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October 28, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-28

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Page 2-Thursday, October 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily
New federal law may

with wire reports
Recent court decisions an
adopted by Congress last
taken the bite out of Proj
ponents of the proposal say.
Proposal C, which is on
Nov. 2 ballot, would prev
from using a due-on-sale

Proposal C
that the use of due-on-sale clauses have
brought home sales in some Michigan
d a new law areas to a complete halt. Passage of
week have the proposal would help increase real
posal C, op- estate sales, since new buyers would be
able to assume old, low-interest mor-
the state's tgages, proponents argue.
vent lenders Opponents of Proposal C include
home mor- banks and savings and loan
associations, the Michigan State
Chamber of Commerce, and both the
State Board of Realtors and the Ann
Arbor Board of Realtors.

tgage clause to foreclose a mortgage or
land contract when the property is sold,
unless the new buyer is proven a credit,
Ann Arbor attorney William Schlecte
said the new law adopted in Washington
last week preempts much of Proposal C
and would allow banks, savings and
loan and mortgage companies to enfor-
ce due-on-sale clauses.
PROPONENTS of the proposal claim

Betty Jo Kolb, a realtor with Earl
Keim Realty of Ann Arbor, is against
Proposal C because of the wording of
one of its sections which would change
the redemption period for property
foreclosed und&r due-on-sale clauses
from six months to 48 months.
Schlecte pointed out, however, that
although he understands bankers' and
realtors' concerns with the proposed 48-
month redemption period, the banks
would not be without legal recourse.
If a person sells their property and
the bank forecloses enforcing a due-on-
sale clause, Schlecte said, the proposed
48-month redemption period would only
be in effect if the lender has not proven
that the buyer is a 'credit risk.


needed for Eastern Michigan University's Art De-
partment's Life Drawing Classes.
Experience preferred but not necessary.
Only dependable and reliable persons need apply.
Apply at 112 Sherzer Hall or call 487-0186
between 8:15 and 12 noon, Monday thru Friday.
The hours are varied and flexible at $4.20 an hour.

AP Photo
Protesters lock arms in a human chain in Des Moines yesterday to block the
entrance to the federal courthouse where a draft registration resister went
on trial.
U.S. marshals arrest
21 registration protesters

Golden Key
National Honor

Students with questions may come to The Golden Key
Information table located in
Angell Hall, November 2
Business School, November 3
West Engineering Bldg., November 4
All Days 10:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.

(Continued from Pagei1)
themselves with a black paper chain
and each wore a sign reading 'Prisoner
of conscience." Each was
photographed by marshals.
Stump said the demonstration was
peaceful. Several meetings had been
arranged by authorities and protest
organizers before the demonstration to
avoid any violent outbursts or
retaliations, he said.
A white chalk line had been drawn at
the entrance. Protesters were advised
they would be arrested on federal

charges if they crossed the line.
THE PROTESTERS, charged with
obstructing the administration of
justice, were arraigned after the
arrests. If convicted, they face a
maximum penalty of one year in jail and
a $5,000 fine.
Among those arrested was Frank
Cordaro, of Des Moines. Cordaro was
thrown out of the White House after in-
terrupting a speech by former
President Carter by dumping ashes on
the floor of a conference room in which
Carter was speaking.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Polish heads vow to improve
housing, wages, and health care
WARSAW, Poland- Communist leaders said yesterday the breakdown in
Poland's economy had reached an "unprecedented scale," and pledged to
improve housing, food supplies, wages and health care.
The call to improve the plunging living standard was seen as part of a new
effort to gain public support following imposition of martial law last Dec. 13
and the banning of the Solidarity union Oct. 8.
The failures of former leaders, including ousted Communist Party chief
Edward Gierek and one-time Premier Edward Babiuch, were underscored
by the Central Committee, which portrayed Poland as fighting a rough,
uphill battle against results of errors by former leaders and isolation by the
United States.
"The socio-economic situation cannot be radically changed overnight,"
Central Committee Secretary Manfred Gorywoda said in remarks carried
by the state-run news agency PAP. "What we are faced with is regression in
the economy and a breakdown of economic balance on an unprecedented
Belfast bomb kills 3 policemen
BELFAST, Northern Ireland- Three policemen, lured to a lonely road by
,the IRA, were killed yesterday by one of the biggest terrorist bombs in Nor-
thern Ireland's bloody history.
Sixty miles to the north in Larne, County Antrim, two men burst into a
Roman Catholic man's apartment, tied him to a chair and slowly cut his
hand off with a hacksaw, police said. A second man in the apartment
managed to escape by jumping from the third-floor bathroom window, the
report said.
Surgeons later sewed the hand of 34-year-old William Kelly back on, and
he was reported in stable condition in Larne hospital, authorities said.
There was no immediate indication of the identities of Kelly's assailants,
police said.
The bomb, detonated by remote control, blew the three policemen's patrol
car apart on a rural road near Lurgan, thirty miles south of Belfast. The vic-
tims, two constables and a sergeant, were members of the mostly Protestant
Royal Ulster Constabulary. 1
The blast left a crater 60 feet wide and 40 feet deep and blew the armor-
plated car into a field 30 yards away, police said. The bodies of the three of-
ficers had to be cut from the wreckage by firemen.
Women's organization backs
7 men in national elections
WASHINGTON- The nation's largest women's political organization or
its local chapters are supporting male candidates over females in seven
congressional campaigns around the country.
Among those left out: two of the best-known women in Congress,
Republican Reps. Millicent Fenwick of New Jersey and Margaret Heckler of
Officials at the National Organization for Women also say they are giving
more than half of their money to male candidates running for federal and
state jobs because there are not enough women candidates.
"Some people are upset, but we'd lose credibility if we didn't support
people fighting for women's rights," said NOW President Eleanor Smeal.
"When it, comes to choosing between two candidates, we'll lean toward their
position on women's rights rather than the sex of the individual..
"In each of the federal races, a Republican woman is running against a
Democratic man with a stronger record on women's rights."
'Reagan Ranches' spread
south to Memphis, Tenn.
A new "Reagan Ranch" sprung up in Memphis, Tenn. yesterday, joining
other poor and jobless people in more than a dozen other cities around the
country demonstrating against the president's economic policies.
The shantytowns, purposely fashioned after "Hoovervilles" of the Great
Depression, were organized by the Association of Community Organizations
for Reform Now-ACORN.
As Memphis demonstrators set up their tents yesterday, C.L. Rucker,
ACORN board chairman, said, "We want to remind voters that even though
Reagan himself isn't running, many who support his programs are."
Detroit campers celebrated yesterday as "jobs day," with several hun-
dred people filling out applications for a training program followed by a
march and noon rally on worker's rights, civil rights and women's rights.
Highly toxic chemicals found
in over 25 sites in Missouri
WASHINGTON- Dioxin, the most toxic ingredient of the Vietnam-era
defoliant Agent Orange, is believed present in 25 to 50 sites in Missouri and
has been detected in several locations at levels higher than at Love Canal.
Another 48 pounds of the substance-believed to be the strongest potential
cancer-causer made by man, and which can be lethal in minute amounts-
was hauled across the state by an oil salvage operator and is unaccounted
for, United Press International has learned.

The non-profit Environmental Defense Fund yesterday released internal
Environmental Protection Agency documents it said show the Reagan ad-
ministration is considering a "repugnant" response to what has become a
major, long-term health problem.
The memos indicate EPA is considering cleanup actions that would leave
the cancer-causing agent in soil at levels 10,000 to 100,000 times higher than
levels following the government-run cleanup at the much-publicized toxic
waste site at Love Canal near Buffalo, N.Y.
&lie fitdtgzrn 19afI
Vol. XCIII, No. 43
Thursday, October 28, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters): $14 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $7.50 in Ann Arbor; $8 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar-
bor, MI. 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syn-
dicate and Field Enterprises Newspaper Syndicate.
News room (313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY. Sports desk, 763-0375; Circulation,
764-0558; Classified Advertising, 764-0554; Billing, 764-0550.




Indian tribes take 'U'
to U.S. high court


The Amos Tuck School
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Dartmouth College * Hanover, N.H.
Men and Women Seeking
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Scott Settle, Assistant Director of Admissions
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fessional Div. * 3200 Student Activities Bldg " 764-7458

(continued from Page 1)
Court judges. He said he expects the
court to decide in December whether or
not the case will be heard.
Roderick Daane, general counsel
for the University, said the Indians
have lost their case twice in Michigan
courts and said he believes that the U.S.
Supreme Court "will be of the same

mind," and will not hear the case.
"I'm not going to litigate in the
newspaper like Mr. White," Daane said.
"But it's his prerogative to exhaust all
his avenues on this case."~
White said even if the case is
ultimately lost, he hopes it has brought
the Michigan Indians the recognition he
thinks they deserve.
"If I were a Regent, I would say that
we should celebrate the endowment of
this land by the original people of this
state instead of nitpicking . . . in the
court system. Those Indians cared
about this University when it was pen-
niless, just four weeks old," he said.


" Diversifying Michigan's
" Reducing health care costs
" Consistent state support for
K-12 schools
" Consistent state support for
higher education-
control of tuition costsa
" Equal pay for equal work
" Reform of the single
business tax "
" Equal Rights Amendment
" Nuclear Freeze
" Protecting Michigan's
" Working hard for Michigan
A Democrat for the State Senate
Fa e "onr '.e Saa an a -. 'a'sue ...m .ee 53 a "+- Svee a~ ^ ar ' u' +8s


Editor-in-chief ...................... DAVID MEYER
Managing Editor...............PAMELA KRAMER
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Photoqraphy Editor ................. BRIAN MASCK

Joe Ewing, Paul Helgren, Steve Hunter, Chuck Jaffe,
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McGraw, Larry Mishkin, Lisa Noferi, Rob Pollard, Dan
Price, Jeff Quicksilver, Paul Resnick, Wendy Rocha,
Lenny Rosenbi iurnScott Salowich, John Tayer, Judy
Walton, Karl Wheatley, Chuck Whitman, Rich Wiener,
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