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October 10, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-10-10

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See Editorial, Page 4


Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Rain ending early Sunday morning,
staying mostly cloudy with a high in
the mid-60s.

Vol. XCIll, No. 28 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 10, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages

AC. .


4 M'

past Spartans

Sometime between chanting "A.C.,
A.C." and celebrating Michigan's four-
th touchdown, the jubiliant Wolverine
fans in the crowd of 106,113 gathered in
Michigan Stadium yesterday surely
must have been saying, "It's just like
old times again."
Indeed it was. With the sensational
Anthony Carter snaking through the
defense on punts and the Wolverine of-
fense grinding out huge clumps of yar-
dage in single bites, Michigan returned
to the form of past teams and whipped
Michigan State, 31-17, to retain state
bragging rights for another year.
MICHIGAN moved almost at will
against the tough Spartan defense in
sweeping to its third win in five games
and handing Michigan State its fifth
straight loss in a game that wasn't
nearly as close as the final score in-
"This was our best game against a
good defense,"' said Wolverine head
coach Bo Schembechler. "Nobody else
has moved on them. We didn't think we
could batter them so we rolled out a lit-
tle, ran sweeps and passed a little."
But on a day that saw Michigan quar-
terback Steve Smith play his .finest
game of the year and the Wolverine
defense stifle the Spartan offense, it
was the All-American Carter who stole
the show. He caught five passes for
123 yards#and a touchdown and retur-
ned a punt 51 yards to set up another
score while setting three school and Big
Ten records and tying another.
"THE RECORDS are something I
don't really think about," said Carter,
who had been hobbled in recent weeks
by groin and rib injuries but was almost
100 percent healthy yesterday.
"Somebody will probably come along
and break 'em."

Spartan split end Ted Jones is stopped by two Wolverine defenders as he slips into the Michigan secondary.

It was Carte
punt return th
rolling yesterdz
could move th
Mojsiejenko lof
Carter fielded a
speedy senior
through a hug
back at the Mic
ced all the way
where he was
From there,

r's 51-yard jaunt on a just four plays to push it into the en-
at got the Wolverines dzone - with Smith going the final two
ay. After neither team yards - and Michigan had an early 7-0
e ball on their initial advantage.
Spartan -punter Ralf "THEY WANTED to run the ball and
fted a kick 45 yards that take advantage of their kicking game,"
at the Michigan 32. The said Schembecher. "Then when we
r from Florida burst moved the ball early, they had to
e hole to his right, cut change their strategy."
higan State 40, and dan- That change in strategy was
down to the Spartan 17, signalled by a change in quarterbacks
finally pushed out of for the Spartans. Senior Denis Lavelle
started at quarterback in place of John
it took the Wolverines Leister, who was nursing a sprained

ankle, but Lavelle was unable to guide
the Spartans to a single first down in
their first three possessions.
After the third Mojsiejenko punt of
the first quarter gave Michigan ex-
cellent field position at midfield,
tailback Lawrence Ricks, who finished
with 95 yards on the day, sandwiched
four runs around a 14-yard reception by
Carter to give the Wolverines a first
down at the State 22. Ricks picked up
five yards on third down to get the ball
down to the seven and then rambled over
See 'M', Page 10

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Michigan State's Phillip Parker bats the ball away from the Wolverines' An-
thony Carter. The Spartan defense could not contain Carter the rest of the
game, however, as the Michigan senior caught five passes for 123 yards.

.Unions to.
use jobless
rate as
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON- Union leaders and
Democratic Party officials, armed with
news of the 10.1 percent unemployment
rate,-are prepared for a massive effort
to defeat supporters of President
Reagan in the Nov. 2 congressional
They are hopeful and confident it will
turn around both the vast rank-and-file
defections of 1980 that gave Ronald
Reagan possibly 40 percent of
organized labor's vote and voter apathy
in non-presidential years.
AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland
said his union plans to keep reminding
workers of the bad unemployment news
right up to election time. On Oct. 19,
they will distribute leaflets at job sites,
throughout the nation to keep up the
Although September's jobless rate
was the biggest since 1940, producing
screams of outrage by Democratic
politicians and labor leaders, the in-
dividual statistics for blue-collar
workers presented a more dismal pic-
" Since September 1981, total em-
ployment among blue-collar workers
has declined by 2.1 million, while
overall employment among white-
collar workers has risen by nearly a
* Employment in transportation
equipment industries such as
automaking has dwindled by 200,000 in
a year.
See UNIONS, Page 3

One killed in
attack on Roman

Daily Photo by JON SNOW
PIRGIM members Sam Catalda and Kevin McCormick discuss organizational strategies at the group's regional con-
ference at the Michigan Union yesterday.-
Co nsu-m er groups plan strategy

From AP and UPI ,
ROME- Five swarthy men hurled
grenades into a crowd of Jews leaving
holiday services at Rome's main
synagogue Saturday, killing a 2-year-
old boy and wounding 34 people before
escaping in a hail of submachine gun-
fire, police and witnesses said.-
Police said the terrorists threw at
least five hand grenades into the crowd,
two of which failed to explode, and fired
several bursts of machine gunfire.
THE ATTACKERS escaped in
waiting automobiles. Hundreds of
police, backed by helicopters, fanned
out across the center of the city in a
search for them.
Italian officials said it was the worst
anti-Semitic outbreak in Italy since the
pre-war days of Fascism and one of a
series in recent weeks sparked by the
massacre of Palestinian refugees in
Beirut last month.
Immediately after the noon-time at-
tack, hundreds of Roman Jews
gathered outside the synagogue,
shouting that the pope and President
Sandro Pertini were to blame for
having received Palestine Liberation
Organization leader Yasser Arafat
during his visit to Rome in mid-
THE ANGRY, weeping mob, some
waving bloodstained clothing from
people wounded in the attack, assaulted
several journalists including
Americans. They shouted that the press
.was to blame for fanning anti-Jewish
sentiment in recent weeks.

The angry Jews called for demon-
strations outside the Rome office of the
PLO. At the Piazza Venezia, police used
teargas to disperse angry protesters.
Government officials issued
statements of outrage and condolence.
Nemer Hammad, head of the PLO of-
fice in Rome, condemned the attack as
"an aberrant manifestation of anti-
Semitism against our Jewish brothers,
guilty only of being Jews."
Pope John Paul II condemned
yesterday's attack as a "criminal ac-
tion" and a "manifestation of hate and
blind violence," and Israel called for
concerted international action against
Bombs rocked the city in two
bloodless anti-Arab attacks about 10
hours after the synagogue assault, and
police said they beefed up protection of
Arab and Jewish establishments and
There were no arrests or claims of
responsibility in the bombings on the
unoccupied Syrian Embassy a few
blocks from the synagogue and the
Islamic Center about a mile to the nor-
In New York, Nathan Perlmutter,
national director of the Anti-
Defamation League, condemned the at-
tack and added, "spare us expressions
of sympathy from governments and
religious leaders who only a few weeks
ago applauded and comforted in this
very same city Rome terrorism's per-
sonification, PLO Chairman Yasser

Faced with dwindling finances, low
student interest, administrative ob-
stacles, and a lack of coordination,
representatives from Public Interest
Research Groups (PIRGs) met to
discuss the problems and find solutions.
'this weekend at the Michigan Union.
The Michigan chapter, PIRGIM,
sponsored the conference, and state
.groups coming from Maryland to
Missouri sent interested members.
"WE'VE GOT to be prepared to play
the game as hard as they will play it,"
said Sam Cataldo, a member of
PIRGIM from Wayne State University.
"You have to use whatever resources

you can to fight back."
Nationwide, PIRGs are struggling to
find new ways of financing at college
campuses because PIRG members
currently spend too much time collec-
ting money, hindering their effec-
tiveness, according to Rick Levick, a
state PIRGIM organizer.
PIRG members support the im-
plementation of a refusable-refundable
fee system. For the plan to work, mem-
bers say, university administrations
would act as "collection agents"
because the fee assessment would ap-
pear on a student's tuition bill. The
system would permit the student to
refuse payment of the $2 fee and gain
a refund.

about the problem have been generally
uncooperative, according to C.B. Pear-
son, an organizer for this weekend's
fourth regional PIRG convention.
"All fees are mandatory for football,
student government, and health ser-
vice. The only optional one is
PIRGIM," Levick said. "Why don't we
have our own fee, to fund issues that are
important to us?"
PIRGs are student-run, consumer
advocate groups that give students a
voice in state and national issues, said
Pearson, formerly a national PIRG
organizer for Ralph Nader.
See PUBLIC, Page 5

Emergency burgers for Beirut
STEVE ALLEN, operations manager for radio station
WDJX in Dayton, was shocked to discover that French
troops stationed in war-torn Labanon were dining on gour-
met meals while Americans were eating combat rations.
Determined to right the injustice, he contacted the Ohio-

Bite your tongue
A DISC JOCKEY for radio station WNAX in Wankton,
S.D., is preparing to sling hash at a local restaurant as
retirbution for calling the waitresses there "fat and ugly."
Two weeks ago during a sports quiz show, disc jockey Dan
Christopherson awarded a gift certificate at JoDean's steak
house. "JoDean's offers enjoyable dining and good food
but, oh, are their waitresses fat and ugly," he commented
on the air. That didn't sit well with the waitresses, and 15 of
them picketed outside the radio station. It had gotten

during his waitressing stint, the picketing waitreses have
agreed to make him a calico blouse. And yes, Christopher-
son does get to keep all his tips. O
The Daily almanac
ON THIS DATE in 1947, the University held that
stricter regulations governing student conduct be put
into effect. The University rule stated that any student who

- 1968 - The Board of Governors of Residence Halls
recommended that the Regents abolish the dormitory
residence requirement for sophomore women. Under the
suggested new ruling, women would be allowed to live in
University-registered apartments with parental per-
" 1972 - After showing an anti-war slide exhibition to his
organic chemistry classes, Prof. Mark Green was suspen-
ded from his teaching duties. To protest the suspension, 10
professors showed the slide show in their classes and over
40 students walked out of an organic chemistry discussion



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