The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 9, 1982-Page 3-C City offers a housing hodgepodge anything from a dorm, where basically all they have to worry about is getting along with their roommates, to a co-op, where they are in charge of the total house budget, including room and board costs. Dormitories Convenience. This is probably the most appropriate word to sum up life in a dorm. Meals are cooked, utility bills are taken care of, and the lease mat- ches the length of the academic year. Dorm living also provides the ideal op- portunity to meet people. But you also must share those prepared meals with up to 800 other people, bathe with another 30, and see a lot of people who you would sometimes rather avoid. MOST STUDENTS who leave the dorm after one year do so because they want to try a new living experience, ac- cording to Ed Salowitz, University director of residence operations. "Very few say negative things about food quality, rules, or cost," he said. Although the University's housing of- fice advises freshmen to live in a dorm (98 percent do) and suggests to older students it might be to their advantage to try an alternative lifestyle, a number of sophomores and juniors do live in the dorms, Salowitz said. University senior Jim Lochner said he lived in West Quad for three years because "it seemed like the easiest way to do things." DURING 1981, one-quarter of all sophomores and 9 percent of all juniors lived in the dorms, according to housing office figures. The dorms are usually 99 percent full. Although the cost per room in a dorm runs higher than most off-campus housing, many students feel it is worth it to pay extra, considering added at- tractions such as convenient and inex- pensive laundry facilities and a library within the dorm. For the 1982-83 academic year, the cost per person in traditional Univer- sity housing (East, West, and South Quads, the hill dorms, Barbour, Newberry, and Bursley), is $2204.46 fbr a triple, $2499.72 for a double, and $2963.70 for a single. THE ANNUAL price increase usually ranges from 8 to 10 percent for these traditional dorms, Housing Advisor Marlene Martyk said. Oxford Housing (University-owned co-ops) include houses for French, German, and Russian students. Rooming options at Oxford range from suites for four with a kitchen for $1520.70 to double rooms where meals are served and students are assigned jobs for $1973.58. Three-person apar- tments and quadruple rooms are also available. Other non-traditional University residences include Baits, a co-ed com- plex of mostly upper level and graduate students, Fletcher, an all male unit whose residents range from sophomores to graduate students, and See ANN ARBOR, Page 6 AATU stillt n the fight for better local housing By FANNIE WEINSTEIN Although both landlords and tenants are becoming increasingly aware of their rights and responsibilities, housing remains one of the most distressing problems facing students in Ann Arbor, said Dale Cohen, of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (AATU). "I don't think there are as many severe problems as there were 15 years ago," Cohen said. "People are generally more aware. There's more information available." In Addition, he said, the housing code has also been made stricter. COHEN ADDED, however, that the Ann Arbor housing situation could still stand to improve a great deal. "I wouldn't say we're in heaven now," he said. A loosely organized group of students who had been withholding their rent from landlords to gain better main- tenance service formed AATU in 1968. The original group eventually grew to roughly 1200 tenants who placed more than $150,000 into an escrow account that year. THE RENT STRIKE gained national attention and many tenants received maintenance improvements. Others were awarded partial reductions in rent. "All of a sudden, the city and the state were aware that there were problems in this area. . . that housing was a major problem," Cohen said. In recent years, however, AATU has become a resource center, Cohen ex- plained, which was not its original pur- pose. The organization must redirect it- self toward organizing campaigns to improve housing, he said. "There are no one time complaints. We're seeing the same problems over and over again," Cohen said. "We really need to get at the root of the problem." Presently, AATU is working on modifying city housing codes. Main- tenance and security have always been problems, Cohen said, and because-of this, AATU is seeking improvements in insulation standards, and security measures, such as exterior lighting. As a means of achieving reform, rent strikes are usually successful, accor- ding to Cohen, if they are organized well. COHEN SAID tenants shouldn't be afraid to seek housing improvements. "Clearly, what you're paying for is worth your time. If you are not getting what you paid for, it's worth kicking up some dust." Tenants must be beware, Cohen said, because as do apartments, landlords also vary in quality. "There are some landlords I'd like to see out of business and some are better than others," he said. "It's not always See AATU, Page 4 Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL FORTUNATELY FOR students, the Ann Arbor housing situation isn't as tight as it used to be. Ann Arbor shopping has plenty of variety Campus area provides stores for almost all your needs .. . By AMY GAJDA Shopping in Ann Arbor can be a real treat for both the pocketbook and the personage. The stores on campus and those in the surrounding area hold finds from super radical to super prep, from super cheap to super expensive. jSay, for instance, you needa gift for someone, but have class all day. No problem. Literally on campus are all types of shops. State and South Univer- sity Streets are lined with them. On *your' way to the MLB or East engineering, a gift shop or a clothing store is not hard to find. JACOBSON'S DEPARTMENT store has what one would expect from a large, chain department store. Jacob- son's is alone near State Street in terms of its variety; most other stores 'mecialize for certain clientele. 1 Kresge's, the cheap, yet sacred Ann Arbor tradition, is a miniature K-Mart . on' the corner of State and North University Streets. It may be tacky, but you can always grab a hamburger at the lunch counter while picking up a much needed package of envelopes. ."The State Street Business District, .which includes Liberty Street, is dominated by record stores and clothing shops-most of which are directed toward student tastes. There are at least nine small clothing shops and five record stores. SHOULD YOU have the desire to do even more reading than you're assigned in class, Border's Book Store has one of Ann Arbor's best selections. Other State Street spots frequented' by many students are Richardson's Drugs for the answer to your December sniffles and the Crown House of Gifts for a huge selection of gift cards.. But if you're an engineering student who lives on the hill, for instance, and you don't have the desire to walk down to State Street, South University Street provides a nearly identical list of stores (only the names are changed). SIX CLOTHING stores line South University Street. These are oriented slightly more toward the preppy look, with names such as Izod, Polo, and Calvin Klein featured in several stores. South University Street's collection of specialty stores includes Middle Earth, a shop with a great collection of other- than-Hallmark cards, unique jewelry, and gadgets and even clothing for the earthy types. Don't be put off by the store's exterior; once inside you'll find an abundance of goodies. For "just a pinch" of tobacco, a fine $2 cigar, or just a cheap stogy, A- Square Tobacconist will fill those sinful desires. South University Street also has a one-of-a-kind drugstore: The Village Apothecary. BALFOUR, SITUATED on South University near the fraternities and sororities, is the answer to anyone's Greek letter needs. Balfour has Thetas and Omegas on everything from mugs to shorts and socks. Although many underclassmen don't realize it, life in Ann Arbor does exist beyond the borders of campus. Most of the city's larger stores are located in the Downtown, or Main Street, area. De- Ford, Goodyear, and Klein's are among the city's well-established department stores. If the newsstands don't have enough to satiate your pornographic appetite, South Fourth Avenue is the city's own little Times Square. THE PLACE for preppies is Pap- pagallos on East Liberty Street, where everything that can be found or made in Madras is in stock-even watchbands. Harry's Army and Navy Surplus on East Washington Street has all the ser- vice gear you'll ever need (unless there's a war) from sailor tops to army boots. If the rabbit look is more your Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS STATE STREET STOREFRONTS pull in students who may be looking for something to do between classes or searching for the perfect gift. style, try Lucky Costumes on Main Street. Wilderness Outfitters does just what the name says-it Fits you for going Out in the Wilderness. Ann Arbor has its own fancy subur- ban shopping complex at State Street and Interstate 94 called Briarwood. On its outer edges are Sears, Hudsons and Lord and Taylor. Inside is a world of smaller shops with books, records, clothes, and more. ANN ARBOR'S lesser shopping malls are Arborland-the home of Mon- tgomery Ward-on Washtenaw Avenue near U.S. 23 and Maple Village, which is off Jackson Road at Interstate 94. Even with the limits of a student budget, the average University student finds his or her way to many of Ann Ar- bor's stores. At least many Ann Arbor merchants count on it. ...For the prurient interest, there's 4th Ave. By MICHAEL HUGET Sleaziness pervades even the streets Where scholars walk. But moms and dads don't have to worry. Ann Arbor's "red light" district is confined to three fairly inconspicuous establishments tucked four blocks away from campus in downtown Ann Arbor, a good distance away from the University and the temptations of eager freshpersons. COMPARED TO some of Detroit's "red light" districts, this is kiddieland. An occasional prostitute can be seen sauntering in front of the three establishnents-Sensually Yours, The Velvet Touch, and Adult News and Books-but the loiterers most frequen- tly are white males, both young and old. The most unique of the three is The Velvet Touch, a bogus bordello decorated in a tacky '30s motif. Cheap, paper-thin wood panelling covers the walls of the stairway that leads up to the dimly lit lobby of this "massage parlor/escort service." Once there, you are greeted by a sign proclaiming that "all our girls are to be escorted to public places. . ." Another sign adver- tises the offerings-from a half-hour topless massage for $30 to a deluxe Roman bath for some exorbitant sum of money. BEFORE YOU get a good chance to absorb the sordid surroundings, the hostess greets you in the lobby and asks if this is your first visit. After her brief rundown of the offerings, a choice is made-then comes the selection of the "exotic girl" who is chosen through a one-way mirror. "Uh, her, I guess." "Come out here, Sally." YOU ARE then beckoned down the hallway, past a shower/bath room, and into a parlor meekly illuminated with a blue fluorescent light, as disco music pulsates out of the speakers. Mirrors cover most of the walls, and the only furnishings are a massage table and an armchair off in the corner. "Have you ever been here before?" "No." , "Did you know what to expect before you came?" "Not really." "Well, we can do a little extra, but we aren't allowed to say. Sex is not allowed. We can't do oral sex either. It's considered penetration." "Oh, and what does this little extra involve?" "Another $30." THE PLACE is pure business. They are extremely careful and try not to cross that fine line that divides legal and illegal massage parlor activities. What is most unsettling, however, is their prosaic treatment of you; it can be just as annoying as going to Mc- Donalds. The massages, which are supposed to be less physical therapy and more sexual, aren't really much of anything. Unless, of course, you are willing to spend a few more dollars. Sensually Yours and Adult News and Books each offer similar merchandise: See FOR, Page 7 After 40 years Basss Weejuns are still the most popular shoes in America. Because Basso selects only the finest full grained leathers and hand sews every pair. The result is the Weejuns® classic style, comfortable fit and durability. Basso WeejunsG...Some good things never change. M ,M / / (Fill^ If ,,,,U9C-L*'Ar.C t/ 1 1N l C - r II'M 1 Feel isolated? Left Out? C [ I .-kok i I I