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October 23, 1982 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-23

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Page 2-Saturday, October 23, 1982-The Michigan Daily
U.S. embassy in Poland, alerted

WARSAW, Poland (AP)- The U.S. Embassy took
new security measures yesterday after an
anonymous telephone caller warned that mounting
anti-American vandalism in Warsaw was only a "fir-
st step."
A spokesman for the embassy said the acting chief
of mission, Herb Wilgis, spent an hour at the Foreign
Ministry. He handed in a diplomatic note asking for
greater protection of the embassy and expressing
concern over the incidents.
U.S. OFFICIALS would not outline the new security
measures taken by the embassy, saying only, "We
are taking the steps an embassy would take in this
The beefed-up security came amid a wave of van-
dalism directed against American and French
diplomatic buildings and cars this week. The van-
dalism follows a series of break-ins that seems to
have increased since the summer.
American officials refused to draw any immediate
connection to martial law, which began Dec. 13, and
President Reagan's new economic sanctions, an-

nounced Oct. 9, one day after Parliament outlawed
"I FIND IT remarkable that these incidents are
occurring only some 36 to 48 hours after a Polish
government spokesman told the world press of a
mounting wave of anti-Americanism here," a
Western diplomatic observer commented. "The
coincidence is too overwhelming."
He was referring to a news conference Tuesday
given by government spokesman Jerzy Urban, who
said Reagan's new sanctions had further eroded
Polish public sentiment in favor of the United States.
A U.S. official said both the French and American
embassies had requested greater protection, and had
been given assurances by the Foreign Ministry it was
"doing everything in its power to protect all
diplomatic missions in Poland."
BUT HE ALSO added complete protection is im-
possible here or anywhere else in the world," the
American official said.
The host government is responsible for protecting
foreign embassies.

The statement recalled the siege of the Polish Em-
bassy in Bern last month, when four expatriate Poles
held a group of embassy personnel hostage under
threat of death for at least days before being seized
by Swiss police.
POLAND CHARGED at the time the occupiers had
been inspired by Reagan's global policies of confron-
tation, and charged that Western news agencies had
aided them in disseminating their demands.
The latest incident here occurred Thursday mor-
ning, embassy sources said, when a man, speaking in
English, described the painting of swastikas on two
American trade buildings sometime overnight Wed-
nesday as "only a first step" and threatened "other
"From the nature of the threat, it appeared he (the
caller) was attempting to implicate the Palestine
Liberation Organization," the embassy source said.
The letters "PLO" had been daubed on the U.S.
agricultural building and a trade developnent cen-
ter, along with splashes of paint.

Men arrested in park
for dealing pot, LSD

(Continued from Page 1)
lawbreakers from all over southeast
Michigan. It has become necessary to
keep a visible police presence in the
Warrants for the arrests of drug
dealers were issued Thursday by Ann
Arbor 15th District Court Judge George
Alexander,. police said. Ten of the men
charged with deliveryof marijuana and
LSD, appeared in court yesterday and
one is being sought by police, Newman
UNDER CURRENT state law,
delivery of LSD is a felony with a
maximum sentence of seven years in
prison and/or a $5,000 fine. Delivery of
marijuana is also a felony, carrying a
maximum sentence of four years in

prison and/or a $2,000 fine, according to
The men arrested for delivery of
marijuana or LSD are: Randall Jay
Thompson, 28 years old, 2974
Washtenaw, Ypsilanti; Robert Sim-
mon,19years old, 4188 Green Meadows,
Ypsilanti; Raymond Chilcutt, 20 years,
old, 4188 Greenmeadows, Ypsilanti;
Mark Baxter, 22 years old, 915 Oakland,
Ann Arbor; Robert Methner, 19 years
old, 3570 Pheasant Run, Ann Arbor.
Michael Gillenwaters, 18 years old,
302 Second, Ann Arbor; Michael Allen
Wilson, 23 years old, 822 Fountain, Ann
Arbor; Alen Freeman, 18 years old,
3355 Mark Allen Dr., Dixboro; Lee
Allan Kay, 37 years old, 103 W.
Michigan, Jackson, were also charged.

Lebanese president
seeks rebuilding help

From AP and UPI reports
BEIRUT- Lebanese President Amin
Gemayel returned to Beirut Friday en-
couraged by his six-day trip to the
United States, France, and Italy
seeking help in rebuilding his war-
ravaged nation. Israel said it may soon
reach a security agreement with
Lebanon so it can bring home its 70,000
In Washington, President Reagan
met a delegation of Arab leaders to
discuss proposals for a lasting peace to
the Middle East. A State Department
official said Reagan would ask the Arab
states to recognize Israel's right to
exist and back the U.S.-sponsored

blueprint for peace.
GEMAYEL, who met with Reagan
earlier this week, returned to Beirut
Friday after his first trip overseas as
Gemayel said officials in
Washington, Paris and Rome were
"very responsive" to his requests fro
reconstruction loans and more troops to
supervise the withdrawal of all foreign
forces from Lebanon.
"I assure you that the leaders of the
countries I visited were very respon-
sive," Gemayel told the nation over the
radio of his Middle East Airlines Boeing
747 minutes before it landed at Beirut

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Spain polls predict Socialist win
Madrid, Spain - Two opinion polls indicated yesterday that the Socialist
Party would win a substantial majority in the general election next Thur-
sday,,allowing party leader Felipe Gonzales to form the first all-socialist
government in Spanish history.
One survey of 18,000 voters, conducted for the big independent newspaper
El Pais by pollster Louis Harris' Spanish affiliate, indicated the Socialist
Workers Party (PSOE) would win between 193 and 217 seats for a majority
in the 350-seat Cortes, the lower house of Parliament.
Another poll of 7,000 voters for the independent Diario 16 also indicated as
many as 217 Socialist winners.
The two polls indicated Manuel Fraga's rightist Popular Alliance would
come in second, with 69 seats likely, according to the Diario 16 sampling, or
between 87 and 107, according to the Harris Poll.
The polls emphasized the evaporation of support for the centrist parties
that governed the country from the restoration of parliamentary democracy
in 1977 until the dissolution of Parliament in August.
Europe reports record high
post-World War II jobless rate
BRUSSELS, Belgium - The Common Market yesterday reported record
high unemployment of 9.8 percent for September and warned that
joblessness will soon surpass the 10.1 percent U.S. level unless European
business revives.
The monthly job report showed the worst unemployment rate since World
War II, with 11.2 million people jobless, 300,000 more than in August and 1.8
million more than in Sepemer 1981. Rates ranged from a high of 14.8 per-
cent in Belgium to 1.3 percent in Luxembourg.
Unemployment climbed in all 10 Common Market coutries except Ireland
and Greece, which already are among the poorest regions in the economic
The new rates also included 13.1 percent in Ireland, 13 percent in Britain,
10.8 percent in the Netherlands, 10.5 percent in Italy, 9 percent in Denmark,
8.9 percent in France and 6.9 percent in West Germany.
Britain vows Irish settlement
BELFAST, Northern Ireland - The British government vowed yesterday
to go ahead with its latest attempt to work out a political settlement in Nor-
thern Ireland despite election results that doomed any lingering hopes of
With most of the votes counted in Wednesday's election, British officials
privately expressed dismay at the vote for hardliners on both the Protestant
and Roman Catholic sides.
They were particularly disheartened by the strong showing by Sinn Fein
the legal political front for the outlawed Irish Republican Army which was
contesting an election in Northern Ireland for the first time. Five of its 12
candidates had won seats and a sixth win appeared likely.
With returns in for 71 of the 78 seats in the new provincial assembly, the
Protestants had won 46, the Catholics had 17 and the non-sectarian Alliance
Party has 8.
More cyanide-tainted Tylenol
found - results awaited
CHICAGO - Investigators awaited the results of fingerprint analysis on a
newly discovered bottle of cyanide-tainted Tylenol yesterday while seeking
the customer who had returned it to a Chicago store.
The unused, 50-capsule bottle of Extra-Strength Tylenol had been turned in
to Dominick's Finer Foods on the North Side, several hundred feet from the
Walgreen's drug store where the last poisoning victim to be discovered,
Paula Prince, purchased a 24-capsule bottle.
It was the seventh bottle found to be contaminated with cyanide. Five bot-
tles claimed victims, and FDA investigators removed a sixth from a
The lot number on the latest bottle - MC2880 - matched the lot number on
two bottles that claimed four victims in the suburbs.
Despite the latest find, "there still aren't any good solid thoughts on either
access to the capsules or distribution," said a law enforcement source in
Washington. "There are still a lot of theories; including that the poisonings
began with random purchase or shoplighting."
The bottle discovered Thursday is "one more item that might contain
fingerprints," the source said.
De Lorean in jail for weekend
LOS ANGELES - John De Lorean's attorney said yesterday the auto-
maker will probably spend the weekend in federal prison on drug trafficking
charges while efforts continue to raise his $5 million bail.
Meanwhile, details began to emerge about De Lorean's alleged role in
what federal investigators describe as a widespread drug ring.
The high-rolling entrepreneur, whose life style included a Park Avenue
Townhouse in New York Citym, 48-acre country estate and fashion model
wife nore than 20 years his junior, was the antithesis of the major figure
arrested in the case, 50-year-old William Morgan Hetrick.
Hetrick, owner of a Majave, Calif., aircraft service company, was being
held in lieu of $20 million bail yesterday. Stephen Lee Arrington, 34, of San
Diego, described as a Hetrick associate, was held in lieu of $250,000 bail,
reduced from $500,000.
Hetrick and De Lorean were linked by drug agents as kingpins in a deal

meant to bring vast amounts of cocaine and heroin into the United States and
generate more than $60 million for the failing De Lorean Motor Company.
Former DMC official J. Bruce McWilliams speculated that De Lorean took
the problems of his firm so personally that he was willing to do anything to
overcome them.
"He was so driven to bail the company out, to bail out his ego, that n the
end he took an ultimate risk to make it survive," McWilliams said.
Vol. XCIII, No. 39
Saturday, October 23, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $13 September through April (2 semesters); $14 by mail out-
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Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
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Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Pious pigeons
A flock of pigeons hold an impromptu mass on a statue of the Virgin Mary
next to St: Mary's Student Chapel on Thompson.

Arroyo is legally sane, psychologist says

(Continued from Page 1)
high for pschosis in two tests conducted by Packer,
and that these scores were corroborated in an inter-
view which Hutt himself had with Arroyo. Hutt said
Arroyo suffers from a disease which may induce im-
pulses he can neither control nor understand.
But during recess, Packer criticized Hutt for ac-
cepting Arroyo's description of himself. "He accep-
ted a lot of it on face value. He looked at some of the
same data and stretched his interpretation more than
I thought was appropriate."

Defense Attorney Mitchell Nelson said after the
cross-examination he questions the degree of objec-
tivity in Packer's findings. "He's saying that these
tests are meaningless and that in his own subjective
opinion Arroyo is sane," Nelson said.
"Packer works only with the insane in the Forensic
center, and I'm sure his interpretation was affected
by this," Nelson continued. "He said himself that the
quality of a psychologist's analysis depends much on
his experiences with patients . . . (but) Max Hutt
works with a broader variety of patients and can
make a more balanced judgement."

In cross-examination, Packer said that Arroyo did
show abnormalities in his personality profile. He said
Arroyo's profile compares closely to patients in the
Forensic Center and that Arroyo has severe per-
sonality problems.
"A small percentage of the population would have a
profile like him," Packer said. But Packer insisted
that, although Arroyo has a "borderline per-
sonality," he is sane.
The trial will continue on Wednesday, when both
the prosecution and the defense are scheduled to
make their closing arguments.

QLbb nWA Search
YCE,6ubroadens for


502 East Huron, 663-9376
Jitsuo Morikawa, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship. Child
care provided.
Oct. 24-'The Conscience of a
Christian"-Arthur Francis.
11:00 a.m.-Church School. Classes
for all ages. Class for undergraduates.
Class for graduates and faculty.
Student Brunch 11:15 a.m. Sunday.
Choir Thursday 7:15 p.m., John Reed,
director; Janice Beck, organist.
Student Study Group Wed. at 6:00
Ministry Assistants: Marlene Francis,
Terry Ging, Barbara Griffen, Jerry
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466

331 Thompson-663-0557 N
W ekly Masses:
Mon.-Wed.-5:10 p.m.
Thurs.-Fri.-12:10 p.m.
Sat.-7:00 p.m.
Sun.-8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Upstairs
and downstairs)
12 noon and 5 p.m. (upstairs and
North Campus Mass at 9:30 a.m. in
Bursley Hall (Fall and Winter Terms)
Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5 p.m.
on Friday only; any other time by
632 N. Fourth Ave.
Rev. Avery Dumas Jr., Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:45 Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m.
For rides call 761-1530

120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning
Worship in the Sanctuary.
Oct. 24-"Easter in October"-Dr.
Donald B. Strobe.
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at
7:15 p.m.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors:
Rose McLean and Carol Bennington
* * *
(The Campus Ministry
of the LCA-ALC-AELC)
Galen Hora, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Mon. 1-2 p.m.. Bible Study, Room 5
T aame

(Continued from Page 1)
public school administrators to
students at elementary and
mediate schools.


According to Bob Moseley, assistant
supervisor for Ann Arbor public
schools, it was suggested that
arrangements be made to have the
children picked up by parents directly
from school. Police officials advised
"not to let the children outside or send
them home to what might be an empty
house," Moseley said.
Mack, Wines, Newport, Abbott, and
Haisley Elementary Schools and For-
sythe Intermediate School were among
those contacted.
"WE'RE STILL getting calls once in
a while from citizens who are concer-
ned," Ann Arbor Police Lt. Weber said
last night. "Right now we're relying on
the citizens out there to help us."
David Love, of 520 Fountain St., one
block from where police set up a tem-
porary command post, said he came

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Laura Clark, Richard Demak. Jim Dworman. Obvid
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