Belated Sweetest Day
See Editorial, Page 4
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
Partly cloudy again and still cold.
Sunday's high should reach only into
the lower 50s, dipping tonight all the
way down to the upper 30s.
Piol. XCIII, No. 34
Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 17, 1982
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
avenges '81
Loan rates
drop but
29-7 win leaves Blue
alone at top of Big
60no chan ge (
From staff and wire reports
Interest rates drop November 1 on a
federal education loan program for
parents and students, and financial aid
officials predict a surge in new ap-
Olications. O
The- rate on Parent Loans for Un-
dergraduate Students (PLUS) will drop
from 14 percent to 12 percent for loans
made after November 1, the Education
Department announced this month.
The rate is tied to interest rates on 91-
day Treasury Bills, which dropped for
the year ending September 30.
"I SUSPECT we'll see an increase in
volume when that change in the interest
rate occurs," said Dallas Martin,
xecutive director of the National
ssociation of Student Financial Aid .
"They'll probably borrow for thez
second semester of the year."
But the University doesn't expect any
rush for 'the PLUS loan, said James
Zimmerman, associate director of ,a
Financial Aid.
"THERE'S not much activity with
(PLUS) at the University; it (the in-
erest rate drop) will have very little ef-
ect at all," Zimmerman said. Doily Photo bi
The loan program, originally for 1
parents, was expanded last year to in- Rom ance bloom s
clude self-supporting undergraduate Sweetest Day brings out the romantic spirit yesterday in Lam
students. Borrowers must begin viously ecstatic as he leaves the flower store, the holiday gives
to show his honey how much he cares.
_ " See LOAN, Page 3
U.S. vows to quit U.N.
if Israel is ousted
Last year Iowa booted away
Michigan's Big 10 title aspirations, but
yesterday th Wolverines travelled all
the way to Iowa City to return the favor,
leveling the Hawkeyes, 29-7.
Coupled with Illinois' 26-21 loss to
Ohio State, Michigan is the uncontested
leader in the Big Ten, and Head Coach
Bo Schembechler could not be happier.
"WE'RE IN there," he said. "This
means we're really in the race . . .Did
you see the way the team reacted when
they left the field? Of course they felt it
(revenge). We lost last year, but now
we're back."
"Last year they got us," echoed
Wolverine defensive back Jerry
Burgei. "We wanted to get them, to
eliminate those guys or give them a
loss. Sort of revenge."
If the Blue squad felt a sense of vin-
dication, they were entitled to it.
Michigan grounded the Hawkeye offen-
sive drive, holding them scoreless until
the final three minutes of the game
when the Wolverine second team
allowed a Mike Hufford touchdown
"THEY JUST played super defense,"
said Iowa head coach Hayden Fry.
"They've got a good chance, it's not the
best chance, to win it all. They've got
the conference's leading rusher
(Lawrence Ricks) and Carter too.
Their defense is just super."
Neither team was able to grab early
control of the game, and the first quar-
ter ended in a scoreless tie.
With 12:57 left in the second quarter,
it appeared that the Hawkeyes would be
the first to light the scoreboard, as they
See MICHIGAN, Page 8
science ranking falls,
faculty assess
The University's poor showing in a
survey of math and hard science depar-
tments has prompted a wide range of
reactions and charges from University
faculty, ranging from disappointment
and skepticism, to acceptance and
pleas for money for improvement.
No University department reviewed
placed in the top 10 schools in its
category, and each department's rank
fell in comparison with previous sur-
veys, In the ranking of faculty quality,
generally considered the most impor-
tant indicator of a department's
strength, the University's position
ranged from a tie for 11th place in
mathematics to a tie for 31st place in
tics department agreed
ranking, staff in the phy
tment felt the survey didn
the department's true
Chemistry, which fared w
report, put the blame on n
the administration.
The study, conducted by
named by the Conferenc
Associated Research
assessed the quality o
programs in six university
chemistry, computer
geological sciences, ma
physics, and statistics.
Although the survey
established perceptions of t
dama ge
of certain University departments, its
e mathema- validity is not being seriously
with thei'r questioned by University officials. This
rsics depar- is partly because knowledge of the sur-
't represent vey on campus is generally limited to
strength. the listings of raw scores printed in the
vorst in the Oct. 29 issue of The Chronicle of Higher
ieglect from Education.
"AS FAR AS surveys go, this one is
a committee very good. They (the researchers) have
e Board of tried very hard," said Fredrick
Councils, Gehring, chairman of the Department
f graduate of Mathematics. He added, however,
disciplines: that "there is no way of absolutely
science, assessing the quality of a unit. The
athematics, judgements are based on impressions."
Departments were ranked in four
ry Swort. Ob-
him a chance
he strengths
See FACULTY, Page 2
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The United States
threatened yesterday to halt payments
to the United Nations and withdraw
m the U.N. General Assembly if the
assembly votes to expel Israel.
Secretary of State George Shultz
warned that the United States, the
single biggest contributor to the UN, is
prepared to stop participating in the
General Assembly and withold
payments to the International Atomic
Energy Agency if Israel is denied
representation there.
IT REINFORCED a threat voiced
Wednesday by U.S. Ambassador Jeane
Kirkpatrick, who said American
diplomats are employing a "full-court
press" in lobbying against the ouster
campaign, mounted by Iraq and Libya
against Israel in the 157-member
Just three weeks ago, U.S. delegates
walked out of a U.N.-affiliated Inter-
national Atomic Energy Agency con-
ference in Vienna, Austria, following a
JSuerrillas attack San.
in biggest assault since
vote to deny Israel credentials.
The agency is the only world
organization charged with preventing
proliferation of nuclear weapons. It at-
tempts to ensure nuclear technology is
used for peaceful purposes.
IN ITS NEW action, the ad-
ministration suspended payment of $8.5
million due on its 1982 installment to the
agency and $300,000 of a $4.2 million
voluntary contribution this year to the
.agency's technical assistance fund.
See U.S., Page 2
while official reports claim at least 153
rebels killed.
GUERRILLAS believed to have en-
tered San Salvador from bases on the
Guazapa volcano 15 miles to the north
attacked at 10 spots around the capital
late Friday.
Police said guerrillas ambushed a
treasury police patrol yesterday in the
center of the city, injuring one
The rebels also bombed five
From AP and UPI
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador-
Guerrillas launched their biggest at-
tacks on San Salvador in six months,
and 4,000 troops were battling leftists in
northern province where an
American was reported killed fighting
with the rebels, military sources said
The drive was the leftists' most
serious assault on the capital since
their unsuccessful attempt to disrupt
the March 28 elections for a Constituent
COMBINED army and national
police drove off guerrillas from the nor-
thern, working-class suburb of Ayutux-.
tepeque after they attacked from
sniping positions for about 40 minutes, a
local civil defense patrolman said.
Official reports gathered from
military commanders around the coun-
try said guerrillas have killed or woun-
ded at least 122 troops in their week-
long offensive.
Guerrillas claim to have killed or
wounded 163 troops in the same period,
Daily Photo by LISA CHRISTIE
Lucky find
It seems to be Robert Pratt's lucky day, as he finds a penny in the Diag grass. Pratt was using a metal detector for his
treasure hunt. Much to his chagrin, luck is about all a penny will buy these days.
And still more cheesecake
EVERYONE HAS heard about the calendars that
have proliferated in recent years showing male
Michigan students, but some sorority sisters at
an Illinois college have found a new application
of the cheecake The wnmn nf Alnha iama Tai at
Can't they take a joke?
TEEN-AGE DRIVER in Maryland had a brilliant idea ;
he decided to mount an emergency light atop his car
and use it to pull over a motorist. Unfortunately, the car he
pulled over belonged to Bernard Spangler, a State Police
trooper who was driving an unmarked squad car. Vincent
Tubbs, 18, of Williards, Md. was arrested and was charged
with impersonating an officer and flashing his headlights at
Spangler's car. "He apparently did it just for kicks," com-
mented a Salisbury nolice officer who asked not to he iden-
sat for awhile, taking in the sights. The scene drew about 50
people, many with cameras. The 300-hundred-pound
mother and her cubs stayed until state wildlife inspector
Milton McLean arrived. McLean, using a 20-foot pole and a
utility company "cherry picker," spent about two hours hit-
ting the tree limbs and coaxing the bears down. The
smallest cub was quite persistent, and went scurrying to
other trees before being led away. Utility company em-
ployees and McLean then ushered the bears down the
street. Finally, the bears ambled peacefully off together
and headed toward Little Green Swamp. .E
" 1966-The Senate Assembly approved proposals per-
taining to the preservation of civil liberties on campus. The
proposals were in response to University compliance with a
subpoena issued by the House Un-American Activities
Committee that demanded lists of members of student
" 1970-it was reported that in rifling ROTC files during a
33-hour takeover of North Hall, some demonstrators came
upon a huge file with information about themselves. The
file, about two-feet thick, was mostly filled with newspaper
clippings on the activities of Students for a Democratic
Society and other radical student .rA1mr