fice. And they say, H blends better than
D does with the rate increase bill signed
by Gov. William Milliken earlier this
The Michigan Citizens Lobby, mean-
while, says H is on the ballot at the
energy companies' urging, in order to
defeat D. Its members claim that the
proposal doesn't do enough, and that D
is the proper measure to blend with the
newly passed bill 5527. "D finishes the
job 5527 set out to do," Morrison said.
PROPOSAL G wold replace
Michigan's three-member Public Ser-
vice Commission, which is appointed by
the Governor, with a five-member
board nominated by political parties
and put on a non-partisan ballot in the
general election. The members would
serve four-year terms, with no more
than three of the terms expiring at none
The Michigan AFL-CIO and Voters
for Responsible Regulation, a lobby
group of business, civic, and labor
leaders, lead the opposition to the
proposal. They say it would make the
commission too political and would en-
courage its members to keep energy
rates down regardless of arguments for
" Redken
* Nexus
6 Nickels Arcade

G, andH
increases. They also say PSC members
should be people who have knowledge
and expertise about the industries it
regulates, not political hacks.
A petition drive headed by the
Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now put
Proposal G on the ballot. The
association argues the measure would
make the commission more responsive
to consumer concerns. Also, they say, a
five-member board could better deal
with the large amount of paperwork
and heavyrcaseload the commission
United Press International filed a
report for this story.

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* Same views in senate race




Gc=R- EG


(Cootinued from Page 3)
On other campaign issues, the two
candidates share closer views than
might be expected. Both stress
education, taxes, and the need to at-
tract new businesses to Michigan.
SMITH AND Pollack agree that the
state's educational system has suffered
from successive years of state budget
cuts. "We must provide for stability in
our universities," Smith said, "We
can't mandate spending, but we can
mandate abuse," he said adding that
state universities should be guaranteed
at least the same amount of money they
received the previousyear.
"You can't go too far for education,"
Smith said, stating that the possibility
of closing of some college campuses
"shouldn't even be discussed."
To help fund education, Smith has
called for a wellhead tax on the
Michigan oil industry, which he said
would raise $25-30 million that could be
used for loans or tuition grants to
students. He said that he is also willing
to make cuts in social services to sup-
port educational programs.
POLLACK SAID that she is not
willing to make a choice between the
two because they cannot be split. "The
*greatest bleed has been from
education," she said, and emphasized
that any cuts in the system would be felt
in the state's economy further down the
Pollack said she is in favor of better
planning for education on the state
level, but said she would not recom-
mend a state agency to do this. Unlike
Smith, she said she thinks colleges may
have to make some sacrifices. "I can

foresee some campuses being closed,"
she said.
Both candidates agree that the tax
system needs to be reformed, and both
agree that a 1 percent increase in in-
come tax is needed to get funds for the
THEIR MAIN difference is that
Pollack supports a tax on services to
raise funds, while Smith says he would
raise the state sales tax one cent.
Pollack said that Michgan'needs to
"sell itself" in advertising campaigns
to attract new business. And she said
the state needs to "tell business that if
they come to Michigan, taxes will not
be high." She also stressed the need for
businesses and universities to work
together to develop new technology that
would attract more businesses.
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Ralph Towner
Paul McCandless
Glen Moore


Thursday Nov.4th,1982

Collin Walcott

Fairchild Theater MSU
7t'A() nm AndirI10l=Afvm


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