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October 26, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-26

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See Editorial, Page 4

Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mostly sunny and mild today, with a
low in the mid-60's.



Wvol. XCill, No. 41

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 26, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


City to
vote on 'no
for plazas
Using the "out of sight, out of mind"
theory of government, Ann Arbor
Mayor Louis Belcher's office is
proposing an amendment to the city's
park regulations which would prohibit
any open alcohol at two urban park
Sculpture Plaza Park and Liberty
Plaza 'Park are areas off sidewalks
where city "street people" and other
residents gather. Employees in the
areas have made complaints to police
and the mayor's office of verbal
harrassment and at least one case of
physical harassment.
"A GROUP OF women who get off
See CITY, Page 2



drop worst

Helen Foulks and other visitors to Liberty Plaza and Sculpture Plaza Parks may no longer be allowed to have open
alcohol containers if a proposed amendment affecting only these two areas is approved by City Council on Dec. 12.

U' may b oost DNA

Genetic research, hailed by experts as the scien-
tific wave of the future, will likely get a major boost
±vith a new center at the University.
Officials say they hope to increase ties with in-
dustry with a proposed Center for Molecular
Genetics, and in the process make the University one
of the top five schools in the country in the field of
genetic research.
. 41OPEFULLY, the center would hire 10 more
faculty members and increase genetic research fun-
ds from their current level of $8 million, according to
Alan Price, assistant vice president for research.
Currently, 14 departments and 40 faculty members
onduct molecular biology research, which involves
he manipulation of genes in organisms, as well as
creating new enzymes and proteins.
Approval by the Regents at one of their next

meetings is needed to launch the center. Price said
that after the expected approval, the center will
search for a director and an executive committee.
Eventually, Price said, the University hopes to
house the center in the Medical Science Research
Building, which is still in the planning stages.
PLANNERS SAY the center is designed to arrange
"partnerships" with chemical and biological firms,
as well as coordinate research done by faculty.
For example, said Dale Oxender, chairman of the
center's steering committee, Monsanto, a chemical
firm, recently began a $23 million, 5-year contract
with the Washington University of St. Louis.
Part of the money to begin the new push in
molecular genetics has already come in. In 1981, the
Thurnau Trust Fund awarded $750,000 over a 5-year
period to the molecular biology faculty, Price said.
EARLIER THIS month, Price and microbiology
and immunology Prof. Ronald Olsen traveled to a

conference at Pittsburgh's Carnegie-Mellon Institute
to present proposals to industry representatives.
"Oddly enought," Olsen said, "industries in the
state have done their development elsewhere" and
more out-of-state firms seemed interested in suppor-
ting the University.
To help attract research dollars, Price said he
hopes to hire-nationally-known senior researchers.
"We don't have the names that say Harvard and
Stanford have in this area," explained Oxender. "We
certainly aren't in the top five."
But Price said that as the center recruits more
people, and the current staff gets more visibility, he
expects the University to be ranked in the nation's top
five or' ten schools in a few years.
THE PUSH to reach the top of the biotechnical lad-
der sharply contrasts with the controversy that once
surrounded such research.
Dr. Robert Helling, Professor of biological
See 'U', Page 5

From AP and UPI
NEW YORK- The stock market suf-
fered its biggest one-day loss since 1929
yesterday, a sharp reversal from the
two-month buying spree that last week
propelled a key indicator to its highest
point in nearly a decade.
The Dow Jones average of 30 in-
dustrials, which had risen more than
250 points since mid-August, tumbled
36.33 points to 995.13. That was the
largest single-day drop since the blue-
chip average plummeted a record 38.33
points on Oct. 28, 1929, in the Great
Crash of that year.
MONDAY'S loss, however, was much
smaller on a comparable basis-only
3.52 percent against 12.82 percent on the
1929 date. To match the 1929 percentage
drop, the Dow would have had to fall 132
More than eight stocks fell in price
for every one that rose on the New York
Stock Exchange as 83.72 million shares
changed hands.
The outburst of selling was blamed on
widespread disappointment that the
Federal Reserve had decided not to cut
its discount rate, and on a rush to cash
in on the market's recent gains.
ONCE THE stock market began
dropping, traders scrambled to cash in
their recent profits, putting further
downward pressure on prices.
"This pullback is overdue," Richard

Proposal may
-stop legislator
ticket evasion


Protesters of Republican policies set
Ranches" across the country which w

t " x
few ays .: .> T

Minshall of Capital Advisers, Tulsa,
said. "I'm not surprised. What was
surprising was we didn't have one
before now."
The New York'Stock Exchange index
fell 3.03 to 76.65 and the price of an
average share decreased $1.25.
DECLINES routed advances 1,577-
193 among the 1,968 issues traded at 4
p.m. EDT, one of the broadest margins
Big Board volume totaled 83,720,000
shares, down from the 101,120,000
traded Friday. Analysts noted the
relatively slower trading as an in-
dication of the absence of panic.
The heavily capitalized bluechip
stocks that led the market up from a
27 -month low in mid-August to a 10-
year high last week were hit hardest by
the profit taking.
"THIS LOOKS like a full-blown
retreat," William LeFevre, Purcell,
Graham Co. vice president said. "All
the Dow stocks are down and most by a
point or more. But I don't think this is
the end of the bull market."
Blue-chip Exxon, which reported
third-quarter earnings of $1.23 a share
vs. $1.25 a year ago, was the most ac-
tive NYSE-listed issue, off 12 to 30.
Composite volume of NYSE issues
listed on all U.S. exchanges and over
the counter at 4 p.m. totaled 95,422,100
shares compared with 116,938,200
traded Friday.
'U' student
killed i n
after game
A former University student was
killed early Sunday morning after he
was struck by two cars while doing
push-ups on busy Evanston, Ill. street,
according to Evanston police.
Jeffrey DeLisle, 22, had driven to
Evanston to attend the Michigan-
Northwestern game with two friends,
University sophomores Rodger Evans
and Leonard Rosenbloom, both 19.
THE ACCIDENT occurred at about 1
a.m. on Sheridan road, which runs
through the Northwestern campus.
"They had been drinking but we don't
know the extent of it," Evanston Police
Sgt. George Scharm said.
According to Evanston Hospital of-
ficials, DeLisle was brought to the
emergency room at 1:15 a.m., where he
died a short time after.
Evans was treated at the hospital
about nine hours later for a bruised arm
and then released.
He was reportedly injured while try-
ing to pull DeLisle out of the way of the
second car.
UNIVERSITY sophomore Andrew
Porter, who had gone to Evanston to
See FORMER, Page 3

With wire reports
Under current law, state legislators
Seed not worry about traffic or spen-
ding tickets or even lawsuits - they can
escape civil prosecution through an ob-
scure Constitutional provision for
legislative immunity.
Passage of Proposal A., the first of
seven proposals on the November elec-
tion ballot, would allow the legislatur-
to close that loophole, and allow the
succesful ticketing of leadfooted
legislators, according to its supporters.

was drafted to guard against those who
tried to keep politicians out of the
legislature and in the court room, when
both houses met only a few weeks out of
the year. Now, legislators can abuse
the privilege, according to Fred Ander-
son, a Faust aide.
A similar proposal on the 1980 ballot
failed because voters did not fully un-
derstand its intent, Anderson said.
"The voters thought that they were
giving immunity where none had
existed before," he said.
THE PROPOSAL faces a similar
problem this year, even thoughsso far,
there has been no organized opposition
to it. "The only opposition is voter con-
fusion," Anderson said.
If Proposal A passes, Faust has in-
dicated that the legislature which put
the proposal on the ballot by a two-
thirds majority in both houses, would
ask the Michigan Law Revision Com-
missin for assistance in amending the
"The goal (in actually drafting the
law) is to protect the legislators in of-
ficial acts and in the functions of the
legislature, as well as spurious
lawsuits," Anderson said. In other
words, legislators, according to Faust,
"shouldn't be sued for the way they
vote or for whatever they say on the

up tents at Kennedy Plaza in Detroit. This
ill operate from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for the next

"THOSE WHO make the laws should
ot be above the laws," said State
enate Leader William Faust, a major
supporter of the proposal. Faust has
been traveling around the state cam-
paigning for its passage and said 99
percent of those who know about the
proposal, support it.
Originally, the 150-year-old privilege


50 0
protest Reaganomics
By NEIL CHASE THE TENTS - reminiscent of THE PROTEST was organized by the
Zora Monroe said she remembers the Hoovervilles, camps established during Tent City Coalition, a joint project of
depression. She remembers when her the Great Depression to house the poor over 20 Detroit area church, labor and
father had to work for the Works - were set up on Detroit's Kern Block. community groups. The coalition was
Progress Administration, a job They were dubbed "Reagan Ranches," formed by the Association of Com-
program set up by the federal gover- and appeared in 36 other cities across munity Organizations for Reform Now
nment in the 1930s to find work for the nation as demonstrations timed to (ACORN). Nationwide, ACORN boasts
millions of unemployed Americans. precede the Nov. 2elections. some 60,000 member families in 26
In what she called an attempt to The nation's economy is falling apart, states, according to spokeswoman Ellaa
avoid another depression, Monroe and Monroe said. "They're tearing down Stulz.
50 other protesters pitched tents in too many houses that could be Although the protests in some other
downtown Detroit Sunday for a "Vigil remodelled. We need jobs for our cities will continue around the clock un-
against Reaganomics." people." See 50, Page5


a,.. .,_ .,.,.a,...... ......

The man in the moonth
F THERE WERE such things as werewolves, they'd
be happy as clams next month-November will
feature two full moons this year, a real boon to sky-j
gazers. University astronomy Prof. Richard Teske
said the first full moon will occur at 7:57 a.m. Nov. 1-
just on time for die-hard Halloween Ghouls-and the second
one will be at 7:21 p.m. Nov. 30. "It is no accident," Teske
said, "that the length of a month closely matches the inter-

Making time

THE TOWN of Gowrie, Iowa, might be a little behind
this week-it's on Gowrie Central Standard Time. Last
Wednesday's weekly Gowrie News advised townsfolk to set
their clocks back one hour on Sunday, Oct. 24. The advice
was a bit premature: Daylight Savings Time doesn't end
until this Sunday. "If they are going to have so many dif-
ferent times, we just decided to make up one of our own,"
said Gowrie News co-owner and editor James Patton, his
tongue firmly planted in his cheek. "We've worked here for

Graveyard ambience
A CEMETERY in New Orleans was the setting for a
pre-Halloween party last week. A woman wearing
chains, teen-age males in T-shirts depicting skeletons and
members of a punk-rock band seeking a ghostly at-
mosphere were all charged with trespassing at the
cemetery. After receiving phone calls from nearby residen-
ts at 3:45 a.m., police officers feared a bizarre ritual or cult
initiation. The 20 people, including four members of the
band The Misfits, were arrested by police who found them
loitering in the cemetery. One woman wore a black dress,

after the Gomberg men stole the Taylor House practice
rope. A truce team of resident advisers ended the fight, but
not before a few of them were drenched.
Also on this date in history:
*1948-The Associated Press ranked Michigan first in its
football poll.
* 1972-Hill Auditorium's Security Office informed the
University Activities Center that it would no longer be
allowed to rent the building for rock concerts if destructive
behavior continued. "Unless drinking, vomiting, and
smoking at such activities is stopped, the building will no
longer be leased for such events," a security official said.


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